2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Khairul Syahputra ◽  
Didik Ariyanto ◽  
Erma Primanita Hayuningtyas

<p>Informasi tentang keragaman genetik sangat dibutuhkan pada program pemuliaan melalui kegiatan seleksi untuk menghasilkan induk unggul, seperti pada pembentukan ikan mas Rajadanu tahan infeksi koi herpes virus (KHV). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi variasi genetik ikan mas varietas Rajadanu tahan infeksi KHV generasi F0 dan F1 dengan menggunakan marka molekuler mikrosatelit. Populasi F0 dan F1 dihasilkan dari kegiatan seleksi bersamaan (independent culling) pada karakter pertumbuhan dan ketahanan terhadap KHV. Seleksi karakter pertumbuhan dilakukan dengan metode seleksi individu (mass selection), sedangkan seleksi karakter ketahanan terhadap KHV dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi individu yang membawa marka MHC II spesifik pada alel Cyca-DAB1*05. Sebanyak sepuluh individu ikan mas dari setiap populasi digunakan untuk analisis variabilitas mikrosatelit menggunakan tiga lokus mikrosatelit (MFW6, MFW7, dan MFW9). Data alel mikrosatelit diolah menggunakan program Microsoft excel dan dianalisis menggunakan program Fstat dan Arlequin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah alel dari tiap lokus pada masingmasing populasi bervariasi, yaitu berkisar antara 2-5 alel. Rata-rata jumlah alel dan rata-rata heterozigositas teramati pada populasi F0 tidak berbeda dengan populasi F1. Rata-rata jumlah alel pada kedua populasi sebesar 3,33 alel dengan rata-rata nilai heterozigositas teramati sebesar 0,47. Inbreeding teridentifikasi pada populasi F0 dan F1, kedua populasi mempunyai tingkat inbreeding yang relatif sama. Populasi ikan mas tahan KHV pada penelitian ini memiliki keragaman genetik yang relatif rendah sehingga diperlukan monitoring variasi genetik dan skema pemijahan yang baik pada kegiatan seleksi selanjutnya untuk menghasilkan ikan mas tahan KHV yang unggul.</p><p>Information on genetic diversity is needed in breeding program through selective breeding to produce superior broodstocks, such as on production of Rajadanu strain of common carp resistant to KHV infection. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genetic variation in F0 and F1 of Rajadanu strain of common carp resistant to KHV infection using microsatellite marker. The F0 and F1 populations have been produced by independent culling method on growth and resistant to KHV characters. Selection on growth character was conducted by mass selection method, while selection on resistant to KHV character was conducted by identification the individual of common carp that carrying MHC II marker specific on CycaDAB1*05 allele. Ten individuals representing each population were analyzed for microsatellite variability using three microsatellite loci (MFW6, MFW7, and MFW9). Microsatellite allele data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Fstat, and Arlequin software. The result showed that the number of alleles per loci in each population varied ranging from 2 to 5 alleles. The average number of alleles and the average observed heterozygosity in F0 was similar to that of F1. The average number of alleles in both populations was 3.33, while the average observed heterezygosity was 0.47. The F0 and F1 populations showed inbreeding level; inbreeding level in both populations was relatively similar. Common carp populations in this study had relatively low genetic variation, so that monitoring of genetic variation and good spawning scheme were needed on next selection program to produce a superior common carp resistant to KHV.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Khairul Syahputra ◽  
Yogi Himawan ◽  
Didik Ariyanto ◽  
Flandrianto S. Palim

Balai Penelitian Pemuliaan Ikan (BPPI) telah membentuk ikan mas Rajadanu tahan infeksi koi herpesvirus (KHV) dan tumbuh cepat melalui program seleksi. Ikan mas Rajadanu dihasilkan dari kegiatan seleksi bersamaan pada karakter ketahanan terhadap KHV dan pertumbuhan. Seleksi karakter ketahanan terhadap KHV dilakukan dengan menggunakan marka Cyca-DAB1*05 dan seleksi karakter pertumbuhan cepat dilakukan dengan metode seleksi individu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pewarisan marka Cyca-DAB1*05 dan keragaman genotipe ikan mas varietas Rajadanu tahan infeksi KHV dan tumbuh cepat generasi ketiga (F3). Sebanyak 44 individu ikan mas Rajadanu F3 digunakan pada penelitian ini. Evaluasi marka Cyca-DAB1*05 dilakukan dengan metode PCR menggunakan primer spesifik marka Cyca-DAB1*05. Analisis keragaman genotipe dilakukan menggunakan tiga lokus mikrosatelit (MFW6, MFW7, dan MFW9). Data alel mikrosatelit dianalisis menggunakan program Fstat dan Arlequin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua individu pada populasi ikan mas Rajadanu F3 membawa marka Cyca-DAB1*05. Ikan mas Rajadanu F3 memiliki keragaman genotipe yang relatif rendah. Nilai rata-rata heterozigositas teramati (0,31) lebih kecil daripada rata-rata heterozigositas harapan (0,46). Nilai positif pada indeks fiksasi (0,32) menunjukkan status inbreeding pada populasi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan, baik dalam kegiatan manajemen induk maupun dalam program seleksi selanjutnya dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan keragaman genetik dan meminimasi tekanan inbreeding ikan mas Rajadanu tahan infeksi KHV dan tumbuh cepat.Research Institute for Fish Breeding (RIFB) has created Rajadanu common carp resistant to koi herpesvirus (KHV) infection and fast growth through selection program. Rajadanu common carp has been produced by independent culling selection on resistant to KHV and fast growth characters. Selection on resistant to KHV and fast growth character was conducted using Cyca-DAB1*05 marker and mass-selection method respectively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inheritance of Cyca-DAB1*05 as a marker and the genotype variation of Rajadanu common carp resistant to KHV infection and fast growth. A total of 44 fish were used for this study. Evaluation of Cyca-DAB1*05 marker was conducted by PCR method using specific primer to Cyca-DAB1*05 marker. Analysis of genotype variation was conducted using three microsatellite loci (MFW6, MFW7, and MFW9). Microsatellite allele data was analyzed using Fstat and Arlequin software. The result showed that all of F3 Rajadanu common carp were positive carrying Cyca-DAB1*05 marker. Genetic variation of this population was relatively low. The average observed heterozygosity (Ho=0.31) was lower than the average expected heterozygosity (He=0.46). Positive value of fixation index (0.32) showed inbreeding status in this population. The result of this study can be use as reference for broodstock management and next selection program to maintain the genetic diversity and to minimize inbreeding depression level of Rajadanu common carp resistant to KHV infection and fast growth.

Hussein M. Khaeim ◽  
Anthony Clark ◽  
Tom Pearson ◽  
Dr. David Van Sanford

Head scab is historically a devastating disease affecting not just all classes of wheat but also barley and other small grains around the world. Fusarium head blight (FHB), or head scab, is caused most often by Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe), (sexual stage – Gibberella zeae) although several Fusarium spp. can cause the disease. This study was conducted to determine the effect of mass selection for FHB resistance using an image-based optical sorter. lines were derived from the C0 and C2 of two populations to compare genetic variation within populations with and without sorter selection. Our overall hypothesis is that sorting grain results in improved Fusarium head blight resistance. Both of the used wheat derived line populations have genetic variation, and population 1 has more than population 17. They are significantly different from each other for fusarium damged kernel (FDK), deoxynivalenol (DON), and other FHB traits. Although both populations are suitable to be grown for bulks, population 1 seems better since it has more genetic variation as well as lower FDK and DON, and earlier heading date. Lines within each population were significantly different and some lines in each population had significantly lower FDK and DON after selection using an optical sorter. Some lines had significant reduction in both FDK and DON, and some others had either FDK or DON reduction. Lines of population 1 that had significant reduction, were more numerous than in population 17, and FDK and DON reduction were greater.

2019 ◽  
Samuel E. Wuest ◽  
Nuno D. Pires ◽  
Shan Luo ◽  
Francois Vasseur ◽  
Julie Messier ◽  

AbstractTechnologies for crop breeding have become increasingly sophisticated, yet it remains unclear whether these advances are sufficient to meet future demands. A major challenge with current crop selection regimes is that they are often based on individual performance. This tends to select for plants with “selfish” traits, which leads to a yield loss when they compete in high-density stands. In traditional breeding, this well-known “tragedy of the commons” has been addressed by anticipating ideotypes with presumably preferential characteristics. However, this approach is limited to obvious architectural and physiological traits, and it depends on a mechanistic understanding of how these modulate growth and competition. Here, we developed a general and simple method for the discovery of alleles promoting cooperation of plants in stands; it is based on the game-theoretical premise that alleles increasing cooperation incur a cost to the individual but benefit the monoculture group. Testing the approach using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, we found a single major effect locus where the rarer allele was associated with increased levels of cooperation and superior monoculture productivity. We show that the allele likely affects a pleiotropic regulator of growth and defense, since it is also associated with reduced root competition but higher race-specific resistance against a specialized parasite. Even though cooperation is considered evolutionarily unstable, conflicting selective forces acting on a pleiotropic gene might thus maintain latent genetic variation for it in nature. Such variation, once identified in a crop, could be rapidly leveraged in modern breeding programs and provide efficient routes to increase yields.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 418-424
Stefan Koppert ◽  
Michael Weibenbacher ◽  
Andreas Wieser ◽  
Christoph Zelger ◽  
Markus Hermann ◽  

Background: With the intention to quantify the importance of a medical journal, the Impact Factor (IF) was introduced. It has become a de facto fictive rating instrument of the importance of medical journals. Also, it is often used to assess the value of the individual publications within the specific journal. The aim of the present study was to analyze publication trends over 20 years in five high-ranked anesthesiology journals. Methods: The Medline (NCBI) database PubMed was used for analysis which was restricted to the following journals: 1. Anesthesiology; 2. British Journal of Anaesthesia; 3. Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology; 4. Anesthesia & Analgesia; and 5. Anaesthesia. Specific publication parameters (IFs, number of pages and authors, etc.) were retrieved using the PubMed download function and imported into Microsoft Excel for further analysis. Results: The mean IF of the five journals analyzed increased significantly within the study period (1991 vs. 2010; +61.81%). However, the absolute number of case reports decreased significantly by 54.7% since 1991. The journals Br J Anaesth (12.2%), J Neurosurg Anesthesiol (51.9%), and Anesth Analg (57.2%) showed significant increases in the number of publications per year. The mean number of authors increased significantly in all the journals from 1991 to 2010 (3.0 vs. 4.3; +43.3%). Conclusions: The IF, as well as the number of articles per year and the number of authors per article, increased significantly. In contrast, the number of pages per article remained comparable during the period analyzed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Sri Nuryati ◽  
D. Puspitaningtyas ◽  
D. Wahjuningrum

<p>Prevention of koi herpesvirus (KHV) infection using chemicals or medicines was ineffective way.  In this study garlic extract was used to prevent KHV infection.  Virus suspension of 0.1 ml and garlic extract of 0.1 ml in different dosage, i.e., 100, 200 and 300 ppt, was injected into common carp body.  Hemoglobin concentration, red and white blood cell numbers, and leukocyte number were counted.  The results of study showed that administration of 300 ppt of garlic extract could produce higher survival rate (67.5%), good blood parameters and clinical symptoms compared to other treatments.</p> <p>Keywords: garlic, KHV, common carp</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Upaya penanggulangan wabah Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia atau obat-obatan adalah tidak efektif. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pemberian ekstrak bawang putih untuk menanggulangi infeksi KHV.  Suspensi virus sebanyak 0,1 ml ditambahkan dengan 0,1 ml ekstrak bawang putih dengan berbagai konsentrasi, yaitu 100, 200 dan 300 ppt, disuntikkan ke dalam tubuh ikan mas.  Kadar hemoglobin, jumlah sel darah merah dan sel darah putih jenis dan jumlah leukosit diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak bawang putih sebanyak 300 ppt menghasilkan kelangsungan hidup (67,5%) yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya, dan begitu pula dengan gambaran darah serta gejala klinisnya.  </p> <p>Kata kunci: bawang putih, KHV, ikan mas</p>

2021 ◽  
Kathleen Marie Krol ◽  
Nauder Namaky ◽  
Mikhail Monakhov ◽  
Poh San Lai ◽  
Richard Ebstein ◽  

Introduction. Variability in the motivation to approach or withdraw from others displayed in infancy is thought to have long-term effects on human social development. Frontal brain asymmetry has been linked to motivational processes in infants and adults, with greater left frontal asymmetry reflecting motivation to approach and greater right frontal asymmetry reflecting motivation to withdraw. We examined the hypothesis that variability in infants’ social motivation is linked to genetic variation in the endogenous oxytocin system. Specifically, we measured infants’ frontal brain asymmetry and later looking preferences to smiling and frowning individuals and assayed a single-nucleotide polymorphism in the CD38 gene (rs3796863) linked to autism spectrum disorder and reduced peripheral oxytocin levels. Methods. 77 11-month-old infants’ (36 female) brain responses were measured via functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) while viewing four individuals display either smiles or frowns directed toward or away from them. This was followed by a person preference test using eyetracking. Results. Frontal brain asymmetry patterns evoked by direct-gaze faces significantly differed as a function of CD38 genotype. Specifically, while non-risk A-allele carriers displayed greater left lateralization to smiling faces (approach) and greater right lateralization to frowning faces (withdrawal), infants with the CC (ASD risk) genotype displayed withdrawal from smiling faces. During eyetracking, A-allele carriers showed a heightened preference for the individual who smiled, while CC infants preferred the individual who frowned.Conclusions. Our findings demonstrate that, from early in human ontogeny, genetic variation in the oxytocin system is linked to variability in brain and behavioral markers of social motivation.

Zootaxa ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 2551 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

The species delimitations of African, Arabian Peninsula, and western Indian Ocean island members of the Molossidae bat species complex Chaerephon pumilus remain largely unresolved. Based on genetic analyses this group is paraphyletic, with C. leucogaster nested within C. pumilus sensu lato, and the latter is composed of several distinct clades. DNA was isolated from a specimen of C. p. pumilus obtained at the type locality (Massawa, Eritrea). Although incomplete, this sequence allowed us to clearly define which clade is referable to nominate pumilus, a critical step in resolving the systematics of this species complex. Using morphological and molecular genetic (cytochrome b and D-loop sequences) characters, we establish that C. leucogaster and C. 'pumilus' on Madagascar represent two different lineages and that the Malagasy population referred to C. 'pumilus' is specifically distinct from those on Africa, the islands and mainland Africa. The population of C. pusillus from the western Seychelles atoll of Aldabra cluster with that of the Comoros, rather than Madagascar. For numerous other species of volant vertebrates (bats and birds), the origin of the Aldabra fauna is mixed between the Comoros and Madagascar (e.g., Goodman & Ranivo 2008; O'Brien et al. 2009; Pasquet et al. 2007; Warren et al. 2003). Hence, in the case of these 9-17 g Chaerephon bats, these water barriers have been associated with the isolation and subsequent differentiation of populations after successful dispersal and colonization events. In contrast, within the Comoros, there is no apparent genetic structure between with the individual islands, which are separated by 40 and 80 km, indicating that this distance is regularly traversed by these bats and giving rise to intra-archipelago panmixia of populations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100462
Yingying Zhao ◽  
Xianhu Zheng ◽  
Xiaochen Zhu ◽  
Youyi Kuang ◽  
Xiaowen Sun

Blood ◽  
1981 ◽  
Vol 57 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-217 ◽  
L Lenzerini ◽  
U Benatti ◽  
A Morelli ◽  
S Pontremoli ◽  
A De Flora ◽  

Abstract FX is a red cell NADP(H)-binding protein that has been well defined biochemically and immunologically but whose function is still unknown. Preliminary data indicated that the levels of this protein are significantly increased in hemizygotes, heterozygotes, and homozygotes for the G6PD Mediterranean mutant, thus raising the question of whether or not the individual variation in FX levels is more or less directly influenced by X-linked genes. The present study, based on a large series of population and family data collected in Sardinia, confirms unequivocally the above mentioned interaction, but shows at the same time that the variances in FX levels “between sibships” are 2–3 times larger than those “within sibships,” when the analysis is done separately for the G6PD-normal or the G6PD-deficient sibs. From the comparison of the interclass and intraclass correlation coefficients, it appears that about 60% of the total variation of FX is of genetic origin. Moreover, the FX levels of children, analyzed in a pairwise manner, were found to be more positively correlated with those of their fathers (r = 0.39) than with those of their maternal grandfathers (0.20). This latter finding obviously favors the conclusion that “autosomal”; rather than “X-linked” genes are involved in the determination of the FX levels.

2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-167 ◽  
Motohiko Sano ◽  
Takafumi Ito ◽  
Jun Kurita ◽  
Takanori Yanai ◽  
Naoki Watanabe ◽  

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