scholarly journals Implementasi Manajemen Riayah dalam Meningkatkan Kenyamanan Jamaah

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-34
Nurhayati Nurhayati

This study aims to find out the riot planning at the Cipaganti Grand Mosque in increasing the comfort of pilgrims, to find out the application of riayah at the Cipaganti Great Mosque in increasing the comfort of worshipers, to find out the evaluation of riayah at the Cipaganti Great Mosque in increasing the comfort of worshipers. This study uses the descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The techniques in collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation studies as evidence of riayah's management in an effort to improve the comfort of pilgrims at the Cipaganti Grand Mosque. Based on the results of research conducted at the Cipaganti Grand Mosque from the implementation of riayah management in improving the comfort of pilgrims it can be concluded: First, that the planning of riayah in the Great Mosque of Cipaganti formulates work programs, facilities, and physical maintenance of the mosque. Second, that implementation means that whatever has been formulated must be implemented. Where in making work programs in accordance with the standards of mosque management so that the physical maintenance of the mosque can be directed and run in accordance with expectations and goals, namely to foster a sense of comfort towards worshipers. Third, that evaluation is a corrective action if the results are not as expected. So in this case the evaluation can be done in the short and long term.

Ega Oktavia ◽  
Alika Fitri Azizah ◽  
Baby Shafira Zaintira ◽  
Carlina Surya

E-cigarettes were first created in a modern way by a pharmacist from China in 2003 and patented in 2004 and then began to spread throughout the world. The results of a survey conducted by the International Tobacco Control Survey in America, Canada, Australia, and England, currently 29% of former smokers use electronic cigarettes, 7.6% have tried using electronic cigarettes and 46.6% are aware of the existence of electronic cigarettes. Some conditions that can arise from long-term use of nicotine are increased blood pressure and heart rate, as well as an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Based on in-depth interviews with the informants, it was found that the informants had various reasons for using vapor, both for health reasons and for environmental reasons.  All resource persons also argue that the dominant factor that makes a person use vapor is environmental factors.  Meanwhile, when viewed from the behavior of all informants, they do not use vapor continuously but at certain times, even one of the informants still uses conventional cigarettes to be accompanied by vapor.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 69
Ismulyana Djan ◽  
Ida Juraida

The purpose of the research was to know whether the implementation of Human resource competency at Jasa Marga (Ltd) has been run well in terms of employee recruitment. The two variables being compared in this study were the competency of the employees who hold positions and the work competency itself. The study focuses on analyzing the existing employees competency with the needed job requirements.  The research used descriptive method with qualitative approach by interviewing related parties and conducting a field observation concerning the problem being researched. From measuring competency of the employees who hold positions at Jasa Marga (Ltd) it was found that there were still a few employees whose qualification were below the job requirements. It was proposed that Jasa Marga (Ltd) should continuously increase the quality of the human resources through development training in short term and long-term programs in order to fulfill the predetermined job requirements. The application of the employees competency training should be conducted interactively to produce professional and transparent human resource because it function as initial filter from the early employees recruitment and selection programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-159
Irwan Widjaja ◽  
Fredik Melkias Boiliu ◽  
Didimus SB Prasetya ◽  
Haposan Simanjuntak ◽  
Vicky BGD Paat

The rapid spread of COVID-19 throughout the world is changing the way everyone lives in socializing; the environment most used for a living has rapidly shrunk into homes. Business, schools, and religious services all move quickly online. No one knows precisely how long these physical and social restrictions will last -or what are the short and long-term impacts on religious life? In standard times, the presence of religious adherents in houses of worship is used by sociologists as a condition of religiosity for every religious devotee. But how can religiosity be measured in a time when people are alone? And in a time when people are not allowed to meet in large groups or even leave their homes.  What will the Religiosity of Religion look like in the future? And how will the coronavirus affect the religious practices of the Nusantara religions? This paper aims to provide a way forward for studying post-pandemic evolutionary religions that are significant in Indonesia. This study uses an evaluation method in a qualitative approach. The exploration into the evolution of human religiosity is often distorted by assumptions made about religion's nature. This review explores developments in the evolution of religion and provides critical evaluations of different theoretical positions. In general, scholars believe that religion is adaptive. In this set of ideas, theologians' evolutionary insight is not a threat but rather an essential clarification of cross-cultural religion's evolution.Penyebaran COVID-19 yang cepat ke seluruh dunia mengubah cara hidup setiap orang dalam bersosialisasi; lingkungan yang paling banyak digunakan untuk hidup telah dengan cepat menyusut menjadi rumah. Bisnis, sekolah, dan layanan keagamaan semuanya bergerak cepat secara online. Tidak ada yang tahu persis berapa lama pembatasan fisik dan sosial ini akan bertahan atau apa dampak jangka pendek dan jangka panjangnya terhadap kehidupan beragama. Pada zaman standar, kehadiran pemeluk agama di rumah ibadah dimanfaatkan para sosiolog sebagai syarat religiusitas setiap pemeluk agama. Tapi bagaimana religiusitas bisa diukur di saat orang sendirian? Dan di saat orang tidak diperbolehkan bertemu dalam kelompok besar atau bahkan meninggalkan rumah. Seperti apa Religiusitas Agama di masa depan? Dan bagaimana virus corona akan mempengaruhi praktik keagamaan agama-agama Nusantara? Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memberikan jalan ke depan untuk mempelajari agama-agama evolusioner pasca-pandemi yang signifikan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka dan studi literature. Penjelajahan ke dalam evolusi religiusitas manusia sering kali terdistorsi oleh asumsi-asumsi yang dibuat tentang hakikat agama. Ulasan ini mengeksplorasi perkembangan dalam evolusi agama dan memberikan evaluasi kritis tentang posisi teoritis yang berbeda. Secara umum, para sarjana percaya bahwa agama itu adaptif. Dalam kumpulan gagasan ini, wawasan evolusioner para teolog bukanlah ancaman, melainkan klarifikasi esensial dari evolusi agama lintas budaya.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Abdusy Syakur

Abstract: This research was conducted because the implementation of the study taught by KH. Syamsuddin Husein al-Hafidz using Book of the Kifayah al-Atqiya 'Wa Minhaj al-Aṣfiya' that carried out every Sunday, the Maghrib about two years followed by few students and mostly by men. The study done was still rigid and monotonous, which eventually can lead to boredom in the congregation. Research uses descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The technique of checking validity of the data using triangulation and member checking. Based on the results of the data obtained by the researchers, the following conclusions are produced: 1) The objectives obtained in the study of the book Kifayah al-Atqiya 'Wa Minhaj al-Aṣfiya' a) Assembly of science, b) Advice, and c) Arguing while for the long-term goal of worshiping God alone. 2) The material presented nine suluk (paths) to Allah, namely: a) At-Taubah, b) Al-Qana'ah, c) Az-Zuhud, d) Learning science Syar'i, e) Maintain the sunnah of the Prophet, f) At-Tawaqal, g) Al-Ikhlas, f) Al-Uzlah (aloof), and g) Keep time with dhikr. 3) The method used by the bandongan method. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi Ta’lim yang diisi oleh KH. Syamsuddin Husein al-Hafidz dengan kajian kitab kuningnya yaitu kitab Kitab Kifayah al-Atqiya’ Wa Minhaj al-Aṣfiya’ nya di Masjid Darul Muttaqien, Pontianak, di mana ta’lim ini dilakukan setiap Ahad, ba’da Maghrib kurang lebih dua tahunan hanya diikuti oleh sedikit jamah dan hampir semua jamaah laki-laki. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Tehnik pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi dan member check. Berdasarkan hasil data yang diperoleh peneliti, menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) Tujuan yang didapatkan dalam pelaksanaan kajian a) Majelis ilmu, b) Nasehat, dan c) Berdebat sedangkan untuk tujuan jangka panjangnya yaitu untuk beribadah kepada Allah semata. 2) Materi yang disampaikan ada sembilan suluk (jalan)menuju Allah yaitu: a) At-Taubah, b) Al-Qana’ah, c) Az-Zuhud, d) Belajar ilmu Syar’i, e) Menjaga sunnah-sunnah Nabi, f) At-Tawaqal, g) Al-Ikhlas, f) Al-Uzlah (menyendiri), dan g) Menjaga waktu dengan dzikir. 3) Metode yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan kajian yaitu dengan metode bandongan. Kyai membacakan, menerjemahkan, menerangkan, kalimat demi kalimat kitab itu dengan makna dan menjelaskan berdasarkan contoh kehidupan sehari-hari. Ta’lim yang dilakukan masih bersifat kaku dan monoton, yang akhirnya nanti dapat menimbulkan kebosanan pada jama’ah.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 223-238
Ulfah Amalia ◽  
Dindin Solahudin ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi yang telah dirumuskan K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren, program K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren, dan implementasi program K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pesantren. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yang ditemukan menunjukan bahwa kemajuan pondok pesantren Sabiilunnaja tidak terlepas dari strategi yang telah dirumuskan K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak yaitu dengan pengenalan sifat Rububiyah, juga mengenalkan pembiasaan mensinergikan antara hubungan horizontal dan vertikal serta meningkatkan intelektualisme dan spiritualisme. Kemudian strategi tersebut dipolakan kepada program-program kegiatan santri. Diantaranya ada program jangka pendek, menengah, dan jangka panjang. Implementasi dari program tersebut berjalan dengan lancar yang tentunya melibatkan seluruh santri dan dewan guru. Dengan demikian, maka seluruh kegiatan santri menjadi dasar berkembangnya Pondok Pesantren Sabiilunnaja yang dikelola oleh K.H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak dalam pengelolaan pondok pesantren. The purpose of this research is to find out the strategies that have been formulated by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak in the management of Islamic boarding schools, K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak's program in the management of Islamic boarding schools, and the implementation of the K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak program in the management of Islamic boarding schools. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The results of the study found that the progress of the Sabiilunnaja Islamic boarding school was inseparable from the strategy formulated by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak, namely by introducing the nature of Rububiyah, also introducing the habit of synergizing between horizontal and vertical relations and increasing intellectualism and spiritualism. Then the strategy is modeled on the activities of the santri programs. Among them are short, medium and long term programs. The implementation of the program went smoothly, which of course involved all students and the board of teachers. Thus, all santri activities are the basis for the development of the Sabiilunnaja Islamic Boarding School which is managed by K. H. Agus Yudhi Mubaarak in the management of Islamic boarding schools.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-140
Andri Sopiyan ◽  
Irfan Sanusi ◽  
Herman Herman

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pengorganisasian dalam hal imarah, idarah, dan ri’ayah kemakmuran masjid dan fungsi pengorganisasian dalam hal imarah, idarah dan ri’ayah terhadap kemakmuran Masjid Jami’ Qurrotul ‘Ibaad Kab. Bekasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Masjid Jami’ Qurrotul ‘Ibaad Kab. Bekasi kemakmuran masjid yang terlihat disana karena penerapan fungsi pengorganisasian yang baik yaitu dengan merumuskan tujuan secara jelas baik tujuan jangka pendek, menengah maupun jangka panjang. Kemudian dengan menggunakan pembagian kerja dengan berdasarkan angka sederhana juga berdasarkan fungsi, serta pelimpahan wewenang dan tanggung jawab yang menggunakan sentralisasi (pemusatan) wewenang. Dengan demikian pengorganisasian dalam hal imarah, idarah dan ri’ayah cukup baik, hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya kegiatan keagamaan, sosial, serta perawatan dan pengembangan fisik bangunan yang ada di Masjid Jami’ Qurrotul ‘Ibaad Desa Sukamanah Kab. Bekasi.   The purpose of this research is to find out the organizing program in terms of imarah, idarah, and ri'ayah mosque prosperity and organizing functions in terms of imarah, idarah and ri'ayah towards the prosperity of the Jami ’Qurrotul Mosque‘ Ibaad Kab. Bekasi. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Based on the results of research conducted at the Jami 'Qurrotul Mosque ‘Ibaad Kab. Bekasi mosque prosperity that was seen there because of the application of a good organizing function that is by formulating goals clearly both short, medium and long term goals. Then by using the division of labor based on simple numbers also based on functions, as well as delegation of authority and responsibility that uses centralization (concentration) of authority. Thus organizing in terms of imarah, idarah and ri'ayah is quite good, this can be seen from the many religious, social, and care and physical development of existing buildings in the Jami ’Qurrotul Mosque‘ Ibaad Sukamanah Village, Kab. Bekasi.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (22) ◽  
pp. 249
Bahaaaldeen Arabi Mohamad Mohamad

The current study aimed at recognizing the concept and aims of performance evaluation besides to shedding light on balanced Scorecard as it is considered one of the modern models in performance assessment and evaluation. The study aimed at assessing the performance of accredited faculties at Assiut University by using this scorecard. The researcher used the descriptive method as it suits the study nature. The study sample consisted of 20% percentage of the original society of the study from staff members and with 5% percentage of the original society of study from was selected in a random way. The current study came down to some important results related to the theoretical framework and the field study:(1)the balance scorecard is considered one of the modern tools and the most effective tool in measuring and assessing the balanced performance because it gathers among the financial and non-financial tools, besides to that, it gathers the quantitative and specific values in addition to the external and internal factors on the short and long term.(2)the performance related to the internal process efficiency came at a medium degree at all the performance was weak, while the performance was medium at the total of the sample size. The researcher ended his study with setting some important recommendations to implement this technique in an effective way.

Swiss Surgery ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-24 ◽  
Robert ◽  
Mariéthoz ◽  
Pache ◽  
Bertin ◽  
Caulfield ◽  

Objective: Approximately one out of five patients with Graves' disease (GD) undergoes a thyroidectomy after a mean period of 18 months of medical treatment. This retrospective and non-randomized study from a teaching hospital compares short- and long-term results of total (TT) and subtotal thyroidectomies (ST) for this disease. Methods: From 1987 to 1997, 94 patients were operated for GD. Thirty-three patients underwent a TT (mostly since 1993) and 61 a ST (keeping 4 to 8 grams of thyroid tissue - mean 6 g). All patients had received propylthiouracil and/or neo-mercazole and were in a euthyroid state at the time of surgery; they also took potassium iodide (lugol) for ten days before surgery. Results: There were no deaths. Transient hypocalcemia (< 3 months) occurred in 32 patients (15 TT and 17 ST) and persistent hypocalcemia in 8 having had TT. Two patients developed transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy after ST (< 3 months). After a median follow-up period of seven years (1-15) with five patients lost to follow-up, 41 patients having had a ST are in a hypothyroid state (73%), thirteen are euthyroid (23%), and two suffered recurrent hyperthyroidism, requiring completion of thyroidectomy. All 33 patients having had TT - with follow-ups averaging two years (0.5-8) - are receiving thyroxin substitution. Conclusions: There were no instances of persistent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in either group, but persistent hypoparathyroidism occurred more frequently after TT. Long after ST, hypothyroidism developed in nearly three of four cases, whereas euthyroidy was maintained in only one-fourth; recurrent hyperthyroidy was rare.

Heather Churchill ◽  
Jeremy M. Ridenour

Abstract. Assessing change during long-term psychotherapy can be a challenging and uncertain task. Psychological assessments can be a valuable tool and can offer a perspective from outside the therapy dyad, independent of the powerful and distorting influences of transference and countertransference. Subtle structural changes that may not yet have manifested behaviorally can also be assessed. However, it can be difficult to find a balance between a rigorous, systematic approach to data, while also allowing for the richness of the patient’s internal world to emerge. In this article, the authors discuss a primarily qualitative approach to the data and demonstrate the ways in which this kind of approach can deepen the understanding of the more subtle or complex changes a particular patient is undergoing while in treatment, as well as provide more detail about the nature of an individual’s internal world. The authors also outline several developmental frameworks that focus on the ways a patient constructs their reality and can guide the interpretation of qualitative data. The authors then analyze testing data from a patient in long-term psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy in order to demonstrate an approach to data analysis and to show an example of how change can unfold over long-term treatments.

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