2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Indra Kurniawan Saputra ◽  
Sakinah Vinda Putri Kinasih ◽  
Nurul Alfi'ah ◽  
Claresia Tsany Kusmayadi ◽  
Eliza Fitri Kamaliya ◽  

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas rancangan media Genetic Pop Up Book sebagai media pembelajaran yang meningkatkan daya ingat siswa terhadap materi genetika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah systematic review kualitatif dengan 6 langkah, yaitu 1) memformulasikan pertanyaan penelitian. 2) melakukan pencarian literatur systematic review. 3) melakukan skrining dan seleksi artikel penelitian yang cocok. 4) melakukan analisis dan sintesis temuan-temuan kualitatif.  5)  memberlakukan kendali mutu. 6) menyusun artikel narrative. Rancangan Genetic Pop Up Book merupakan rancangan media pembelajaran yang menggunakan 3 dimensi dan interaktif dalam setiap halamannya.  Materi genetika yang dimuat yaitu sub bab centraldogma yang terdiri atas pengertian genetika, penemu struktur double helix DNA, sejarah penemuan struktur double helix, DNA, RNA, replikasi, transkripsi, translasi serta latihan soal. Rancangan Genetic Pop Up Book dapat meningkatkan daya ingat siswa terhadap materi genetika melalui pengalaman belajar khusus dengan menggeser, membuka, dan melipat bagian buku pop up.Abstract. This paper sheds a new light on the strategies to foster student’s entrepreneurial skills by administering creative thinking infusion learning as the learning framework in a biology classroom. Creative thinking infusion learning is construed as bringing or showing the stages of creative problem solving’s thinking of student thinking in the classroom. To assist student engaging with the infusion in the classroom, we utilised creative thinking diagram to generate entrepreneurial ideas that apply the concept of Biology in solving a problem. Student’s entrepreneurial skills were gauged by six creative entrepreneurship indicators. To investigate those indicators, this paper administrated one group pre-test post-test design and mixed-method approach by using diagram thinking, questionnaires, reflective essays, and interview. The analysis did not show any significant impact of the creative thinking infusion learning towards entrepreneurial skills. This result was demonstrated by no significance differences were seen in the sixth indicators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Rifka Fachrunnisa ◽  
Hadi Suwono ◽  
Safitri Indah Putri Anisa

Abstrak. Artikel ini menyoroti strategi baru untuk menumbuhkan keterampilan kewirausahaan siswa dengan menerapkan pembelajaran infusi berpikir kreatif sebagai kerangka pembelajaran di kelas biologi. Pembelajaran infusi berpikir kreatif diartikan sebagai usaha membawa atau menunjukkan tahapan berpikir kreatif pemecahan masalah pemikiran siswa di dalam kelas. Untuk membantu siswa terlibat dengan infusi di kelas, kami menggunakan diagram berpikir kreatif untuk menghasilkan ide-ide kewirausahaan yang menerapkan konsep Biologi dalam memecahkan masalah. Keterampilan kewirausahaan siswa diukur dengan enam indikator kewirausahaan kreatif. Untuk mengetahui indikator-indikator tersebut, artikel ini menggunakan rancangan one group pre-test post-test design dan pendekatan metode campuran dengan menggunakan diagram thinking, angket, esai reflektif, dan wawancara. Hasil analisis tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan dari pembelajaran infusi berpikir kreatif terhadap keterampilan kewirausahaan. Hasil ini ditunjukkan dengan tidak terlihatnya perbedaan signifikansi pada keenam indikator.Abstract. This paper sheds a new light on the strategies to foster student’s entrepreneurial skills by administering creative thinking infusion learning as the learning framework in a biology classroom. Creative thinking infusion learning is construed as bringing or showing the stages of creative problem solving’s thinking of student thinking in the classroom. To assist student engaging with the infusion in the classroom, we utilised creative thinking diagram to generate entrepreneurial ideas that apply the concept of Biology in solving a problem. Student’s entrepreneurial skills were gauged by six creative entrepreneurship indicators. To investigate those indicators, this paper administrated one group pre-test post-test design and mixed-method approach by using diagram thinking, questionnaires, reflective essays, and interview. The analysis did not show any significant impact of the creative thinking infusion learning towards entrepreneurial skills. This result was demonstrated by no significance differences were seen in the sixth indicators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Anugrah Agustina ◽  
Yuni Sri Rahayu ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Existing learning has not fully facilitated 4C (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity) skills and there are obstacles for students to encounter in studying biology, especially the material about plant tissue. It happens due to various limitations in achieving basic competency skills. One of the learning approaches that can be used to support 4C skills is the STEM approach which is supported by student worksheets (SW) to guide the learning process. The purpose of this study was to measure the effectiveness of STEM-based SW to train students' creative thinking skills. The research method used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative with one group pre-test and post-test design. The research subjects were 21 students of XI grades at SMAK St.Hendrikus. Data analysis of the N-Gain test of creative thinking skills obtained an average N-gain of 0.7 with a medium category. The N-Gain analysis of creative thinking skills using the T-Test with a sig. (2-tailed) value of 0.000 indicates that STEM-based worksheets are effective in training students' creative thinking skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00111
Novriani Rabeka Manafe

This paper outlines an attempt to discover students’ progress in both content and language skill in a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) lessons at an Indonesia’s higher education context. This is a part of a research conducted at Faculty of Science and Technology of Nusa Cendana University in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This study employs mixed method approach with 20 participants attending by taking pre-test and post-test as well as joining a focus group interview particularly for 6 students. The tests were aimed at measuring the participants’ comprehension of English as the language of CLIL lesson. They were also used as the tool to evaluate students’ mastery of Mathematics as the content subject. Based on the post-test results, the findings showed that more students made significant progress in content subject in comparison to their achievement in language proficiency. Regarding the interview, the students admitted that their failure to made progress in both subjects were mainly caused by their inadequate level of English. This, therefore, led to rising anxiety among the students to complete the tests.

Maurianne Reade ◽  
Marion Maar ◽  
Nicole Cardinal ◽  
Lisa Boesch ◽  
Sara Lacarte ◽  

Background: The purpose of this study was to determine if interprofessional skills, attitudes, and behaviours could be learned during an austere medicine educational activity where interprofessionalism remained within the informal and hidden curriculum.Methods and Findings: We used a mixed-methods approach to examine the potential acquisition of interprofessional competencies during wilderness medicine educational events. Thirty-four participants, over two events, completed interprofessional learner contracts, audio diary entries between patient scenarios, and the Interprofessional Collaborative Competency Attainment Survey (ICCAS) using a retrospective pre-test/post-test design. Audio diary entries showed the reflection that took place between scenarios during the orienteering portion of the event and the adjustments toward interprofessionalism that took place. Both the survey and audio diaries confirmed that participants perceived an improvement of their interprofessional competencies after the WildER Med event.Conclusions: The outcomes confirm that interprofessional competencies can be developed during a learning event such as WildER Med, where the interprofessional curriculum is hidden. Austere medicine, which is at the base of this learning event, represents an opportunity for the further understanding and exploration of interprofessional education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Grace Eugenia Sameve ◽  
Debora Basaria ◽  
Santy Yanuar Pranawati

Self-esteem merupakan satu aspek diri yang mengalami perubahan yang berarti pada masa remaja. Selain perkembangan kognitif dan pembentukan self-identity, self-esteem pada remaja juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi ekonomi serta dukungan yang diterima dari orang tua. Mengingat dampak yang dikontribusikan self-esteem terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan remaja, diperlukan suatu intervensi untuk memastikan bahwa individu tidak memiliki tingkat self-esteem yang rendah selama masa ini. Oleh sebab itu, Solution-Focused Brief Group Therapy (SFBGT) diterapkan untuk meningkatkan level self-esteem dari 5 remaja putra di panti asuhan X yang berasal dari keluarga dengan kondisi ekonomi rendah dan mendapatkan dukungan yang terbatas baik dari keluarga maupun pengasuh. Kelima remaja ini, secara spesifik, memiliki keyakinan yang kurang akan diri sendiri yang berdampak pada performa mereka sehari-hari dan memerlukan dorongan yang lebih sebelum akhirnya menunjukkan beberapa perilaku yang sebenarnya dapat dilakukan tanpa kesulitan yang berarti. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method one group pre-test post-test design dimana alat ukur State Self-Esteem Scale dan Machover’s Draw-A-Person Test dianalisa untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi. Berdasarkan hasil, dapat disimpulkan bahwa efektivitas dari Solution-Focused Brief Group Therapy untuk meningkatkan self-esteem dari lima remaja putra di Panti Asuhan X tergolong kurang. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-239
Naima Qureshi ◽  
Qudsia Kalsoom ◽  
Iffat Khalil

This study aims at assessing the development of life skills among madrassa students. The study has employed a mixed-method approach to explore the life skills of madrassa students. A questionnaire based on 5-point Likert type scale was used to measure selfreported life skills of 300 madrassa students. In addition, 20 semi-structured interviews were also carried out with madrassa students to explore their life skills. The quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics and qualitative data was interpreted through thematic analysis. Findings have revealed that the strongest life skill which madrassa students possess amongst all is effective communication skill followed by problem solving and decision-making. The least developed skill of madrassa students is creative thinking. The study findings suggest re-designing the curriculum of madrassa education to provide the students with more opportunities to polish their life skills especially creative thinking. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Fidia Hanan Zahara ◽  
Debora Basaria Yulianti ◽  
Santy Yanuar Pranawati

Rumah singgah X adalah sebuah rumah singgah yang berada di lokasi perkampungan nelayan Cilincing, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara yang memberikan bimbingan belajar gratis bagi anak-anak dari kalangan masyarakat pra sejahtera dimana sebagian besar pekerjaan orangtuanya seperti nelayan, pemulung, pengemis, sopir, pekerja kasar/buruh dan keluarga dengan pendapatan minim. Berbagai kesulitan hidup dan lingkungan yang kurang kondusif di rumah singgah X menimbulkan dampak beraneka ragam dalam diri anak-anak tersebut, salah satunya adalah munculnya perilaku agresi verbal. Oleh sebab itu, group art therapy diterapkan untuk mengurangi agresi verbal dari 5 orang anak di rumah singgah X. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method one group pre-test, post-test design dengan menggunakan alat ukur agresivitas, tes CFIT, draw a person test dan wawancara semi terstruktur yang dianalisa untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil sebelum dan sesudah pemberian intervensi. Setelah intervensi, berdasarkan hasil observasi, draw a person test dan skala agresivitas menunjukkan adanya penurunan skor agresi verbal pada kelima partisipan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa group art therapy cukup efektif untuk mengurangi kecenderungan agresi verbal pada kelima anak di rumah singgah X.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 367
Herra Risdiana ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno ◽  
Sri Poedjiastuti

The purposes of this study were to describe students’ concept mastery, creative thinking ability, profile of creative attitudes, and the correlation between creative thinking ability and concept mastery after implementing 5E Learning Cycle model. This research was the mixing of the quasy experiment with one group pre test-post test design and correlational study, which initiated by teaching materials development using the Dick & Carey model. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Mojosari involving students of IPA-2 grade XI as subject. Instruments used in the research were teaching materials’ validation sheets, leson plan activity observation sheet, mastery concept sheet, creative thinking ability sheet, creative attitude observation sheet, and students’response questionaire. The data analyses of students’ concept mastery, creative thinking ability, and profile of creative attitudes were descriptively done, while analysis of correlation between creative thinking ability and concept mastery were using Pearson’s product moment correlation technique. Based on the data analysis, it could be described that results of the reasearch were (1) the students’ concept mastery and creative thinking ability on the salt hydrolysis topic after implementing 5E Learning Cycle model had reached high gains, (2) the creative attitudes appeared during the implementation of 5E Learning Cycle model including curiosity in engagement phase, complexity in exploration phase, curiosity in explanation phase, risk-taking in elaboration phase, and risk-taking in evaluation phase were good, each had frequency more than 75%, and (3)  there was a very strong and significant correlation between creative thinking ability and concept mastery. The conclusion of the research was chemistry learning on the salt hydrolysis topic using 5E Learning Cycle model had improved the students’ concept mastery and creative thinking ability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penguasaan konsep, kemampuan berpikir kreatif, profil sikap kreatif dan hubungan antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan penguasaan konsep siswa setelah implementasi model 5E Learning Cycle. Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan dari penelitian eksperimen semu jenis one group pre test-post test design dan penelitian korelasional, yang diawali pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menggunakan model Dick & Carey. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAN 1 Mojosari dengan subyek siswa kelas XI IPA-2. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah lembar validasi perangkat pembelajaran, lembar pengamatan keterlaksanaan RPP, lembar penilaian penguasaan konsep (LPPK), lembar penilaian kemampuan berpikir kreatif (LPKBK), lembar pengamatan sikap kreatif, dan angket respon siswa. Analisis data tentang penguasaan konsep, kemampuan berpikir kreatif, dan profil sikap kreatif siswa dilakukan secara deskriptif, sedangkan analisis hubungan antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan penguasaan konsep dilakukan menggunakan teknik korelasi product moment Pearson. Berdasarkan analisis data dan pembahasan, dapat dipaparkan hasil penelitian ini yaitu (1) penguasaan konsep dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa pada topik hidrolisis garam setelah mengimplikasikan model 5E Learning Cycle telah mencapai gain tinggi, (2) sikap kreatif siswa pada implementasi model 5E Learning Cycle yaitu curiosity pada fase engagement, complexity pada fase exploration, curiosity pada fase explanation, risk-taking pada fase elaboration dan risk-taking pada fase evaluation adalah baik, masing-masing mempunyai frekuensi lebih dari 75%, (3) ada hubungan yang sangat kuat dan signifikan antara berpikir kreatif dan penguasaan konsep. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran kimia pada materi pokok hidrolisis garam dengan model 5E Learning Cycle telah meningkatkan penguasaan konsep dan berpikir kreatif siswa.

Gracia Ivonika ◽  
Roslina Verauli

Aggression is a behavior that includes intention to hurt others both physically and psychologically. Some risk factors that play an important role in aggression are lack of anger control and problem solving. Anger management training and problem solving training can improve the ability to manage and express anger in a socially competent behavior, and solve problems with the right considerations without involving aggressive behavior. Problem solving skills are important for adolescents. This study aims to determine whether the application of group anger management and problem solving training can reduce aggressive behavior among male adolescents in LPKA. The five study participants had records of aggressive behavior from young age to adolescence and often resolved problems through aggressive behavior. The anger management and problem solving training group lasted for 8 sessions. This study uses mixed method one group pre-test post-test design. Evaluations were conducted using Draw-A-Person Test, BAUM, and Aggressive Behavior Scale before and after the intervention. The results of this study indicate that the five participants showed a decrease in aggressive behavior scores. Changes between pre-test and post-test of Draw-A-Person Test and BAUM can be seen from changes in drawing of person made by participants based on the size, location of the drawing, shape, lines, and attributes of the drawing. Perilaku agresi adalah suatu kategori perilaku yang ditunjukkan dengan niat untuk menyakiti orang lain baik secara fisik maupun secara psikologis. Beberapa faktor risiko yang memainkan peran penting dalam perilaku agresi adalah kurangnya kemampuan pengendalian kemarahan dan pemecahan masalah. Pelatihan anger management dan problem solving training dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mengelola dan mengekspresikan kemarahan dalam bentuk perilaku yang kompeten secara sosial, serta memecahkan masalah dengan pertimbangan yang tepat tanpa melibatkan perilaku agresi. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah juga merupakan komponen dalam keterampilan hidup yang penting bagi remaja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seperti apakah penerapan group anger management dan problem solving training dapat menurunkan perilaku agresi pada remaja pria di LPKA. Kelima partisipan penelitian ini memiliki latar belakang perilaku agresi sejak usia sekolah hingga remaja dan seringkali menyelesaikan masalah dengan melibatkan perilaku agresi. Group anger management dan problem solving training yang dijalankan oleh partisipan berlangsung selama 8 sesi. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method one group pre-test post-test design. Evaluasi dilakukan menggunakan Draw-A-Person Test, BAUM, dan Skala Perilaku Agresi sebelum dan sesudah intervensi dilaksanakan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelima partisipan mengalami penurunan skor perilaku agresi. Perubahan dalam evaluasi pre-test dan post-test Draw-A-Person Test dan BAUM dapat dilihat dari perubahan gambar orang yang dibuat oleh partisipan berdasarkan aspek ukuran, letak gambar, bentuk, coretan garis, dan atribut pada gambar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
pp. 1038-1054
Catarina Anna Wästerlid

Few research studies within the field of mathematics education have focused on the ability to recognize quantities quickly and accurately without counting (i.e. subitizing). The aim of this research was to empirically explore the role of conceptual subitizing activities for enhancing preschool class children’s learning of the part-part- whole relations of number. 24 children (aged 6-7) and two teachers participated in the intervention. Due to ethical issues, data were only collected from 18 of the children. The design was a collaborative and iterative intervention, employing a mixed-method approach. Data consisted of pre-and post-test, teacher observation notes and teacher responses to questions about the children’s learning. Both the quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that conceptual subitizing activities supported children’s knowledge development regarding part-part-whole relations of number. At the group level, the children´s results between pre-and post-test showed an increase of 18.1 percent units and more than half of the children showed conceptual subitizing abilities in a qualitatively more developed way after having participated in the intervention. The result indicated that conceptual subitizing activities might enhance preschool class children’s understanding of the part-part-whole relations of number. The results however also elucidated that not all children improved their understanding of the part-part -whole relations of number. Future research should therefore consider individual differences when developing and carrying out interventions. Keywords: collaborative intervention, conceptual subitizing, part-part-whole relations of numbers, preschool class children

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