Anthropology in Disability Research and Rehabilitation

1992 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-5 ◽  
Laura Krefting ◽  
Nora Groce

People with disabilities make up a significant part of the human family, with estimates of their numbers ranging from the tens to the hundreds of millions worldwide. One highly regarded estimate places the number of significantly disabled individuals—people with serious hearing, vision, mobility, or cognitive impairments—as high as one in every ten persons. Nor are these impairments recent in origin. Any review of written or oral history, or archaeological skeletal population, large or small, allows us to identify many individuals for whom a physical or mental impairment played a significant role in daily life.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-224
Bilge Deniz Çatak

Filistin tarihinde yaşanan 1948 ve 1967 savaşları, binlerce Filistinlinin başka ülkelere göç etmesine neden olmuştur. Günümüzde, dünya genelinde yaşayan Filistinli mülteci sayısının beş milyonu aştığı tahmin edilmektedir. Ülkelerine geri dönemeyen Filistinlilerin mültecilik deneyimleri uzun bir geçmişe sahiptir ve köklerinden koparılma duygusu ile iç içe geçmiştir. Mersin’de bulunan Filistinlilerin zorunlu olarak çıktıkları göç yollarında yaşadıklarının ve mülteci olarak günlük hayatta karşılaştıkları zorlukların Filistinli kimlikleri üzerindeki etkisi sözlü tarih yöntemi ile incelenmiştir. Farklı kuşaklardan sekiz Filistinli mülteci ile yapılan görüşmelerde, dünyanın farklı bölgelerinde mülteci olarak yaşama deneyiminin, Filistinlilerin ulusal bağlılıklarına zarar vermediği görülmüştür. Filistin, mültecilerin yaşamlarında gelenekler, değerler ve duygusal bağlar ile devam etmektedir. Mültecilerin Filistin’den ayrılırken yanlarına aldıkları anahtar, tapu ve toprak gibi nesnelerin saklanıyor olması, Filistin’e olan bağlılığın devam ettiğinin işaretlerinden biridir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHPalestinian refugees’ lives in MersinIn the history of Palestine, 1948 and 1967 wars have caused fleeing of thousands of Palestinians to other countries. At the present time, its estimated that the number of Palestinian refugees worldwide exceeds five million. The refugee experience of Palestinians who can not return their homeland has a long history and intertwine with feeling of deracination. Oral history interviews were conducted on the effects of the displacement and struggles of daily life as a refugee on the identity of Palestinians who have been living in Mersin (city of Turkey). After interviews were conducted with eight refugees from different generations concluded that being a refugee in the various parts of the world have not destroyed the national entity of the Palestinians. Palestine has preserved in refugees’ life with its traditions, its values, and its emotional bonds. Keeping keys, deeds and soil which they took with them when they departed from Palestine, proving their belonging to Palestine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Lijun Chen ◽  
Fang-Fang Yan ◽  
Shuhan Fan ◽  
Yifan Wu ◽  
Jia Yang ◽  

AbstractLight, one of the key environmental components for both life and work, played significant role in subjective feelings (e.g. affect and comfort), but the exact effects and mechanisms were still to be determined. The present study screened thirty healthy adults (13 females, 22.45 ± 3.26 years) and examined subjective affect and comfort under short-term white lights with different combination of correlated color temperature (CCT) and illuminance at different times of day (e.g. morning, afternoon, and evening). Our results showed a significant interaction between illuminance level and time-of-day on subjective comfort. Participants felt more comfortable under 50 lx and 100 lx instead of 500 lx in the evening, and more comfortable under 500 lx in the morning and afternoon. In addition, a positive correlation between illuminance and comfort in the morning and a negative correlation between them in the evening were found. No significant effect of CCT on any subjective feeling was revealed. Our results necessitate the consideration of time-of-day in understanding lighting effects and application of healthy lighting in daily life.

2021 ◽  
Jan Thomas Meyer ◽  
Selina Weber ◽  
Lukas Jäger ◽  
Roland Sigrist ◽  
Roger Gassert ◽  

Abstract Background: Advanced assistive technologies (AAT) aim to exploit the vast potential of technological developments made in the past decades to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities. Combining complex robotic technologies with the unique needs of people with disabilities requires a strong focus on user-centered design to ensure that the AAT appropriately addresses the daily life struggles of target users. The CYBATHLON aims to promote this mindset by empowering the AAT target users (“pilots”) to compete on race tracks that represent daily life obstacles. The objective of this work was to investigate the influence of the CYABTHALON on AAT technology development, acceptance, and user involvement (i.e., application of user-centered design).Methods: With an online survey targetting the pilots and technical leads of teams preparing for the CYBATHLON 2020 Global Edition, we investigated to what extent the pilots were involved in device development and how this influences the perceived daily life usability of the showcased AAT. Furthermore, the effects of user-centered design variables on the individual race performances were analyzed.Results: A total of 81 responses from 35 pilots and 46 technical leads were collected in the two weeks prior to the event. Of all teams partaking in the included disciplines of the CYBATHLON 2020 Global Edition, 81.8% (36 of 44) were included in the study. User-centered design appeared to be a prevalent practice among the teams, as 85.7% of all pilots reported a certain level of involvement. However, only 25.5% of the pilots reported daily life usage, despite QUEST usability scores of both respondent groups showing moderate to high satisfaction with the respected AAT across all investigated disciplines. An explorative linear mixed model indicated that daily life usage (p < 0.05) and prolonged user involvement (e.g. more than 2 years, p < 0.001) have a significant positive effect on the race performance at the competition.Conclusions: We conclude that the CYBATHLON positively fullfills its conceptual goals of promoting active participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in the design and evaluation of AAT, thereby stimulating the development of promising novel technological solutions. Also, our data could underline the value of the competition as a benchmark, highlighting remaining usability limitations or technology adoption hurdles.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Małgorzata Bogaczyk-Vormayr

This short working paper is my first attempt to present my concept analysis of relation between the poverty experiences – e.g. childhood suffering by war and migration background, daily life suffering by starvation, abuse, racism etc. – and the process of self-understanding and resilience with the help of an oral history or literature (non-fiction as much as fiction novels). I reflect Wilhelm Dilthey’s opinion about the distinction between autobiography and Self-biography, and I present the Self-biography as a right way to concretize the themes of poverty and exclusion.

2007 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-140
Andjelija Ivkov ◽  
Igor Stamenkovic

Since the academic year 2001/2002, the programme of studies at the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Industry has been adjusted to the requirements of the Bologna Declaration. All the exams, including optional subject Animation in Tourism, during the studies are organised into one-semester exam, and obligatory student’s intership has been introduced. Animation in tourism with it's animation programmes, introduces very important segment in touristic offer of one destionation. In this way tourists are able to feel local atmosphere. Also, that is an original instrument to oblige them to have a significant role in creating the ’’genius loci’’. In the most hotels and restaurants, on a famous destinations, authentic food is served to guests in the course of animation programmes. The programme should be enriched with the folkloric caracteristics of one nation, which we want to represent to visitors. The main goal of this essay, with theory asppects and concrete examples, is to point out the importance of animation, as a considerable factor and new trend in a process of promoting the hotel product.

Laura G. Ritenburg

Poverty is disproportionately experienced among men and women. Gender plays a significant role when examining the effects and problems that poverty poses. While poverty can be experienced in differing extremes, it is women who suffer higher poverty rates in almost all societies (Christopher et al.). It is people with disabilities, recent immigrants, and racialized men and women who face additional disadvantages and “all of these groups have extremely high rates of low income and, in all of them, women are the most vulnerable” (Townson). In this paper I discuss how the ‘feminization of poverty’ has created a situation where the number of women in poverty far outnumbers that of men, and how the discourse of feminized poverty is directly affected by the processes and structures of social exclusion. I argue that gender significantly influences the experience and response to urban poverty in Canada through unequal caregiving responsibilities, the dynamics that surround pay inequality, and inadequate government programs.

2013 ◽  
pp. 332-343
Eva Holmqvist ◽  
Margret Buchholz

Technical aids can contribute towards improved health and satisfaction in life by giving the user increased possibilities for participation in a number of areas of daily life. Assessing people with disabilities that affect their motor, communication and cognitive skills can be a complex matter. The result of an assessment might be the user’s only way of independent activity and communication. This stresses the importance of making high quality assessments. This chapter discusses the prerequisites, structure and key elements of a successful gaze control assessment.

2022 ◽  
pp. 310-342
Ruža Tomić

People with disabilities, who represent a significant part of the population of today's world, are still on the margins of social goods and values because of the attitudes of people who are not. Although, in earlier social eras, they were observed mainly from the point of view of social possibilities of existence, the appearance of significant world documents, and affirmations on the labour market, these attitudes changed somewhat. Nevertheless, in many countries of the world, the upbringing and education of children and young people with disabilities is burdened with numerous difficulties and problems. This chapter will help students, professionals, and others interested in these problems to get to know them and thus enrich their cognitive, emotional, social, and work competencies that may be needed to work with them. It will help them in practical application at all levels of their education, which will contribute to strengthening positive attitudes towards inclusion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-106
Emma Henderson ◽  
Nicole Shackleton ◽  
Stephanie Falconer

While there has been much recent controversy relating to the abusive treatment of young prisoners and the failure of the State to properly facilitate the rehabilitation and reformation of young detainees, little attention has been paid to similar failures in relation to prisoners with cognitive impairments. In this article, we argue that Article 10.3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 26 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities require Australia to ensure that the conditions of detention of all prisoners are primarily reformative and rehabilitative. Analysing relevant jurisprudence, we argue that Australia is systematically failing to meet its human rights obligations to prisoners found ‘not guilty’ by reason of mental impairment.

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