scholarly journals Preliminary observations on the effect of sudden changes of temperature on survival of young Matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) under laboratory conditions

2003 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 719-722 ◽  
Sérgio Fonsêca Guimarães ◽  
Atílio Storti Filho

Matrinxã is a very promising amazonian fish for fish culture in Brazil. This study is aimed at determining the approximate tolerated temperature range in this species. Groups of ten young matrinxã specimens (15.1±0.8 cm average length and 58.3±10.3 g average weight) were subjected to 9 different temperatures for 24 hours without previous acclimation. Fish were transferred from an initial temperature of 27ºC to those ranging from 12 to 39ºC at 3ºC intervals. Both 12ºC and 39ºC temperatures were lethal for this species with 100% mortality rate. Following 2 minutes of exposure to 39ºC fish changed behavior, showing an increase in opercular movements and erratic swimming; mortality reached 100% after 18 minutes. At 12ºC, fish lost equilibrium immediately after exposure and started swimming erratically; after only 4 minutes fish became lethargic and remained immobile on the bottom of the tank. Total mortality was only evident following 24 hours. At 15ºC matrinxã lost equilibrium after 5 to 6 minutes of exposure but mortality was only 20% after 24 hours. Fish tolerated well temperatures ranging from 18 to 36ºC with 100% survival after 24 hours. This preliminary study suggests that temperatures between 18 and 36ºC are the approximate range normally tolerated by this species, although survival at other temperatures may be increased by gradually acclimating fish to the more severe increases or decreases in temperature. In addition, it indicates that matrinxã may be cultivated over a wide geographical area.

2009 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-230 ◽  
Claudenice Dei Tos ◽  
Luiz Carlos Gomes ◽  
Angelo Antônio Agostinho ◽  
Rosana Paulo Batista

In order to evaluate the fate of the migratory species dourado Salminus brasiliensis in the first years of impoundment in Corumbá Reservoir we estimated age, growth, mortality and yield per recruit. Samplings were carried out monthly in Corumbá Reservoir and its main tributaries (Goiás State) from March 1998 to February 1999 using gillnets. After one year of impoundment, age was estimated from scales and the maximum number of rings was six for males and five for females. Rings are formed annually in May and June. The asymptotic length and growth rate for males and females were 37.1 cm and 0.77 and 56.6 cm and 0.52, respectively. A dominance of juveniles was verified in the reservoir and its tributaries. The instantaneous total mortality rate (Z) was 1.59 and the annual total mortality rate (A) was 79.6%. The highest yield per recruit (1200g) and the highest average weight (1900g) were obtained in simulations with low values of fishing (F) and natural (M) mortalities. Based on the above information we describe the Corumbá Reservoir impoundment has influenced the growth of the dourado. As regards this study, we recommend that the fishing effort not be applied during the trophic upsurge period and that the monitoring of the dourado assemblage continue. Fishery programs management for this species should be carried out with subsequent monitoring involving efficient communication, realistic practices and involvement of fisher organizations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-91
Khadim Hussain Memon ◽  
Rashida Bhanbhro ◽  
Qun Liu ◽  
Tahira Jabeen Ursani ◽  
Abdul Manan Shaikh ◽  

Present work was done from Indus River, Sukkur, Sindh, Pakistan to evaluate the present stock of Cirrhinus reba Suhni (Reba carp) for first time. Since the assessment of stocks deliver the important knowledge of stocks of commercially important fish species to the fisheries managers to make better strategic plans for sustainable exploitation. Data based on length-frequency was obtained from October 2015 to March 2016, a total of 463 pairs of length-weight were measured. Minimum length was measured to 13cm, maximum length was 29cm and the average length of 17cm was measured with minimum weight of 15g, maximum weight of224g and67g was the average weight. Obtained results of length-weight relationship were R2 = 0.817, a = 0.037 and b = 2.557. Growth parameters were computed as L∞= 29.40 cm and= 0.240 year-1using ELEFAN method in FISAT computer package. Growth performance index (∅′) was calculated as ∅′ = 2.317 year-1 Total mortality Z, natural mortality M and fishing mortality F was estimated as= 0.630 year-1, M= 0.617 year-1 and F=0.012 year-1 respectively. Using (E = F/Z) the exploitation ratio was obtained as E=0.019 year-1 Current fishing mortality rate of 0.012 was smaller than the target biological reference points (Fopt) of M (0.617). While MSY was recorded as; 8.144 tonsyear-1 which showed the higher results than 0.031 tons year-1ofcurrent catch. This study concluded that the C. reba confronting poor health though the stocks found not to be overexploited in the region. Bangladesh J. Zool. 48(1): 81-91, 2020

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Puput Fitri Rachmawati ◽  
Sri Turni Hartati

Sumberdaya ikan demersal di perairan Pangandaran mendominasi hasil tangkapan sebesar 32,90 % dari total produksi ikan secara keseluruhan, pada tahun 2015 jenis ikan layur (Lepturacanthus savala) berkontribusi sebanyak 47,31 % dari total produksi ikan demersal, merupakan salah satu jenis ikan demersal yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek biologi dan parameter populasi L. savala di perairan Pangandaran. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni – Desember 2015, data yang terkumpul meliputi panjang dan berat ikan, jenis kelamin, tingkat kematangan gonad, berat gonad, serta data statistik perikanan. Analisis parameter populasi didasarkan pada data length-frequency panjang dan dilakukan dengan bantuan program FiSAT II (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assesment Tools II). Hasil menunjukkan hubungan panjang-berat bersifat alometrik negatif dengan nilai b = 2,92; nisbah kelamin jantan terhadap betina 1,0:3,2. Panjang rata-rata ikan tertangkap lebih besar dari panjang pertama kali matang gonad (L50% = 57,19 cmTL > Lm = 47,23 cmTL). Panjang asimtotik (L) sebesar 111,00 cmTL, laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,56/tahun. Selanjutnya laju kematian total (Z) sebesar 3,46/tahun, laju kematian alami (M) sebesar 0,85/tahun, dan laju kematian akibat penangkapan (F) sebesar 2,61/tahun; sehingga laju eksploitasi (E) sebesar 0,75, terindikasi kondisi fully exploited. Jika dibiarkan kondisi tersebut dapat mengarah pada recruitment overfishing. Untuk menjaga keberlangsungan kelestarian sumberdaya L. savala, pengelolaan dapat dilakukan dengan cara membatasi intensitas penangkapan, memperbesar ukuran mata jaring, dan penetapan kawasan reservat terhadap sejumlah stok induk yang memadai. The fish production in the Pangandaran waters dominated demersal fish resources by 32.90% of total landed in 2015. Savalai hairtail contributes 47,31% to total demersal fish production. This study aims to determine the biological aspects and population parameters of Lepturacanthus savala in Pangandaran waters. Data collection conducted in June - December 2015, with data collected including length and weight, sex, the maturity level of gonads, gonad weight, and fishery statistics data. Population parameter analysis based on length-frequency data was done by using FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools II (FiSAT II) program. The result shows a negative allometric growth pattern (b = 2,92) and sex ratio of male to female has a ratio of 1,0: 3,2. The average length of the fish is caught is greater than the length of the first mature gonad (L50% = 57,19 cmTL> Lm = 47,23 cmTL). Analysis of fish population parameter obtained asymptotic length (L) = 111,00cmTL, growth rate (K) = 0,56/year, total mortality rate (Z) = 3,46/year, natural mortality rate (M) = 0,85/year, catch mortality rate (F) = 2,61/year, so that the rate of exploitation (E) = 0,75, indicated fully exploited condition. If left unchecked, the condition may lead to recruitment overfishing. To maintain the sustainability of L. savala resources, management can be done by limiting the intensity of catching, maximazing the mesh size, and determining the reserved area against a sufficient number of parent stocks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 253 ◽  
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Agus Arifin Sentosa ◽  
Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih

Hiu macan (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron & Lesuer, 1822) merupakan predator puncak yang ditandai dengan sebaran yang luas dan ukurannya lebih besar.  Spesies hiu ini masuk dalam famili Carcharhinidae yang banyak tertangkap di perairan Samudera Hindia. Status konservasi jenis ini masuk dalam Daftar merah IUCN dan hampir terancam (NT) serta informasi tentang biologi khususnya parameter pertumbuhan spesies ini masih sangat terbatas.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi parameter pertumbuhan hiu macan di perairan Samudera Hindia bagian Selatan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di tempat pendaratan ikan  Tanjung Luar, Lombok Timur pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2016. Pengamatan meliputi panjang total tubuh dan jenis kelamin yang dilakukan dengan pengukuran dan pengamatan langsung secara visual di lapangan. Hasil penelitian terhadap 808 ekor ikan contoh menunjukkan bahwa kisaran panjang total untuk hiu macan (Galeocerdo cuvier)  terdistribusi pada ukuran antara 116 - 400 cmTL dengan panjang rata-rata 242,8 cm TL serta modus pada ukuran 240 cmTL. Perbandingan kelamin ikan hiu macan  jantan dan betina dalam keadaan tidak seimbang, dengan jumlah jantan lebih besar.  Estimasi panjang asimtotik (L∞) sebesar 420 cmTL dengan laju pertumbuhan (K) 0,260/tahun, laju kematian total (Z)  1,10/tahun, laju kematian alamiah (M) 0,35/tahun serta laju kematian akibat penangkapan (F) 0,75/tahun. Estimasi laju eksploitasi sudah mengarah kepada penangkapan yang berlebih (E = 0,68) oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan tindakan pengelolaan agar pemanfaatannya tetap lestari.Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron & Lesuer, 1822) were widely held in the depths of the Indian Ocean. Its conservation status was on the IUCN Red List and was near threatened (NT). The purpose of this study was to obtain the parameters of growth in the South off West Nusa Tenggara waters. The study was conducted at Tanjung Luar landing site, East Lombok in January until December 2016. The observation included total length and sex with visual measurement and observation in the field. The results of the study showed the number of 808 individues that the total length range for tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) caught in Indian Ocean waters landed on Tanjung Luar was distributed on a size between 116-400 cmTL with an average length of 242.8 cmTL and a mode at 240 cmTL. The sex ratio of male and female tiger sharks was in an unbalanced state, with larger females. Estimation of asymptotic length (L∞) of 420 cmTL with growth rate (K) 0.260 / year, total mortality rate (Z) 1.10 / year, natural mortality rate (M) 0.35 / year and mortality rate due to arrest (F) 0.75 / year. Estimation of the rate of exploitation has led to overfishing (E = 0.68) therefore it was necessary to take regulatory and management measures to ensure sustainable utilization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 1917-1920
Riffat Farrukh ◽  
Amber Naseer ◽  
Shaheen Masood ◽  
Ibrahim Shakoor ◽  
Farhina Nasir ◽  

Aim: To estimate the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and to identify causing microbiological organismsand VAP related mortality rate in children admitted to the ICU. Study design: This was a Cross-sectional and an observational study. Study place and duration: In the Pediatric department of Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi, for one-year duration from May 2020 to May 2021. Methodology: All admitted children to the pediatric ICU (PICU) and ventilated were selected and observed for any features suggestive of VAP. All suspected children have Partial septic signs. A VAP will be categorized ifchild remains on ventilator for more than 48 hours and when a patient had 2 of these signs of nosocomial infection - TLC <4,000 or> 15,000 mm3 , fever> 101 ° F, CRP> 48 mg / L, neutrophils> 85% or a new chest X-rayexhibited pneumonia withradiological sign of progressive, persistent or new infiltrates. The chi-square test was used for comparison of percentages with a value of Less than 0.05 p. Results: Of all the cases admitted, the average length of ICU stay was 8.65 ± 6.45 per day. Children who needed VAP required 14.2 ±9.5 days of ventilation and 7.5± 5.2 days for children who have not VAP progression. Of 100 cohort of children necessitating ventilation, 22 died and 2 were left without advice or serious illness, with a total mortality of 22%. Conclusion: The VAP incidence in this study was 22%. Features related with a higher incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia include age <1-year, continuous intravenous sedation and unplanned intubation in emergency situation. Features suggestive of underlying VAP encompassed, CRP> 48 mg / L, purulent tracheal secretions, positive tracheal culture of aspirate and positive X-ray results. Key words: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), Nosocomial infections,PICU and Children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 147
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Duto Nugroho

Ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus Linnaeus 1758.) dalam perdagangan internasional dikenal dengan nama mahi-mahi atau dolphinfish termasuk dalam family Coryphaenidae. Sebagai ikan pelagis, oseanik, bermigrasi jauh serta tersebar di perairan tropis dan subtropis di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji struktur ukuran dan parameter populasi ikan lemadang di Luat Sulawesi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung, Sulawesi Utara, pada Februari-Desember 2012. Data perikanan dianalisis dari rekaman data pendaratan tahunan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Bitung pada kurun waktu 2004–2014. Analisis parameter laju pertumbuhan menggunakan pendekatan pergeseran modus, sedangkan perkiraan tingkat pemanfaatan dilakukan dengan menggunakan program FISAT II. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebaran panjang cagak ikan lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus) dari sampel 4160 ekor ikan tercatat panjang minimum 30 cm FL, panjang maksimum 121 cmFL dan panjang-rata-rata 59,8 + 1,39 cm, dengan berat rata-rata sebesar 2,1 + 1,52 kg. Pola pertumbuhan bersifat isometrik dengan persamaan hubungan panjang-berat W=0,000003L3,2203 (r2=0,93). Pendugaan parameter populasi ikan lemadang di Laut Sulawesi diperoleh panjang asimtotik (L∞) = 154 cmFL, kecepatan pertumbuhan (K) = 0,75 per tahun dan umur pada saat ditetaskan (t0)= 0,25 tahun. Mortalitas total (Z) adalah 4,37 per tahun dengan mortalitas alami (M) dan mortalitas penangkapan (F) masing-masing 0,97/tahun dan 3,40/tahun. Tingkat eksploitasi (E) ikan lemadang diperkirakan sebesar 1,28. Hal ini berarti tingkat pemanfaatan ikan lemadang di Laut Sulawesi berada pada status telah tereksploitasi tinggi. Mahi-mahi or dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) are oceanic, highly migratory, and geographically exist in tropical and subtropical waters. This research aims to examine size structures and population parameter of mahi-mahi of the Celebes Sea. This research conducted in the Bitung fishing port during February to December 2012. The fisheries data from 2004 to 2014 periods used to examine the annual trend of catch landing. Growth parameters were analyzed based on length based by using modal progression analyses. The exploitation level measured by using FISAT II software. The results showed that the length distribution of fish during sampling periods ranged of 30 cmFL to 121 cmFL. The average length was 59.8 + 1.39 cm, with average weight of 2.1 + 1.52 kg. Length and weight relationship followed equation of W = 0.000003 L3, 2203 (r2 = 0.9335). Population parameters included asymptotic length growth rate (L∞) was 154 cmFL, growth rate (K) = 0.75per year and zero age (t0) was 0.25 years. The total mortality index (Z) was 4.37 per year, natural mortality (M) and fishing mortality (F) were 0.97 per year and 3.40 per year, respectively. The estimated exploitation rate (E) was 1.28 per year, this indicate that the status of mahi-mahi in the area of sampling were at moderate level.

2020 ◽  
Layanna Alves da Silva Andrade ◽  
Monica Lucia Soares Borges ◽  
Geovane Rossone Reis ◽  
Aktor Hugo Teixeira ◽  
Rebeca Oliveira Crispim da Silva ◽  

Background: The number of patients who remain on prolonged mechanical ventilatory assistance has recently increased. The average length of hospital stay intervenes directly with the number of beds essential for assistance to a given population and is weighted as an indicator of service efficiency. Objective: To investigate the average time in which patients on mechanical ventilation admitted to the emergency department of a hospital remain waiting for a place in the ICU. Materials and Methods: Quantitative field research, where data collection was performed using data from medical records, admission books, death books / outcome of hospitalized patients and in line with pre-established criteria under mechanical ventilation. Mechanical ventilation patients admitted to the ER and the ICU, over 18 years old, were recruited. Results: The research comprises a sample of 67 patients. The average hospital stay was 334 hours and 36 minutes. The general ratio was for every 03 patients who entered for treatment, 01 was discharged and 02 died. The total mortality rate of the sample was 68.65%. Conclusion: The length of stay in ER and ICU in patients on mechanical ventilation is related to the high mortality rate.

1964 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1051-1067 ◽  
K. S. Ketchen

Preliminary results of tagging suggest that the Brody-Bertalanffy growth coefficient, K, of cod in northern Hecate Strait is 0.27 and the asymptotic length, L∞, is 94.0 cm. Life span is relatively short and the fishery appears to be dependent on fish which have completed 3 and 4 years of growth. Estimates of present day instantaneous total mortality rate, based on average length of fish in the catch, range from 1.05 to 1.53 (65–78% on an annual basis) depending on fishing area and length at full recruitment. Mortality rates of 0.83 and 0.99, computed from primitive length composition, may indicate the order of magnitude of the instantaneous natural mortality rate (56 and 63% expressed as an annual rate).

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Sevi Sawetri ◽  
Subagdja Subagdja ◽  
Dina Muthmainnah

The Malayan leaf fish or locally named as kepor (Pristolepis grooti) is one of important biotic components in Ranau Lake ecosystems. This study aimed to estimate population dynamic and exploitation rate of kepor in Ranau Lake, South Sumatera. The population parameters are estimated based on length frequency data which were collected in March to October 2013. Growth parameters and fishing mortality rates were calculated using FiSAT software package. The results showed that kepor’s growth was negative allometric, which tended to gain length faster than weight. Kepor population was dominated (42%) by individual length of 10.0 to 11.0 cm. Predicted length infinity (L) was 17.28 cm with high value of growth rates (K) of 1.4 year-1. The natural mortality rate (M) is 2.57 year-1, the fishing mortality rate (F) is 5.36 year-1 and total mortality rate (Z) is 7.93 year-1. The exploitation rate of Malayan leaf fish in Ranau Lake (E = 0.68 year-1) has passed the optimum score.  

Rajesh Kumar Sinha ◽  
Asha Kiran ◽  
Vivek Kashyap ◽  
Praveen Kumar

Background: Children with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) having medical complications require immediate care at malnutrition treatment centers (MTC). Thus, it becomes important to assess the effect and treatment cost of such children in these facilities. Hence, the present study was done with these aims in two MTCs in Jharkhand, India.Methods: A retrospective record review was done of the children admitted to these two MTCs between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018. A predesigned proforma was used to collect child related information. The data collected was entered in Microsoft excel sheet and analysed.Results: Majority of the admitted children (90.6%) were in 6-23 months age group. 358 (51.5%) children were females. Only, 194 (27.9%) children admitted were SAM had any medical complication. 690 (99.3%) children were discharged of whom 499 (72.3%) were discharged after achieving the target weight. The average weight gain during their stay was 8.1±2.4 g/kg/day and average length of stay was 16.7±3.2 days. Post discharge follow up rates were found to be low and only 130 (18.8%) children completed all three follow ups. Average cost per SAM child treated was Rs. 18,599 (US$ 272) and per SAM child cured was Rs. 25,904 (US$ 379).Conclusions: MTCs are effective in managing medically complicated SAM children. However, improvements are necessary to ensure that more such children should be treated at facility level, complimented with a community based programme for managing uncomplicated SAM children to improve coverage and ensure continuum of care.

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