scholarly journals Formando formadores: ensino e avaliação de produção textual em rede municipal

Lílian Ghiuro Passarelli

<p>Este estudo averigua percepções de participantes de formação em contexto sobre ensino e avaliação da produção textual, que tiveram por incumbência constituírem-se como multiplicadores dos docentes de Língua Portuguesa de rede municipal na região Sudeste. A análise dos dados aponta que as percepções dos sujeitos (i) destacam a colaboração como princípio estruturante da formação, compartilhando saberes e experiências entre formandos e formador em interatuação; (ii) espelham o papel da teoria de base sociointeracionista, sustentando a reflexão sobre a prática; (iii) elegem a transformação da prática pelo pressuposto teórico-metodológico da avaliação para a aprendizagem como processo formativo, evidenciando que a qualidade da avaliação do texto do estudante pode ser auferida pela compatibilização da abordagem criterial com as perspectivas experienciais dos sujeitos-professores.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: Avaliação para a Aprendizagem, Formação de Formadores, Produção Textual, Avaliação Formativa</p><p> </p><p>Formando formadores: enseñanza y evaluación de la producción textual en la red municipal</p><p>Este estudio indaga en la percepción de los participantes de formación dentro del contexto de la enseñanza y la evaluación de la producción de textos, que han tenido como objetivo constituirse en multiplicadores de los docentes de Lengua Portuguesa en la red municipal de la región Sudeste. Los análisis de los datos arrojan que en la percepción de los sujetos (i) se destaca la colaboración, como principio estructurante de la formación, compartiendo saberes y experiencia entre el formador y los que se forman; (ii) se refleja el papel de la teoría basada en la interacción social que sostiene la reflexión sobre la práctica; (iii) se elige la transformación de la práctica por el presupuesto teórico-metodológico de la evaluación para el aprendizaje como proceso formativo, evidenciando que la calidad de la evaluación del texto del estudiante, se puede obtener a través de la compatibilización del abordaje criterial con las perspectivas de las experiencias de los sujetos-profesores.</p><p><strong>Palabras-clave</strong>: Evaluación para el Aprendizaje, Formación de Formadores, Producción Textual, Evaluación Formativa</p><p> </p><p>Training trainers: textual production teaching and assessment in a municipal education system</p><p>This study examines the perceptions of training participants in a context of textual production teaching and assessment; the participants were being trained to be Portuguese teacher trainers for a municipal education system in Brazil’s Southeast region. The data analysis shows that the participants’ perceptions (i) highlight collaboration as a structuring principle of training, through the sharing of knowledge and experiences between participants and the trainer; (ii) reflect the role of social interactionist theory in supporting reflection about practice; (iii) choose the transformation of practice through the theoretical-methodological assumption of assessment for learning as a training process, thus showing that the quality of assessment of students’ texts can be reached by making the criterial approach compatible with the experiential perspectives of subject-teachers.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Assessment for Learning, Training of Trainers, Textual Production, Formative Assessment</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ali Ridho

Education which is a system in the perspective of anthology is an attempt to humanize humans by an appropriate manner to achieve very high humane values as an attempt to change as well as to move the cultural values to any individual in society. But this view is difficult to achieve when the belief that a person's success will occur due to the efforts started early in order to organize their future without having an education. This paper will provide a breakthrough through leadership of education that is not only based on good intellectual ability, but also good emotional and spiritual. With the result that it will contribute qualified modern human resources. Modern human Resources is a human being who has the potential of ad equated intellectual quality. However, sometimes the potential is empty because it is not matched by the quality of the good faith or emotional. In the fact, they (modern humans) have good reasoning capability. However, the success which is useful in the future whether for themselves, the community, the nation and the state are not only enough by having logical thought only. But, it also requires EQ Emotional Quotient (level of emotional or personality) , CQ Creativity Quotient (level of creativity) and SQ Spiritual Quotient (level religiosities or faith and devotion to God. Thus , the national education system must be able to provide a solution- which is able to break of the empty circle of values and morals happening in education system around us . the empty circle we must combine as well as put the intellectual intelligence , emotional intelligence , and spiritual intelligence known as ESQ in order to get balance between the fulfillment of rights and vertical or horizontal obligations. ESQ is a role of the leadership of its resources which include Human Resources and Natural Resources with the organization as a model of leadership in education. ESQ if applied in educational leadership level, it would be beneficial along with the growth and development of the educational organization with the growth of moral values.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXXII (5) ◽  
pp. 370-386
Monika Gałkowska ◽  
Katarzyna Kruś-Kubaszewska

Choosing an educational system for a disabled child already at the stage of pre-school education is a difficult and stressful experience for parents, which regardless of the final decision, raises many doubts. Certain questions arise: ‘where there is a place in the education system for the child with a disability certificate?’, ‘where the child can develop best?’, but also ‘where the child simply feels happy and does not experience exclusion?’. Many things depend on the level of the child’s disability, on key choices made by parents, and on the quality of cooperation, both in the three-way parent-therapist-child relationship, but also in the two-way parent-child and therapist-child relationships. Parents more and more often make decisions about inclusive education, where a child can develop amongst non-disabled peers. This article focuses primarily on the role of parents and therapists in the process of including a disabled child in the education system, the potential of cooperation, but also the fears, difficulties and expectations accompanying both sides.

B.A. Amaniyazova ◽  

The only urgent task facing universities today is, of course, to ensure the highest quality of education. In his annual Address to the Nation, the First President Nursultan Nazarbayev said that, first of all, the education system should be raised to a new level. The proposed article considers the role of theoretical and methodological issues of education in the context of media culture in Kazakhstan. The impact of media education on the development of distance learning in the context of media culture is reflected.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (31) ◽  
pp. 226-239
Alvaro Martins Fernandes Júnior ◽  
Jorge Luiz Bernardi

RESUMO Considerando o cenário da Educação a Distância no Brasil e sua importância enquanto possibilidade de democratização da educação superior, este texto tece reflexões a respeito do papel do tutor nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, usuais em cursos oferecidos nesta modalidade. O texto inicia com algumas ponderações filosóficas que revelam a influência que o conhecimento (ou sua falta), exerce sobre a humanidade, considerando-se que é pela construção de conhecimento que se favorece a superação de desigualdades e melhor qualidade de vida. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se a modalidade a distância como possibilidade de autonomia e emancipação social, sendo necessário pensar a respeito do papel do tutor neste horizonte. Finalmente o texto conceitua ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, preconizando alguns princípios relevantes na aprendizagem de adultos.   Palavras-chave: Educação a distância e tutoria. Tecnologia e educação. Ambiente Virtual de aprendizagem.   ABSTRACT Considering the scenario of Distance Education in Brazil and its importance as a possibility for the democratization of higher education, this text reflects on the role of the tutor in the virtual learning environments, usual in courses offered in this modality. The text begins with some philosophical considerations that reveal the influence that knowledge (or its lack), exerts on humanity, considering that it is by the construction of knowledge that favors the overcoming of inequalities and better quality of life. In this sense, the distance modality is presented as a possibility of autonomy and social emancipation, being necessary to think about the role of the tutor in this horizon. Finally, the text conceptualizes virtual learning environment, advocating some relevant principles in adult learning.   Key words: Distance education and tutoring. Technology and education. Virtual learning environment.   RESUMEN Considerando el escenario de la Educación a Distancia en Brasil y su importancia como posibilidad de democratización de la educación superior, este texto teje reflexiones acerca del papel del tutor en los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, usuales en cursos ofrecidos en esta modalidad. El texto comienza con algunas ponderaciones filosóficas que revelan la influencia que el conocimiento (o su falta), ejerce sobre la humanidad, considerando que es por la construcción de conocimiento que se favorece la superación de desigualdades y mejor calidad de vida. En ese sentido, se presenta la modalidad a distancia como posibilidad de autonomía y emancipación social, siendo necesario pensar acerca del papel del tutor en este horizonte. Finalmente el texto conceptualiza ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, preconizando algunos principios relevantes en el aprendizaje de adultos.   Palabras clave: Educación a distancia y tutoría. Tecnología y educación. Entorno virtual de aprendizaje. DOI:

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 60 ◽  
Krishma Carreira ◽  
Sebastião Squirra

A explosão de dados digitais e o avanço do campo da Inteligência Artificial permitiram o surgimento de algoritmos capazes de redigir e distribuir automaticamente notícias jornalísticas com rapidez e de forma customizada. A automatizacão da produção de narrativas entrega textos básicos, objetivos e sem sofisticação, formatando a função de jornalistas e contribui para a ampliação da chamada "bolha de filtros" definida por Eli Pariser. Neste texto, procuramos demonstrar que ao adotar a automação, redações nos Estados Unidos, Europa e China passaram a usar a lógica do bom suficiente, demonstrada por Robert Capps. Ou seja, a automatização da elaboração de notícias pode estar sendo adotada unicamente por seu caráter "industrial" e pelo custo radicalmente reduzido, não priorizando a diversificação, a cultura e a qualidade humana dos relatos. As reflexões centram-se em pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter exploratório e interdisciplinar, a partir da abordagem da Teoria Ator-Rede. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo automatizado; robôs e jornalismo; algoritmo jornalista; futuro do jornalismo. ABSTRACT The explosion of digital data and the advance of the field of Artificial Intelligence allowed the emergence of algorithms capable of automatically writing and distributing news stories quickly and in a customized way. The automation of narrative production delivers basic, objective and unsophisticated texts, shaping the role of journalists and contributes to the expansion of the so-called "filter bubble" defined by Eli Pariser. In this text, we try to demonstrate that in adopting automation, essays in the United States, Europe and China have come to use the logic of good enough, demonstrated by Robert Capps. That is to say, the automation of the elaboration of news can be adopted solely by its "industrial" character and by the radically reduced cost, not prioritizing the diversification, the culture and the human quality of the stories. The reflections center on bibliographic research of an exploratory and interdisciplinary character, based on the approach of the Theory-Actor Network. KEYWORDS: Automated journalism; robots and journalism; journalism algorithm; future of journalism RESUMEN La explosión de datos digitales y el avance del campo de la inteligencia artificial han permitido el surgimiento de algoritmos capaces de escribir y distribuir automaticamente las noticias periodísticas con velocidad y de una manera personalizada. La automatización de la producción de narrativas entrega escritos básicos, objetivos y poco sofisticados, formateando la función de los periodistas y colabora con la ampliación de la llamada “burbuja de filtros”, definida por Eli Pariser. En este texto, buscamos demostrar que, mediante la adopción de la automatizaciones, las redacciones de los periódicos en Estados Unidos, Europa y China comenzaron a utilizar la lógica de que es “bueno lo suficiente”, demostrada por Robert Capps. Es decir, la automatización de la preparación de las noticias puede estar siendo adoptada unicamente por su carácter “industrial” y por el costo radicalmente reducido, no priorizando, de esta manera, la diversificación, la cultura y la calidad humana de los relatos. Las reflexiones se encuentran centradas en la búsqueda bibliográfica de carácter exploratorio e interdisciplinario con base en el abordaje de la Teoría Actor-Red. PALABRAS CLAVE: Periodismo automatizado; robots y periodismo; algoritmo de periodista; futuro del periodismo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1/S) ◽  
pp. 170-177
Rustam Khamroev

The article examines the importance of introducing information technology into the education system, the impact of information technology on the quality of education. The creation and use of electronic textbooks in the learning process is recommended. This is important in a situation of insufficient provision of educational and methodological literature, as well as a way to resolve the contradiction between the desire to cover as much demonstration material as possible and practical. Since it takes time and some skill to master the specialized programming environment, e-tutorials can be created in a well-studied presentation preparation program. The use of software products based on the concept of “electronic patient” is emphasized. The article calls for the acquisition of knowledge, professional skills and abilities, and practical skills are not so much therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations as mastered methods of productive mental activity that provide correct, quick and economical diagnosis and effective treatment. The article will be useful to students, university professors, staff, and management personnel of the education system.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Valeriy Yu. Bykov

In the article the processes of integration and democratization of the systems of education and their value, both for the countries of Europe and for Ukraine, the process of integration of education system of Ukraine into European and world educational space are examined. Description of modern informative society and the role of information and communication technologies in informatization of education directed to the increasing of the quality of education is determined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 205-211
Nigora Mamadaminova

The author of the article attempts to analyze the current pre-school education system of Uzbekistan, its main challenges, shortcomings and reforms. Moreover, this research will provide the study of the importance of learning at early ages (3-5) and its impact on the future learning and personal development of children. The research highlights the analysis of domestic and foreign prospects of the studied issue. Namely, the researcher presents the view that developed countries pay more and more attention to boost the quality of pre-school educational institutions, the efficiency of curriculum, and implementation of more social activities to enhance the development of children’s soft skills; however, this is not the case in developing countries such as Uzbekistan. Thus, the goal of the paper would be to elaborate on the need to consider, remodel and upgrade the pre-school education system further and trigger to start some campaigns which will aim to develop young mother’s personal and professional development. The study will highlight the impact of pre-school education by evaluating the literature in the field, looking deeper at the experience of developed countries as well as considering the situation in Uzbekistan regarding the mentioned area. The findings of the paper can be deployed to prepare educational policy and contribute to the development of the entire education system of Uzbekistan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Gabriella De Camargo Hizume ◽  
Gladys Beatriz Barreyro

<p>Objetiva-se analisar a atuação da Rede de Agências Nacionais de Acreditação (Rana) na gestão do Sistema de Acreditação Regional de Cursos Universitários do Mercosul (Sistema Arcu-Sul). A Rana é composta por representantes das Agências Nacionais de Acreditação dos Estados participantes do Sistema. Os principais desafios da atuação da Rana envolvem desde a concepção de indicadores que sejam aptos a assinalar a qualidade de cursos pertencentes a sistemas de educação superior diferentes até a sua recomposição pela adesão de mais Estados. Foram utilizadas técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de entrevistas com pessoas que participaram da elaboração do Sistema ou de ações relacionadas à Rana. Pode-se observar que a experiência de gestão da execução do Sistema possibilitou à Rana rever e flexibilizar alguns posicionamentos a fim de operacionalizar a consolidação do Sistema.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong></p><p>Rede de Agências Nacionais de Acreditação. Setor Educacional do Mercosul. Mercosul. Sistema Arcu-Sul. </p><p> </p><p><strong>The National Accrediting Agencies Network and the management of the ARCU-SUR System</strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This study aims to analyze the Network of National Accreditation Agencies’ (RANA) performance in managing the MERCOSUR Accreditation System for Undergraduate Courses (ARCU-SUR System). The RANA is formed by officials representing the National Accreditation Agencies of each member state. The main challenges in RANA’s activities range from designing indicators to mark the quality of courses in different higher education systems to adjusting the network’s composition as new member states join in. Bibliographic and documentary research techniques were used, as well as interviews with people who participated in the System’s creation or in actions related to RANA. We found that the experience of managing the System allowed RANA to review and flexibilize some positions in order to operationalize the System’s consolidation.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Accrediting Agencies Network. Mercosur Educational Sector. ARCU-SUR System.</p><p> </p><p><strong>La Red de Agencias Nacionales de Acreditación y la gestión del Sistema Arcu-Sur</strong></p><p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>Se pretende analizar la actuación de la Red de Agencias Nacionales de Acreditación (Rana) en la gestión del Sistema de Acreditación Regional de Carreras Universitarias del Mercosur (Sistema Arcu-Sur). La Rana está compuesta por representantes de las Agencias Nacionales de Acreditación de los Estados participantes en el Sistema. Los principales desafíos de la actuación de la Rana incluyen desde la concepción de indicadores capaces de señalar la calidad de los cursos pertenecientes a sistemas de educación superior diferentes hasta su recomposición por la adhesión de más Estados. Se utilizaron técnicas de investigación bibliográfica y documental, además de entrevistas con personas que participaron en la elaboración del Sistema o en acciones relacionadas con la Rana. Se pudo observar que la experiencia de gestión de la ejecución del Sistema posibilitó a la Rana revisar y flexibilizar algunos posicionamientos con el fin de operacionalizar la consolidación del Sistema.</p><p><strong>Palabras clave</strong></p><p>Red de Agencias Nacionales de Acreditación. Sector Educativo del Mercosur. Mercosur. Sistema Arcu-Sur.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (SI) ◽  
pp. 56-68
Masumi H. Odari

Soka (value creating) education is a Japanese concept propounded by Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and further developed by Josei Toda and Daisaku Ikeda. This educational philosophy aims to foster individuals who can find meaning in their lives and contribute to the well-being of others to better society. Ubuntu, an African philosophy, espouses togetherness and collectivism. Like value creating education, Ubuntu promotes working for the good of all not solely the individual. Examining these two philosophies, this paper explored their role in promoting humanism. Focusing on the education system in Kenya, this paper investigated how the institutionalization of both philosophies can foster global citizens and realize a more humane Kenya. Furthermore, this paper illustrated the importance of educators as agents of change, aiding students to become global citizens who work towards building a more humanistic society. This paper concluded that integrating both value creating education and Ubuntu in the education system can serve as a tool to nurture individuals who will not only improve their quality of life but also contribute positively to promote a more just and prosperous world.    

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