scholarly journals Main Directions of Regulation of Intergovernmental Relations at the Subfederal Level during the Pandemic and Economic Crisis

A. B. D. Dukhani ◽  

The article shows the problems of intergovernmental relations at the subfederal level in the context of the pandemic and economic crisis. Possible risks of a decrease in revenues to the consolidated budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which can have a significant impact on the efficiency of intergovernmental relations in the implementation of national projects, are considered. The assessment of changes in intergovernmental relations between the federal center and the regions is given, on the basis of which recommendations for their improvement in difficult economic conditions are proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 44-47

In the article the author examines the problems of wide application of the bankruptcy formula. For this, many terms have been considered, in particular the definition of financial insolvency, which characterizes the weaknesses of enterprises, namely, those associated with loss of liquidity and operating losses. The results show that Altman's bankruptcy formula is easily applicable in the economic conditions of the Russian Federation and is useful for predicting financial difficulties given the established definition of financial insolvency. Due to the fact that this term combines the factors of liquidity, stability, an important component of the Altman Z-model is the factor of independence, which is aimed at solving the problems that organizations face.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 4-7
B. Kh. ALIYEV ◽  

The article examines the current state of the fiscal policy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which is a combination of diverse economic management measures based on the distribution and redistribution of financial flows. The analysis of fiscal policy on the example of the subject of the Russian Federation (Republic of Dagestan). The article outlines the problematic issues of the tax policy of the Republic of Dagestan and suggests ways to overcome the identified problems.

Yulia Myrksina

Russian society is currently going through a difficult period of economic and social transformations. This requires tremendous efforts in all spheres of public life, namely in the field of legal support for reforms, the creation of legislation that meets the new socio-economic conditions and allows for the effective protection of citizens’ rights. Social security of the population of the Russian Federation is one of the most urgent tasks in our country, among which the problem of pension provision is in the first place.

Александр Пахомов ◽  
Василий Дарбасов ◽  
Михаил Охлопков ◽  
Екатерина Федорова ◽  
Михаил Соломонов

Статья написана в связи с выходом в 2018 г. последней редакции постановления Правительства Российской Федерации «О государственных закупочных интервенциях сельско-хозяйственной продукции». Целью исследования является обоснование продвижения государственного регулирования рынка местной сельскохозяйственной продукции в виде закупочных интервенций в регионах. Проведен анализ существующих зарубежных и отечественных государственных закупочных интервенций, дано обоснование закупочных интервенций в регионе, а также выработаны предложения по продвижению закупочных интервенций с федерального центра в регионы. This article was written in connection with a September 2018 release of the latest edition of a Regulation of the Russian Fed-eration Government on government purchasing interventions of agricultural products. An aim of the authors of the article is substantiation of promotion of the state regulation of a market of the local agricultural products in the form of the purchasing interventions in regions. The authors analyzed the existing for-eign and domestic government purchasing interventions, comments on the latest version of the Regulation of the Russian Federation Government on the govern-ment purchasing interventions, the substantiation of the purchasing interventions in the region and de-velopment of proposals to promote the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions. Relevance of the promotion of the purchasing interventions from the federal center to the regions fol-lows from Russian particularity: remoteness of the regions from the center, weak regional transport infrastructure, necessity to replicate a federal technology of the state regulation of the agricultural product market in the regions of the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), repeated attempts were made to create compensation funds of the regulation of agricultural product prices. However, in the region there is no full-fledged intervention fund effectively influencing sales of the agri-cultural products. Consequently, in conditions of the Republic, where a shortage of the agricultural products, raw materials and food is acute, implementation of the commodity intervention is the neces-sary condition for the regulation of the agricultural market. For the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in our opinion, it is advisable to carry out the commodity interventions concerning beef, meat of young horses, venison, fish, dairy products, game, fruits of wild plants and even for rough and succulent fodder for livestock. The latter are relevant due to droughts and floods that regularly occur in a area of the region. Manufacturing costs of the local products will always be higher than the ones of imported food, given the harsh natural and climatic conditions, the remoteness of agricultural commodity producers from the sale markets in the conditions of absence of the transport infrastructure. In this regard, the prices of the local products should be regulated by the state in order to support the local producers. Obviously, the government regulation should not replace market functions or impede operation of its laws. Its main task is to mitigate undesirable consequences of manifestations of market power. One of the main regula-tory methods is the commodity intervention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-8
A.M. Abakarov ◽  
Sh.Sh. Shamkhalov ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 677-694
Agnieszka Piekutowska ◽  
Monika Fiedorczuk

Research background: A series of changes towards the greater openness to the influx of foreign labour force made in recent years in the Russian Federation prompts for analysis of immigration to this country as adopted solutions in the field of the migration policy affect other regions of destination (e.g. EU). Liberalisation of access of migrants to the Russian labour market is a part of a wider problem: competition (on an international scale) for an influx of foreign labour force. In this context, it is worth examining how the crisis which affected the Russian economy influenced the scale of immigration to Russia from the main sending countries, i.e. the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to show the impact of the crisis which affected the Russian economy in recent years on the scale of immigration from the CIS countries to Russia. The main hypothesis is as follows: the factor explaining immigration from the CIS countries to Russia is the difference in the level of income measured by GDP per capita (PPP) between the sending state and the country of destination. Such studies have not been undertaken so far and, due to the role of factors inherent in the concept of post-imperial migration, it becomes relevant to examine whether the factors shaping migration (including the differences in the level of income) recognised in the neoclassical theory of migration are important in explaining the flows in this area. Methods: In order to check the relationship between immigration and the economic crisis in Russia, the analysis of correlation and regression was used. Findings & Value added: It has been shown that despite the decline in GDP in Russia, immigration from the CIS countries to Russia is not decreasing. Therefore, it is a dependence different from the assumptions of the neoclassical economy according to which the reduction of differences in the level of income between the sending state and the country of destination reduces the scale of international migrations. As it has been shown, the scale of migration to Russia may not be explained by the difference in the level of GDP per capita in all CIS countries and, inter alia, political factors, conflicts or naturalisation processes become more important in shaping the scale of migration to Russia.

Elena V Levkina ◽  
Zhanna I Lyalina ◽  
Ekaterina A Kurasova

The financial stability of a company is one of the most important criteria for assessing the situation of enterprises both for the current period and for subsequent periods of functioning. Of course, every enterprise wants to have business liquidity, otherwise the basis of entrepreneurship collapses; however, the purpose of doing business is to make a profit. An enterprise can make good profits, but at the same time have large liabilities, that is, debts. In this case, it is difficult to call the company financially stable. The onset of the economic crisis in the Russian Federation only prompts the conduct of such studies. Firstly, because it is necessary to understand how the situation in the country's economy as a whole affects a single enterprise, and secondly, what the prerequisites for this influence can be noticed in advance and how to try to prevent them. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that today in Russia there are a number of difficulties with assessing the status of organizations and their adequate comparison with reality. There are many different methods for assessing the financial condition and, in particular, the financial stability of a company. However, when choosing one of them, it is necessary to consider them in order to identify the shortcomings of their application to certain market conditions. Identification of these disadvantages of different theories will allow us to competently and reliably analyse the financial condition of various companies. It is also worth noting that this topic is relevant not only for the companies themselves. The presence of positive dynamics of financial stability indicators as an integral part of the financial condition of the enterprise is one of the most important bases of investment attractiveness. Therefore, not only a company itself is interested in such studies in the inside, but also other market entities from the outside.

Василий Алексеевич Рудаев

В статье анализируются правовые и организационные аспекты профилактики побегов из колоний-поселений. Автор акцентирует внимание на недостатках и трудностях в обеспечении контроля и надзора за осужденными-поселенцами. Это связано с тем, что нормы пенитенциарного законодательства наделяют осужденных значительным объемом льгот в период отбывания наказания в колониях-поселениях. Отсутствие вооруженной охраны, наличный оборот денежных средств, свобода передвижения по территории колонии, использование труда осужденных на отдельных объектах в пределах субъекта Российской Федерации по месту дислокации учреждения обуславливают невозможность обеспечения должного надзора. В указанных условиях традиционные формы надзора и контроля мало результативны. Автор аргументирует эффективность использования инновационных технических средств контроля и надзора за осужденными, содержащимися в колониях-поселениях, для профилактики побегов. Однако данный вид контроля невозможно осуществлять без внесения изменений в законодательство. На основании изучения нормативной базы, регламентирующей индивидуальную профилактику правонарушений в пенитенциарных учреждениях, а также рекомендаций практических работников, автор делает вывод, что действующие нормы не отвечает современным реалиям. Автор обосновывает расширение круга подучетных лиц, с одновременным увеличением юридического значения профилактического учета посредством закрепления возможности использования технических средств контроля и надзора за ними. The article analyzes the legal and organizational aspects of the prevention of escapes from the settlement colonies. The author focuses on the shortcomings and difficulties in the government of control and supervision over convicted settlers. This is due to the fact that the norms of the penitentiary legislation endow convicts with a significant amount of benefits during the period of serving their sentences in settlement colonies. The lack of armed guards, cash circulation of funds, freedom of movement across the territory, the use of convicts' labor at certain facilities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the location of the institution make it impossible to ensure proper supervision. Under these conditions, the forms of supervision and control are not very effective. The author argues the effectiveness of the use of innovative technical means of control and supervision over convicts held in settlement colonies for the prevention of escapes. However, this type of control cannot be carried out without amending the legislation. Based on the regulatory framework governing the individual prevention of offenses in penitentiary institutions, as well as the recommendations of practitioners, the author concludes that the current application of the measure does not correspond to modern realities. Use of technical means of preventive control over them.

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