The Need for Ability Grouping in English Classes in Public Schools in the UAE

2017 ◽  
Christine Howling

"Lack of English proficiency among secondary school graduates is a significant issue in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as English is the medium of instruction in federal universities. Due to this, one-third of the UAE government’s university budget is spent on remedial courses that seek to develop the English-language skills of incoming university students (Salem & Swan, 2014). This policy paper examines research conducted in 2014-2015 on the English language learning experiences of female students enrolled in the remedial Foundation program at a federal institute in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE. The results of the study indicate that the UAE’s current class grouping policy at the secondary school level disadvantages lower-performing students and needs to be reexamined. This paper recommends that the current policy be revised to group students in English classes according to their English-language abilities."

Comunicar ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (50) ◽  
pp. 33-41 ◽  
Jesús Izquierdo ◽  
Verónica de-la-Cruz-Villegas ◽  
Silvia-Patricia Aquino-Zúñiga ◽  
María-del-Carmen Sandoval-Caraveo ◽  
Verónica García-Martínez

Worldwide, curricular changes and financial investments are currently underway to promote the integration of technology in public education and English language learning at a young age. This study examines the ICTs that have become part of the daily instructional practices and educational settings of teachers of English who work with young learners in public schools. To this end, this mixed-methods study draws on a quantitative descriptive-exploratory design and a qualitative multiple-case study. The quantitative data were collected through a Likert questionnaire administered to 28 secondary school teachers of English across 17 municipalities in five regions of Southeast Mexico and 2,944 learners. The qualitative data were gathered from a subsample of six teachers through longitudinal classroom observations, teacher and administrator interviews, and school visits. The non-parametric analyses of the quantitative data and the categorical aggregation analyses of the qualitative data reveal that the use of some multimedia and mobile-assisted communication resources is emerging in the L2 public classrooms. In line with findings from other international contexts, variables that seem particular to public education for young learners and their school setting, however, led teachers to prefer using their own technological devices that included laptops, multimedia material, and cellphones, rather than those in the schools. La educación pública en diversos países está experimentando una serie de reformas que favorecen la integración de la tecnología en la educación pública y el aprendizaje del inglés a una temprana edad. El presente estudio mixto, examinó el empleo de la tecnología en las prácticas pedagógicas cotidianas de los profesores de inglés en la educación secundaria pública y los recursos tecnológicos de los que disponen normalmente en sus escuelas. Para la fase cuantitativa se empleó un diseño descriptivo-exploratorio, a través de un cuestionario tipo Likert aplicado a 28 profesores y 2.944 alumnos en 17 municipios del sureste mexicano. Para la cualitativa, se empleó un estudio de múltiples casos con un sub-grupo de seis profesores del cual se recolectó información a través de observaciones de clases, entrevistas con docentes y directivos, y visitas a las instalaciones de las escuelas. El empleo de análisis no-paramétrico con los datos cuantitativos y de agregación categórica con los datos cualitativos permitió identificar algunos recursos multimedia y de comunicación móvil que los profesores tienden a emplear de manera cotidiana en el aula. No obstante, diversos factores relacionados con aspectos propios de la educación pública y el contexto escolar influyeron para que los profesores prefirieran sus propios medios tecnológicos tales como ordenadores portátiles, teléfonos inteligentes y materiales multimedia a los disponibles en su institución.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  

Integrating scaffolding-learning technologies has been recognized for its potential to create intellectual and engaging classroom interactions. In the United Arab Emirates, having language teachers employ computers as a medium of new pedagogical instrument for teaching second languages generated the idea of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) as a medium of an innovative pedagogical instrument for facilitating and scaffolding language learning, with an aspiration that it will lead to improved English language attainment and better assessment results. This study aims at investigating the perspectives of students and teachers on the advantageous and disadvantageous impacts of CALL on learning and teaching English as a second language in one public school in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The results show that CALL has a facilitating role in L2 classroom and that using CALL activities is advantageous in reducing English learning tension, boosting motivation, catering for student diversity, promoting self-directed language learning and scaffolding while learning English. The results additionally report that numerous aspects like time constraints, teachers’ unsatisfactory computer skills, insufficient computer facilities, and inflexible school courses undesirably affect the implementation of CALL in English classrooms. It is recommended that further studies should be undertaken to investigate the actual effect of CALL on students’ language proficiency. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-193
Huma Hyder

Progressive Globalization established the necessity of workforce to possess excellent communication skills in multiple languages. Areas such as tourism, trade, media, technology, science, and others use common languages. However, countries like China, South Korea, and so forth discussed the need to teach one foreign language at primary as well as secondary school level and hence developed education policies that focused on teaching English as a foreign language or second language. Some countries like Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and India already have English language as a second official language. Hence, English Language Education was considered as second foreign language which was accepted and now it is considered as a symbol of aspiring quality education in a national as well as international perspective. In 21st century, English is considered as an international link language which is been widely accepted by people across the world. Although, English language has a historical heritage of British Empire, it is best used to develop an individual’s cultural, technological, scientific and material needs that competes with the society. It is believed that language learning is not just acquiring the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language learning is also about the language competence and the ways communicative competence has been applied in an integrated manner. English language learning is not just an educational issue, it also addresses the issues of the society, national development, and personal advancement. In the present scenario, English Language acquired an inclusive place in most of the societies, especially in India. As a result, English Medium Schools have gained immense popularity which responds to aspiration of the people. This paper tries to present the significance of English as a Second language. The main purpose of this paper is to explore the significant pedagogies or methodologies used in schools to teach English as English language plays a crucial role in the education sector.

Agnieszka Świętek ◽  
Wiktor Osuch

Education in regional geography in Poland takes place at public schools from the earliest educational stages and is compulsory until young people reach the age of adulthood. Reforms of the Polish education system, resulting in changes in the core curriculum of general education, likewise resulted in changes in the concept of education in the field of regional geography. The subject of the authors’ article is education in regional geography in the Polish education system at various educational stages. The authors’ analysis has two research goals. The first concerns changes in the education of regional geography at Polish schools; here the analysis and evaluation of the current content of education in the field of regional geography are offered. The second one is the study of the model of regional geography education in geographical studies in Poland on the example of the geographyat the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Although elements of education about one’s own region already appear in a kindergarten, they are most strongly implemented at a primary school in the form of educational paths, e.g. “Regional education – cultural heritage in the region”, and at a lower-secondary school (gymnasium) during geography classes. Owing to the current education reform, liquidating gymnasium (a lower secondary school level) and re-introducing the division of public schools into an 8-year primary school and a longer secondary school, the concept of education in regional education has inevitably changed. Currently, it is implemented in accordance with a multidisciplinary model of education consisting in weaving the content of regional education into the core curricula of various school subjects, and thus building the image of the whole region by means of viewing from different perspectives and inevitable cooperation of teachers of diverse subjects. Invariably, however, content in the field of regional geography is carried out at a primary and secondary school during geography classes. At university level, selected students – in geographical studies – receive a regional geography training. As an appropriate example one can offer A. Świętek’s original classes in “Regional Education” for geography students of a teaching specialty consisting of students designing and completing an educational trail in the area of Nowa Huta in Cracow.

Jenifer Mangalus

While there have been studies and awareness seminars conducted in the promotion of Philippine English (PE), still PE has not fully-penetrated in most public schools. Hence, the study sought to identify the acceptability of PE among English teachers from a secondary high school in Pampanga. PE’s levels of acceptability were determined using Torres and Alieto’s (2019) Grammatical and Lexical Acceptability Questionnaire. Pre -test result revealed that teachers have low acceptability level of the PE grammatical and lexical items   and that they are not aware of the PE. A webinar was conducted to introduce the PE among teachers and the post-test showed a significant difference to their acceptability level. Furthermore, teachers’ answers to the follow up questions imply that they are willing to introduce PE in the classroom, which they believe will help the students to be more conversant and become more confident in speaking the English language. It is concluded that teachers are open to incorporating the PE in their classes to further improve their students’ confidence in learning the language. The following recommendations were given: (1) Teachers should be provided with more seminars that will update them with the current status of Philippine English; (2) Teachers should be encouraged to consider the Philippine English in motivating students to be confident speakers in the English classes; and (3) School administrators and English teachers should promote the acceptance of Philippine English in the academic context.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 82 ◽  
Malba Barahona

This paper explores the policy development supporting the implementation of English language teaching (ELT) in Chile at primary level over the last two decades. This policy—which made English instruction compulsory for all Chilean students from fifth grade—has had to deal with a series of significant challenges since its introduction. One key impediment has been the lack of qualified teachers of English at primary school level. In addition, in a crowded curriculum, English teaching has been often allocated inadequate number of hours to facilitate successful language acquisition. Further, suitable learning resources and support materials—especially designed for young learners—have often been limited. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the broader offering of English, particularly at the primary level, has had an important democratising effect. It has been somewhat effective in allowing children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds to access a global language and a potential world of opportunities previously only available to students attending wealthy private institutions. Data suggests that this policy has had some impact in establishing educational foundations for broader access to more advanced language learning for all students in Chile. However, equally it demonstrates further resources and support for teachers and teaching is essential to realise this potential.ation of English language teaching (ELT) at primary level has had to confront a series of challenges since its introduction. One key difficulty has been the lack of qualified teachers of English at primary school level. In a crowded curriculum, English teaching has been often allocated inadequate number of hours for successful language learning. In addition, suitable learning resources and support materials— especially designed for young learners—are often unavailable.  At the same time, it is undoubtedly the case that English being taught at the primary level has had an important democratising effect, with children from lower socioeconomic levels being afforded access a global language and a potential world of opportunities. This has furnished significant foundations for broader social access to more advanced language learning for all students in Chile. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (8) ◽  
pp. 29
Raneem Alyousif ◽  
Zainab Alsuhaibani

Demotivating factors are one of the sources that can reduce students’ motivation toward language learning. This study investigated language learning demotivating factors among high school EFL students. It also explored the educational implications and recommendations for promoting EFL students’ motivation from teachers’ perspectives. A total of 365 Saudi high school EFL students and 18 secondary English language teachers from six public schools participated in the study. The data of the study were collected via two research instruments: a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with students and teachers. The results revealed that subject- related and teacher-related demotivating factors were the most reported demotivating factors for Saudi high school EFL students. The results also showed that lack of interesting topics, lack of activities for practicing English, overemphasis on grammar, and incompetence of teachers were the most demotivating factors for EFL students toward English learning. Moreover, several recommendations for promoting students’ motivation have been suggested by teachers such as technology use, extrinsic motivation and encouragement, and competitive and collaborative work. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Wire Bagye ◽  
Yuliana Yuliana

Arrobbany English Courses is an institutions which have only a single manager and tutor in guiding 67 students consisting of students from primary and secondary school level. In teaching and learning tutor often have difficulty in establishing a nice environment for some students would rather play than on learning. This causes the limited learning topic that can be delivered to students tutor each meeting. Therefore, it needs the right solution and does not incur costs to add a tutor or a native speaker, using a medium of learning. One of the media to learn the most widely used today is the computer as a proven way to speed up the delivery of learning topic and increase student interest. In this study Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Ingris is built to help tutor show the right pronoun to the students. Sound of pronoun will sounded  when the picture clicked. There are seven learning menus in this application. Application development using Greenfoot with object-oriented programming concepts. Method development using SDLC, UML design and testing method using the Black-box testing. English Language Learning application is compiled into .jar extensions which can be run on the Windows operating system which have been installed JDK. Based on testing to 23 students indicates that the Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Ingris is exciting, produce the proper sound, and can replace the native speaker. The result of the assessment shows that average percentage are more than 82%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Maulana Yusuf Aditya

 Abstrak  Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini merupakan kegiatan lanjutan dari program sebelumnya, dimana dilakukan pelatihan terkait penerapan teknologi dalam pembelajaran bahasa atau disingkat TELL (Technology in Language Learning). Seiring berkembangnya lembaga-lembaga kursus yang jumlahnya semakin banyak, terutama di wilayah Bangkalan. Banyak siswa-siswi mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar sampai menengah atas mendaftar dan mengikuti program-program yang ditawarkan oleh lembaga kursus. Tren inilah yang menjadi dasar terpilihnya lembaga kursus sebagai tempat melakukan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Penerapan audiobook lit2go di lembaga kursus  Bahasa Inggris ini dilakukan oleh para tutor di lembaga kursus E-Home untuk membantu proses pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan teknologi pembelajaran, yang nantinya diharapkan bisa meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatnya kemampuan pengajar Bahasa Inggris di lembaga kursus dalam menggunakan teknologi saat pembelajaran, dalam hal ini penggunaan audiobook lit2go.  Kata kunci: Audiobook Lit2go, Tell, Pembelajaran, Teknologi   Abstract    This community service activity is a continuation of the previous program, where training is carried out related to the application of technology in language learning called TELL (Technology in Language Learning). As the number of course institutions grows, especially in the Bangkalan region. Many students ranging from elementary to high school level register and participate in programs offered by institute courses. This trend is the basis for the selection of course institutions as a place to do community service. The application of lit2go audiobook at English language course institutions is carried out by tutors at E-Home course institutions to assist the learning process by utilizing learning technology, which in turn is expected to improve student learning outcomes. The result of this community service activity is the improvement of the ability of English teachers in course institutions to use technology while learning, in this case the use of lit2go audiobook. Keywords: Lit2go Audiobook, Tell, Learning, Technology

2012 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 271-289 ◽  
Michelle Kohler

In the Australian education context, there are typically two cohorts of language learners at the secondary school level, those who commence their study of the target language early in their primary schooling (early starters), and those who commence their study later, at the beginning of secondary school (late starters). The two groups may have undertaken their language study under quite different program conditions, in particular in relation to “time-on-task”i. There is little empirical evidence about the nature of student achievement in languages at the end of primary and in junior secondary and its relationship to time-on-task. This paper compares the achievements of a sample of early and late start students of Indonesian in Australia using score data gathered from common measures of achievement. In addition, a small sample of student written responses are analysed in order to highlight issues related to eliciting and describing student achievement that may not be evident from the quantitative data alone. The findings of the study reveal the nature of achievement by early and late starters of Indonesian in the SAALE study, as well as the complexity of investigating a single variable such as time-on-task in relation to student achievement. The paper concludes by recommending that assessment of student achievement in language learning take into consideration methodologies that may capture more holistically a constellation of variables that impact on students’ language learning.

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