scholarly journals O Entendimento dos Estudantes de Enfermagem Acerca do Processo de Morrer e Morte

Maria Elizabeth Da Costa Felipe Santiago ◽  
Eliza Mendonça de Carvalho ◽  
Renata De Lima Pessoa

A morte é o fenômeno através do qual é posto fim a vida. Esse cenário remete aos seres humanos comportamentos emocionais diferentes, seja no indivíduo que está morrendo ou em seus familiares. No espaço hospitalar, a morte remove seu aspecto sagrado e de finitude e os profissionais de saúde assumem os cuidados com esse processo. Entretanto, ao contrário do que se possa imaginar, nem sempre esses profissionais estão aptos a lidar com esse processo. Tendo em vista que o profissional da Enfermagem vivencia, diariamente, os conflitos entre a morte e a vida, muitas vezes, este sai despreparado da graduação, receoso com o momento de lidar com essa dualidade. Assim, este estudo tem por objetivo compreender a visão dos acadêmicos de Enfermagem de uma Universidade privada do município de Natal, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, quanto ao entendimento dos mesmos sobre o tema morte e o morrer, trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, exploratória com abordagem quantitativa, que foi realizada em uma Universidade Privada do Município de Natal. A população entrevistada foi de 125 alunos do nono e décimo períodos, que responderam a um questionário. Nas respostas, 53% dos acadêmicos entrevistados já presenciaram algum óbito durante as práticas curriculares e 51% afirmam estar preparados para informar notícias difíceis. Em relação a estudar sobre a tanatologia na graduação, 98% dos alunos considera importante. Mediante o estudo, conclui-se  que as respostas obtidas pelos participantes, o resultado foi surpreendente, pois se esperavam respostas negativas a respeito da preparação do graduando quanto à temática, pelo fato de não terem na grade curricular a disciplina tanatologia, e mesmo que as respostas tenham sido intermediárias se retomam as questões com a certeza de que não foi  concluído, visto que as respostas  motivaram para a inquietante discussão sobre o processo de morte e morrer. Palavras-chave: Morrer. Formação. Estudantes de Enfermagem. AbstractDeath is the phenomenon through which life is terminated. This scenario reminds humans of different emotional behaviors, whether in the individual dying or in their family members. In the hospital space, death removes its sacred and finitude aspect  and health professionals take care of this process. However, contrary to what can be imagined, these professionals are not always able to deal with this process. Considering that the Nursing professional experiences daily the conflicts between death and  life, often, the same is not prepared during the undergraduate degree , and are thus  of the moment to deal with this duality. Thus, this study aims to understand the view of Nursing students of a private University of the city of Natal in the state of Rio Grande do Norte regarding their understanding of the subject of death and dying; this is a descriptive research, an exploratory study with a quantitative approach that was carried out at a Private University of the Municipality of Natal. The interviewed population was 125 students from the ninth and tenth periods who answered a questionnaire. In the responses, 53% of the interviewed students had already witnessed death during the curricular practices and 51% said they were prepared to report difficult news. In relation to studying on the tanatology in the undergraduation degree 98% of the students considers important. Through the study, it is concluded that the answers obtained by the participants, the result was surprising, since negative answers were expected regarding the student’s preparation on the subject, because they did not have in the curriculum of tanatology, and even if answers were intermediate, it is returned  to the questions with the certainty that it was not, since the answers motivated the disturbing discussion about the  death and dying process. Keywords: Die. Formation. Nursing students.

Irina Stanislavovna Morozova ◽  
Evgeniia Aleksandrovna Medovikova ◽  
Daria Nikolaevna Grinenko ◽  
Anastasiia Evgenevna Kargina

The actual problem of our time at the enterprises of the Kuzbass coal industry is the moment of ensuring the psychological security of the employee's personality. Psychological security is a fairly broad concept that includes many components and is exposed to various factors [2]. The aim of the study is to consider the importance of self-regulation of the individual as a condition for ensuring the safety of the subject of professional activity. The following methods and techniques were used in the study: The method "Style of self-regulation of behavior" by V. I. Morosanova; Test "Meaning-life orientations" by D. A. Leontiev; Questionnaire by H. Zachera and M. Freze "Professional time perspective of the future". The research is based on the development and testing of the technology of psychological and pedagogical influence in the form of reflexive seminars, which allows to increase the level of awareness of self-regulation of subjects of professional activity.

Francesca Romana Ficorilli

One of the most complete definitions of Trauma describes it as an "extreme, unsustainable and inevitable threatening experience, in the face of which the individual experiences a sense of helplessness", an event outside the range of usual human experiences, which overwhelm the normal human capacity for adaptation. A modern and current understanding of the concept of Trauma occurs with Bowlby, which places it for the first time in a "relational" context. He argues that the way people react in adverse life situations, particularly to a traumatic event, depends on the type of attachment that has been established between the child and his attachment figures (AFs). The concept of "child abuse and neglect" includes different forms of violence against children, ranging from verbal abuse to rape. Law 66 of 15 February 1996 introduced specific rules on child sexual abuse, in particular the way of listening to children in order to collect good testimony. The theory that today represents the point of reference for most research on the accuracy of memory in testimony, considers memory a "reconstructive" process, and is the result of the interaction between interpretation that is given by the subject in the coding phase, recovery of clues based on the general knowledge possessed by the subject and the context in which it is in the moment in which it must remember. Loftus' studies on false memories affirm that eye witnessing, however bona fide it may be, can be completely unreliable because there are many distortions of memory. The problem of suggestibility in memory is not so much that the momentary account can be modified, but that a distortion of the original episode of what is represented in memory of the event in question takes place, which, from that moment on, will be irreversibly modified. The therapeutic crisis support is the first phase of the therapeutic work following the abuse and has as its privileged recipients the victim and the adult who takes care of them. Currently, a trauma-focused therapy such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), an evidence-based psychotherapy approach, is used, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the elective therapy for the treatment of PTSD and several psychopathologies related to traumatic events, including sexual abuse. Not only because the victims of abuse could in turn perpetrate the cycle of abuse, but also so that victimisation is not considered an unchangeable characteristic of the person.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 58-62
Graciele Massoli Rodrigues ◽  
Maria Da Consolação Gomes Cunha Fernandes Tavares

O presente ensaio tem como objetivo trazer à luz a questão da individualização no processo de ensino no espaço da Educação Física para portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Ressaltamos que é no momento em que se discuti a inclusão dos portadores de deficiência numa sociedade excludente e que caminha para a globalização/ é que emerge a carência de reflexão sobre o indivíduo concreto/ historicamente construído e diluído nas relações que se findam e permeiam o cotidiano. The present rehearsal has as objective to bring to the light the subject of the individualization in the teaching process in the space of the Physical Education for carriers of special educational needs. We stood out that is in the moment in that if l discussed the inclusion of the deficiency carriers in a society excludente and that walks for the globalization it is that the reflection lack emerges on the individual concrete/ historically built and diluted in the relationships that if complete and they permeate the daily.

E. S. Studenikina ◽  

Workers’ faculties (rabfak) began their work to help the workers and the poorest countrymen in gaining necessary knowledge for admission to higher educational institutions. The article examines the moment of the rabfak establishment from the point of view of students who wrote to the authorities. The analysis of letters helps us trace milestones in students’ lives, such as entering workers’ faculties, studies, graduation, along with the related problems. Most of the letters to the authorities dealt with the students’ personal problems and their involvement into getting proper education, without considering systemic issues, such as inefficient learning in some institutions or the lack of students with a certain specialization. Students’ letters also help us look more closely at the problems of rabfak students, especially since those letters are rarely allocated into individual cases; much more often they are mixed with the appeals of students and/or other citizens to certain authorities. Partially, the topics contained in the letters were the subject of a wide public discussion of the 1920s (overload of educational and social work, difficult living conditions, the need to work additionally, etc.); others concerned the individual situation of a particular student: transfer to another university for family reasons, disappointment in the profession, etc. The letters give an idea not only about the peculiarities of studying at the workers’ faculty, but also about the student life of that time, relations between students, and the perception of the higher education system by young people as well

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 66
Beatriz Lourenço Mendes ◽  
Gabriel Ferreira da Silva ◽  
Felipe Nóbrega Ferreira

Este trabalho se dedica ao estudo dos elementos que ocasionaram a invisibilização do trabalho das mulheres na pesca artesanal. Para tanto, realiza-se uma análise da legislação pesqueira brasileira desde o momento do reconhecimento institucional das Colônias, por meio da inscrição marítima, em 1846, até a década de 1990, apontando quem era considerado o sujeito de direitos da pesca perante o Estado neste período, se homem ou mulher. Também se analisa a dupla jornada de trabalho das mulheres como elemento determinante para a falta de reconhecimento profissional destas. As principais fontes bibliográficas utilizadas foram as legislações pertinentes ao assunto e cadernetas de registro de pesca da Colônia Z-1, na cidade de Rio Grande, bem como a literatura científica sobre o tema. Em última instância, a pesquisa busca apontar que, não obstante a participação histórica da mulher pescadora e da trabalhadora da pesca na cadeia produtiva da pesca, ainda hoje estas enfrentam dificuldade para o reconhecimento profissional e para a aquisição de direitos sociais decorrentes do labor na atividade pesqueira.Palavras-chave: Pesca Artesanal, Invisibilização, Gênero AbstractThis work is dedicated to the study of elements that caused the invisibility of women's work in artisanal fishing. To this end, an analysis of Brazilian fisheries legislation is carried out from the moment of the institutional recognition of the colonies, by maritime registration, in 1846, until the 1990s, pointing out who was considered the subject of fishing rights before the State in this period. period, whether male or female. It also analyzes the double workday of women as a determining element for their lack of professional recognition. The main bibliographic sources used were the pertinent legislation and fishing logbooks of Colony Z-1, in the city of Rio Grande, as well as the scientific literature on the subject. Ultimately, the research aims to point out that, despite the historical participation of fisher women and fishing workers in the fisheries production chain, they still face difficulties for professional recognition and the acquisition of social rights resulting from labor in the activity fishing.Keywords: Artisanal Fishing, Invizibilization, Gender 

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 45-49
Graciele Massoli Rodrigues ◽  
Maria Da Consolação Gomes Cunha Fernandes Tavares

O presente ensaio tem como objetivo trazer à luz a questão da individualização no processo de ensino no espaço da Educação Física para portadores de necessidades educacionais especiais. Ressaltamos que é no momento em que se discuti a inclusão dos portadores de deficiência numa sociedade excludente e que caminha para a globalização/ é que emerge a carência de reflexão sobre o indivíduo concreto, historicamente construído e diluído nas relações que se findam e permeiam o cotidiano. The present ensay has as objective to bring to the light the subject of the indívidualization in the teaching process in the space of the Physical Education for carriers of special educatíonal needs. We stood out that is in the moment in that if I díscussed the inclusion of the deficiency carriers in a society excludente and that walks for the globalization it is that the reflectíon lack emerges on the individual concrete, historically built and diluted in the relationships that if complete and they permeate the daily.

2020 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Mirko Ostojić ◽  
Đorđe Stefanović

The subject of this research is the individual respiration constant calculated based on the respiratory musculature breathing equation. This non-experimental observation conducted on a sample of students from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Belgrade (N=30). The measurement aimed at the acquisition and analysis of the average power of the surface electromyography signal (sEMG) in the protocols before and after prolonged respiratory retention. The results of the research showed that the individual coefficient of control break (Cp) represents a unique characteristic of the respiratory muscles of the subjects. In a relatively trained sample of young people of both sexes, it determined that after holding their breath, until the moment of the so-called "stroke" (progression of respiration to adapt to a stressful situation), recovery time has a linear course and is directly related to the engagement of the monitored respiratory muscles of the subjects, i.e., indirectly the capacity of the individual to assimilate O2 from the inhaled air. In the practical meaning of this research, we emphasize that individual results can be correlated with the equation of respiration of respiratory muscles, to find out and approach the original method for the presented personal respirational constant.

Erick Gonçalves ◽  
Egberto Ribeiro Turato

Introduction: Studies on procrastination are increasing, studies are aimed at university students, as it is the population that most procrastinates their daily activities, especially academic ones. Most studies fail to explain existing conflicts on the subject, suggesting that there are futures with a qualitative focus, where the researcher is closer to the phenomenon, with no research on the topic with OT students. Objective: To explore and research explanations reported by occupational therapy students at a private university in southeastern Brazil about the behavior of procrastinating schoolwork, considering themselves self-reported as "procrastinators" Methods: Clinical-qualitative design; data collected through in-depth semi-structured findings with open questions; a thematic analysis generated categories discussed in the light of the psychodynamic framework Results: Seven OT students were interviewed and, according to the results of the analysis: procrastination linked to anxiety as productivity, but without the executive drive, imprisoning the individual in a vicious cycle of procrastination; defense mechanisms linked to self-preservation so as not to assume responsibility for tasks and other adversities of adult and university life; ineffective methods are tried by students to try to avoid procrastination, but without resolving the emotional and psychodynamic conflicts related to the activity. Conclusions: Students' procrastination ambivalently affects their daily lives, both positively and negatively, although everyone reported the phenomenon as negative. These studies can contribute to thinking about the clinic in the context of health and education. Therefore, we suggest studies that explore meanings brought by students and even other categories for comparative purposes.

Rev Rene ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 817
Mariana Costa Matos ◽  
Darci De Oliveira Santa Rosa ◽  
Karla Ferraz Dos Anjos

Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of nursing students about the dysthanasia as a process of human intervention in terminally ill patients. Methods: a qualitative study with 28 nursing students from a public higher education institution. Data analysis of the interviews was through thematic content analysis. Results: it was found that most students do not understand the meaning of dysthanasia, though living with situations involving this practice in their training. Those who defined the term described it as the excessive prolongation of life or death suffered from much pain, aggressive treatment that only prolongs the process of dying. Conclusion: it was evidenced that nursing students have insufficient knowledge of the dysthanasia and it is necessary to broaden the discussion spaces during the graduate course and conduct studies on the subject relating it to the death and dying process, for the preparation of future health professionals.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Guilherme Pavan Machado ◽  
José Carlos Kraemer Bortoloti

Resumo: A crescente Judicialização chama atenção ao passo que denuncia a inefetividade das políticas públicas, bem como impacta no entendimento do tribunal referente à demanda judicial pleiteada. Indubitavelmente, o direito fundamental à saúde é objeto de um contingente considerável da Judicialização, muito em razão do préstimo deficiente das instituições. Sabe-se que o direito à saúde tem previsão constitucional e infraconstitucional, atribuindo a responsabilidade ao Estado para sua realização por meio de políticas públicas e programas de governo. Contudo, a via administrativa-executiva estatal encontra dificuldades na efetividade desse direito a todos os indivíduos, na verdade não atende satisfatoriamente a população. Diante desse cenário, a alternativa subsidiária torna-se a Judicialização da pretensão, ou seja, o cidadão, objetivando a tutela do seu pleito à saúde busca-o na prestação jurisdicional. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo delinear o direito fundamental à saúde no entendimento do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, especificamente nas demandas de pleito de medicamentos. Por meio da pesquisa qualitativa técnica de revisão bibliográfica e do estudo de julgados no TJRS, utilizando do método fenomenológico-hermenêutico, buscar-se-á delinear o entendimento do referido tribunal, em grau de apelação, referente ao fornecimento judicial de fármacos pelo Estado, como forma de compreender quais são as variantes que direcionam o (não) deferimento da pretensão judicial do indivíduo e como o direito à saúde se apresenta neste cenário jurisprudencial.Abstract: The increasing judicialization calls attention to the step that denounces the ineffectiveness of public policies, as well as impacts on the court's understanding regarding the lawsuit filed. Undoubtedly, the fundamental right to health is the subject of a considerable contingent of judicialization, largely because of the inadequate facilities of the institutions. It is known that the right to health has constitutional and infraconstitutional foresight, assigning responsibility to the State for its fulfillment through public policies and government programs. However, the state administrative-administrative route finds difficulties in the effectiveness of this right for all individuals, in fact does not satisfactorily serve the population. In view of this scenario, the alternative alternative becomes the judicialization of the claim, that is, the citizen, aiming to protect his claim to health seeking it in the jurisdictional provision. In this sense, the present work aims to outline the fundamental right to health in the understanding of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, specifically in the lawsuits for drug litigation. Through the qualitative technical research of bibliographic review and the study of judgments in the TJRS, using the phenomenological-hermeneutic method, it will be sought to delineate the understanding of said court, in degree of appeal, regarding the judicial supply of drugs by the State, as a way of understanding which are the variants that direct the (non) deferment of the judicial claim of the individual and how the right to health presents itself in this jurisprudential scenario.

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