scholarly journals Measuring The Theoretical Paradigm Shift From Marketing Mix To Relational Marketing

Dean R. Manna ◽  
Alan D. Smith

Much has been written in the recent marketing literature on the perceived importance of moving from a transaction basis to a long-term relationship basis in terms of personal selling. Since the traditional marketing mix paradigm has dominated marketing philosophy for so long, many perceive there is a marketing shift, especially in service marketing, to the relational marketing paradigm. A sales force from five industries, representing primarily service industries (n=142), were tested on a number of statistical techniques including correlations, stepwise regression, and n-way ANOVA, and yielded no significant trend to support the theoretical paradigm shift.

Dr.S.Sarojini ◽  
Dr. J Nithya

Personal selling efforts became highly essential for selling products in competitive markets. Most companies take a customer-oriented approach to personal selling. They train salespeople to identify customer needs and to find solutions. This approach assumes that customer needs provide sales opportunities, which customers appreciate good suggestions, and that customers will be loyal to salespeople who have their long-term interests at heart. The problem-solver salesperson fits better with the marketing concept than does a hard-sell salesperson or the glad-handling extrovert. Buyer’s today want solutions, not smiles; results, not razzle-dazzle. They want salespeople who listen to their concerns, understand their needs, and respond with the right products and services. The sales force serves as a critical link between a company and its customers. In many cases, salespeople serve both masters-the seller and the buyer. KEY WORDS: Personal selling, problem-solver salesperson, razzle-dazzle. .

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 710-729
Mohamad Dimyati ◽  
N. Ari Subagio

Abstract As in all service industries, banks need to be able to provide their customers with personalized services in order to ensure that they build and maintain long-term relationships which are mutually beneficial. As such, banks must adopt a relational marketing approach based on effective communication and the building of trust with the current customers instead of focusing on acquiring new customers. The current research provides insights into how banks can build trust and maintain their relations with existing customers by testing several predictors of customer trust and customer relationship intention. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine economic content, resource content and social content as the predictors of trust and relationship intention, and trust as a predictor of relationship intention. In addition, this study also analyzes the role of trust in mediating among economic content, resource content, and social content as a predictor of relationship intention of state owned bank customers in East Java. The sample of the study is formed of 120 customers of three state-owned banks from East Java. The research variables consist of three exogenous variables: economic content, resource content, and social content. The endogenous variables are trust and relationship intention. The data was collected using a questionnaire with multiple items measured using Likert scales. The model was analyzed using SEM with AMOS version 18.0. The result shows that economic content, resource content and social content are positive and significant predictors of trust and relationship intention. The role of economic content, resource content, social content as direct predictors is higher than the mediating role of trust of state owned bank customers.

Majed Abdul Amir Mohsen ◽  
Ahmad Abdul Reda Enad

This study aimed to address the concept of deceptive marketing in the most important activity of companies, i.e., marketing, which is the lifeline on which companies depend on the process of financing and product selling. Additionally, through marketing, companies can communicate directly with customers, and this activity includes marketing practices that are deceptive or misleading. The study dealt with the presentation of the components of the marketing mix, and how each component can include deceptive or misleading practices. Marketers practice customer manipulation with the intention of changing customers' behavior and attitudes towards achieving the greatest possible profit in lesser time. With the spread of marketing deception and marketing fraud in various areas, the phenomenon is growing not only in product marketing but also in service marketing, especially insurance services, as many marketers and sales representatives believe that success and profit-making are associated with those practices. The study addressed many factors facilitating these practices, as well as the ways in which marketing deception is practiced and the impact of such practice on the perceptions that form in the minds of customers about companies. One of the most important objectives of the study was to substantiate the relationship between the dimensions of marketing deception and the dimensions of the mental image of the organization by relying on the statistical analysis of the initial data of the study, which was collected through questionnaire that was prepared for this purpose and distributed to a random sample of 225 customers of insurance companies operating in the insurance market in Iraq.   The most important findings of the study show that deceptive marketing practiced through the service marketing mix, among other dimensions, affects the mental image that the customers hold towards the organization in negative and varying ways. This study presents a number of recommendations, the foremost of which is the necessity of educating marketers and companies about the negativity of deceptive practices on the company in the long term, as well as paying attention to the mental image held by customers towards the insurance companies because of its impact on the formation of positive impressions towards the company, and thus increasing market share of the company through its reputation in the insurance  market .  

NICODEMUS B2041141022

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kausalitas dengan menggambarkan kondisi sebagaimana adanya berdasarkan data yang diperoleh pada saat penelitian pada stockiest Tupperware Jl.Danau Sentarum dan Jl. Sungai jawi kota  Pontianak. Dalam penelitian ini, sampel diambil sebanyak 100 responden yang menggunakan produk Tupperware. Teknik analisis data menggunaka analisis Regresi Bertahap (Analisis Jalur/Path Analysis), Analisis jalur tidak hanya menguji pengaruh langsung, tetapi juga menjelaskan tentang ada atau tidaknya pengaruh tidak langsung yang diberikan variabel bebas melalui variabel intervening terhadap variabel terikat.Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas produk (X1) dan citra merek (X2) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H1 dan H2 ditolak. Sedangkan nilai emosional (X3) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y1) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H3 terbukti (diterima).Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis, dapat diketahui bahwa citra merek (X2) dan nilai emosional (X3) tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H5 dan H6 tidak terbukti (ditolak). Sedangkan kualitas produk (X1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2), hal ini berarti H4 terbukti (diterima). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis keputusan pembelian (Y1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan konsumen (Y2) produk Tupperware, hal ini berarti H7 terbukti (diterima). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keputusan pembelian tidak memediasi kualitas produk dan citra merek terhadap kepuasan konsumen dari produk Tupperware. Kata kunci : kualitas produk, citra merek, nilai emosional, keputusan pembelian, kepuasan konsumen.DAFTAR PUSTAKA  Aaker, David A (1991), Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the value of Brand Name, Prentice Hill, New York Almaulidta, Suharyono dan Yulianto (2015). “Pengaruh Green Brand Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Kepuasan Konsumen (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Program Strata 1 Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya yang Menggunakan Produk Elektronik Merek Sony”. Malang Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Vol. 3, No.1, 2015. Amirullah (2002). Perilaku Konsumen, Cetakan Pertama, Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta. Anastasia dan Nurendah (2014). “Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Citra Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen. 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2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (21) ◽  
pp. 6041 ◽  
Zhang ◽  
Li ◽  
Buyantuev ◽  
Bao ◽  

Ecosystem services management should often expect to deal with non-linearities due to trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services (ES). Therefore, it is important to analyze long-term trends in ES development and utilization to understand their responses to climate change and intensification of human activities. In this paper, the region of Uxin in Inner Mongolia, China, was chosen as a case study area to describe the spatial distribution and trends of 5 ES indicators. Changes in relationships between ES and driving forces of dynamics of ES relationships were analyzed for the period 1979–2016 using a stepwise regression. We found that: the magnitude and directions in ES relationships changed during this extended period; those changes are influenced by climate factors, land use change, technological progress, and population growth.

2021 ◽  
Jelena Franjković ◽  

The image of the retail brand and the price image of the retailer are of significant importance for achieving a competitive advantage and long-term strengthening of the overall image. Retailers’ slogans should reflect their overall strategy and facilitate and consolidate the desired positioning in the minds of customers, ie consumers. The paper studies retailers with predominantly food products, i.e., high-turnover products. Retailers who sell products of different brands find it more difficult to manage and control the positioning of their brand, and the price image also plays a significant role in this. This paper aims to investigate and compare consumer perception of retailers’ slogans and their price image. A primary survey was conducted with persons participating in the purchase of groceries for their household and included the top five retailers in the Croatian market. The results showed that the slogan of retailers can play an important role in the successful management of the price image. The compliance of the perception of the price image of retailers by the respondents with the associations of their slogans to the price level was noted. Finally, it is concluded that the harmonization of all elements of the retail marketing mix facilitates and strengthens the desired positioning in the minds of consumers, and thus the price image.

Jean W. Bauer ◽  
Marlene S. Stum ◽  
Paula J. Delaney

The 1982 Long-Term Care Survey (N = 5,670) was used to gain an understanding of predisposing, need, and enabling variables that influence the economic well-being of disabled elderly. Stepwise regression results suggest that a combination of enabling and predisposing factors best explained differences in economic well-being. Implications of the findings for practitioners are discussed within the context of practice and policy for the disabled elderly.

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