scholarly journals Eating behaviour in relation to personality dimensions and self-esteem

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 134-141
Darja Kobal Grum

The research goal was to investigate the relationship between personality dimensions, self -esteem and eating behaviour invarious circumstances. We were interested in differences between general eating behaviour patterns and eating behaviourof people in distress. Participants were 303 adults who filled out five questionnaires on eating behaviour patterns, eating a ndappraisal due to emotions and stress, the big five inventory, contingent self-esteem scale and instability of self-esteem scale.The results show that younger participants are keener to haphazard planning of meals and have higher appraisals of outsidestressors and influences. Also, their score in neuroticism and openness were higher, and they expressed higher contingentself-esteem. According to the factorial structure, the factors of eating behaviour and psychological dimensions: coping withstress and extraversion, influence of outside stressors and contingent self -esteem, and eating behaviour patterns. Thefindings could be promising in further research of personality dimension and eating behaviour habits.Keywords: Eating behaviour, personality, self-esteem, stress.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Cliff Franklin ◽  
Laura V. Johnson ◽  
Letitia White ◽  
Clay Franklin ◽  
Laura Smith-Olinde

Objectives. This study examined the relationship between acceptable noise level (ANL) and personality. ANL is the difference between a person’s most comfortable level for speech and the loudest level of background noise they are willing to accept while listening to speech. Design. Forty young adults with normal hearing participated. ANLs were measured and two personality tests (Big Five Inventory, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) were administered. Results. The analysis revealed a correlation between ANL and the openness and conscientious personality dimensions from the Big Five Inventory; no correlation emerged between ANL and the Myers-Briggs personality types. Conclusions. Lower ANLs are correlated with full-time hearing aid use and the openness personality dimension; higher ANLs are correlated with part-time or hearing aid nonuse and the conscientious personality dimension. Current data suggest that those more open to new experiences may accept more noise and possibly be good hearing aid candidates, while those more conscientious may accept less noise and reject hearing aids, based on their unwillingness to accept background noise. Knowing something about a person’s personality type may help audiologists determine if their patients will likely be good candidates for hearing aids.

Jurnal Ecopsy ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Rinandita Wikansari

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara kepribadian dan kinerja karyawan. Kepribadian yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah model kepribadian Big Five Personality yang terdiri dari dimensi extraversion, openess, conscientiousness, neuroticism, dan agreeableness. Sedangkan kinerja yang dimaksud adalah performansi/hasil kerja dari karyawan. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner yang terbagi menjadi 2 skala yaitu, skala kepribadian terdiri dari 35 butir pernyataan dan skala kepribadian terdiri dari 10 butir pernyataan. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini sebanyak 30 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kepribadian dan kinerja memiliki hubungan. Di antara 5 dimensi kepribadian ditemukan bahwa Agreeableness dan Neuroticism-lah dimensi kepribadian yang secara signifikan memiliki hubungan dengan kinerja.  Kata kunci: Hubungan, Kepribadian, Kinerja ABSTRACT This research’s purposed  to know the relationship between personality and employee’s performance. The personality referred to this research is Big Five Personality Model which are consist of extroversion, openess, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and agreeableess dimension. The performance referred to this research is job’s output. This research used two instruments, big five inventory (BFI) and 10-items perrmance scale. Respondent for this research was 30. Data analyzed by correlation test with percentage of signification 5% or 0,05. The result of this research indicated that big five personality and performance of employee related. Agreeableness and neuroticism  as personality dimension which were significantly related to performance.  Keywords: Relationship, Personality, Performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Lutfiyah Lutfiyah ◽  
Bagus Takwin

Research on the personality and its correlation to happiness found that personality is a strong predictor of happiness.  Further studies also reveal that high self-esteem is found to be positively correlated with happiness. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality and happiness and specifically to examine how the correlation of both is mediated by\ self-esteem. This study hypothesises that personality correlates with happiness, and self-esteem mediate the correlation of personality with happiness. 118 participants of this study were adolescents to late adulthood in the ages ranged from 12 to 60 years. Data collected using Big Five inventory, personal self-esteem scale and mental health continuum-short form. The results show that the Big Five personality is correlated with both self-esteem and happiness. The result also proves that self-esteem mediates the relationship between the Big Five personality and the happiness.Key words: big five personality, self-esteem, happiness Abstract: Penelitian sebelumnya tentang kepribadian dan kebahagiaan menemukan bahwa kepribadian berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan dan merupakan prediktor yang kuat terhadap kebahagiaan. Penelitian selanjutnya juga menemukan bahwa bahwa harga diri yang tinggi berkorelasi positif dengan kebahagiaan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara kepribadian dan kebahagiaan dan secara khusus ingin menguji bagaimana korelasi keduanya dengan dimediasi dengan harga diri. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah kepribadian berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan dan harga diri menentukan korelasi kepribadian dengan kebahagiaan sebagai mediator. Partisipan pada penelitian ini sebanyak 118 orang yang merupakan populasi umum dalam kategori remaja sampai dewasa akhir dengan rentang usia 12- 60 tahun. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah big five inventory, skala personal self-esteem dan mental health continuum-short form. Hasil-hasil yang ditunjukkan dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kepribadian big five berkorelasi dengan harga diri. Kemudian kepribadian big five berkorelasi dengan kebahagiaan. Sehingga, dapat dibuktikan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara kepribadian Big Five dengan kebahagiaan yang di mediatori oleh harga diri. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Chris Stewart ◽  
Shawn Lawrence ◽  
Mary Ann Burg

Abstract This empirical study sought to explore the relationship of personality, spirituality and empathy. Specifically, the possible additional predictive ability of spirituality for empathy when also including personality was examined. Multidimensional measures of spirituality (Spiritual Involvement and Beliefs Scale) and personality (Big Five Inventory) were utilized with a sample of both undergraduate, graduate students and practitioners from two disciplines. Data was collected from several sites, including three universities. Results demonstrated that most spiritual dimensions were not significantly correlated with empathy. One spirituality dimension (Spiritual Perspective) however added significantly to a regression model that also included personality dimensions.

1996 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42 ◽  
Marco Perugini ◽  
Luigi Leone

The aim of this contribution is to present a new short adjective-based measure of the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality, the Short Adjectives Checklist of BIg Five (SACBIF). We present the various steps of the construction and the validation of this instrument. First, 50 adjectives were selected with a selection procedure, the “Lining Up Technique” (LUT), specifically used to identify the best factorial markers of the FFM. Then, the factorial structure and the psychometric properties of the SACBIF were investigated. Finally, the SACBIF factorial structure was correlated with some main measures of the FFM to establish its construct validity and with some other personality dimensions to investigate how well these dimensions could be represented in the SACBIF factorial space.

Himanshu Rajput

Smartphone-based messaging applications have shown phenomenal growth with the proliferation of the internet coupled with the high penetration of smartphones into masses. The current study is an attempt to understand the relationship between the individuals personality and their use of WhatsApp, a popular smartphone-based messaging application in Indian context. For personality assessment the study takes Big Five Inventory. A questionnaire consisting items on individual WhatsApp use and Big Five Inventory was administered to students in an Indian University. Multiple regression and logistic regression revealed significant relationships between personality and WhatsApp usage and use of its different inbuilt functions.

SAGE Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 215824402110030
Kai Kaspar ◽  
Lisa Anna Marie Fuchs

Stimulated by the uses-and-gratification approach, this study examined the joint relation of several consumer characteristics to news interest. In total, 1,546 German-speaking participants rated their interest in 15 major news categories and several personal characteristics, including gender, age, the Big Five personality traits, self-esteem, as well as general positive and negative affect. Regression analyses examined the amount of interindividual variance in news interest that can be explained by this set of consumer characteristics. Overall, the amount of explained variance differed remarkably across news categories, ranging from 4% for entertainment-related news to 25% for news about technology. The most powerful explaining variables were participants’ gender, age, openness to experiences, and their amount of general positive affect. The results suggest that news interest should be defined and operationalized as a concept with multiple facets covering a huge range of content. Also, the results are important for media producers and journalists with respect to the conflict between increased need gratification of consumers and information filtering via personalized news content.

Babel ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 840-864 ◽  
Roya Araghian ◽  
Behzad Ghonsooly

Abstract This study is an attempt to address the issue of examining the relationship between burnout and personality among translation students. Recent trends in student/academic burnout have led to a proliferation of studies which have heightened the need for the exploration of this construct that is well-grounded in personality influences. Despite increasing concern over these two concepts, no report has been found so far surveying their association within the translation discipline. To this end, 73 Iranian translation students completed a 33-item student translator burnout scale and the 44-item Big Five Inventory of Personality. This was also accomplished by building a causal structural model through which the associations among these constructs were estimated. The results demonstrated that the proposed model has a good overall fit with the empirical data. Findings further provide evidence that there are significant correlations between agreeableness, neuroticism, and burnout.

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