Linguistic and Conceptual Views of the World
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Published By Taras Shevchenko National University Of Kyiv

2520-6397, 2520-6397

D. V. Movchan

The article argues that antonymous words are not isolated in the language but are part of the general scheme of thematic classification of the vocabulary, entering into close ties with representatives of synonymous and polysemantic groups. Proof of this position is the availability of antonymous-synonymous blocks and paradigms of meanings of antonymous words-polysemants in the language. This fact serves to understand the antonymy of lexical as a relationship between members of opposing dichotomous series, as well as expands the boundaries of closed binary structures, which are traditionally used to make antonymous connections. Antonymous relations are established to connect two opposites in pairs, as well as to combine several units into one polynomial structure. Words are found to have more antonyms than the corresponding number of meanings. This proves that some semes of one word are opposed by two or more synonymous antonyms. From the above-mentioned, it follows that the antonyms of polysemous words can be stated only within one family. Such a framework can be defined by limiting the range of antonymous units to a third common concept, under which two antonyms are summed up; establishing the antonyms of polysemous words through the contextual indicative minimum; distinguishing between the direct and figurative meaning of the word. The antonymous connections within the framework of the synonymous-antonymous paradigm are established to demonstrate a qualitatively heterogeneous character, differ in the strength of the manifestation of the relations of opposites and the frequency of practical implementation. The analysis of the manifestations of antonyms between the members of the dichotomous synonymous series allows distinguishing the following types: radial, linear, and cross radial. It is proved that the quantitative indicator of the formation of certain antonymous pairs from among the members of synonymous series depends on the volume of the synonymous series being compared, from the nature of semantic differences of the words of each series, from the emotional, evaluative, and stylistic characteristics of the members of the series, and the distribution of the words with relatively opposite meanings.

N. V. Davydovska

This research is dedicated to the study of the main communicative trends and linguistic specificities of Elon Musk’s personal branding. The paper analyses over 500 Tweets posted by Elon Musk in his personal Twitter account throughout 2020 and classifies them into 7 categories according to their communicative aim with regard to brand-building. According to the results of the analysis, informative, advertising, self-promotion, provocative, entertaining, bonding and saving face Tweets were singled out. We examined each group separately, tracing their influence on building, maintaining or boosting Elon Musk’s personal brand, as well as on countering threats to its status. The study analyses the most representative examples of each group and explains their role in Elon Musk’s personal branding. As part of the present research, we studied linguistic devices employed by Elon Musk within the brand-building effort and concluded that irony, codeswitching, quoting, play on words, slogans, slang abbreviations / netspeak and extralinguistic signs are the main linguistic trends of his personal branding. The research proves that Elon Musk’s personal brand is consistent, competitive and shows high resistance to the attacks of adversaries on its status and to various challenges that could undermine its authority. The paper traces how Elon Musk uses his Twitter account to present himself as a visionary for space colonization and robotization, a member of geek and meme communities, to reinforce his image of bold, charismatic and influential businessman, who appreciates real talent and does not distance himself from common people and popular culture. The study reveals Twitter to be a powerful branding source, as it has wide outreach, real-world repercussions and global significance.

I. V. Mishchynska

Specific features of border discourse as a special form of social interaction are considered in the article. The characteristic features of communicative situations of border discourse are highlighted. The conditions under which modern border discourse takes place are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the professional speech of border guards, which is characterized by professional border guard vocabulary, depending on the field of communication. Discourse is a complex communicative event or sociolinguistic structure created by interlocutors in specific communicative, social and pragmatic situations. Border discourse exists in two forms: the oral form and written form. Oral border discourse is the communication between people in the line of duty. It can be a conversation between two servicemen, between an officer and a person crossing the state border of Ukraine, or a senior officer and a subordinate serviceperson. Written border discourse is secondary to oral speech. Written speech is actually dialogical. The material of the research is presented by normative documents, educational materials, materials of mass media, in which the communicative situations of the border discourse are presented. The place of speech situations of border discourse is determined by the sphere of activity of communicators and the method of communication: personal or indirect means of communication (telephone conversations, Internet, correspondence by regular or e-mail, mass media, etc. Participants in speech situations within this discourse are border guards, academics who teach disciplines related to the activities of border guards, members of the media who cover issues related to border activities, as well as ordinary citizens involved in border discourse when crossing the state border. Motives of communication and speech intentions of communicators are determining factors in the selection of language means to achieve the communicative goal. Areas in which the border discourse takes place are official receptions, meetings, conferences, press conferences, negotiations, command and staff exercises, conferences, training situations with the use of professional border guard vocabulary, regulations, official situations at checkpoints.

I. V. Ushchapovska ◽  
R. Ye. Podvalna

The article actualizes the study of websites as a means to promoting cities around the world and highlights the main structural and semantic characteristics of advertising sites hosted on Internet platforms. The pragmatic role of a lexical unit of advertising texts is investigated. The concepts of website and advertising text are defined, the main ways of information transfer through advertising text were described. Definitions of the concepts such as advertising, advertising text, strategy, website, and related concepts are provided. After researching the selected advertising texts, the structural and semantic characteristics of advertising on websites, and the main ways of transmitting information, such as verb sentences, simple nominative sentences, and elliptical sentences are analyzed. The pragmatic means of advertising campaigns on websites includes constructions, such as Top + Numeral, Must + V., Let + Inf, and so on. Examples of pragmatic websites are also considered. Samples and purposes of using this approach are given. There are various strategies for advertising and promoting cities and countries around the world on Internet platforms. The most popular and effective are the use of different language techniques (motivational, interrogative, negative sentences) and the strategy of the association. The advertising text is noted to embody a communicative and pragmatic guideline. In the advertising message, there is a presentation of the goods to the target audience. Thus, the main load is the language code, which is aimed at a special category of people. A small number of works on this topic indicate the need for a more detailed study of the issue.

M. І. Hordiichuk

The article studies the concept of “fake news,” focusing on researching its etymology and the scope of its meaning. The meaning of the concept of “fake news” is studied based on the contrast with the word combination“false news”. The coinages “post-truth” and “fake news” have been recognized as the words of the year by different dictionaries in the recent years, which contributes to the image of the present-day media. Various definitions of fake news of different scholars were analyzed. It was found that fake news are relatively easy in making and spreading due to the advancement of modern technologies. However, they disrupt the faith of readers in media, which stands for the need for the detection of fake news in mass media. Consequently, the detection of fake news has been acknowledged as a crucial skill in the modern era. The paper analyzes the ways communicative theory can be used in the detection of fake news in the media. Four main strategies were identified, namely argumentative, appellative, evaluative, and the strategy of optimizing of perlocutionary effect. Each of the strategies is applied in various ways in fake news making with the use of appropriate tactics within their scope. The argumentative strategy operates with the tactics of manipulation and detalization. Tactics of ideologization, appeal to addressees’ needs and retrospection are used within the appellative strategy. Evaluative strategy includes the tactics of positioning, discrediting the opponent and distancing. And within the strategy of optimizing of perlocutionary effect the tactics of emotion evocation, mnemonization and visualization are identified. The paper provides a theoretical background to all of these strategies. Also, their practical application in the media was analyzed based on the examples taken from the independent fact-checking organization “StopFake”. It was found that all of them are frequently used in the hybrid war against Ukraine to disrupt its official government, treaties with European partners, and provoke chaos within the state.

H. O. Zvonko

The article reveals the features of the figurative component as an active resource of linguistic objectification of the TRANSFORMATION concept. It was found that conceptual metaphor is the main mechanism of conceptualization of the idea of transformation. Metaphorical models are universal, but their specific content reflects the difference between real and mythological, possible or imaginary transformation. The study of the TRANSFORMATION concept through the prism of a metaphorical environment is due to the fact that it is abstract. The source for the formation of metaphors is the knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. Describing the phenomena of transformation, the native speaker of the Ukrainian language correlates them with what he already knows, and the characteristic on which the similarity is based, indicates the existence of a certain parallelism between the known and the unknown. These are the general grounds for revealing the figurative features of the TRANSFORMATION concept. The description of the main models of realization of figurative resources of the TRANSFORMATION concept in the Ukrainian language allowed to find that figurative means of the studied concept which make peripheral zone of its field structure, in the Ukrainian language are realized by means of the following eight models: vital-mortal, anthropomorphic, artefactual-attributive, zoomorphic, vegetative, colorative, spatial-temporal and model, the object or subject of which is the first elements of existence. The vital-mortal model is formed by vital and mortal features, which reveal the representations of the TRANSFORMATION concept in the human consciousness in the form or image of a living being. The anthropomorphic model is formed by social, emotional and mental features that characterize the phenomenon of transformation.

A. Yu. Bovsunivska A. Yu.

The article is devoted to the study of pragmatic aspects of the use of phraseology in the textual space of Carlos Ruiz Safón’s novel «Prisoner of Heaven». One of the defining features of the individual style of this well-known modern Spanish writer is the metaphoricity and figuration of aristic expression, the saturation of the text with phraseological units that play a significant role in creating a pragmatic charge of the work of art. Along with general linguistic phraseological units, which include commonly-used vocabulary, the author uses dialectal and authorial phraseological units, which is a feature of his individual style. All three designated groups of phraseological units mostly reflect the negative psychophysical and emotional state of the characters. The author uses dialectal, individually-authorial and modified phraseological units, which is a feature of his individual style. It is determined that transformation is one of the most productive and most effective ways to update linguistic means in works of art. Author’s modification of FU leads to a change in the semantics and structure of expression, gives it a more expressive or emotional coloring. Transformed phraseology is limited to individual usage and is subject to the context of the work. Modified FUs in the Zafón’s artistic space acquire certain aesthetic and artistic qualities. Their modification is mainly to create the desired stylistic effect – to achieve emotional or expressive expression, which increases the reader’s interest, focuses on the content, issues of the work, as well as reveals the potential expressive potential of the Spanish language. In the transformed FUs, not just a new meaning is traced, but a combination of the well-known and the occasional. The unique combination of different types of phraseological units in the novel is considered a manifestation of individual style and makes a representation of the individually-authorial linguistic picture of the world more expressive.

S. M. Mostova

Nowadays, in linguistics, the interest in the field of religion and communication within it has increased and the study of the religious discourse is becoming very popular. It contributes to the understanding of the religious picture of the world and the concept as a representative of the values, ideas, feelings, and associations. The article is based on the testament, sermons and speeches by Josyf Slipyj who was a Major Archbishop and a Cardinal of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Previously he, as a public figure was banned and the issue of religious mentality was on the periphery, in particular, due to ideological considerations. Josyf Slipyj always tried to organize a church space in Ukraine, which remains relevant today, because of the events and the religious context in our country. However, the issue of the discursive and linguo-conceptual analysis of the concept FAITH is unresolved. It is shown that this concept belongs to the deep foundation, one of the most important personal values. The purpose of the research is to study the verbalization of the concept FAITH in the religious discourse by Josyf Slipyj, which is the basis for the krainian linguistic picture of the world, universal category, the foundation of national consciousness, and at the same time the unique concept. Realization of the set purpose provides solving necessary tasks: to trace the worldview of Josyf Slipyj and determine the place of the concept FAITH. The concept FAITH is considered from two aspects that are equally necessary for Christianity: understanding faith, which is trust and faith in someone or something through the recognition of truth and value (faith in the Holy Trinity, in the church). The religious heritage of Josyf Slipyj represents two mentioned aspects: Patriarch trusts and believes in Jesus Christ, eternal God, God’s will, God’s providence, God’s help, Liturgy, Church, unity, Ukraine, power of prayer, love, science, holidays. So, in conceptual terms, the concept of religious discourse often includes different aspects of constants that affirm the Patriarch`s faith and transmit the essence of universal and national values, including ethical and religious categories.

O. Ye. Tkachuk-Miroshnychenko

The article presents a first assessment of the word-stock of “coronaspeak”-2020 — a new language of the Covid-19 pandemic. The English vocabulary is subjected to constant change due to various extralinguistic factors. The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the ‘explosion’ of new words. As of today, “coronaspeak” has over 1,000 words with more units appearing each day. The scale of the expansion is unprecedented, which requires reaction of the linguistic community. The article raises the issue of the classification of the “coronaspeak” word-stock. It argues that facilitated by media and social networks new words are changing their status of nonce words to neologisms, which makes the classification untimely and premature. The word-building analysis of 200 new words of “coronaspeak” allows to conclude that the creation of the new “coronavirus” word-stock applies the structural patterns specific for the English language. These various patterns include semantic change in denotation, derivation, compounding, blending, shortening, The analysis of the “coranaspeak” word-stock has demonstrated that the semantic changes in denotation, in particular the extension and the narrowing of a meaning, are scarce, and, hence, non-productive. Affixation, as a word-forming process, has proved semi-productive with the predominantly noun-forming suffixes. Among a limited number of shortenings we have observed final (apocope) and initial (apheresis) clippings, combined with affixation, by adding the suffix — y. Compounding and blending have proved to be highly productive. According to the part of speech classification, most “coronaspeak” compounds and blends are nouns. Of special interest are a group of “coronapuns”, which have demonstrated pragmatic potential.

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