Anastasija Smoļakova

Deindustrialization has been an important process in transforming the urban regions in Central and Eastern Europe. In Daugavpils, there is a long history of industry dated back to the 19th century. The massive deindustrialization of the 1990s caused increased concentrations of brownfield localities within the city. Previous studies have demonstrated that the geographic location of urban brownfields is an important factor affecting brownfields regeneration. The aim of the current study is to explore the characteristics of the brownfield sites and their spatial patterns in the city of Daugavpils. The analysis is based on a data obtained during the fieldwork. The results presented in this paper depends on survey of 61 brownfield sites in Daugavpils. Majority of local brownfields are abandoned buildings previously used for industrial and commercial activities and unevenly distributed within the city. Higher number of brownfield regeneration have been detected in densely built-up areas close to the inner-city areas, while lower rates were found for areas with low population density at the periphery of the city. The findings also suggest that urban brownfield regeneration increases the attractiveness and livability of a particular locality.

Екатерина Александровна Мельникова

Статья посвящена истории бытования мезенской росписи - зооморфного орнамента, использовавшегося с начала XIX в. мастерами д. Палащелье Архангельской губ. для декорирования деревянных изделий, и в первую очередь прялок. В центре внимания находится судьба мезенской лошадки - главного символа палащельской росписи, ставшего в XXI в. основой локального бренда в г. Мезени и его окрестностях. В работе рассматривается история палащельского промысла, включая трансформацию его социального, экономического и культурного значений на протяжении XX-XXI вв. Прялка - главный носитель мезенской росписи - перестала выполнять свою утилитарную роль, став объектом семейной памяти и культурной ценностью, связанной с локальной идентичностью местных жителей и художественным значением, определяемым экспертами-профессионалами. Вследствие этих перемен, а также миграций населения из деревень в города прялки с мезенской росписью стали ассоциироваться с покинутой малой родиной и деревенским миром в целом, вызывая к жизни особую форму чувствительности, требующей специальных навыков понимания, толкования и любви к мезенской росписи. Как показано в работе, два режима восприятия мезенской лошадки - семейной памяти и эстетической ценности - тесно взаимосвязаны, определяя эмоциональную привязанность и популярность этого элемента традиционной росписи среди современных жителей г. Мезени и Мезенского района. This article concerns the history of the Mezen horse, a zoormorphic ornament from the village Palashchelye in the Mezen Region of Arkhangelsk Province. From the beginning of the 19th century it has been used by craftsmen to decorate wooden items, especially spinning wheels. In the beginning of the present century the Mezen horse became the symbol of Palashchelye painting and the main local brand for the city of Mezen and its environs. The article examines the history of Palashchel crafts and discusses the transformation of its social, economic and cultural significance during the 20th and 21st centuries. The spinning wheel, the main bearer of Mezen decoration, has ceased to fulfill a utilitarian role, becoming instead a focus of family memories and cultural value, interpreted both in terms of local identity and artistic significance. As a result of this change, as well as the migration of the population from villages to cities, spinning wheels with Mezen painting began to be associated with one’s abandoned birthplace and the rural world in general. This has given rise to a special kind of sensitivity that entails special skills of interpretation as well as love. Two different modes of such sensibility are discussed in the article - the mode of family memory and the mode of esthetic value - that are interwoven, endowing the Mezen horse with emotional meaning and broad popularity among the modern urban inhabitants of Mezen and its environs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12-3) ◽  
pp. 250-258
Mahomed Gasanov ◽  
Abidat Gazieva

The article is devoted to the analysis of the historiography of the history of the city of Kizlyar. This issue is considered in the historical context of the Eastern Caucasus. The author analyzes the three main theoretical concepts of the problem concerning Russia’s policy in the region, using the example of the city of Kizlyar in the context of historiography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-145
Sema Tuba Özmen ◽  
Beyza Onur

Architecture, which is associated with the practice of producing space, has always rendered the powers and ideologies visible. This study investigates the government houses in the 19th century Ottoman State with regard to the notions of power and ideology and focuses on the Government House of Safranbolu. It is known that, in the specified period, government houses were important ideological interventions to urban space. This study aims to address the ideological context of the Safranbolu Government House, which is positioned with the ideal of the state. Based on this, first, the urban history of Safranbolu was examined. The importance of Safranbolu Government House in the history of the city, its relationship with the city, its ideological message to the city-dwellers and its architectural style were analyzed through a method based on archival research. All government houses of the period are the artifacts of urban-spatial structures and their architectural style as well as a shared ideology. Safranbolu Government House, which is one of the structures symbolizing the Ottoman State, was also built with a similar ideological consideration. Thus, the readability of the dominant ideology through the production style of Safranbolu Government House, one of the final period architectural artifacts of the Ottoman State, was verified.

2020 ◽  
pp. 277-328
Reda Griškaitė

JAŠIŪNAI MANOR AS A SPACE FOR WRITING LITHUANIAN HISTORY The aim of this article is to discuss the Jašiūnai manor (Pol. Jaszuny; Russ. Яшуны; Vilniaus Governorate, Vilnius County), owned by the historian, journalist, poet, translator and collector Michał vel Michał Wincenty Feliks Baliński (1794–1864). The manor will be discussed not only as a cultural hub for intellectuals in a general sense, but also as a unique space for writing Lithuanian history. The term “space” is understood here in the broad sense, as of the manor—as well as in the more narrow sense, as of the library itself (the historian’s office). Especially important for this research was the latter concept of a “space within a space”, the “historian’s workshop”, and its epicenter—the archive (manuscript collection). The aim of the research was to reconstruct the story of the emergence and fate of this collection of documents including its contents, sources, and most importantly its thematic direction and distinctiveness. The research showed that the largest collection of historical documents once housed in the archive of the Jašiūnai manor library is now kept in the Jagiellonian Library (Krakow). This material remains important to the history of the city of Vilnius, Vilnius University, and Lithuania’s academic history. Supplementary elements include attention to the Radvila family, the period of Steponas Batoras’s rule, and the history of the Szubrawcy (rascals) Society. This last component can be considered as an integral part not only of the history of Vilnius city but also of its university. The dual nature of the Jašiūnai archive is not necessarily an asset. When the library and archive of Jan vel Jan Chrzciciel Władysław Sniadecki vel Śniadecki (1756–1830) was transferred to the manor, Baliński’s own collection, which initially focused on the history of Lithuanian cities and Szubrawcy Society (especially of the latter), wound up relegated to the background. Keeping in mind the “competition for libraries” among the intellectual manors of Lithuania in the first half of the 19th century as they sought to distinguish themselves, it is very possible to conclude that the former University rector’s installment in the manor can today be viewed as a “historical error”. Thus Jašiūnai lost some of its playfulness and distinctiveness in the context of other intellectual manors of that time. The situation would have been different if the Auszlawis (such was Balinski’s pseudonym in the Szubrawcy Society) collection had been associated not with Jan Sniadecki, but rather with the documentary legacy of Sotwaros (i.e. Jędrzej Sniadecki vel Śniadecki [1768–1838]), especially his documentation of the Szubrawcy. All the more so since the egodocuments of Balinski suggest the idea that its real hero was not Sniadecki the Elder, but Sniadecki Jr. Analysis of the Balinski archival collection only confirmed that which was shown by the previously executed so-called common biographical research of this historian and lord: he was relegated to the background by circumstances. That is to say, relegated to a life lived in the shadow of Jan Sniadecki’s personality and to the importance of the Szubrawcy ideology, especially in the early and last periods of his life. The Jašiūnai document collection housed in the Manuscripts Department of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences shows that the latter circumstance was fully understood by Tadeusz vel Tadeusz Stanisław Wróblewski (1858–1925) and his peers. From here stems another “archival” conclusion regarding the uniqueness of the Wroblewski Library in our cultural and historical geography. The circumstances surrounding the transferral of the document collection from Jašiūnai remain unclear to this day, however it is very likely that Baliński’s will and testament was not taken into consideration. This shows that the owner of Jašiūnai did not have a Continuator for his work, and this can be seen in the ad te ipsum fragility of the collection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1-1
John J. Swab

<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> Fire insurance maps produced by the American firm the Sanborn Map Company have long served as cartographic guides to understanding the history of urban America. Primarily used by cultural and historical geographers, historians, historic preservationists, and environmental consultants; historians of cartography have little explored the history of this company. While this scholarship has addressed various facets of Sanborn’s history (Ristow, 1968), no scholarly piece has explored the lived experience of being a Sanborn surveyor. This lack of scholarship comes not from any significant oversight but rather from the fact that the contributions of most Sanborn surveyors were anonymous and little recorded on the maps themselves. Moreover, the company itself has done little to save its own history, thus little is known of their individual stories and experiences. The exception to this is perhaps the most famous Sanborn surveyor of all: Daniel Carter Beard.</p><p>Over the course of his nine-decade life, Daniel Carter Beard held several prominent positions including the co-founder of the Boy Scouts of America and the lead illustrator for many of Mark Twain’s novels. However, he got his start as a surveyor for the Sanborn Map Company in the 1870s, just a few years after its founding. His papers, housed at the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress, includes a variety of ephemera from his time with the Sanborn Map Company.</p><p>Trained in civil engineering, Beard got his start as a surveyor for the Cincinnati (Ohio) Office of Platting Commission, creating the first official plat map for the city. He was hired by Sanborn in 1874 and served as a surveyor until 1878, traveling extensively over the eastern half of the United States, parlaying his skills into creating fire insurance maps for Sanborn. Thus, this paper speaks to two main themes. The first theme traces the route of Beard during his early years with the company across the eastern half of the United States, documenting both the places he visited and the challenges he faced as a Sanborn surveyor. The second theme, interwoven through the paper, is an analysis of the innerworkings of Sanborn’s administrative structure and its relationship with the larger fire insurance market during the 1870s. Altogether, these documents present unique insight into the organization of the Sanborn Map Company and how it produced its maps during the second-half of the 19th century.</p>

Urban History ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-332 ◽  

ABSTRACT:This article examines the decisive role of the pneumonic plague epidemic of 1904 in re-shaping the racial geography of Johannesburg after the South African War. The panic which this epidemic evoked swept away the obstacles which had blocked such a step since 1901 and saw the Indian and African inhabitants of the inner-city Coolie Location forcibly removed to Klipspruit Farm 12 miles outside of the city as a health emergency measure. There, the latter were compelled to remain, even after the epidemic had waned, making it henceforth the officially designated site for their residence. In 1963, now greatly expanded, it was named Soweto. From small germs do mighty townships grow.

Porta Aurea ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 244-268
Dominika Piluk

Gdansk architecture of last decade of 20th century by all means tried to reconnect to the Gdansk architectural tradition, especially the glorified 19th-century German/ Gdańsk Renaissance. The essay aims to present a preliminary analysis of the phenomenon strongly present in the Gdańsk architectural discussion in the nineties: the phenomenon of reconstruction. The city’s architectural achievements of the 19th-century were reinterpreted. Moreover, not only did architects in democratic Poland have to face a new economic situation, but also the need to emphasize the departure from the visual form imposed by the communist system, which, particularly in Gdańsk, took a form of historicism. The complex history of the city, preserved in its architecture, had a huge impact on the aesthetics of buildings designed during the transformation period. Tis thorough introduction is aimed to show commitment to the great tradition of the harbour city, which often resulted in neglecting innovations and modern architectural standards, these forced by the diffcult times of the economic change, as well as the concept of the city’s identity. The article focuses on the examples of buildings erected after 1989, as well as the public opinion debate, which jointly attempted to emphasise the mythical greatness of old Gdańsk.

GeoTextos ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Rodrigo Lima Santos ◽  
Fabrizia Gioppo Nunes

Este trabalho ressalta aspectos importantes do processo formativo da cidade de Imperatriz, considerada a segunda maior cidade do estado do Maranhão, situada na região nordeste brasileira. Como objetivo central elege-se a discussão e a análise do processo de ocupação da cidade, na elaboração de um modelo teórico que permita aglutinar esse entendimento. Assim, propõe-se que tal processo seja entendido mediante a abordagem das frentes de ocupação, dos estágios evolutivos e da sucessão das atividades econômicas. Como resultado, a abordagem permitiu identificar que, no histórico de formação da cidade, houve três estágios importantes e distintos, respectivamente pelas características: “exploratória”, “desenvolvimentista” e, atualmente, a “consolidação”, todos compostos por atividades comerciais distintas, configuradoras dos estágios econômicos. Abstract IMPERATRIZ DO MARANHÃO: PROPOSITION FOR THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROCESS OF OCCUPATION AND CONSOLIDATION OF THE CITY This work highlights important aspects of the formative process of the city of Imperatriz, considered the second largest city in the state of Maranhão, located in the northeast region of Brazil. A central objective is the discussion and analysis of the process of occupation of the city, in the elaboration of a theoretical model that allows to agglutinate this understanding. Thus, it is proposed that this process be understood through the approach of occupation fronts, evolutionary stages and succession of economic activities. As a result, the approach allowed to identify that in the history of formation of the city, there were three important stages and distinguished, respectively by the characteristics: “exploratory”, “developmental” and now “consolidation”, all composed by distinct commercial activities, economic conditions.

Guida Marques

The city of Salvador da Bahia was founded in 1549 under the name of São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos (Holy Savior of the Bay of All Saints). But it was known as the city of Bahia between the 16th and 19th centuries. This major Atlantic port city developed by exporting sugar and tobacco to Europe and beyond and importing slaves from Africa. It was also the capital of Portuguese America until 1763. We cannot really separate the history of the city and that of its hinterland, one of the most prosperous plantation economies in the Atlantic world. It was the plantations of the Recôncavo that made Bahia one of the major slaveholding regions in the Americas and the interaction between the city of Bahia and its hinterland was constant. Nonetheless, this article focuses on the urban setting. Salvador da Bahia was a Portuguese colonial city, built on land of the Tupinambá people, which brought together a multiethnic community made up of European, indigenous, and African populations. It was a cosmopolitan city despite itself, whose development was closely linked to slavery and slave trade. It was a place of mutual influence and deep reconfiguration, where mixing was both obvious and problematic. The society of Bahia was based on exclusion and negotiated forms of integration, influenced by the Portuguese imperial framework. It was a complex slave society, whose transformation between the 16th and the 19th centuries cannot be understood without taking into account the several Atlantic dynamics. Slavery reached its peak during the Brazilian imperial regime, being kept untouched after independence, and the dynamics of the city remained deeply tied to the slave trade, whether illegal or interprovincial. This persistence of slavery through the 19th century raises the question of the traditional chronology of the history of Brazil, whose colonial period would end with independence. This article encompasses both colonial and imperial periods and offers a wide historiographical overview on Salvador da Bahia. The historiography of Bahia has been extensively devoted to slavery history and slave populations. Historians have long been interested in black urban slavery and its specificities, highlighting the complexity of the society of Salvador da Bahia and the strength of the interactions that took place there. In recent years, scholars have explored new perspectives, by taking the path of micro history and collective biographies. They have examined in depth the multiple connections between Bahia and different African regions, which involved different agents and social groups. By focusing on the South Atlantic, they have experimented with approaches beyond the imperial framework and have made a major contribution to Atlantic studies. The political perspectives were also renewed, emphasizing the strength of local powers and the interactions between local and imperial strategies. The indigenous history of the region of Bahia is also experiencing a significant revival. We thus intend to emphasize recent works and ongoing research on Salvador da Bahia.

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