scholarly journals Creative Linguistic Potential of Media Language: the Word as a Multifunctional Weaving Tool

Marina Novikova ◽  
Philipp Novikov

In the age of information society the word which is often unique in its use individual and valuable on its own, reflects the phenomena of the dynamic world when it gets into the focus of journalists’ attention. It actively influences the modern people, their linguistic behavior, their systems of values and the linguistic mind. The creative character of linguistic activity of journalists is manifested in creation of new methods and instruments and the transformation of the old ones. The science of methodology which examines various aspects of media development, types, character, forms, and the impact on the society, is closely related to medialinguistics. The modern state of theoretical and empirical research of the media sphere demonstrates the relevance of linguists’ participation in the language of media in various paradigms of the academic knowledge. The article is dedicated to the creative use of words in the media space. The word is the tool leading to transformation (embroidery hoop), the material of creative alteration (linen) and the result of the active development of the language, it (fabric) is actively used to various ends, in the close interaction of emotive and manipulative functions determined by informational specifics of linguistic creativity of journalists. The research is focused on studying the powerful potential of the multidimensional aspect of the Russian language as a dynamic tool of communication capable of conveying various meanings in the dynamic world that is constantly changing. Stating that the development of the corpus linguistics reflects the rise of the interest in social and pragmatic functions of speech, including the media speech, the authors analyse the pragmatic value and the multidimensional aspect of the modem media which relies on the interdependency of its expressiveness and informative value. The authors come to the conclusion that the verbal images reflect the creative values of a journalist, their moral, political and aesthetic assessment of the world and form an integral comprehension of the information space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-160
Valentina N. Kalinovskaya ◽  

The study of the history of Russian vocabulary during a particular period makes it possible to identify dynamically developing groups of vocabulary that are united according to some principle (lexical and semantic fields, word-formation nests and types). The differential principle of forming a word list for the “Dictionary of the Russian language of the XIX century” provides such an opportunity with regard to vocabulary and phraseology related to the thematic group “journalism”. The article analyzes lexical neologisms (zhurnalizm, zhurnal’nost’, gazetnost’) from the point of view of the verbalization of concepts related to the awareness of a new socio-philosophical reality in Russian social life in the 19th century. The semantic content of the word-terms is analyzed and chronological data regarding their appearance in the Russian language are corrected. The broad lexical compatibility is considered with regard to su ch lexemes as zhurnal’nyj (zhurnal’naja kritika; zhurnal’nyje stateyki, melochi; zhurnal’nyje vykhodki, shutki, pochesti, zakidat’ zhurnal’noj gryaz’ju; zhurnal’nyj Aristarkh, zhurnal’nyj pisaka; zhurnal’nyj syshchik, zhurnal’nyje psy, plutni; zhurnal’nyj frant, shut, etc.), gazetnyj (gazetnyj mir, mirok; gazetnoje obshchestvo; gazetnyj yazyk; gazetnyje borzopistsy, gazetnyj genij; gazetnyj vodovorot, gazetnyj tovar, etc.) in the texts of 19th century Russian authors; the emphasis is placed on the special role of adjectives as markers of elements of a new social mentality, conditioned by the formation of the “media space”. The article also analyzes the linguistic facts that indicate the formation of evaluative vocabulary in this group of words (zhurnal’chik, zhurnalishko, zhurnalets; gazetka, gazetishka, gazetenka, gazetchina), which serves as an indicator of the attitude of society, as well as its individual members represented by the authors of texts to the phenomenon of new literature. The results of the analysis carried out with respect to the linguistic material presented in the article made it possible to characterize the collected facts as objective evidence of the identification of the media space in the linguistic picture of the Russian person’s world; the projection of the facts obtained in the course of this study onto the previously studied linguistic material confirms the presence in this picture of a certain matrix that organizes our ideas about the structure of social relations. The results of the analysis, which showed the productivity of using historical-lexicological and lexicographic methods in the study of actual linguistic material, can be used by researchers in various fields of the humanities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-212
Nigora Vokhidova ◽  

The article discusses the effectiveness of innovative approaches in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It is noted that the use of new methods makes it possible to take into account the knowledge already acquired by the student for studying the Russian language and developing creative skills. The role of such a form of training as group work is shown, and some methods of interactive communication between students in practical classes in the Russian language are considered

The vocabulary of a language is a variable quantity, it is constantly changing, responding to the needs of life and reflecting its new realities. The events taking place in the South-East of Ukraine since March 2014 have significantly changed the usual picture of the world of the parties involved in this conflict, led to a new interpretation of reality, the emergence of new mental constructs, objectified in the language using a number of lexical innovations, most of which fall under the definition of „hate speech”. The purpose of this article is to try to examine the impact of the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine on the emergence of lexical innovations in the Russian language, to identify ways of forming new units and their main thematic clusters. The material for the work was neoplasms recorded in electronic Russian and Russian-speaking Ukrainian mass media, as well as selected from social networks and videos. The analysis showed that in the context of the armed conflict in the South-East of Ukraine, the characteristic manifestations of „hate speech” are mainly numerous new categories-labels with a pronounced conflict potential. The priority in this regard is offensive and derogatory nominations of representatives of the opposite camp, taking into account their worldview / ideological, national / ethnic, territorial / regional characteristics. The military jargon has also undergone a significant update, incorporating not only the reactualized slangisms of the era of the Afghan campaign of 1979-89, but also lexical innovations caused by the military and political realities of the current armed conflict in the Donbas. Neologisms are formed in accordance with the existing methods in the Russian language (word formation, semantic derivation, borrowing). At the same time, non-standard word-forming techniques are also used (language play, homophony, etc.).

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-221
Leonid Michaylovich Ivshin

The article examines the vocabulary of religious-Christian content in the handwritten Russian-Udmurt dictionaries by the first Udmurt writer and outstanding scientist, educator and missionary, clergyman G. Ye. Vereshchagin. There is no exact information about the time when the manuscripts were written. One of them was presumably created at the end of the 19 - beginning of the 20 centuries, before the adoption of the Russian spelling reform in 1918, since the letter ъ is inconsistently encountered at the very beginning of the dictionary in lexemes ending in a hard consonant. Another manuscript can be dated to the period after the adoption of the Russian spelling reform, when the Cyrillic letters ѣ, ө and ъ were excluded from the Russian alphabet. The author of the manuscripts selected appropriate primordial Udmurt equivalents to words of religious content or used borrowings (mainly from the Russian language), and was guided by the following considerations: 1) he used Udmurt words that arose in the depths of paganism, which by the time the manuscripts were compiled had acquired a completely Christian meaning (Kyldysin tӧre 'Archangel'); 2) adapted concepts that had a slightly different, everyday meaning (viz sonany, gavyldyns, aldans ‘to tempt’); 3) terms without direct correspondences in the Udmurt language are often translated by a combination of words or interpretation (umoytem Inmar vyle veras ‘blasphemer’); 4) borrowed from Russian or other languages (Archirey, Arquerey ‘Bishop’). The study of the lexical and semantic features of written attestations in the context of developing the national corpus of the Udmurt language and filling it with not only absolutely new, but also to some extent forgotten and revisited elements is a very important linguistic activity. The linguistic actualization of religious vocabulary contributes to the recovery of speech assets and registers in a significant number of dictionary nominalizations by designating concepts and phenomena of the spiritual and religious sphere of the Udmurt language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-32
L. Krajčovičová

The goal of this article is to analyze the principles and methods of using the precedent semantics of literary onyms in the process of metaphorization of the high-profile international event Brexit in contemporary (2016–2021) Russian-language media discourse. The research material encompasses media discourse, from which fragments of online versions of Russian-language newspaper and journalistic texts of different genres and socio-political orientation have been selected. As an additional source of empirical material, the author uses the newspaper subcorpus of the national corpus of the Russian language, as well as the Russian-language subcorpus of the international databases Eastview and Aranea. In order to achieve the main goal of the research the author uses the method of continuous sampling, methods of corpus linguistics, methods of content analysis, as well as narrative and contextual analysis (of fragments of media discourse), linguocultural analysis of texts, methods of conceptual analysis and interpretation. Thanks to the use of methods of corpus linguistics, more than 400 contextual realizations of the use of precedent names in connotative metaphorical meaning (in connection with Brexit) have been collected and analyzed. The article presents only the most expressive and most common examples of metaphorization of precedent names when describing the discursive event of Brexit. On the basis of the analysis, the author concludes that the so-called universal-precedent phenomena (mainly of English but also European literature) prevail in the process of metaphorization compared to those of Russian literature, which are extremely rare. In the paper’s study, the author also focuses on the fact that precedent names in the process of metaphorization undergo desemanticization (simplification of the meaning) and become distinctive cultural stereotypes. Initial hypothesis that the intertextuality of the Russian media discourse has a pronounced literary-centric character is confirmed.

2021 ◽  
Yaryna Pryshliak ◽  

The article outlines the impact of negative news on the minds of recipients, describes the reasons for the audience’s demand for negative information and represents the quantitative data of destructive information in the media space of Ukraine, USA and Russia. The rapid development of communication technologies, which contributes to the creation and dissemination of the largest volumes of information in human history, and therefore negative news, explains the relevance of the chosen topic. The main objectives of the study are news headlines that appear in the feed of the Google News aggregator (regional versions of the United States, Ukraine and Russia).

2021 ◽  
pp. 287-302
T. V. Shvetsova ◽  
V. E. Shakhova

The results of the study of the chronotope in Russian-language compositions based on the novel about Robinson’s adventures are presented. The material for the work was A. E. Razin’s novel “The Real Robinson” (1860) and Lev Tolstoy’s story “Robinson” (1862). The issues of the specifics of the representation of the chronotopic in the works of Russian writers are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the appeal to the universal of the chronotope, which contains an exhaustive toolkit for the artistic embodiment of images of space and time; as well as the search for new methods of literary analysis of the text. It is shown that in the analyzed texts, a kind of fusion of Russianlanguage compositions with a foreigncultural text in the aspect of a chronotope is realized. The similarities and differences in the rethinking of the story of Robinson are shown on the example of the model of textual connexity, the national specifics of the representation of the image of Robinson are indicated. It is noted that the external and internal chronotopes are retransmitted from work to work and create the basis for the emergence of the author’s intentions. It is proved that chronotopic analysis allows one to form an idea of the peculiarities of the Russian-language interpretation of the story of Robinson.

Natalia V. Kozlovskaya ◽  
Sz. Janurik ◽  

The article analyzes the contents and reflects the growth dynamics of a representative group which comprises compound neologisms with the first component stem II (ИИ) (a Russian abbreviation for “artificial intelligence”). It is the process of language integration that plays a significant role in the formation of compound nouns with the first component stem II: the currently widespread functioning of the above-mentioned pattern as well as of similar patterns results from the impact the analytism makes upon the vocabulary and grammar of the Russian language. The research based on the analysis of the data contained in the Russian National Corpus and the “Integrum” mass media database has proved that the component stem II belongs to the most productive formants in the Russian language of the 2010s. The article displays the main tendencies in the formation of lexical paradigms of the “II-compounds” in the modern Russian language. Of special significance in a quantitative sense is the hypernym-hyponym composition of nouns containing a seme “the ability to perform the functions which have traditionally been considered a human’s prerogative”: II-advokat (artificial intelligence (AI) barrister), II-dermatolog (artificial intelligence dermatologist), II-sekretar’ (artificial intelligence secretary), II-yurist (artificial intelligence lawyer). The article also mentions the process of discourse transition of scientific terms with the first component stem II into the modern newspaper and magazine publicism. On the basis of the expert sampling analysis a conclusion is drawn in the article about the heterogeneity of the formant II and the principles of its lexicographic description are outlined which are going to be represented in the publication of annual neological dictionaries “Lexical innovations in the Russian language” recommenced at the department of Modern Russian Lexicography at the Institute for Linguistic Studies of the RAS.

N. Basko

The article discusses the changes in communication that have occurred in the Russian speech etiquette, on the example of etiquette forms of greeting. Speech etiquette is the most important element of a communicative act. Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette largely ensures success in solving communicative problems. Based on the analysis of lexicographical sources and materials of modern Russian mass media, a shift in the use of greeting forms is noted. It is expressed in the transfer of old forms of greeting to a passive stock and the emergence and active use of new forms of greeting The author concludes that the dynamics of changes in speech forms of greeting reflects the general trends in the development of the Russian language at the present stage, such as a) the active neologization; b) the influence of the English language; c) the impact of computer technology on the language.

Marta Lacková

The paper deals with lexical units of English origin that have penetrated into contemporary Russian slang with the emphasis on their morphological features. The spread of these words in the Russian language provides a scientist with a linguistically challenging material since the English and Russian languages represent typologically diverse language systems. To begin with, the research focuses on the ratio of individual word classes within the studied material together with the representation of individual grammatical genders throughout. As nouns represent the most numerous group of the adapted lexemes, the main emphasis is put on their morphological adaptation into the Russian language, and at the same time, their most common morphological features are listed. The following traits belong to the marginal ones from the point of view of word classes: an Anglicism may be a component of several word classes and the here-studied Anglicisms only exceptionally do not keep their original categorial meanings. Additionally, they display differences in onomasiological categories across the studied field. Morphological features of Anglicisms in Russian slang are the combination of Russian and English morphological aspects of individual word classes. Furthermore, words borrowed from English acquire grammatical categories typical of their corresponding counterparts in the Russian language. As a final point, most Anglicisms in the Russian slang undergo conjugation and declination processes (98,5% of instances). The possible utilization of the research is noticeable in the areas of comparative and corpus linguistics and translatology when searching for equivalents of words in typologically different languages. What is more, its results are applicable in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The whole linguistic material is investigated in the framework of the online dictionary of slang and the text corpus Russian Web 2011 (ruTenTen11) with the help of the search tool Sketch Engine. To reveal the complex sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic functioning of the Anglicisms in contemporary Russian slang, further research needs to be conducted.

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