scholarly journals (Non)pandemic Youth Speak. On Lexical-Semantic Tendencies in the Polish Language of the Youth

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (5 Zeszyt specjalny) ◽  
pp. 155-174
Anna Wileczek

This article presents the latest lexical tendencies in the language of contemporary Polish youth. The directions of the dominance of certain meanings were analysed on the basis of the submissions for the Youth Word of the Year contest (2020), as well as the online slang dictionary The data obtained comes from natural users of the language and is based on their linguistic awareness and intuition. Dominant semantic fields were distinguished, namely human, interpersonal relationships, attitudes towards life, cultural preferences, etc. Coining new terms in these areas is accompanied by expressiveness, humour, and playing with language norms. Despite the occurrence of new words connected with the Covid-19 pandemic, they have not been widely represented among those lexical and semantic units considered interesting and worth mentioning.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 193-209

W tekście podejmowana jest problematyka ograniczeń procesu kategoryzacji klas derywatów deminutywnych oraz symilatywnych w dobie średniopolskiej. Celem opracowania było wskazanie potencjalnych przyczyn blokowania procesów kategoryzacyjnych klas historycznych deminutywów oraz symilatywów. W zakresie metodologii i ustaleń terminologicznych wykorzystano osiągnięcia tzw. „katowickiej szkoły słowotwórstwa historycznego”. Głównym źródłem materiału leksykalnego stał się trójjęzyczny dykcjonarz M.A. Troca z 1764 roku (jego III tom, z polszczyzną jako językiem wyjściowym). Świadomość lingwistyczna autora tego słownika, przejawiająca się w sposobie organizacji wyrażeń hasłowych oraz doboru ekwiwalentów wraz z definicjami, rzuciła nowe światło na sposób identyfikowania kategorii deminutywów, symilatywów, a także formacji tautologicznych przez dawnych użytkowników języka. Okazało się, że w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku żadna z tych klas nie wykrystalizowała swoich dominant, zaś czynnikiem, który mógł podtrzymywać ten stan, była obecność w języku znacznej liczby derywatów tautologicznych względem podstawy, budowanych z udziałem wielofunkcyjnych formantów z podstawowymi sufiksalnymi spółgłoskami -k- i -c-. Diminutivity, similativity and word-formation tautology in Middle Polish (illustrated with data from M.A. Troc’s Dictionary) Summary: The text deals with the limitations of the categorization process of the classes of diminutive and similative derivatives in Middle Polish. The aim of the study was to identify the potential reasons for the blocking of the categorization processes of the historical classes of diminutives and similatives. The methodology and terminology used in the paper follows the achievements of the so-called “Katowice school of historical word-formation”. The 1764 trilingual dictionary by M.A. Troc (Volume 3, with Polish as the input language) was the main source of lexical material. Based on the analysis of the presented material, one can conclude that the linguistic awareness of the lexicographer, manifested through the organization of dictionary entries and the choice of foreign equivalents and their definitions, may shed a new light on the categorical system of historical derivatives. In lack of sufficient Polish-language contexts, the translational character of lexicographic sources lets us gain information about the semantic and stylistic value of Polish lexical units on the basis of their foreign equivalents or their foreign-language definitions provided by dictionaries. The category of diminutive names in the second half of the 18th century did not yet crystallize its dominants, and the class of similative names had a similar formal and semantic status. Both classes constituted products of sets that contained derivative units, assuming a diminishing or similative function. The factor that inhibited the process of the crystallization of the dominants in the mentioned classes was the extremely high level of word-formation tautology, which did not allow language users to identify the real functions of multifunctional formants with the basic consonants -k- and -c-.

Werkwinkel ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-166
Agata Kowalska-Szubert

Abstract Polish language contains hundreds of loan words from Dutch. They are rooted so firmly that they are capable of creating new words. This article presents the most common word-formation phenomena involving Dutch loan words. It also highlights their ability to form phrasemes and transfer meanings.

2018 ◽  
Vol 215 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-176
Dr. Ahmed Hamid Shalyan

This study focuses on monitoring the development in the lexical composition of the modern Russian language lexical-semantic digits pluraliatantum nouns and nouns, mostly used in the plural form. The material of the study used the book "Dictionary of new words." During the analysis it was found that the process of appearance of words and pluraliatantum nouns, is used mainly in the form of plural. numbers can be considered active and continuous, on the one hand, characterizes the category of plural nouns in the structure as a strong, mnogoznamenatelnuyu category, on the other hand, once again convinces us of the inseparable, mutually connection of language and society. Political and economic reforms in Russia, have occurred in recent decades, the expansion of ties in all areas with other countries of the world are reflected in the lexical composition of these units, their semantics and education

Polina M. Foliforova ◽  
Tatyana M. Tyapkina ◽  

The article is devoted to studying neologisms of the German language of the last decades in the thematic group "Freizeit". Basing on new words in an online dictionary and a database of neologisms of the modern German language, a lexical-semantic analysis of lexical innovations is carried out. The vocabulary of the German language is studied in order to highlight the prevailing subgroups in the thematic group "Freizeit", to show the origin of neologisms. The analysis of lexical innovations allows us to draw a conclusion about the connection of neologisms with the changes in public life.

O. S. Yevdokimova

The article, which is based on the first historical scientifically compiled dictionary of the Ukrainian language «Materials to the dictionary of written and literary Ukrainian language of the XV–XVIII centuries» by Yevhen Tymchenko, provides a brief overview of the lexical composition with the identification of the XVI–XVII centuries Old Ukrainian language words borrowed from the Polish language. For this purpose, lexical-thematic groups (human existence, spiritual life, the realities of the environment etc.) and lexical-semantic groups (educational, world of flora and fauna, nomenclature of clothing, footwear, jewelry and fabrics, architecture, customs etc.) of borrowed Polish words have been distinguished and the quantitative composition of each group have been evaluated. The contexts in which the specified vocabulary functions have been provided. The fact that noted borrowed Polish words do not dominate in all lexical-thematic groups, though they are a constituent of each, has been revealed. The examples of contexts of the texts that serve as a source of reference for the study and fixation of borrowing by linguistic researchers, including Polonisms, in the Ukrainian language are given. Synonymous and antonymous groups, derivational nests, constant expressions and phraseologisms, in which the given borrowed Polish words occur, have been provided. It is defined, that multi-valued Polonisms can function within the same lexical-semantic group or belong to different groups. The list of researchers who dealt with the study of borrowed Polish words in the Ukrainian language has been given. Considering historical contacts, both social and cultural affinity and geographical neighborhood of Ukrainian and Polish peoples, the time period of intensive entry of borrowed Polish words into the Ukrainian language has been determined.

Oxana Tkach

The article is devoted to the description of the methods of correction of the semantic fields of words. We defined its main tasks, linguistic material and conditions of its use, substantiated the principles of the division of material into educational directions, specified the aims of this choice, defined the criteria for selecting the material (thematic principle, linguistic, morphological, frequency, hierarchical, etc.). These principles enabled us to form pivotal vocabulary groups for secondary school children, taking into account their linguistic experience and the curricula requirements for children with severe speech disorders. We described three main stages of the implementation of the remedial program, their purpose and directions of work, namely, the actualization of the existing knowledge of the child, the expansion of the lexical meaning through the accumulation of new words and the use of semantic ties to integrate them into existing semantic fields. The most critical and most important was the stage of harmonization, structuring and repolarization of semantic fields, in which conditions for independent construction and modification of semantic fields were created, as it provided for independent, competent work of children in selecting, processing and using the information obtained from different sources and branches of knowledge, as well as acquiring skills by one’s own choice or instruction to transform existing semantic fields. The article gives a list of practical tasks offered to children at different stages of remedy for individual and group work. Students worked with ready-made graphic structures of expressions and dynamic models. In order to visualize the process of forming semantic fields, in addition to the generally accepted models (associative chains), we proposed some projective models (“the snowball tree cluster", “the sundial", “the associative bush", and the “ multi-stage pyramid", which allowed to study quantitative and qualitative characteristics of semantic fields.


Renata Marciniak-Firadza, Coding of word formation structures by children/adolescents with deeper intellectual disability (on the example of the category of the tool names), Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 215–235 Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: Word formation plays an important role in the child’s linguistic and cognitive development, because the ability to interpret word formation structures and active use of the knowledge of derivation rules are the most important manifestations of linguistic competence at the lexical level. The aim of the article is a linguistic interpretation of selected names of tools obtained from children and adolescents aged 6–19 with diagnosed moderate and severe intellectual disability.. In the article, the author would like to draw attention first of all to the existence of word-formation structures in the linguistic awareness of children / adolescents and to the fact whether newly formed words are created in accordance with word-formation patterns existing inthe Polish language or they diverge from these patterns.

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