Asy-Syari ah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Siah Khosyi'ah ◽  
M. Asro

Abstract: This paper departs from the different concepts between grants and inheritance. A grant is a form of transfer of property from a person (grantor) to another person (grantee) which is carried out while the grantor is still alive with the maximum amount of 1/3 of the inheritance. The grantee may come not only from the grantor’s heir, but also from other party, whether a person or a legal person. While inheritance is the transfer of property from a deceased person to their heir with the provisions that have been stated in the Qur'an and hadith, and other applicable legislation. The descriptive method with normative judicial approach was applied to describe how grants might become one of resolutions for inheritance-related conflict. The research found that some part of community distributes inheritance while the testator is still alive in order to avoid dispute between heirs. This practice is based on custom or simply due to lack of knowledge on Islamic inheritance provision. It can be concluded that the inheritance may be distributed while the testator is still alive through the concept of grant, as long as there is an agreement between the heirs. Whenever a dispute occurs after the grantor deceased, the distributed assets can be withdrawn and taken into account as inheritance.Abstrak: Tulisan ini berangkat dari konsep yang berbeda antara hibah dengan waris. Hibah merupakan bentuk perpindahan harta dari seseorang (pemberi hibah) kepada orang lain (penerima hibah) ketika pemberi hibah masih hidup dengan batasan yang disepakati maksimal sampai 1/3 dari harta peninggalan. Penerima hibah tersebut tidak hanya ahli waris tetapi bisa orang lain baik secara perorangan maupun lembaga atau organisasi yang dilaksanakan. Sementara waris merupakan perpindahan harta dari orang yang sudah meninggal dunia kepada ahli waris dengan ketentuan yng sudah tercantum dalam al-Qur’an maupun hadist atau dalam ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Metode ynag digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode deskriftif dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan hibah sebagai penyelesaian waris. Ditemukan dalam masyarakat bagaimana pembagian warisan dilakukan ketika si pewaris masih hidup. Adapun alasannya antara lain agar tidak terjadi sengketa diantara ahli waris, karena faktor pemahaman keagamaan masyarakat yang masih kurang terhadap kewarisan Islam, atau karena kebiasaan yang terjadi dimasyarakat. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyelesaian waris bisa dilakukan dengan cara membaginya ketika pewaris masih hidup melalui konsep hibah, selama adanya kesepakatan diantara ahli waris. Jika terjadi sengketa setelah meninggalnya pemberi hibah, maka harta hibah yang diberikan ketika hidup dan dinilai sebagai warisan dapat ditarik kembali dan diperhitungkan sebagai warisan.

2017 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 513
Repli . Talibo ◽  
B F.J Sondakh ◽  
A A. Sajow ◽  
J . Lainawa

ANALYSIS OF CATTLE FARMERS PERCEPTION ON THE ROLE OF EXTENSION AGENTS IN SANGKUB DISTRICT NORTH OF BOLAANG MONGONDOW  REGENCY. There are about 596 cattle farmers in Sangkub county North of Bolaang Mongondow Regency.  Two hundreds and ten farmers from them are being corporated in 21 farmer groups. From those twenty one farmers, seven farmer groups that are actively categorized in farming operation, while others are considered inactive anymore. The reason for that might be due to the lack of capital or farm management misconduct, or the lack of knowledge in the value of cattle farming. The present study was designed to elaborate the perception of cattle farmers on the role of extension agents in Sangkub County North ofBolaang Mongondow  Regency.            The research was conducted in a descriptive method that delineated phenomenon of research variables. Cattle farmers group samples were choosen purposely and finally farmers in the village of Tombolango Induk, Busisingo, and Sangkub II were included in the study. All of thirty cattle farmers were  taken as samples. Variables measurement were conducted using ‘Likert Scale’ and scoring at each indicator.            Research results showed that perception of cattle farmers on the role of extension agents in Sangkub County North  of Bolaang Mongondow  Regency can be rated as follow: in term of extension agents as facilitator: 96.67% good, 3.33% very good; extension agents as mediator: 83.33% good enough (fair), 3.33% good; extension egents as motivator: 83.33% good enough (fair), 16.67% very good; extension agents as educator: 93.33% good, 6.67% very good; extension agents as communicator: 100% good.  Overall, it can be concluded that perception of cattle farmers on the role of extension agents in Sangkub County of Bolaang Mongondow Utara Regency rated 93.33% as good and 6.67% as very good. Keywords: Perception,Cattle Farmers, Extension Agents, North of Bolaang Mogondow  Regency

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Endah Puji Astuti ◽  
Fara Adhiba

Background : Exclusive breastfeeding is the infant only breastmilk alone were given no food or liquid other than drugs, vitamins, and minerals. Primiparous mothers lack of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding is good general, the definition of breastfeeding, benefit of breastfeeding, composition of breastfeeding, and how breastfeeding may be influenced by several factor, such as age, education, work, and resources, so that it can directly affect the success of exclusive breasfeeding. Objective : determine the level of knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding in primipara mothers. Methods : this research used descriptive method. Sampling by using total sampling. A large sample of 60 respondent. Analysis using descriptive. Result : based on the result of the research, found most respondent are mother with less knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, as many as 36 respondents (60,0%). Primiparous mothers with the level of knowledge about the definition of breastfeeding exclusive less category as much as 41 respondents (68,3%). Primiparous mothers with the level of knowledge about the benefits of breastfeeding exclusive good category as much as 32 respondents (53,3%). Primiparous mothers with the level of knowledge about the composition of breastfeeding exclusive enough category as much as 33 respondents (55,0%). Primiparous mothers with the level of knowledge about how breastfeeding may be influenced exclusive less category as much as 40 respondents (66,7%). Conclusion : in this study indicate the level of knowledge of mothers who are less due to maternal characteristic ( occupation and resources), and therefore can be expected in health personel actively provide counseling on exclusive breastfeeding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Helena Anggidesialamia

Abstract This research is backed by a declining interest in adolescents who have resulted in their lack of knowledge and concerns in the misuse of the Youtube app which became one of the applications often accessed by Indonesian adolescents. The study aims to read people's interest in growing and grammar and their attitudes are changing in a positive way through a lot of reading. The foundations of the theory used in this study are theories of reading interest, technological literacy theory, and folklore theory. The method used is a qualitative approach using a descriptive method through interview techniques. The results of this study show that the content of folklore becomes one of the alternatives capable of stimulus learning citizens to be more interested in listening and reading through the content of folklore that aired. The discussion suggests that there is difficulty in the beginning when inviting citizens to learn to watch a video of folklore content that has been given because of the assumption that the content is only given to early childhood, but in the The passage of time they are able to follow this program and their ability to read is able to increase. The conclusion of this research is that literacy is important for every human being, no matter the age and position, the Youtube app is proof that technological developments are able to positively impact people learning when an educator Able to provide positive examples and habits as well.Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh menurunnya minat baca pada usia remaja yang mengakibatkan rendahnya pengetahuan mereka dan kekhawatiran di dalam penyalahgunaan aplikasi Youtube yang menjadi salah satu aplikasi yang sering diakses oleh remaja Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar minat baca warga belajar menjadi meningkat dan tata bahasa serta sikap mereka mengalami perubahan kearah yang positif melalui banyak membaca. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori minat baca, teori literasi teknologi, dan teori cerita rakyat. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif melalui teknik wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konten cerita rakyat menjadi salah satu alternatif yang mampu menstimulus warga belajar untuk dapat lebih tertarik dalam mendengarkan dan membaca melalui konten cerita rakyat yang ditayangkan. Pembahasan mengemukakan bahwa terdapat kesulitan di awal ketika mengajak warga belajar untuk menyaksikan video konten cerita rakyat yang telah diberikan karena adanya anggapan bahwa konten tersebut hanya diberikan untuk anak usia dini, akan tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu mereka mampu mengikuti program ini dan kemampuan mereka dalam membaca mampu meningkat. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu literasi merupakan hal yang penting bagi setiap manusia tidak terkecuali usia dan jabatan, aplikasi Youtube menjadi bukti bahwa perkembangan teknologi mampu berdampak positif bagi warga belajar ketika seorang pendidik mampu memberikan contoh dan kebiasaan yang positif juga.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-244
Rahma Lidinillah ◽  
Yayan Nurbayan ◽  
Asep Sopian

Based on the observation and interviews with Arabic Language students, it was founded that one of their lack of knowledge is about the meanings of conditions for the words that related to the verb, even this term is odd to them. The importance of this research lies in the introduction of the condition meanings for the words that related to the verb in a sentence. This study aims to find out the meaning of condition meanings for the words that related to the verb in The Koran Surah Yasin. This search uses a descriptive method of the content analysis model The verses of the Surah Yasin are the main source or primary data in this study while additional or secondary data in this study are books and journals. The results found that there were 40 words with 4 types of condition meanings for the words that related to the verb with details of 14 words discarding the subject (11 known meanings and 3 unknown meanings), 13 words discarding object (4 words explain the vague, 5 words occupying position intransitive verb because there is no connection  with established, 3 words guarding rhyme, and a word summarizing), 2 words prioritizing object (specializing and ruling out object), and 11 words prioritizing circumstance and jar majrur (6 words specializing, 4 words keeping rhyme, and a word occupies the denial position).

Dinamika ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Fatia Komalasari

Artikel ini membahas penggunaan huruf kapital dan tanda baca dalam tulisan peserta didik pada teks autobiografi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian  ialah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sumber data primer. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, masih banyak peserta didik yang melakukan kesalahan dalam penggunaan huruf kapital dan tanda baca. Kesalahan terbesar dalam penggunaan huruf kapital yaitu sebagai huruf pertama awal kalimat dengan persentase 56%. Sedangkan kesalahan terbesar dari penggunaan tanda baca yaitu dalam penggunaan tanda koma dengan persentase 50%. Penyebab utama timbulnya kesalahan tersebut karena keterbiasaan peserta didik dan kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai ejaan yang disempurnakan khusunya pada huruf kapital dan tanda baca.Kata kunci: huruf kapital, tanda baca, teks autobigrafiThis article discusses the use of capital letters and punctuation in students' writing in autobiographical texts. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method with primary data sources. Based on the results of the analysis, there are still many students who make mistakes in the use of capital letters and punctuation. The biggest mistake in using capital letters is as the first letter of the beginning of the sentence with a percentage of 56%. While the biggest mistake of using punctuation is in the use of commas with a percentage of 50%. The main cause of these errors is due to students' habits and lack of knowledge about enhanced spelling especially in capital letters and punctuation.Keywords: capital letters, punctuation, autobigraphic text

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-203
Ambar Sulianti

Elephantiasis or Filariasis has been reported endemic in Kabupaten Bandung with potentially result in defects. This research aimed to explore health psychology of chronic Elephantiasis patients in Kabupaten Bandung. Qualitative-descriptive method has been used to explore the respondent’s psychodynamics, health behavior, and treatment seeking behavior, while quantitative-descriptive method has been used to determine the percentage distribution. The result showed that there were three kind of respondent’s psychodynamic namely denial (7.7%), anxiety (85%), and depression (7.7%). Due to the lack of knowledge about the disease, the majority of respondents (77%) were hiding their disease.Type of treatment seeking behaviors has been chosen by respondent namely relying to the paranormal (92%), doctors (23%), traditional physician (54%), and acupuncturist (15%).

1966 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 188-189
T. J. Deeming

If we make a set of measurements, such as narrow-band or multicolour photo-electric measurements, which are designed to improve a scheme of classification, and in particular if they are designed to extend the number of dimensions of classification, i.e. the number of classification parameters, then some important problems of analytical procedure arise. First, it is important not to reproduce the errors of the classification scheme which we are trying to improve. Second, when trying to extend the number of dimensions of classification we have little or nothing with which to test the validity of the new parameters.Problems similar to these have occurred in other areas of scientific research (notably psychology and education) and the branch of Statistics called Multivariate Analysis has been developed to deal with them. The techniques of this subject are largely unknown to astronomers, but, if carefully applied, they should at the very least ensure that the astronomer gets the maximum amount of information out of his data and does not waste his time looking for information which is not there. More optimistically, these techniques are potentially capable of indicating the number of classification parameters necessary and giving specific formulas for computing them, as well as pinpointing those particular measurements which are most crucial for determining the classification parameters.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (18) ◽  
pp. 28-41
Kelli M. Watts ◽  
Laura B. Willis

Telepractice, defined by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA, n.d.) as “the application of telecommunications technology to the delivery of professional services at a distance by linking clinician to client, or clinician to clinician, for assessment, intervention, and/or consultation,” is a quickly growing aspect of practicing audiology. However, only 12% of audiologists are involved in providing services via telepractice (REDA International, Inc., 2002). Lack of knowledge regarding telepractice has been cited as one of the reasons many audiologists do not use telepractice to provide audiology services. This study surveyed audiology doctoral students regarding their opinions about the use of telepractice both before and after their opportunity to provide services via telepractice sessions. The authors expected that by providing students the opportunity to have hands-on training in telepractice with supervision, they would be more open to using telepractice after becoming licensed audiologists. Overall, the data indicates benefits of exposing students to telepractice while they are in graduate school.

2009 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-122 ◽  
Despina Moraitou ◽  
Anastasia Efklides

Metacognitive awareness of memory failure may take the form of the “blank in the mind” (BIM) experience. The BIM experience informs the person of a temporary memory failure and takes the form of a disruption in the flow of consciousness, of a moment of no content in awareness. The aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric properties of the Blank in the Mind Questionnaire (BIMQ) designed to tap the BIM experience and differentiate it from other memory-related experiences, such as searching but not having in memory a piece of information (i.e., lack of knowledge). The participants (N = 493) were 249 younger adults (18–30 years old) and 244 older adults (63–89 years old) of both genders. Confirmatory factor analysis applied to the BIMQ confirmed a three-factor model with interrelations between the factors. The first factor represented the experience of lack of knowledge, the second represented the experience of BIM, and the third the person’s negative affective reactions to memory failure. The internal consistency of the three factors ranged from Cronbach’s α = .80 to .88. Convergent validity was shown with correlations of the BIMQ factors with self-report measures of cognitive and memory failures, and to the negative-affect subscale of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS).

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-333
Safia Mehmood ◽  
Sheema Zia ◽  
Nida Aziz ◽  
Omama Sajid

The AIDS is one of the most complicated health problems of the 21st century and it threatens the world population. AIDS spread at an alarming rate. This was a descriptive study to determine the knowledge, awareness, and practice about HIV among different age groups. The study carried out in Karachi, Pakistan during the period of January 2016-april 2016, in which 82 peoples are participated; 65 peoples having age in between 18-30, people’s lies in 31-40 years, while only 4 peoples having age above 40. From which 91% peoples thought HIV is dangerous virus and 51% peoples having misconception that it cause AIDS on initial stage and does not have any effect on CD4+. Majority of peoples aware about transmission of AIDS through intercourse, and during pregnancy. But the study show the high level of misbelieve also in mode of transmission that HIV transmit through sweat, saliva etc. Majority of the peoples have knowledge that HIV-1 is the most common type found worldwide. Also large number of peoples have knowledge that HIV weak immune system by destroying CD4+ and require long exposure to progress AIDS. Less than 15% of peoples strongly agree that AIDS is common in women. This misconception reflex the lack of knowledge and awareness in the HIV transmission and gender relation. Also majority of peoples thought that lack of knowledge is major barrier in the proper cure of disease. So increasing knowledge by awareness programs; sexual prevention; by starting national testing resources and curing poverty will cured AIDS in Pakistan. Newly drugs are introduced which can stop the progression of AIDS.

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