scholarly journals Kontribusi Kualifikasi Guru dan Sarana Prasarana terhadap Kegiatan Pembelajaran dan On the Job Training Serta Dampaknya pada Soft Skill Siswa Kelas Industri

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (10) ◽  
pp. 1293
Syaiful Efendi ◽  
Ahmad Dardiri ◽  
Agus Hery S. Irianti

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi antara kualifikasi guru dan sarana prasarana terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran, pengaruhnya terhadap <em>on the job training </em>siswa dan <em>soft skill</em> siswa, dan OJT siswa terhadap <em>soft skill</em> siswa kelas industri di SMK Jawa Timur. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode survei dengan rancangan penelitian korelasional yang dikembangkan dengan model struktural. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 203 guru yang mengajar di kelas industri TBSM di 19 SMK Jawa Timur. Pengumpulan data di angket. Data dianalisis deskriptif dan <em>structrual equation modeling</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara kualifikasi guru terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran kelas industri; (2) ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara sarana prasarana terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran kelas industri; (3) ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara kegiatan pembelajaran terhadap OJT siswa kelas industri; (4) ada kontribusi yang siginifikan antara kegiatan pembelajaran terhadap <em>soft skill</em> siswa kelas industri; (5) ada kontribusi yang signifikan antara OJT terhadap <em>soft skill</em> siswa kelas industri di SMK Jawa Timur.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> This study aims to determine the contribution between teacher qualifications and infrastructure on learning activities, their influence on students 'on the job training and soft skills, and OJT students on industrial soft students' skills in East Java Vocational Schools. The research approach used is quantitative with survey methods with correlational research designs developed with structural models. The sample used was 203 teachers who taught in the TBSM industrial class in 19 East Java Vocational Educaion. Data collection in questionnaires. Data were analyzed descriptively and structural equation modeling. The results of the study show that (1) there is a significant contribution between teacher qualifications to industrial class learning activities; (2) there is a significant contribution between infrastructure facilities for industrial class learning activities; (3) there is a significant contribution between learning activities towards OJT industrial class students; (4) there is a significant contribution between learning activities on soft skills of industrial students; (5) there is a significant contribution between OJT on industrial soft skills of students in East Java Vocational Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-106
Dyah Ayu Pradnya Paramitha ◽  
Nizwardi Jalinus

The goal of this research was to know contribution between exogenous variable to the endogenous variable. Exogenous variable was practical of production unit (X1), soft skill (X2), and on the job training (X3), whereas endogenous variable was student’s competency (Y) and work readiness (Z). This research used quantitative approach with survey method. The research population was students in the Culinary Study Program at Batam Tourism Polytechnic. Sample in this research was 122 respondents that determined by using proportional random sampling technique. Data collection technique used questionnaire and documentation, data analysis technique that used in this research was path analysis. Test in the path analysis was divided into two groups, simultaneously and individually. The research result showed that there was significant contribution between practical experience of production unit, soft skill, and on the job training to the student competence for 99%, and significant contribution between practical experience of production unit, soft skill, on the job training, and student competence to the work readiness for 99,2%.

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Kun Aniroh

Globalization opens up the chances for students of hotel studies to have on-the-job training at hotels abroad with the duration of six months up to one year. At the first three months the students got difficulties in using their English and get less interaction and appropriate behavior because in a hotel abroad there are many staffs from many countries using English with different accents and different cultures. Such environment triggered students to learn English with a particular strategy that lead them to improve their English and their soft skills convincingly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-145
I Gusti Bagus Sindu Martha Nugraha ◽  
Ni Wayan Sitiari ◽  
Putu Ngurah Suyatna Yasa

Employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment, and creativity possessed by employees used to work. This study aims to determine the effect of soft skills and hard skills on employee performance with work motivation as a mediating variable in the Clinical Marthalia Skincare Denpasar. The population in this study were all employees who worked at Marthalia Skincare Clinic in 2019. The sampling method used in this study was the census method, thus, the number of samples in this study was 32 employees of the Marthalia Skincare Clinic in Denpasar. The research data is primary data that are the results of questionnaire data given to employees of the Marthalia Skincare Clinic Denpasar. Testing the hypothesis of this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results showed that: (1) Soft Skill had a positive effect on work motivation. (2) Hard Skill has a positive effect on work motivation. (3) Soft Skill has a positive effect on employee performance. (4) Hard Skill has a positive effect on performance. (5) Work motivation has a positive effect on performance. (6) motivation is a partial mediation between soft skills and performance. (7) work motivation is not a mediation between hard skills and performance. It is recommended to further researchers to examine other mediating variables that affect the relationship between hard skills and employee performance.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-9
Sukardi ◽  
Ahmad Eko Suryanto ◽  
Ratna Pancawati

At present days stakeholders require the graduates who have the technical skills (Hardskill) as well possess the soft skills. The Hardskills are just not sufficient to deal with the qualification of employers in the real-world of workplace, but need to be equipped with soft skills in order to shape the integrated capabilities as needed by users. To form the student’s soft skills can be implemented through the coaching program in formal learning activities and extracurricular activities. The softskill development of students is necessary to be achieved with concrete efforts, namely: 1) the existence of policies that legalize the implementation of soft skill based on the extracurricular activities in each education unit; 2) systematic and planned soft skills development program; and 3) the softskill dissemination is carried out synergistically involving all parties.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Muhdi IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Senowarsito IKIP PGRI Semarang ◽  
Listyaning S.

AbstractLife-skills education is an educational model that builds hard skills and soft skills in an integrated way. Strengthening students' soft skills will strengthen the hard skills and vice versa. Characterized person is one who is able to keep upright the soft skills and hard skills as an attitude and a behavior in society. Child Friendly Teaching Model (CFTM) is a model that will build life skills to deal with four pillars of the Child Rights Convention, namely non-discrimination, best interests of the child; the rights to life and development; the right be heard and express its views, by strengthening of 3Ps (Provision , Protection, and Participation). This model endorses children to be met early in the child's rights to live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity. Life skills education can be done through: 1) habituating in the school and classroom environment, 2) manipulating the content of the materials, 3) correcting and reinforcing behavior, and 4) manipulating the learning activities. Learning activities that have a nurturing effect on building character are collective, interactive, cooperative, and reflective learning with respect to children's rights through the strengthening of 3Ps.Key Words: Life Skills, Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Character Education, CFTMAbstrakLife-skills education adalah model pendidikan yang membangun hard skills dan soft skills secara terintegrasi. Penguatan soft skill siswa akan menguatkan hard skillsnya demikian juga sebaliknya. Orang yang berkarakter adalah orang yang mampu menyeimbangkan soft skill dan hard skills dalam bersikap dan berperilaku dalam masyarakatnya. Child Friendly Teaching Model (CFTM) adalah sebuah model pendidikan yang akan membangun kecakapan hidup siswa dengan meperhatikan empat pilar. Konnvensi Hak Anak yaitu non-diskriminasi; kepentingan terbaik bagi anak ; hak untuk hidup dan berkembang; hak untuk mengemukakan pendapat, melalui penguatan 3P (Provision, Protection, dan Participation). Melalui model ini, anak sejak dini diharapkan akan terpenuhi hak hak anak agar dapat hidup, tumbuh, berkembang dan berpartisipasi secara optimal sesuai dengan harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan. Pendidikan kecakapan hidup dapat dilakukan melalui: 1) pembiasaan di lingkungan sekolah dan kelas; 2) memanipulasi isi materi; 3) penguatan dan koreksi perilaku; dan 4) memanipulasi aktifitas pembelajaran. Aktivitas pembelajaran yang mempunyai nurturing effect terhadap pembentukan karakter adalah aktivitas pembelajaran yang bersifat kolektif, interaktif, kooperatif, dan reflektif dengan memperhatikan hak-hak anak melalui penguatan 3P.Kata Kunci: Life Skills, Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Pendidikan Karakter, CFTM

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 79-87
Suresh Gautam

The paper aims to show the importance of soft skills of the undergraduate urban youth who are preparing their career within Nepal or abroad.  Youth in city pursue formal education from colleges and university in Nepal. After the completion of undergraduates, they prepare themselves for the job market. In this line, I argue that those youth who have not developed their soft skills struggle much to find out a job. It also increases the urban poverty and unemployment.  I employed ethnographic research approach to explore everyday life activities of urban youth showing their preparedness of career. In doing so, I am telling credible, rigorous, and authentic stories of those undergraduate urban youth who are preparing their career in Kathmandu. The research is carried out in Kathmandu with four young research participants who are going to appear their final semester examination of undergraduate level in Management stream from a private college of Kathmandu.  Two of them  have just started working in companies and two of them are searching  jobs.  Applying the soft skill perspective the paper explores the situation of undergraduate youth in Kathmandu who theoretically learned about some soft skills in colleges and university during their academic hours but they hardly practiced in working environment.  The research explores that it is not enough to deliver theories of soft skills in the classroom rather  practice for youth who are going to start their career in the city.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Zuhri Saputra Hutabarat

This study aim to find out the soft skill attributes of students, soft skills based on devices from 2015 to 2017, soft skills based on gender, and soft skills based on student origin. The method uses a survey research approach with a population of all Economics Education FKIP Jambi University students in the class of 2015, 2016 and 2017. The respondents as sampled was 180 people. As for the results: 1) The soft skills attributes that the students have overall are very good with a Relative Frequency of 63.91%. 2) The ability of student soft skills from class, 2015, 2016 and 2017 is very good with an absolute frequency of 36 and a relative frequency of 69.23% and Soft Skills Ability Student devices have increased from 2015 to 2017. 3) Student's Soft Skills based on gender were found that women were higher than men with very good average abilities with results of count 25 for men and women count 122. 4) Soft Skills students based on the origin of the village and the city, the results of the analysis obtained F count coefficient of 0.218 with a rejection rate of 64.10% thus there is no difference in the average ability of students soft skills from the city and from the village. Suggestions in this study before using soft skills assessment instruments regarding student interpersonal relations, we must first study and understand the instructions for assessing instruments, assessment procedures and the core of the assessment in each rubric.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 45 ◽  
Nugroho Wibowo

Vocational High Schools are concerned with human resources development to cope the requirements of fast developing market. Indonesian education is still not comprehensive as it emphasizes on the hard skills and neglects the soft skills and eventually the graduates find difficulty to compete in the workforce. In preparing competent human resources as expected by the industry, the prioritised programs to be undertaken by the Vocational High Schools are (1) conducting the teaching factory program; (2) collaborative programs with the industry that consist of: field practices, internship (on the job training), industrial visits, recruitments, industrial classes; and (3) stakeholders’ guidance related to workforce.Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) sebagai salah satu pemegang peranan penting dalam penyiapan tenaga kerja dituntut untuk selalu dapat mengikuti kebutuhan pasar yang terus berkembang. Sekolah yang ada di Indonesia belum membentuk lulusan yang mempunyai dua keterampilan yaitu hard skillsdan soft skillsdan pada akhirnya lulusannya akan sulit bersaing di dunia kerja.Dalam menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang berkompeten sesuai harapan industri, SMK dapat melaksanakan program-program kegiatan yaitu: (1) program teaching factory; (2) Jalinan kerjasama dengan industri yang berbentuk: pengelolaan prakerin yang baik, magang (on the job training), pengelolaan kunjungan industri, rekruitmen tenaga kerja, penyelenggaraan kelas industri; dan (3) Penyuluhan dan pembinaan dari stake holder terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan. 

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