A Review of Shahriar's Persian Divan Words

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 1111
Mojtaba Shoaei

The main objective of this study is to review the vocabulary reservoir of Shahriar's Divan linguistically. He has spent a lot of time on creating literary style. His works still maintain its artistic effects. His literary speech still interests every reader to be curious about the history of the evolution of literary form of Persian language. As this is the first study that has been done in the field of the vocabulary reservoir of Shahriar's Persian Divan, Persian Philology categories have been fully presented, the verbal and semantic characteristics of Persian vocabulary reservoir are reflected. Throughout the divan, synonyms have a distinctive feature. Other categories of words such as antonyms, kinds of figures of speech, allusions, simile, metaphor, bilingualism are of important subjects. Selection of the appropriate rhymes is evident in Divan. Shahriar's Divan has also been reviewed linguistically by studying its meaningful examples of poetry. In this study, the volumes published in 2006 have been used. Selecting proper rhymes is evident in Divan. Using antonyms creates various positions and occasions in stylistics.

Rachel Sykes

What does it mean to describe a novel as ‘quiet’? The quiet contemporary American novel defines the term as an aesthetic of narrative that is driven by reflective principles. While, at first appearance, ‘quiet’ seems a contradictory description of any literary form, because it risks suggesting that the novelist has nothing to say, this book argues that the quiet of the novel is better conceived as a mode of conversation that occurs at a reduced volume than as the failure to speak. The quiet contemporary American novel then makes two critical interventions. First, it maps the neglected history of quiet fictions and argues that from Hester Prynne to Clarissa Dalloway, from Bartleby to William Stoner, quiet characters fill the novel in the Western tradition. As a phrase, ‘the quiet novel’ also has a long and untraced history, dating back 150 years. Throughout its long history, many critics have used ‘the quiet novel’ as a phrase that dismisses and derides the work of writers whose novels seem disengaged from the ‘noise’ of their wider society. The quiet contemporary American novel finally takes up the long referred to idea of quiet fiction to ask what it means for a novel to be quiet and, through discussion of a diverse selection of contemporary writers including Marilynne Robinson, Teju Cole, and Lynne Tillman, asks how we might read for quiet in an American literary tradition that critics so often describe as noisy.

Didier Debaise

Process and Reality ends with a warning: ‘[t]he chief danger to philosophy is narrowness in the selection of evidence’ (PR, 337). Although this danger of narrowness might emerge from the ‘idiosyncrasies and timidities of particular authors, of particular social groups, of particular schools of thought, of particular epochs in the history of civilization’ (PR, 337), we should not be mistaken: it occurs within philosophy, in its activity, its method. And the fact that this issue arises at the end of Process and Reality reveals the ambition that has accompanied its composition: Whitehead has resisted this danger through the form and ambition of his speculative construction. The temptation of a narrowness in selection attempts to expel speculative philosophy at the same time as it haunts each part of its system.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 127-137
Tatsiana Hiarnovich

The paper explores the displace of Polish archives from the Soviet Union that was performed in 1920s according to the Riga Peace Treaty of 1921 and other international agreements. The aim of the research is to reconstruct the process of displace, based on the archival sources and literature. The object of the research is those documents that were preserved in the archives of Belarus and together with archives from other republics were displaced to Poland. The exploration leads to clarification of the selection of document fonds to be displaced, the actual process of movement and the explanation of the role that the archivists of Belarus performed in the history of cultural relationships between Poland and the Soviet Union. The articles of the Treaty of Riga had been formulated without taking into account the indivisibility of archive fonds that is one of the most important principles of restitution, which caused the failure of the treaty by the Soviet part.

2018 ◽  
pp. 66-70
F. D. Nasirova

Causes of spinal pain are extremely varying. Sex composition of patients referring with spinal pain at the age of 16 to 35 was 35% and 65% for males and females, respectively. Peak number of complaints was observed in 30-40 years age group of highest work ability. The followings should be considered as precautions in spinal pain: onset of pain at the age of 20 and after 50, family history of oncologic diseases, walking disorders or dysfunctions of sphincters, numbness in extremities, general malaise and rapid loss of weight, pain at rest and primarily at night, as these conditions may be a warning of underlying serious disease. Selection of algorithm for radiologic investigation is decided by the treating physician.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1128-1136
Olga V. Bershadskaya ◽  

The article studies features of socio-economic and socio-political development of the Black Sea village in 1920s. Documents from the fond of the Black Sea District Committee (Obkom) of the RCP (b) -VKP (b) stored in the Center for Documentation of the Modern History of the Krasnodar Krai allow not only to reconstruct the developments in the Black Sea village in the NEP days, but also to understand the nature of its evolution. Uniqueness of the Black Sea village was greatly determined by its geographical environment. There had formed a sectoral makeup of agricultural production: fruit-farming, viticulture, tobacco growing. Rugged relief forced peasants to form holdings or farms; therefore rural communities were rare. Its another distinctive feature was its motley national composition. Over 50 ethnic groups inhabited the district, among most numerous were the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Armenians, and the Greeks. In the first years of the NEP, the main tasks facing district authorities were to develop ‘high-intensity’ industries and to shape local peasant farms into food base for cities and resorts. While tackling these tasks, they had to deal with shortages of land and poor communications and to bring lease relations and work-hands employment up to scratch. The situation was complicated by socio-political inertia of rural population of the district that came from the absence of community tradition. Study of the documents from the fond of the Black Sea party obkom shows that local authorities were well aware of the peculiarity of their region, but in most cases had to follow guidelines set ‘from above’ to introduce all-Russian standards.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (6) ◽  
pp. 126-137
Tatyana G. Korneeva

The article discusses the problem of the formation of philosophical prose in the Persian language. The first section presents a brief excursion into the history of philosophical prose in Persian and the stages of formation of modern Persian as a language of science and philosophy. In the Arab-Muslim philosophical tradition, representatives of various schools and trends contributed to the development of philosophical terminology in Farsi. The author dwells on the works of such philosophers as Ibn Sīnā, Nāṣir Khusraw, Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Aḥmad al-Ghazālī, ʼAbū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī and gives an overview of their works written in Persian. The second section poses the question whether the Persian language proved able to compete with the Arabic language in the field of science. The author examines the style of philosophical prose in Farsi, considering the causes of creation of Persian-language philosophical texts and defining their target audience. The article presents viewpoints of modern orientalist researchers as well as the views of medieval philosophers who wrote in Persian. We find that most philosophical texts in Persian were written for a public who had little or no knowledge of the Arabic language, yet wanted to get acquainted with current philosophical and religious doctrines, albeit in an abbreviated format. The conclusion summarizes and presents two positions regarding the necessity of writing philosophical prose in Persian. According to one point of view, Persian-language philosophical works helped people who did not speak Arabic to get acquainted with the concepts and views of contemporary philosophy. According to an alternative view, there was no special need to compose philosophical texts in Persian, because the corpus of Arabic philosophical terminology had already been formed, and these Arabic terms were widely and successfully used, while the new Persian philosophical vocabulary was difficult to understand.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (152) ◽  
pp. 92-99
S. M. Geiko ◽  
O. D. Lauta

The article provides a philosophical analysis of the tropological theory of the history of H. White. The researcher claims that history is a specific kind of literature, and the historical works is the connection of a certain set of research and narrative operations. The first type of operation answers the question of why the event happened this way and not the other. The second operation is the social description, the narrative of events, the intellectual act of organizing the actual material. According to H. White, this is where the set of ideas and preferences of the researcher begin to work, mainly of a literary and historical nature. Explanations are the main mechanism that becomes the common thread of the narrative. The are implemented through using plot (romantic, satire, comic and tragic) and trope systems – the main stylistic forms of text organization (metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, irony). The latter decisively influenced for result of the work historians. Historiographical style follows the tropological model, the selection of which is determined by the historian’s individual language practice. When the choice is made, the imagination is ready to create a narrative. Therefore, the historical understanding, according to H. White, can only be tropological. H. White proposes a new methodology for historical research. During the discourse, adequate speech is created to analyze historical phenomena, which the philosopher defines as prefigurative tropological movement. This is how history is revealed through the art of anthropology. Thus, H. White’s tropical history theory offers modern science f meaningful and metatheoretically significant. The structure of concepts on which the classification of historiographical styles can be based and the predictive function of philosophy regarding historical knowledge can be refined.

Reumah Suhail

The paper addresses the different aspects of the politics of immigration, the underlying factors that motivate, force or pressurize people to move from their country of origin to new abodes in foreign nations. In the introduction the paper discusses different theories playing their due role in the immigration process, namely Realism and Constructivism. The paper examines the history of immigration and post-World War II resettlement followed by an analysis of how immigration policies are now centered towards securitization as opposed to humanitarianism after 9/11, within the scenario of globalization. Muslim migrant issues and more stringent immigration policies are also weighed in on, followed by a look at immigration in regions which are not hotspot settlement destinations. Lastly an analysis is presented about the selection of a host country a person opts for when contemplating relocation; a new concept is also discussed and determined whereby an individual can opt for “citizenship by investment” and if such a plan is an accepted means of taking on a new nationality.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (42) ◽  
pp. 38
Lucas Labigalini Fuini

Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é reconhecer, através de uma seleção de autores e obras, as características principais da abordagem territorial na Geografia brasileira desenvolvida desde fins dos anos 1970, quando se reconhece um verdadeiro interesse na sistematização e no conhecimento teórico sobre o conceito em nossa ciência. No perpassar por autores, objetiva-se identificar a crescente multidimensionalidade e transescalaridade que o conceito adquire nos seus conteúdos e aplicações e a mudança de sentido explicativo que assume no avançar dos anos 2000.Palavras-chave: Território. Territorialidade. História do pensamento. Político. Geografia brasileira. THE APPROACH TO THE TERRITORY IN AUTHORS OF THE BRAZILIAN GEOGRAPHY: MUTATIONS OF A CONCEPTAbstract: The purpose of this article is to recognize, through a selection of authors and works, the main features of the territorial approach in the Brazilian Geography developed since the late 1970s, when it recognizes a real interest in the systematization and theoretical knowledge about the concept in our science. In pervade by authors, aims to identify the increasing multidimensionality and transescalarity that the concept gets in their content and applications and the change in explanatory sense that assumes in advance the years 2000.Keywords: Territory. Territoriality. History of thought. Political. Brazilian geography. EL ENFOQUE SOBRE EL TERRITORIO EN AUTORES DE GEOGRAFÍA BRASILEÑA: MUTACIONES DE UN CONCEPTOResumen: El objetivo de este artículo es reconocer, a través de una selección de autores y obras, las características principales del abordaje territorial en la Geografía brasileña desarrollada desde fines de los años 1970, cuando se reconoce un verdadero interés en la sistematización y en el conocimiento teórico sobre el concepto en nuestra ciencia . En el traspaso por autores, se objetiva identificar la creciente multidimensionalidad y transescalaridad que el concepto adquiere en sus contenidos y aplicaciones y el cambio de sentido explicativo que asume a lo largo de los años 2000.Palabras-clave: Territorio. Territorialidad. Historia del pensamiento. Político. Geografía brasileña.

Jenny Davidson

This chapter explores the broad cultural transition from drama to novel during the Restoration period, which triggered one of the most productive periods in the history of the London stage. However, when it comes to the eighteenth century proper, the novel is more likely to be identified as the century's most significant and appealing popular genre. The chapter considers why the novel has largely superseded drama as the literary form to which ambitious and imaginative literary types without a strong affinity for verse writing would by default have turned their attention and energies by the middle of the eighteenth century. Something important may have been lost in the broad cultural transition from drama to novel. This chapter, however, contends that many things were preserved: that the novel was able to absorb many of the functions and techniques not just of Restoration comedy but of the theatre more generally.

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