scholarly journals The Bounds of Time Lag and Chemotherapeutic Efficacy in the Control of HIV/AIDS

Rotich K Titus ◽  
Lagat C Robert

The current use of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) strategy to control Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is inefficient in eradicating HIV/AIDS due to inadequate understanding of the dynamics relating to interaction between the immune system components and HIV. As a result, a pool of potential transmitters is continuously created and thus HIV has remained a pandemic. In this paper, we formulate a mathematical model using differential equations to study the effects of time lag τ>0 due to cellular latency and pharmacological delays and chemotherapy on the control strategy of AIDS epidemic. Equilibrium points of the model are computed and used to determine the reproductive ratio〖 R〗_0. This important threshold parameter is then used to determine the critical bounds of time lag τ∈[τ_min,τ_min] and therapeutic window C_p∈[MEC,MTC] that is, the bounds; above Minimum Effect Concentration (MEC) and below Minimum Toxic Concentration (MTC), where drug plasma concentration C_p should lie for effective maintenance of low levels of viral load and reduction of drug toxicity. The mathematical model gives qualitative understanding of HIV prognostic information which is a means of rejuvenating the existing Antiretroviral drugs (ARV’s). Numerical simulations show that a stable and persistent endemic equilibrium state of low viral load is achieved when these thresholds τ∈[0,25] and C_p∈[0.79,0.91] are satisfied. This persistent equilibrium state will lead to eventual eradication of HIV/AIDS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
S. A. Ramadass ◽  
Lancy D’souza ◽  
Karthik Pandit ◽  
Madhu Karnat S ◽  
Ulrich Berk

Background: Despite four decades of searching, no vaccine exists yet for HIV/AIDS, and it is still a big problem in many countries of the world. Purpose: Finding a simple method which is affordable, and which could help avoid side effects which the commonly used antiretroviral drugs often show, is the need of the moment. Method: A group of HIV positive children have been performing daily sunrise/sunset Agnihotra themselves under supervision for two years. Data were collected on viral load and CD4 counts before and after that. Repeated measure ANOVA was employed to find out the effectiveness of Agnihotra on reduction of viral load and increase in CD4 count. Results: Data shows general health improved measurably as viral load went down and CD4 values increased. Conclusion: These preliminary results show good potential of Agnihotra for HIV/AIDS patients and a randomized controlled trail is suggested.

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35 ◽  
F. Baryarama ◽  
J. Y. T. Mugisha ◽  
L. S. Luboobi

An HIV/AIDS model incorporating complacency for the adult population is formulated. Complacency is assumed a function of number of AIDS cases in a community with an inverse relation. A method to find the equilibrium state of the model is given by proving a stated theorem. An example to illustrate use of the theorem is also given. Model analysis and simulations show that complacency resulting from dependence of HIV transmission on number of AIDS cases in a community leads to damped periodic oscillations in the number of infectives with oscillations more marked at lower rates of progression to AIDS. The implications of these results to public health with respect to monitoring the HIV/AIDS epidemic and widespread use of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs is discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 300-305
Indah Jayani ◽  
Susmiati Susmiati ◽  
Yudied Agung Mirasa ◽  
Khusnul Khotimah

Viral load testing is an informative and sensitive method for successful HIV / AIDS therapy. This study aims to determine the relationship between adherence to viral antiretroviral consumption and viral load in people with HIV/AIDS. This research is a correlational analytic study using a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 34 people and, the number of samples was 32 using the purposive sampling technique. The research sample in this study was 32 respondents. The test results using the Spearman Rank obtained p-value 0,00 > 0,05. It was concluded that there was a relationship between adherence to antiretroviral drugs and viral load. Advice for people with HIV / AIDS  is expected to increase adherence to ARV consumption so that viral load is low and undetectable so that CD4 cell count increases and disease prognosis improves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-95
Erick Manuel Delgado Moya ◽  
Alain Pietrus ◽  
Sergio Muniz Oliva

In this paper, we present a mathematical model for the study of resistance to tuberculosis treatment using fractional derivatives in the Caputo sense. This model takes into account the relationship between Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and diabetes and differentiates resistance cases into MDR-TB (multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) and XDR-TB (extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis). We present the basic results associated with the model and study the behavior of the disease-free equilibrium points in the different sub-populations, TB-Only, TB-HIV/AIDS, and TB-Diabetes. We performed computational simulations for different fractional orders (α-values) using an Adams-Bashforth-Moulton type predictor-corrector PECE method. Among the results obtained, we have that the MDR-TB cases in all sub-populations decrease at the beginning of the study for the different α-values. In XDR-TB cases in the TB-Only sub-population, there is a decrease in the number of cases. XDR-TB cases in the TB-HIV/AIDS sub-population have differentiated behavior depending on α. This knowledge helps to design an effective control strategy. The XDR-TB cases in diabetics increased throughout the study period and outperformed all resistant compartments for the different α-values. We recommend special attention to the control of this compartment due to this growth.

Kehinde Adekunle Bashiru

A Mathematical Model of HIV/AIDS with Heterosexual transmission in the presence of treatment was examine in this paper, it ascertained the impact of treated individuals on the transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS. Equilibrium points of the model system were found, stability analysis and numerical simulation were carried out, it was discovered that HIV/AIDS can die out with test of time as Ro < 1 . It was observed that the model had a disease free equilibrium which was asymptotically stable for Ro < 1 and unstable for Ro > 1. Graphical representations of the numerical analysis showing the effect of treatment on the model were also presented.

Atanyi Yusuf Emmanuel ◽  
Abam Ayeni Omini

A mathematical model to eliminate malaria by breaking the life cycle of anopheles mosquito using copepods at larva stage and tadpoles at pupa stage was derived aimed at eradicating anopheles pupa mosquito by introduction of natural enemies “copepods and tadpoles” (an organism that eats up mosquito at larva and pupa stage respectively). The model equations were derived using the model parameters and variables. The stability analysis of the free equilibrium states was analyzed using equilibrium points of Beltrami and Diekmann’s conditions for stability analysis of steady state. We observed that the model free equilibrium state is stable which implies that the equilibrium point or steady state is stable and the stability of the model means, there will not be anopheles adult mosquito in our society for malaria transmission. The ideas of Beltrami’s and Diekmann conditions revealed that the determinant and trace of the Jacobian matrix were greater than zero and less than zero respectively implying that the model disease free equilibrium state is stable. Hence, the number of larva that transforms to pupa is almost zero while the pupa that develop to adult is zero meaning the life-cycle is broken at the larva and pupa stages with the introduction of natural enemy. Maple was used for the symbolic and numerical solutions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 09 (02) ◽  
pp. 1650024 ◽  
K. Kamalanand ◽  
P. Mannar Jawahar

In HIV/AIDS patients, antiretroviral therapy (ART) is used for reducing the viral load and helps in increasing the life span of the individual. However, severe side effects are associated with the use of antiretroviral drugs. Hence, a treatment schedule, using minimal amount of drugs, is required for maintaining a low viral load and a healthy immune system. The objective of this work is to compute the optimal dosage of antiretroviral drugs for therapy planning in HIV/AIDS patients, using intelligent optimization techniques. In this work, two computational swarm intelligence techniques known as the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) in conjunction with the three-dimensional mathematical model of HIV/AIDS have been used for estimating the optimal drug dosage for administering therapy by minimization of viral load as well as the total drug concentration. Results demonstrate that, using the proposed method, it is possible to achieve minimal viral load and an improved immune system, with the estimated drug dosage. Further, it was observed that the efficiency of BFO (CD4 cells [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]cells/mm3 at seventh year of infection) for estimation of optimal drug dosage is higher than the PSO method (CD4 cells [Formula: see text][Formula: see text]cells/mm3 at seventh year of infection). This work seems to be of high clinical relevance since, at present, ART is the widely used procedure for treatment of HIV infected patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Victor Akinsola ◽  

In this paper, a mathematical model of the transmission dynamics of corruption among populace is analyzed. The corruption free equilibrium state, characteristic equation and Eigen values of the corruption model were obtained. The basic reproductive number of the corruption model was also determined using the next generation operator technique at the corruption free equilibrium points. The condition for the stability of the corruption free equilibrium state was determined. The local stability analysis of the mathematical model of corruption was done and the results were presented and discussed accordingly. Recommendations were made from the results on measures to reduce the rate of corrupt practices among the populace.   

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Tri Nurhudi Sasono

Abstract : Indicator of the health welfare through Sustanable Development Goals (SDGs) is to reduce the incidence of HIV-AIDS, decrease the rate of the epidemic and maintain the quality of life of people living with HIV-AIDS (PLWHA). Trend cases of HIV-AIDS is the most recent spread among people, especially housewives. In Malang until 2015 found 278 Housewife of 409 cases of AIDS. The prevalence of HIV-AIDS in Malang Regency is ranked second after Surabaya city in East Java. For the importance of public participation and citizen care AIDS Cahaya Care Turen take responsibility for the condition. Determination Rule Goverment number 2 2015 year on the Participation of the community response to HIV-AIDS in Malang as a legal rule. Concerned Citizens activities AIDS (WPA). WPA Cahaya Care Turen is increases HIV risk and quality of life PLWHA. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Citizens AIDS Cahaya Care Quality of Care Turen against people living with HIV in Puskesmas Turen Malang. The study design using a quasi-experimental, with purposive sampling using a sampling technique. Total number of research subjects 23. Based on test results obtained with the Wilcoxon p value <0.005, which means that there is a significant difference before and after PLWHA joining participated in the WPA Cahaya Care Turen. The conclusion of this study is WPA activities involving people living with HIV and at risk groups can optimize compliance with antiretroviral drugs that have an impact on improving the quality of life of PLHIV. Suggestions in this research is done WPA Program activities are structured and ongoing cross-sector in order to improve the quality of life and empower PLWHA.Keywords : WPA Cahaya Care Turen, Quality of life, PLWHA Abstrak : Salah satu indikator kesejahteraan kesehatan melalui Sustanable Development Goals (SDGs) adalah menekan angka kejadian HIV-AIDS, menurunkan laju epidemik dan mempertahankan kualitas hidup Orang dengan HIV-AIDS (ODHA). Trend kasus HIV-AIDS terkini terbanyak adalah menjangkit dikalangan masyarakat khususnya pada ibu rumah tangga. Kabupaten Malang sampai dengan tahun 2015 ditemukan 278 Ibu Rumah Tangga dari 409 kasus AIDS. Prevalensi HIV-AIDS di Kabupaten Malang ini merupakan peringkat kedua di Jawa Timur setelah Kota Surabaya. Untuk itu pentingnya peran serta masyarakat dan warga peduli AIDS Cahaya Care Turen ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap kondisi tersebut. Penetapan Peraturan Bupati Malang no.2 th.2015 tentang Peran serta masyarakat penanggulangan HIV-AIDS di Kabupaten Malang diharapkan dapat mengurangi risiko penularan HIV dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODHA. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Peran Warga Peduli AIDS Cahaya Care Turen terhadap Kualitas ODHA Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Turen Kabupaten Malang. Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi eksperimen, dengan teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Jumlah subyek penelitian sejumlah 23. Berdasarkan hasil uji dengan Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p value < 0.005 yang berarti bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna sebelum dan sesudah ODHA bergabung mengikuti kegiatan WPA Cahaya Care Turen. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah kegiatan WPA dengan melibatkan ODHA dan kelompok beresiko dapat mengoptimalkan kepatuhan obat ART sehingga berdampak terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup ODHA. Saran dalam penelitian ini adalah dilakukannya Program kegiatan WPA yang terstruktur dan berkesinambungan lintas sektor guna meningkatkan kualitas hidup dan memberdayakan ODHA.     Kata kunci : WPA Cahaya Care Turen, kualitas hidup, ODHA

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