scholarly journals Speech Acts Found in English Tourism Slogans Used in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-85
Giyatmi Giyatmi ◽  
Purwani Indri Astuti ◽  
Ratih Wijayava

The research aims at describing the types and functions of speech acts in the tourism slogan in Indonesia. There has already been much research on tourism slogan, but only a few studies focusing on linguistics. To broaden the study of tourism slogans from a linguistics perspective, the research focuses on the speech acts in the tourism slogans. It belongs to descriptive qualitative research by focusing on the phenomena of tourism slogans in society. The data of the research are tourism slogans of some cities in Indonesia found on the internet. The technique of data collection used is content analysis. The technique of data analysis consists of data reduction, data display, and verification. There is no data reduction in this research. Data is displayed in the table and the last step data is analyzed based on the problem statements. The researchers found 31 data of tourism slogans. There are 4 types of speech acts in tourism slogans namely representative speech acts (13 data), directive speech acts (7 data), commissive speech acts (3 data), and expressive speech acts (8 data). The researchers find 3 functions of speech acts in the tourism slogan such as giving information about the history of the city, nickname of the city, hope or idea of the city (19 data), asking (7 data), and promising (5 data). The findings show that there is a tendency to be very simple in the slogans found. Besides, the slogans come with an exclusive appeal by emphasizing the effective component in the message.Keywords: tourism, slogans, speech acts. 

2021 ◽  
M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Language politeness is politeness and subtlety in using language when communicating through oral and written. This research is qualitative research using the descriptive method. This research comes from the form of communication between millennials in the city of Namlea. They communicate using the Indonesian Ambonese dialect, while the type of data obtained in this study in oral speech contains politeness elements in the language. The data obtained through the recording are then analyzed using descriptive methods, namely a picture of the reality obtained from the data obtained. The analysis process is carried out through stages, identifying data and numbering data that contain language politeness. The results found that courtesy in language was; directive speech acts and expressive speech acts. There are four forms of speech acts by the millennial directive of Namlea, Buru, and six states of explicit speech act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-223
Nanang Heryana

This research aims to identify, describe, and analyze the politeness of speech acts of the moderator directive the Presidential Election Final Debate in 2019. Method used is descriptive with qualitative approach. Data source is a moderator speech act in debate. Research data are the politeness of the moderator's directive of debate in the form and strategies used in the form of words, phrases and sentences. Data collecting technique used is exposure techniques and documentary data collection tool is video recordings. The explanation technique was used to elaborate the moderator directive form and strategy of speech act politeness in the Final Debate. Data analysis method used the referral method with proficient SBLC and context analysis. Based on the results, there are 160 data in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences which are included in directive speech acts. There are seven forms of moderator speech directives in debate, namely directive speech acts inviting, persuading, requesting, prohibiting, asking, reminding, and ordering. The politeness of directive speech acts can be direct politeness, irreverent politeness, positive politeness, and negative politeness. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mendeskripsikan, dan menganalisis kesantunan tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam Debat Final Pilpres 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data berasal dari tindak tutur moderator dalam debat. Data yang dihimpun berupa kesantunan direktif moderator debat dalam strategi yang digunakan untuk memilih kata, frasa, dan kalimat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik pemaparan dan alat pengumpulan data dokumenter berupa rekaman video. Teknik pemaparan digunakan untuk menguraikan bentuk dan strategi kesantunan tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam Debat Akhir. Analisis data menggunakan metode simak dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap (SBLC) dan analisis konteks. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan 160 data berupa kata, frasa, klausa atau kalimat yang termasuk dalam tindak tutur direktif. Ada tujuh bentuk tindak tutur direktif moderator dalam debat, yaitu tindak tutur mempersilakan, mengajak, meminta, melarang, bertanya, mengingatkan, dan tindak tutur memerintah. Kesantunan tindak tutur direktif dapat berupa kesantunan langsung, kesantunan tidak langsung, kesantunan positif, dan kesantunan negatif. Kata Kunci:  Kesantunan, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Moderator, Debat

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Adnia Safira

Peristiwa tutur satu arah antara pelatih dengan pemain (player) pada pelatihan drum corps di Sabda Kinnara Drum Corps UNNES merupakan hal yang mendasari dilakukannya penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan metode cakap. Data utama penelitian berupa hasil sadapan terhadap tuturan dua pelatih Sabda Kinnara Drum Corps UNNES divisi Colour Guard (CG) dengan data pendukung berupa hasil wawancara dengan pelatih divisi CG. Objek penelitian ini adalah tindak tutur direktif pelatih drum corps divisi Colour Guard (CG). Dari penelitian ini diperoleh 21 bentuk tindak tutur direktif yang digunakan pelatih SKDCU divisi CG, di antaranya 8 tindak tutur memerintah, 3 tindak tutur memohon, 6 tindak tutur menyarankan, dan 4 tindak tutur menantang.Katakunci: direktif, tindak tutur Abstract:The one-way speech from the coach to the players at the drum corps training at Sabda Kinnara Drum Corps UNNES was the basis of the research. The research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method. The research data were collected using recording and interview. The main data of the research are the results of recording of utterances used by two coaches in Sabda Kinnara Drum Corps UNNES Color Guard (CG) division with supporting data from interviews with the CG division coaches. The object of this research is directive speech act used by coach of Color Guard (CG) drum corps. This research reveals that there are 21 forms of directive speech acts used by the CG division SKDCU coaches, including 8 commanding speech acts, 3 pleading speech acts, 6 suggesting speech acts, and 4 challenging speech acts.Keywords: directive, speech act 

Kadera Bahasa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
NFN Hestiyana

This study discusses the form of investigative speech acts in interrogation cases of domestic violence in Polresta Banjarmasin.This research focusing on the pragmatic domain aims to describe the form of investigative speech acts in interrogatingcases of domestic violence in Polresta Banjarmasin. The method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approachbecause the data obtained in the form of text of the Minutes of Examination (BAP) sourced from the jurisdiction ofPolresta Banjarmasin. The source of this research data is the BAP in the case of domestic violence in the jurisdiction ofPolresta Banjarmasin in December 2016, while the data in this research is in the form of investigator’s speech ininterrogation in the case of domestic violence. The investigators’ texts in the interrogation are contained in the victimwitness BAP, suspect BAP, and witness BAP. Data were collected by using techniques, namely: (1) observation, (2)documentation study, and (3) interview. The result of the research shows that investigation act in interrogation in BAPcase of KDRT in jurisdiction of Polresta Banjarmasin found three forms of speech acts used by investigator, that is: (1)speech act representative, (2) speech act directive, and (3) acts expressive. The categories of functions that emerged in thisstudy were (1) speech act representative function states, reporting function, demanding function, function of giving testimony,recognizing function, and show function; (2) speech acts urgent function directive, suggesting function, and requestingfunction; and (3) expressive speech acts blame function. From the results it is known that the most widely used speechactors are assertive speech acts with six function categories, followed by the use of directive speech acts with three functioncategories, and the least found use of expressive speech acts with one function category. This research may serve as areference for further research on pragmatic and linguistic forensic studies with the aim of developing applied linguisticscience.Keywords: speech AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas bentuk tindak tutur penyidik dalam interogasi kasus Kekerasan Dalam RumahTangga (KDRT) di Polresta Banjarmasin. Penelitian yang memfokuskan pada ranah pragmatik inibertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk tindak tutur penyidik dalam interogasi kasus KDRT di PolrestaBanjarmasin. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif karenadata yang diperoleh berupa teks Berita Acara Pemeriksaan (BAP) yang bersumber dari wilayah hukumPolresta Banjarmasin. Sumber data penelitian ini yaitu BAP pada kasus KDRT di wilayah hukumPolresta Banjarmasin bulan Desember tahun 2016, sedangkan data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturantuturan penyidik dalam interogasi pada kasus KDRT. Tuturan-tuturan penyidik dalam interogasi tersebutterdapat dalam BAP saksi korban, BAP tersangka, dan BAP saksi. Data dikumpulkan denganmenggunakan teknik, yaitu: (1) observasi, (2) studi dokumentasi, dan (3) wawancara. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur penyidik dalam interogasi yang terdapat dalam BAP kasus KDRTdi wilayah hukum Polresta Banjarmasin ditemukan tiga bentuk tindak tutur yang digunakan penyidik,yaitu: (1) tindak tutur representatif, (2) tindak tutur direktif, dan (3) tindak tutur ekspresif. Kategorifungsi yang muncul dalam penelitian ini ialah (1) tindak tutur representatif fungsi menyatakan, fungsimelaporkan, fungsi menuntut, fungsi memberikan kesaksian, fungsi mengakui, dan fungsi menunjukkan;(2) tindak tutur direktif fungsi mendesak, fungsi menyarankan, dan fungsi meminta; dan (3) tindaktutur ekspresif fungsi menyalahkan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa tindak tutur yangpaling banyak digunakan penyidik adalah tindak tutur asertif dengan enam kategori fungsi, diikutioleh penggunaan tindak tutur direktif dengan tiga kategori fungsi, dan yang paling sedikit ditemukanpenggunaan bentuk tindak tutur ekspresif dengan satu kategori fungsi. Penelitian ini dapat menjadiacuan bagi penelitian selanjutnya pada kajian pragmatik dan linguistik forensik dengan tujuanpengembangan keilmuan linguistik terapan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-452
Yulia Marizal ◽  
Sayhrul R. ◽  
Tressyalina Tressyalina

This study aimed to describe the form of teacher directive speech acts in learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The research data used is the teacher's speech in learning Indonesian at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. The data source is Mrs. Indra Dewi as an Indonesian teacher at SMA Negeri 2 Gunung Talang. The data collection technique used the free-of-conversation listening technique. Data analysis techniques are listening, understanding, organizing, categorizing, connecting between categories, and interpreting data based on the context. The results of this study contained five forms of directive speech acts, namely requesting speech, wishing speech, commanding speech, welcome speech, and asking speech. The utterance asks to be reviewed from the words "please" and "come on." Speeches of hope are viewed from the word "hope" or "hope." Speech orders are reviewed from the words "try" and "quick." Speech please viewed from the word "please." Asking utterances are viewed from the words "what," "who," and "how."

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-150
Septi Nur Azizah ◽  
Rustono Rustono

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi jenis dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi dalam wacana pidato kampanye pada Pemilu 2019. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan teoretis dan metodologis. Pendekatan teoretis yang digunakan adalah pendekatan pragmatik, sedangkan pendekatan metodologis yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan kualitatif.  Data penelitian ini berupa penggalan pidato dalam kampanye Prabowo Subianto dan sumber data penelitian ini adalah wacana pidato pada video kampanye Prabowo Subianto pada Pemilu 2019. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode simak dengan teknik sadap, teknik rekam, teknik transkripsi, dan teknik catat. Analisis data menggunakan menggunakan metode padan dengan teknik dasar pilah unsur penentu dan teknik lanjutan hubung banding menyamakan, teknik hubung banding memperbedakan, dan teknik hubung banding menyamakan hal pokok. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode informal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, jenis tindak tutur ilokusi yang terdapat dalam wacana pidato kampanye Prabowo Subianto pada Pemilu 2019 adalah tindak tutur representaif, tindak tutur direktif, tindak tutur ekspresif, tindak tutur komisif, dan tindak tutur isbati. Fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi yang ditemukan dalam wacana pidato kampanye Prabowo Subianto adalah fungsi menyatakan, melaporkan, menyebutkan, mengakui, meminta, menyuruh, memohon, mengajak, mengucapkan terima kasih, menyalahkan, mengkritik, mengeluh, berjanji, bersumpah, dan melarang.   This study aims to identify the types and functions of illocutionary speech acts in campaign speech discourse in the 2019 elections. The research approach used in this study is a theoretical and methodological approach. The theoretical approach used is the pragmatic approach, while the methodological approach used is a descriptive and qualitative approach. This research data in the form of fragments of speeches in the Prabowo Subianto campaign and the source of this research data is a speech, discourse on the Prabowo Subianto campaign video in the 2019 election. Data collection was carried out by referring to the tapping method, recording, technique, transcription technique, and note taking technique. Data analysis using the method of matching with the basic technique of determining the determinants and advanced techniques of equalization, equalization techniques distinguish, and the technique of appeal relations equalizes the main thing. Presentation of the results of data analysis using informal methods. Based on the results of the analysis, the types of illocutionary speech acts contained in Prabowo Subianto's campaign speech, discourse in the 2019 election were representative speech acts, directive speech acts, expressive speech acts, commissive speech acts, and verbal speech acts. The function of illocutionary speech acts found in Prabowo Subianto's campaign speech, discourse is the function of stating, reporting, mentioning, acknowledging, asking, asking, asking, inviting, thanking, blaming, criticizing, complaining, promising, swearing, and forbidding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 217
Lidya Monica ◽  
Afnita Afnita

ABSTRACT This article was written to describe the directive speech actions and speech strategies of Indonesian language teachers in class VII SMP Negeri 31 Padang. This research is qualitative with descriptive method. The sample of this study was grade VII students of SMP Negeri 31 Padang. The data of this research is the form of directive speech acts, speaking strategies and the context of the speaking of Indonesian language teachers in SMP Negeri 31 Padang in the 2018/2019 school year. The source of the research data is the speech of one Indonesian language teacher who teaches in class VII SMP Negeri 31 Padang. This research was conducted at the first meeting of the odd semester, for two meetings in the ongoing learning process.Based on the results of research and conclusions, it is suggested that the following things are suggested. (1) Directive speech acts and speech strategies of Indonesian subject teachers need to be developed, (2) Teachers are expected to use varied and good speech strategies to get the desired learning outcomes, (3) Teachers are expected to be able to use various examples of directive speech acts and appropriate speech strategies so that the process of speaking strategies that vary and discussion activities in the classroom become fun, and (4) the teacher is expected to be able to attract the attention of students in order to obtain a good learning process. Kata kunci: Tindak Tutur, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Strategi Bertutur

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Rifa Dewi Zulaikha ◽  
Endang Rahmawati

This study discusses the directive acts of the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy and the directive acts of the directive acts of the novel Cinta Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive study. The theory used is the theory of Harun Joko Prayitno. The data source of this research is a speech in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. The research data consisted of utterances cited by directive speech acts which included directive speech acts and directive speech acts in the novel Bumi Cinta by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Data were obtained by referring to the competent free engage listening technique obtained by note taking. The validity of the data in this study uses theory triangulation. Research results in the novel Bumi Cinta found six forms of directive speech acts, on request, request, invitation, approval, criticism and prohibition. When viewed, the directive speech function of the novel Bumi Cinta has a variety of functions. The form of directive speech acts requires the functions of ordering, commanding, asking, activating and letting. The form of directive speech acts requests, requests, hopes and offers. The form of speech act directive invitation has the function of inviting, persuading, supporting and asking. The form of directive speech acts to support the functions of advising, asking, asking and reminding. The form of directive speech acts of criticism has the function of reprimanding and winning. The form of directive speech acts have a ban function.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Imroatus Sholiha ◽  
Sukarno Sukarno ◽  
Sukatman Sukatman

<p><em>Al-Qur'an is the “Kalam Allah” that contains instructions to educate mankind to be the pious people by running off Allah commandment and avoiding all of the prohibitions. The purpose of this research was to uncover types and functions of directive speech acts that was found in Surah Al-Alaq as one of the Surah in Qur'an. The research data were in the form of verses containing the elements of directive speech acts that was collected from Surah Al-Alaq (96). The collected data were classified based on types of directive speech acts then analyzed with a content analysis approach to uncover various functions contained in each type of the speech acts. The results of this study showed that there are two types of directive speech acts: command and prohibition, both of which are delivered directly or indirectly. Accordingly, there are four kinds of directive speech acts, namely: (1) the direct command speech act; (2) the indirect command speech act; (3) the direct prohibition speech act; and (4) the indirect prohibition speech act. Furthermore, this study revealed that both the command and prohibition speech acts are contained of five functions, namely: commanding, requiring, forcing, prohibiting, and threatening. In general, all directive speech acts are found in Surah Al-Alaq contained God's intention of educating mankind to seek knowledge that is beneficial for their life in order to be closer to Allah by carrying out all the commands and avoiding every prohibitions as for to be safe in the world and the here after.</em><strong><em></em></strong></p>

Ari Puji Astrianingsih ◽  

This research aims to descibe the types of directive speech acts contained in L'enfant, a film by Jean Pierre and Luc Dardenne. The approach used is qualitative approach with analysis content method, and the data is all utterances which indicate directive speech acts in the film. The theory used in this research is the types of directive speech acts according to Searle, such as demander, ordonner, commander, requête, mendier, prier, supplier, implorer, permettre, inviter and conseiller. Data analysis techniques refer to technique from Milles and Huberman namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of this research that there are 135 directive speech acts found in the L'enfant film by Jean Pierre and Luc Dardenne. Among those 135 directive speech acts, there are 10 types of directive speech acts such as demander, ordonner, commander, requete, mendier, supplier, implorer, permettre, inviter and conseiller which is dominated by 57 utterances of demander type, and the least is the implorer type with only 1 utterance.

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