scholarly journals Seed and Saponin Production of Organic Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) for different Tillage and Fertilization

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 42 ◽  
Dimitrios BILALIS ◽  
Ioanna KAKABOUKI ◽  
Anestis KARKANIS ◽  
Ilias Travlos ◽  

Field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of tillage systems and fertilization on growth, yield and quality of quinoa crop (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with four replicates, two main plots [conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT)] and three sub-plots (fertilization treatments: control, cow manure and compost). The soil porosity (45.5-49.75%) and total nitrogen (0.144-0.173%) were higher in soils subjected to MT system than under CT. In soil porosity, an interaction between fertilization and tillage system was found. The highest leaf area index (4.47-5.03), dry weight (8650-9290 kg ha-1) and root density (1.03-1.21 cm cm-3) were also found in MT. Moreover, there were significant differences between the organic fertilization treatments concerning the LAI, dry weight and root density. The highest seed yield (2485-2643 kg ha-1) and saponin content (0.42-0.45%) were found in cow manure and compost treatments. Also, the highest saponin yield (7.70-12.05 kg ha-1) was found in the MT system. Saponin yield had positive and significant correlation with total N (r=0.866). In quinoa measurements, an interaction between fertilization and tillage system was not found. The present results indicated that MT and organic fertilization increase saponin yield of quinoa.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1867
Archis Pandya ◽  
Björn Thiele ◽  
Andres Zurita-Silva ◽  
Björn Usadel ◽  
Fabio Fiorani

The seed pericarp of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. (quinoa) contains a mixture of triterpenoid saponins conferring undesired organoleptic properties. In this study, we evaluated saponin content and their corresponding sapogenins in 114 different quinoa accessions. Relative saponin content ranged from 0.22 to 15.04 mg/g of seed dry weight among the genotypes studied and the genotype effect was significant (p < 0.001). About 75% of the genotypes could be classified as low-saponin content lines which is promising in view of ongoing plant breeding efforts. In addition to the quantitative determination of saponins, metabolic profiling was performed by LC-FTICR-MS and LC-MS/MS. We obtained highly accurate mass estimation from ion spectra allowing the identification of twelve saponins of the oleanane type. These differ in their aglycons and in the number and type of glycoside units. Interestingly, we identified a saponin compound that, to our knowledge, had not been reported previously. Our study highlights that there is considerable variability concerning saponin content in quinoa, which contributes to the valorization of genetic resources towards the identification of genotypes that could be utilized in current and future quinoa breeding programs.

HortScience ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 539C-539
B. Murillo-Amador ◽  
E. Troyo-Dieguez ◽  
F. orrego-Escalante

The response of physiological traits of four genotypes of Opuntia spp (AN-V1, AN-V3, AN-V5, and AN-TV6) to organic fertilization with two levels of thickness and different plant densities (10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 plants/m2) under plastic tunnels were studied in the Universidad Autnoma Agraria “Antonio Narro” in 1995 and analyzed at CIBNOR, La Paz, Mexico. The main goal of this work was to screen Opuntia genotypes for yield and photosynthetical efficiency. The experiment was established as a randomized blocks design with three replicates. Response variables were dry weight (DW), crop growth ratio (CGR), rate of crop growth (RCG), relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area index (LAI), and net assimilation rate. The annual average temperature in the study site was 19.8°C. Hottest months were July and August, with temperature values as high as 39°C. The lowest temperatures were recorded in December and January, with temperatures as low as –13°C. Annual rainfall was 365 mm. Soils in the study region show a generalized low fertility. According to our results, genotype AN-V1 showed the best photosynthetical features with 30 plants/m2; genotype AN-TV6 showed no differences for 40 and 50 plants/m2. The highest values for CGR and RCG were observed under the highest level of organic fertilization (16-cm thickness). Genotypes AN-V3 and AN-V5 evidenced the highest RCG. Other results suggest that AN-V3 and AN-V5 showed the highest value for LAI, for a density 50 plants/m2, and genotypes AN-V1 and AN-V3, with a density 40 plants/m2, had the highest RGR. The studied Opuntia genotypes appeared to be promising crops for marginal semiarid regions.

Kultivasi ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Ruminta Ruminta ◽  
Tati Nurmala ◽  
Aep Wawan Irwan ◽  
Yakup Antonius Surbakti

Sari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak tanam dan jenis pupuk kandang yang memberikan pengaruh terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman hanjeli (Coix Lacryma-jobi L.). Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2015 hingga bulan Mei 2016 di desa Sindangsari, Sukasari, Sumedang. Lokasi penelitian memiliki ketinggian ± 800 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl) termasuk tipe iklim C3 menurut klasifikasi Oldemann. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) terdiri dari sembilan perlakuan dengan tiga kali ulangan, sehingga total terdapat 27 petak percobaan, yaitu  jarak tanam 50 x 50 cm + pupuk kandang ayam 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 50 cm + pupuk kandang kambing 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 50 cm + pupuk kandang sapi 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 75 cm + pupuk kandang ayam 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 75 cm + pupuk kandang kambing 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 75 cm + pupuk kandang sapi 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 100 cm + pupuk kandang ayam 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 100 cm + pupuk kandang kambing 5 ton/ha, jarak tanam 50 x 100 cm + pupuk kandang sapi 5 ton/ha. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh jarak tanam dan jenis pupuk kandang terhadap indeks luas daun, bobot kering akar, dan bobot biji per rumpun. Secara keseluruhan perlakuan jarak tanam 50 x 75 cm + pupuk kandang ayam memberikan pengaruh lebih baik terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah anakan, dan jumlah malai per rumpun.Kata Kunci: Hanjeli, jarak tanam, pupuk kandang  Abstract. The objectives of this experiment were to obtain the best of Plant Spacing and Manure Type for growth and yield of job’s tears. This experiment was conducted from Desember 2015 to May 2016 at Sukasari Sumedang. Location of experiment have altitude of about ± 800 metres above sea level and climate type was C3 (Oldemann climate type). Experimental design used randomized block design (RBD), that consisted of nine treatments with three replications, so there are 27 experimental plots. The treatments were plant spacing 50 x 50 cm + chicken manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 50 cm + goat manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 50 cm + cow manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 75 cm + chicken manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 75 cm + goat manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 75 cm + cow manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 100 cm + chicken manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 100 cm + goat manure 5 ton/ha, plant spacing 50 x 100 cm + cow manure 5 ton/ha. The result of this research showed that plant spacing and manure type affected leaf area index, root dry weight, and seed weight. Plant spacing 50 x 75 cm + chicken manure 5 ton/ha gave a better effect on plant height, the number of leaves, number of tillers, and number of panicles.Keywords: Job’s tears, plant spacing, manure

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-22 ◽  
M. Z. U. Kamal ◽  
M. N. Yousuf

The investigation was carried out to evaluate the effect of different organic manures on turmeric with reference to vegetative growth, biomass production, rhizome yield and its attributes of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). Turmeric showed better response to the application of organic manures. Plant with neem cake application had the taller plant (79.30 cm), maximum number of tillers per plant (5.40), leaf number (5.40), leaf area (44.09) leaf area index (0.429), fresh weight of halum ( 190.05g), fresh weight of root (49.13 g), fresh weight of rhizome per plant (256.21 g) and dry weight of halum (15.21g), dry weight of root (7.32 g), dry weight of rhizome per plant (40.35 g), total dry matter yield (6.85 t ha-1) than those received other types of manures. Moreover, yield attributes such as number of mother rhizomes per plant-1 (1.75), more number of primary rhizomes per plant-1 (5.19), secondary rhizomes per plant-1 (18.03) and tertiary rhizomes per plant (7.69) were also highly accelerated by neem cake application. Similarly, the same treatment expressed the best in terms of size of mother rhizome (7.69 cm), primary rhizome (21.86 cm) and secondary rhizomes (7.05 cm).All these parameters in cumulative contributed to  produce the highest estimated fresh rhizomes yield & cured rhizomes yield (29.48 t ha-1, 5.59 t ha-1 respectively). The highest curing percentage (20.28) was observed in T3 treatment having mustard cake@ 2.0 t/ha. Thus, organic manure like neem cake was best fitted natural fertilizer for turmeric cultivation.DOI: Agriculturists 2012; 10(1): 16-22

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 358
Deissy Giovanna Quintero-Arias ◽  
John Fabio Acuña-Caita ◽  
Carlos Asensio ◽  
Juan Luis Valenzuela

The quality of red lettuce is based on the content of anthocyanin pigments, and the content of these pigments increases when the plant receives ultraviolet radiation. Lettuce crops are increasingly being grown in greenhouses to provide better quality fresh lettuce; however, both quality and productivity are affected by the type of cover used. The effects of UV-transparent and UV-blocking plastic films on the growth and quality of three lettuce cultivars (‘Casabella’ and ‘Vera’, which are both green leaf, and ‘Lollo Rosso’, which is red leaf) were investigated. The crop was cultivated at an altitude of 2576 m a.s.l. to naturally expose it to high ultraviolet radiation. The height and diameter of plants, fresh and dry weight, leaf area index, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf colour were determined throughout the crop cycle. Growth characteristics were not significantly influenced by the plastic film in all cultivars, probably due to the high altitude and the high solar radiation received. The UV-transparent film could increase the red colour in ‘Lollo Rosso’, and a higher commercial quality was achieved. No effect of the plastic film on the yield component was observed in the ‘Casabella’ and ‘Vera’ cultivars. The findings of this study provide guidance on what cultivar and plastic film must be used in high-altitude areas where the solar and UV radiation is high.

1975 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 497 ◽  
EAN Greenwood ◽  
P Farrington ◽  
JD Beresford

The time course of development of a lupin crop was studied at Bakers Hill, Western Australia. The aim was to gain insight into the crop factors influencing yield. Weekly measurements were made of numbers and weights of plant parts, and profiles of roots, leaf area and light interception. A profile of carbon dioxide in the crop atmosphere was taken at the time of maximum leaf area, and the net carbon dioxide exchange (NCE) of pods was estimated for three successive weeks. The crop took 10 weeks to attain a leaf area index (LAI) of 1 and a further 9 weeks to reach a maximum LAI of 3.75, at which time only 33% of daylight reached the pods on the main axis. Once the maximum LAI was attained at week 19, leaf fall accelerated and rapid grain filling commenced almost simultaneously on all of the three orders of axes which had formed pods. Measurements of NCE between pods on the main axis and the air suggest that the assimilation of external carbon dioxide by the pods contributed little to grain filling. Grain dry weight was 2100 kg ha-1 of which 30%, 60% and 10% came from the main axis, first and second order apical axes respectively. Only 23% of the flowers set pods and this constitutes an important physiological limitation to grain yield.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 428-439
K. M. Ladan ◽  
M. G. Abubakar ◽  
J. Suleiman

The Study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solid and liquid organic fertilizer on growth and yield of rosselle in 2016 cropping season at Institute of Agricultural Reserve Zaria, Samaru (11011’N 07038E and 686m) and Institute of Horticultural Research Farm Bagauda (12000’N 8031”Em 488m) in Northern Guinea Savannah and Sudan Savannah Ecological Zones of above sea level Nigeria. Treatments consisted of four levels of solid poultry manure (0.0, 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) tons/ha and five levels of liquid organic manure from Grand Total Organic Fertilizer Limited (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.9) litres/ha, which were factorially combined in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated three times. Data on growth parameter were collected on plant height (cm), plant dry weight (g), leaf Area index crop growth rate (CGR) Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and Net assimilation rate (NAR) while data on yield parameters like number of calyx per pant, 100 seed weight (g) and  calyx yield per hectare kg/ha were collected. Results showed that plant height, plant dry weight(g), 100 seed weight(g) and calyx dry yield kg/ha had a significant increase with application of 2.0 litres/ha of liquid fertilizer than other rates. While application of solid poultry manure at 3.0ton/ha significantly increases plant height, net assimilation rate, leaf area index and calyx dry weight when compared with other rates. From the results obtained, the combination of 2.0 litres/ha liquid organic fertilizer and 3.0 ton/ha solid poultry manure produce the highest calyx yield at both location.

2010 ◽  
Vol 45 (12) ◽  
pp. 1331-1341 ◽  
Homero Bergamaschi ◽  
Genei Antonio Dalmago ◽  
João Ito Bergonci ◽  
Cleusa Adriane Menegassi Bianchi Krüger ◽  
Bruna Maria Machado Heckler ◽  

The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) interception efficiency and PPFD extinction coefficient for maize crop subjected to different soil tillage systems and water availability levels. Crops were subjected to no-tillage and conventional tillage systems combined with full irrigation and non-irrigation treatments. Continuous measurements of transmitted PPFD on the soil surface and incoming PPFD over the canopy were taken throughout the crop cycle. Leaf area index and soil water potential were also measured during the whole period. Considering a mean value over the maize cycle, intercepted PPFD was higher in the conventional tillage than in the no-tillage system. During the initial stages of plants, intercepted PPFD in the conventional tillage was double the PPFD interception in the no-tillage treatment. However, those differences were reduced up to the maximum leaf area index, close to tasseling stage. The lowest interception of PPFD occurred in the conventional tillage during the reproductive period, as leaf senescence progressed. Over the entire crop cycle, the interception of PPFD by the non-irrigated plants was about 20% lower than by the irrigated plants. The no-tillage system reduced the extinction coefficient for PPFD, which may have allowed a higher penetration of solar radiation into the canopy

2013 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 869-876 ◽  
Altanys Silva Calheiros ◽  
Mario de Andrade Lira Junior ◽  
Débora Magalhães Soares ◽  
Márcia do Vale Barreto Figueiredo

Biological nitrogen fixation by rhizobium-legume symbiosis represents one of the most important nitrogen sources for plants and depends strongly on the symbiotic efficiency of the rhizobium strain. This study evaluated the symbiotic capacity of rhizobial isolates from calopo (CALOPOGONIUM MUCUNOIDES) taken from an agrisoil under BRACHIARIA DECUMBENS pasture, sabiá (MIMOSA CAESALPINIIFOLIA) plantations and Atlantic Forest areas of the Dry Forest Zone of Pernambuco. A total of 1,575 isolates were obtained from 398 groups. A single random isolate of each group was authenticated, in randomized blocks with two replications. Each plant was inoculated with 1 mL of a bacterial broth, containing an estimated population of 10(8) rhizobial cells mL-1. Forty-five days after inoculation, the plants were harvested, separated into shoots, roots and nodules, oven-dried to constant mass, and weighed. Next, the symbiotic capability was tested with 1.5 kg of an autoclaved sand:vermiculite (1:1) mixture in polyethylene bags. The treatments consisted of 122 authenticated isolates, selected based on the shoot dry matter, five uninoculated controls (treated with 0, 50, 100, 150, or 200 kg ha-1 N) and a control inoculated with SEMIA 6152 (=BR1602), a strain of BRADYRHIZOBIUM JAPONICUM The test was performed as described above. The shoot dry matter of the plants inoculated with the most effective isolates did not differ from that of plants treated with 150 kg ha-1 N. Shoot dry matter was positively correlated with all other variables. The proportion of effective isolates was highest among isolates from SABIÁ forests. There was great variation in nodule dry weight, as well as in N contents and total N.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (september) ◽  
Varshini S V ◽  
Jayanthi C ◽  

A field experiment was conducted at the Department of Agronomy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, to study the influence of sett treatment on biochemical parameters, weed parameters, physiological parameters and nutrient uptake of bajra Napier hybrid grass. The results of the experiment indicated that on biochemical parameters, sett treatment with water (12 hours soaking fb 24 hours incubation) (S1) recorded higher reducing sugars (28.89 mg/g), total sugar (34.83 mg/g) and starch content (45.83 mg/g). Whereas the lower non reducing sugar content (5.94 mg/g) and total phenolics content (1.65 mg/g) were also observed with sett treatment with water (12 hours soaking fb 24 hours incubation) (S1). Similarly, on weed parameters, significantly lower weed density (9.90 No./m2) and weed dry weight (12.92 g/m2) was recorded with sett treatment with water (12 hours soaking fb 24 hours incubation) (S1). On physiological parameters, significantly higher leaf area index (28.98), relative water content (87.85 %) was registered with water (12 hours soaking fb24 hours incubation) (S1). Among sett treatments, water (12 hours soaking fb24 hours incubation) (S1) had registered higher nitrogen (192.8 kg ha-1), phosphorus (33.0 kg ha-1) and potassium (112.9 kg ha-1) uptake.

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