scholarly journals Implication of Rural Population in Planning Local Community Development: A Need for Policy Reform

Fon Dorothy Engwali ◽  
Mengue Melongo Priscille Grace

It has been observed that the participation of rural population is not really massive in some localities during the process of planning local community development. Thus, this study seeks to identify factors which can influence the participation of an individual in the materialization of the planning process at the level of the village. Data was collected from 108 respondents with the help of a structured pre-tested questionnaire in Bonalea and Dibamba councils. The binary logistic regression was used to find the factors which can influence their participation in the planning process. The results show that the implication of an individual is influenced by his or her affiliation (membership) to a farmer’s organization and the knowledge that a person has about the activities of the program. This suggests the need for the government to increase the sensitization about the activities of the program and the benefit of being a member of a farmer’s organization. The origin of the family influenced their participation. A non-native of a locality does not find it important to take part in any development process in their host locality which therefore suggests the need for the government to realize a special plan for strangers in locality.

Sheilane S. Mendez ◽  
Jonathan O. Etcuban ◽  
Dunedene J. Dalagan ◽  
Hearty Sol R. Mañego ◽  
Grayfield T. Bajao ◽  

Disasters are inevitable.  The island resorts in Malapascua Island, Daan Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines are vulnerable to natural risks such as typhoons and earthquake. In increasing disaster resilience, a model should be based on risk assessment results and be integrated with the strategic planning of the government and communities. It should consider risks and risk treatments across the social, built, economic and natural environments (Councils for Australian Governments, 2009). The study aimed to propose a disaster resiliency model for Malapascua Island, Daan Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines. The output of this study is a guide for the local community in case of natural disasters.  The descriptive survey method was utilized using a two survey questionnaires. The data regarding disaster preparedness in hotel resorts are gathered from the 80 respondents consists of the staff and managers of resorts in Malapascua Island, emergency rescue personnel, as well as the village officials of village Logon and municipal officials of Daan Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines.  Simple percentage and rank were used in the treatment of the data.  Results showed that island is vulnerable to risk and that devised plans for emergency disasters, hazard mitigation, and contingency are needed. The researchers recommended the use of the model. However, further research on its effectiveness should be conducted to confirm the preliminary findings.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-73
Yenik Pujowati

ABSTRAKSetelah peralihan rezim dari orde baru ke reformasi Negara melahirkan Undang-Undang No. 28 tahun 1999. Dalam peraturan tersebut, menjadi tujuh azas dan menjadipedoman bagi seluruh perangkat Negara untuk melaksanakan tugas. Ketujuh azastersebut meliputi azas kepastian hukum, azas tertib penyelenggaran, azas kepentinganumum, azas keterbukaan, azas proporsionality, azas prfesionalitas dan azasakuntabilitas.Otonomi daerah juga terbagi atas Pemerintahan Tingkat Provinsi,Pemerintahan Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota, dan Pemerintahan Tingkat Desa.Pemerintahan Desa dikatakan pemerintahan yang otonom karena dalam UU No. 6Tahun 2014, desa adalah kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang memiliki kewenangan untukmengurus dan mengatur kepentingan masyarakat setempat berdasarkan adat istiadatdan asal usul yang diakui oleh Negara. Dengan demikian pemerintah desa tidakbergantung sepenuhnya pada pemerintahan diatasnya dalam urusan pelaksanaanPemerintahan Desa. Desa juga memiliki kewenangan untuk menyelenggarakan pestademokrasi dan adanya pemilihan Kepala Desa dan lembaga BPD adalah wujud daridemokrasi tersebut.Kata Kunci : Good Governance, Badan pemusyawaratan Desa (BPD)AbstractAfter the transition of the regime from the new order to the reform of the State gave riseto Law no. 28 of 1999. In the regulation, it becomes the seven principles and serves asthe guidance for all State apparatus to carry out the task. The seven principles cover theprinciples of legal certainty, the principles of orderliness, the principles of publicinterest, the principles of transparency, the principle of proportionality, the principle ofprofessionalism and the principle of accountability. Regional autonomy is also dividedinto Provincial, Regency / Municipal Governance and Village Government. VillageGovernment is said to be an autonomous government because in Law no. 6 Year 2014,the village is a legal community unit which has the authority to administer and regulatethe interests of the local community based on customs and origins recognized by theState. Thus the village government does not depend entirely on the government above itin the affairs of the implementation of Village Government. Villages also have theauthority to organize democratic parties and the election of village heads and BPDinstitutions is a manifestation of the democracy.Keywords: Good Governance, Village Development Board (BPD)

1973 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 239-248 ◽  
Ray Lees

At the end of 1971 the Government designated the extention of the Community Development Project to the planned total of twelve areas. The project was then described as ‘a national action-research experiment’ carried out in selected urban localities in order to discover ‘how far the social problems experienced by people in a local community can be better understood and resolved through closer co-ordination of all agencies in the social welfare field – central and local government and the voluntary organizations – together with the local people themselves’. There was a special emphasis placed on the importance of ‘citizen involvement and community self-help’, together with the expectation that ‘the lessons learned can be fed back into social policy, planning and administration, both at central and local government level’.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 08028
Feti Fatimatuzzahroh ◽  
Sudharto P. Hadi ◽  
Hartuti Purnaweni

Coastal abrasion is consequence from destructive waves and sea current. One of cause is human intervention. The effort to solve of abrasion is by mangrove cultivation. Mangroves are halophyte plant that can restrain the sea wave. Mangrove cultivation required participation community that give awareness the importance of mangrove in coastal sustainability. Mangroves in coastal Karangsong, Indramayu west java, in 2007 was through abrasion approximately 127.30 ha. Mangrove cultivation in Karangsong has been replanting since 1998 to 2003, but there was no maintenance and management. In 2007 until 2015 Karangsong replanting mangroves and has been succeed. Karangsong became the center of mangrove study for west java area in 2015. This achievement is result of cooperation between community, NGO, and local government. In addition, this effort made not only overcome the abrasion problem but also give community awareness about the importance of mangrove cultivation in preventing coastal abrasion throughout community development. This paper reviews abrasion in Karangsong and the impact for local community and empowerment in mangrove cultivation. To achieve the success mangrove cultivation required community development approach from planning process, planting, maintenance and management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Fadli Razzak ◽  
Zuly Qodir

A fundamental change in the government system in Indonesia after the reforms is the implementation of decentralization and real regional autonomy. Giving village funds is a form of fulfilling the village's rights for the implementation of its own autonomy to grow and develop following diversity, participation, autonomy, empowerment, democratization of the community and increasing the role of the village government in order to provide services and improve the welfare of the community in areas that are adrift . Therefore, this study aims to reveal the impact of village fund policies on improving people's welfare and reducing unemployment in Ponggok Village, Tegalrejo Village, and Kalangan Klaten Village. Ponggok village was chosen because it is a pilot village that has managed to manage village funds provided for the welfare of its people. Ponggok Village uses its village funds to provide infrastructure to support the sustainability of Ponggok Tourism Village, conduct training programs, toilets for each house, as well as other assistance that can improve the welfare of its citizens, and the entire community participates in the programs. As a result, the program can significantly reduce unemployment. Tegalrejo Village uses its village funds to improve village infrastructure and train its community. Desa Kalangan uses its village funds to improve village infrastructure, reforestation, training and community development. However, the results of the management of the village fund of the two villages have not been able to improve the economy and reducing unemployment, due to the lack of community participation in the programs being implemented. Keywords: regional autonomy, village funds, community welfare, unemployment

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 716-725
Yusraa Yusraa

ABSTRACT: EFFECT OF KNOWLEDGE AND USE OF FAMILY SUPPORT FURTHER POSYANDU AGE IN THE VILLAGE OF LAKE DISTRICT PARIS SIKORAN ACEH SINGKIL  Background Background: At this time the population of the elderly is increasing, therefore the government has formulated various policies for elderly health services. The aging process should be accompanied by the ability and awareness of the elderly in playing a role to be actively involved in the utilization of posyandu. The low percentage of elderly visits in the work area of the Danau Paris Puskesmas, Danau Paris District, was due to the lack of knowledge of the elderly about the benefits of the posyandu, then a lack of support from the family or family attention to the elderly because they were busy with their respective activities.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of knowledge, and family support for elderly Posyandu utilization in the village Sikoran Lake District of Aceh Singkil Paris.Method Design of this study is a survey using explanatory research approach. The population of this research is all elderly people in the village Sikoran Lake District of Paris. A population of 57 people and sample using total sampling. Data were collected by using a questionnaire distributed to the elderly. The data analysis using logistic regression.Results: Results of analysis of knowledge on the utilization of Posyandu elderly based on the knowledge obtained by logistic regression test (p = 0.000 <0.05), then there is a significant effect so Ha is received. Results of analysis of family support was obtained (p = 0.085> 0.05), the Ha rejected.Conclusion:The results of this study suggested to To the leaders in order to further improve the management of health centers, especially the supervision of health personnel and support of cadres Posyandu elderly in order to improve the health of the elderly. Keywords: Awareness, Family Support, Utilization of Posyandu Elderly       INTISARI: PENGARUH PENGETAHUAN DAN DUKUNGAN KELUARGA TERHADAP PEMANFAATAN POSYANDU USIA LANJUT  DI DESA SIKORAN KECAMATAN DANAU PARIS  KABUPATEN ACEH SINGKIL  Latar Belakang: Populasi Lanjut Usia (Lansia) pada masa ini semakin meningkat, oleh karena itu pemerintah telah merumuskan berbagai kebijakan pelayanan kesehatan usia lanjut.  Proses penuaan hendaknya diiringi dengan kemampuan dan kesadaran lansia dalam menampilkan peranan untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam pemanfaatan posyandu. Rendahnya persentase kunjungan lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Danau Paris Kecamatan Danau Paris dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan lansia tentang manfaat dari posyandu tersebut, kemudian kurangnya dukungan dari pihak keluarga atau perhatian keluarga kepada lansia karna sibuknya dengan aktifitas masing-masing.Tujuan :Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan, dan dukungan keluarga terhadap pemanfaatan posyandu lanjut usia di Desa Sikoran Kecamatan Danau Paris Kabupaten Aceh Singkil.Metode: Desain penelitian ini bersifat  survei dengan menggunakan pendekatan explanatory research. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia yang ada di Desa Sikoran Kecamatan Danau Paris. Populasi berjumlah 57 orang dan sampel menggunakan total sampling.  Metode pengumpulan data dengan  menggunakan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada lansia. Analisis data menggunakan regresi logistic.Hasil : analisa pengetahuan terhadap pemanfaatan posyandu usia lanjut berdasarkan pengetahuan dengan uji regresi logistik diperoleh  (p= 0,000 < 0,05), maka ada pengaruh yang signifikan maka Ha diterima. Hasil analisa dukungan keluarga diperoleh (p = 0,085 > 0,05) maka Ha ditolak.Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada Kepada pimpinan agar lebih meningkatkan manajemen Puskesmas khususnya pengawasan terhadap tenaga Kesehatan dan dukungan dari kader posyandu lanjut usia. agar dapat meningkatkan derajat kesehatan pada lanjut usia. Kata Kunci :   Pengetahuan, Dukungan Keluarga, Pemanfaatan Posyandu Usia Lanjut

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 314-320
Yohanis Rante ◽  
Sarlota Ratang

The village fund is expected village government and technical institutions can realize the vision of Jayapura city government that believes, independent, unified, modern, prosperous based local wisdom.  The city of Jayapura has established the Community Entrepreneurship Agency (BKM) in each village/village/Kelurahan in order to manage the funds of the village/village/Kelurahan more effectively, efficient, precisely targeted to support the governance activities Good and transparent. The purpose of this research is to describe the management of ADD in village community empowerment as well as driving and inhibiting factors. The results showed that optimizing village funds allocation in the development of community entrepreneurship at Village Tobati Jayapura City is already running but not maximally, hence the need for strategy.  STRATEGY (W-O) makes strategy that utilizes the opportunity to overcome weaknesses, namely consist of: Government policy that makes Village Tobati as a demonstration village for tourism, this is an opportunity to add Income or family's confidentiality. The help of Village fund, ADK, ADD the average routine each year.  The commitment of the city government to improve and develop fisheries sector, especially the cultivation of fish cages very smooth and good means of transportation, and the help of the Prospect fund from the years 2016 and 2017 for the business of kiosk, sales Pinang, vegetable sales + Seasoning Kitchen, selling cold beverages + juice jacket, selling yellow rice, handicraft business, business selling pulse, oil kerosene + gasoline, net business. The opportunities mentioned above show that weaknesses in Village Tobati can be overcome well because of the very dominant opportunities in the village. Therefore the need for awareness from the local community to take advantage of the opportunities that exist for the welfare of the family in doing some very promising efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Eka Susanti ◽  
Abdi Abdi ◽  
Rudi Hardi

Information and communication technology development has produced a public service model through E-government. The government issued a policy, namely the formation of Village Fund Allocations (ADD), to manifest financial decentralization towards independent villages. The village has a very strategic role as a government organizational unit that deals directly with the community with all backgrounds, interests, and needs. The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out the E-government-Based Village Fund Allocation Management System in the Village Finance Application (Siskeudes) in Padakkalawa Village, Pinrang Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are carried out by direct observation, interviews, and documentation. The theory used in this study is the theory of Arifiyanto and Kurrohman based on four indicators, including planning, implementation, supervision, and reporting/responsibility. The results showed the E-government-Based Village Fund Allocation Management (Study Siskeudes in Padakkalawa Village, Pinrang Regency). In the planning process, Siskeudes obtain data information about the Village Strategic Plan, village RPJM and establish a village development work plan (RKPDes). At the implementation stage, Siskeudes is used for the APBDesa preparation process. For the supervision stage, Siskeudes is used to provide information to supervisors. Moreover, the Siskeudes accountability reporting stage is used to apply the principle of transparency or information disclosed to the public with evidence of the implementation of financial reporting displayed through information boards or accessed through the website.

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