scholarly journals Implementing Stylistics in IELTS Writing Preparation Focusing on Noun Phrases

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Erina Andriani ◽  
Stella Noviani ◽  
Barli Bram

In the IELTS writing preparation class, the teacher can facilitate the students by integrating the stylistic approach in building writing students’ style. Not only achieving the primary goals in English proficiency by focusing on the writing style, but students can also comfortably share their ideas in their style. The paper examined the stylistics integrated material in IELTS writing through noun phrase construction. This study employed a qualitative method and a descriptive design. The data were collected using structured observation sheets as the instrument and were analyzed stylistically. Writing materials and the writing results of 12 students at an English course were collected. Results showed that stylistics was used in phrase complexity and ambiguity as a part of writing strategies. It was supported by the three dominant types of noun phrases produced by the students in their writing: determiner + head, determiner + pre-modifier + head, and pre-modifier + head, as the evidence of the implementation of integrated material in IELTS writing. For the noun phrase uses, the students could vary the noun phrases in their complexity, function, and type in their tests, though the variations in each of those aspects were still low. Implications of the results are stylistics could be implemented in language learning-teaching activities in general. It could encourage students to develop their writing style for self-expression and more explicit writing products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
Herlina Lindaria Simanjuntak

<p>Many Indonesian’s students face the difficulties in translating English noun phrase into Indonesian. English and Indonesia have different structure. Meanwhile, one of the important elements in building a sentence is noun phrase. English noun phrases have some possibilities of translation result from the source language (SL) into the target lagnuage, Indonesian (TL). Hence, the researcher does the research which is entitled The Translation of English Noun Phrase Into Idonesian. The aims of this research are to find out the translations of English noun phrases into Indonesian. This research uses qualitative method. The source of data is “Sidney Sheldon's Memory of Midnight” and its translated version, “Padang Bayang Kelabu”, by Budijanto T. Pramono. The result of this research shows that there are four categories of translating English noun phrases into Indonesian, namely English noun phrases translated using the word yang, Plural English noun phrases translated into singular, English noun phrases translated using the word, and Elnglish noun phrases which are not translated literally. The conclusion of this research also shows that the change in the form and orders of the nouns phrases which is a noun as the head and also the sequence of modifiers, meanwhile without changing its meanings.</p><p> </p>

2001 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-544 ◽  
Wee Meng Soon ◽  
Hwee Tou Ng ◽  
Daniel Chung Yong Lim

In this paper, we present a learning approach to coreference resolution of noun phrases in unrestricted text. The approach learns from a small, annotated corpus and the task includes resolving not just a certain type of noun phrase (e.g., pronouns) but rather general noun phrases. It also does not restrict the entity types of the noun phrases; that is, coreference is assigned whether they are of “organization,” “person,” or other types. We evaluate our approach on common data sets (namely, the MUC-6 and MUC-7 coreference corpora) and obtain encouraging results, indicating that on the general noun phrase coreference task, the learning approach holds promise and achieves accuracy comparable to that of nonlearning approaches. Our system is the first learning-based system that offers performance comparable to that of state-of-the-art nonlearning systems on these data sets.

2018 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 729-771
Roland Schäfer

AbstractIn this paper, an alternation in German measure noun phrases is examined under a varying-abstraction perspective. In a specific measure NP construction, the embedded kind-denoting noun either agrees in case with the measure noun (eine Tasse guter Kaffee‘a cup of good coffee’) or it stands in the genitive (eine Tasse guten Kaffees). Each of the two alternants is syntactically similar to a non-alternating construction. I propose a prototype model which assigns a common prototypical meaning to each of the alternants and its corresponding non-alternating construction. Based on this, I argue that lexical, morphosyntactic, and stylistic features help to predict the choice of the alternant. A large corpus study is presented which supports this analysis. However, in addition to the prototype effects, an exemplar effect is also shown to influence the choice, namely the relative frequencies with which lemmas occur in the non-alternating constructions. I argue that allowing both prototype and exemplar effects is more adequate than following radical prototype or exemplar approaches. It is also verified in two experiments that the corpus-derived model corresponds to the behaviour of native speakers. The weak effect size of the experimental validation is discussed in the context of corpus-based cognitive linguistics and the validation of corpus-derived models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Robekka Risten Fransiska Sinaga ◽  
Lulud Oktaviani

To produce competitive students that ready to face the trend of language learning in English as a foreign language, especially speaking skills, teachers should be ready to develop good planning in the teaching process. It can be in the form of strategies that can motivate students in the learning process. Moreover, in teaching elementary school students, teachers should be more creative to encourage students’ motivation in speaking by using attractive teaching media which involves physical activity because young learners usually only have a short attention span. By using teaching media, students will learn a language in such attractive and fun ways. Thus, the researchers want to see the use of Fun Fishing in teaching speaking at one of the Elementary Schools in Lampung to encourage students in learning English. This research used a qualitative method since it disclosed how to implement Fun Fishing media in an Elementary School in Lampung. As a result, the students were divided into four groups consisted of 2-3 members and learned English which involved physical activity. To sum up, using this media in learning English can motivate students to speak in English and make teaching and learning become more fun because they did physical activity.

Diah Royani Meisani ◽  
Fuad Abdul Hamied ◽  
Bahrudin Musthafa ◽  
Pupung Purnawarman

This study was aimed at investigating the influencing factors on students’ English proficiency levels based on Cambridge English Tests for Children and Young Learners. A preliminary survey was undertaken to select the sample of elementary schools that offered English as a subject. As many as 157 students who sat in Grades 4, 5, and 6 from nine elementary schools participated in this study. The findings revealed that the average of students’ scores was at Starters/Movers Level, which is equal to A1 in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Through multiple regression analysis, three out of five investigated factors were detected to be significantly related to students’ English proficiency levels, namely gender, grade level, and school accreditation rank. While rich literature has found gender and grade level as one of the affective variables in language learning, none has studied whether school accreditation status influences young learners’ English achievement. It is recommended that schools and related stakeholders consider these factors to ensure effective English teaching to young learners. It is also suggested that future researchers conduct further study on how and under what conditions the factors can contribute to students’ English achievement.

2012 ◽  
pp. 407-422 ◽  
Mohammad Alnufaie ◽  
Michael Grenfell

This study was part of a PhD research to explore the writing strategies of 121 second-year undergraduate Saudi student writers who are studying English as a foreign language and for specific purposes in one of the Saudi industrial colleges: Jubail Industrial College (JIC). The writing strategies under investigation had been classified into two categories (process-oriented writing strategies and product-oriented writing strategies) based on their instructional philosophies. A strategy questionnaire was designed to collect data. Although JIC writing classes were assumed to be product-oriented as reported by the majority of the participants’ description of their teachers’ writing approach, the results showed that almost all of the participants (95.9%) were mixing the two kinds of strategies. More surprisingly, the top five writing strategies used by the participants were process-oriented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Shanty A.Y.P.S Duwila

Focusing on single and multiple post-modification of noun phrase complexity in academic writing, this study adopted Berlage’s (2014) types of single and multiple post-modification of noun phrase to investigate the types and distributionof noun phrase on 15 abstracts of accredited local journal and 15 international journal indexed by Scopus. Subjects, objects, and complements are coded manually and then extracted for noun phrases. The findings revealed that both groups of writers heavily relied on noun phrase involving prepositional phrase in single-post modification and noun phrase involving prepositional phrase(s) and coordination(s) in multiple-post modification. This finding may give contribution to EFL teachers and material developers in order to provide information and materials about NP post modifiers that can be used in academic writing.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (Number 2) ◽  
pp. 55-81
Abu Bakar Razali ◽  
Lim Ying Xuan ◽  
Arshad Abd. Samad

Purpose – In the field of second language education, self-directed learning is really important as it can empower students to attain optimal success in language learning by engaging students to express their ideas confidently, think reflectively and make use of language learning strategies. The main aim of the present study is to investigate students’ self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) in a foundation program in a public university in Malaysia so as to find out how they perceive this approach can improve their learning of the English language at tertiary level. More specifically, the researchers intend to find answers to these research questions: 1) Are foundation students ready to use self-directed learning strategies in English Language learning? (i.e. awareness, motivation and language learning strategies); 2) Is there a significant difference in the three attributes (i.e., awareness, motivation and language learning strategies) of self-directed learning among foundation students?; and 3) Is there a significant difference between English language proficiency (upper and lower) and the three attributes (i.e., awareness, motivation, language learning strategies) in using self-directed learning strategies? Methodology – A set of survey questionnaires with a 6-point Likert scale were administered to 400 students attending an English proficiency course (i.e., Introduction to Academic English) in the first semester of the Foundation Studies for Agricultural Science program. The data of the questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and paired samples t-test. Findings – Results revealed that the respondents have a rather high degree of readiness to apply self-directed learning strategies in learning English. Motivation has the highest mean scores (M=4.57), followed by language learning strategies (M=4.41) and awareness (M=4.34). Results also showed that there are no difference in terms of SDLR depending on English proficiency levels, namely lower level (MUET Bands 1,2,3) and upper level (MUET Bands 4,5) (p>.05). Significance – The findings are beneficial for students to learn more about their readiness to apply the self-directed learning strategies. In particular, these findings also provide insights for lecturers, program administrators, curriculum developers, and policy makers to plan and implement suitable teaching methods, course outlines, and curricula for the development of the students’ English language abilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26 ◽  
Noermanzah Noermanzah

The objective of this research is to give the understanding about the simple sentence structure Sindang Language ini Lubuklinggau and describe the effect in Indonesian language learning process. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research shows that the simple sentence structure of Bahasa Sindang in Lubuklinggau in the form of verbal-verbed simple sentence which consists of intransitive sentence and single-transitive sentence; adjectival-verbed simple sentence, nominal-verbed simple sentence, numeral-verbed simple sentence, preposisional-verbed simple sentence, and adverbial-verbed simple sentence. Majority of the data finding is the verbal-verbed simple sentence on Sindang language and it is more used by the people who use Sindang language. Intransitive sentence has 62 sentences or 79.5%. Sentence of Sindang Language seen from the aspect of function for the type of intransitive sentence has the function structure: 1) S,P; 2) K,S,P; 3) S,P,Vokatif; 4) S,P,K; 5) P,K; 6) P,S; 7) P; 8) S,P,S, and 9) S,P,Pel. The type of single-transitive sentence has the structure function: 1) K,S,P,O,K; 2) S,P,O,Vokatif; 3) P,O,K; 4) P,O; 5) P,O,K,S; 6) S,P,O; dan 7) P,O,S.  Adjectival-verbed sentence has the structure function of structure K,S,P and P,S. Nominal-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P. Numeral-verbed simple sentence has the function structure P,S and S,P. Prepositional Frase-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P,Vocative. Then, adverbial-verbed simple sentence has the function structure S,P. The single sentence structure of the Sindang language positively influences the learning of the native speakers of the language. Keywords: simple sentence structure, Sindang language, Lubuklinggau   Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan pemahaman tentang struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang di Kota Lubuklinggau dan mendeskripsikan pengaruhnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia di kota tersebut. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang di Kota Lubuklinggau berbentuk kalimat tunggal berpredikat verbal  yang terdiri atas kalimat intransitif dan kalimat tungggal ekatransitif; kalimat tunggal berpredikat adjektival, kalimat tunggal berpredikat nominal, kalimat tunggal berpredikat numeral, kalimat tunggal berpredikat preposisional, dan kalimat tunggal berpredikat adverbial. Sebagian besar kalimat tunggal berpredikat verbal pada bahasa Sindang lebih banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat penuturnya yaitu kalimat intransitif dengan 62 kalimat atau 79,5%. Kalimat bahasa Sindang ditinjau dari segi fungsi untuk jenis kalimat intransitif memiliki struktur fungsi: 1) S,P; 2) K,S,P; 3) S,P,Vokatif; 4) S,P,K; 5) P,K; 6) P,S; 7) P; 8) S,P,S, dan 9) S,P,Pel. Jenis kalimat ekatransitif memiliki struktur fungsi: 1) K,S,P,O,K; 2) S,P,O,Vokatif; 3) P,O,K; 4) P,O; 5) P,O,K,S; 6) S,P,O; dan 7) P,O,S. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat adjektival memiliki struktur fungsi yaitu berstruktur K,S,P dan P,S. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat nominal memiliki struktur fungsi S,P. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat numeral memiliki struktur fungsi P,S dan S,P. Kalimat tunggal berpredikat frase preposisional memiliki struktur fungsi S,P,Vokatif. Kemudian, kalimat tunggal berpredikat adverbia memiliki struktur fungsi S,P. Struktur kalimat tunggal bahasa Sindang memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia penutur asli bahasa tersebut. Kata kunci: struktur kalimat tunggal, bahasa Sindang, Lubuklinggau  

Pujangga ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Evi Jovita Putri ◽  
Gilang Ilham Agustinus ◽  
Intan Kusuma Wardhani

ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of YouTube-based videos as a media in learning daily English conversation for children and to identify factors affecting learning daily English conversation for children by using YouTube-based videos as a media. To obtain the aims, this research uses six children whose ages vary from ten to twelve years old lived in Asrama Yatim Mizan Amanah located at Jalan Salihara, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta as the source of data. Descriptive qualitative method is applied as the research design. In collecting data, the researchers gather the result of learning activities in pre-tests, treatments, and post-tests. Meanwhile, in analyzing the data, the researchers compare the children’s pre-test score with their post-test score to see the development of learning which show their competence before and after being treated. in this case, the research is focused on two topics, Greeting and Introduction in English. The children are introduced some expressions of greeting and introduction in English children by using YouTube-based videos, then some roleplays or conversation containing expressions of greeting and introduction are shown to the children by watching together YouTube-based videos. The last, the children are asked to recognize and practice the expression of greeting and introduction in English. The result shows that the usage of YouTube based video as a media in learning daily English conversation for children is considered effective. Four out of six children are able to memorize new expressions of both greeting and introduction in English, whereas the two other children remains stagnant after learning using YouTube based videos. It is found that there are factors that affect learning English for children by using this media, they are; personality, motivation and attitude, intelligent, learners’ belief, and personality. The most influential factors affecting learning are motivation and attitude. The successful children have these factors stronger rather than the stagnant children. Based on the result, the effectiveness in learning English using YouTube-based videos will be stronger if it is supported by an interactive and conducive learning atmosphere. The learning atmosphere should be considered to achieve a stronger speaking English proficiency. Key words: YouTube based-videos, language learning, daily English conversation ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis keefektifan penggunaan video berbasis YouTube sebagai media dalam belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari pada anak-anak dan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelajaran percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari pada anak-anak yang menggunakan video berbasis YouTube. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menjadikan enam orang anak berumur sepuluh hingga dua belas tahun yang tinggal di Asrama Yatim Mizan Amanah Jalan Salihara, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan sebagai sumber data. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive qualitative. Disini, proses pengumpulan data meliputi pengumpulan hasil pre-tests, treatment, dan post-test. Sementara itu, proses analisis data dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan skor pre-test dengan skor post-test pembelajar untuk melihat perkembangan pembelajaran yang menunjukkan perkembangan anak-anak sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Penelitian difokuskan pada dua topik pembelajaran yaitu sapaan dan perkenalan bahasa Inggris. Dalam hal ini anak-anak diajak mengenal ekspresi sapaan dan perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris melalui video yang ada pada YouTube. Kemudian menonton beberapa simulasi dari perilaku menyapa dan berkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris juga melalui video You-Tube. Pada tahap terakhir, para pembelajar ini diminta untuk berlatih mengingat dan mempraktekkan ungkapan sapaan dan perkenalan dalam Bahasa Inggris Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan video berbasis YouTube sebagai media belajar percakapan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari adalah efektif. Empat dari 6 anak mampu mengingat kosakata sapaan dan perkenalan yang baru secara signifikan setelah belajar menggunakan media video berbasis You Tube, meskipun ada 2 anak yang tidak mengalami peningkatan. Ada beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi pembelajaran pada anak-anak tersebut diantaranya kepribadian, motivasi dan sikap, kecerdasan, dan keyakinan. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada pembelajaran adalah motivasi dan sikap. Anak-anak yang mengalami peningkatan belajar yang pesat memiliki faktor motivasi dan sikap yang lebih kuat dibanding anak-anak yang tidak mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, keefektifan dalam belajar percakapan Bahasa Inggris sehari-hari menggunakan video YouTube menjadi lebih besar jika didukung oleh atmosfer belajar yang interaktif dan kondusif. Hal ini mesti diperhatikan guna mencapai kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci: Video YouTube, Pembelajaran Bahasa, Percakapan dasar dalam Bahasa Inggris.

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