scholarly journals The Lived Experiences of Fibromyalgia in Taiwanese Women

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (18) ◽  
pp. 49
Shih Whei-Mei ◽  
Tsao Lee-Ing ◽  
Hsu Hsiu-Chin ◽  
Hsiao Pin-Ru

Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and associated symptoms. It affects people physically, mentally, and socially. The aim of this study was to explore the life experience of women with fibromyalgia in order to gain knowledge which can contribute to increased quality of healthcare. In-depth interviews were used to collect information from nineteen Taiwanese women who were diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Data were analyzed using the content analysis approach. Data analysis revealed four categories: life torture by physical suffering, torment of the mind, treatment seeking, and facing an incurable and unknown illness alone. Each category was described in terms of its properties and subcategories. This article provides information to fibromyalgia patients who suffer from severe chronic pain and related discomforts. Recommendations focus on helping women with fibromyalgia achieve or maintain integrity especially in the conservative oriental people. It is beneficial for both health care professionals and patients.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 121 ◽  
Turid Møller Olsø ◽  
Arve Almvik ◽  
Reidun Norvoll

<p>Helpful relations. A quality study about the alliance between users with serious mental health problems and health care professionals in two outreach teams.</p><p>In recent years Norway has established various types of assertive outreach teams in community based mental health care. The article examines the importance of the quality of the alliance between health care professionals and users in two assertive outreach teams. More specifically, we describe the common characteristics of a good relation, pointed out by both users and professionals, and the methods that are thought to support these relationships. The study has a qualitative design and data was gathered through semi structured in-depth interviews of 19 professionals and 9 users. The study concludes that helpful relationships are characterized by contact and equality, and that interaction through everyday activities helped strengthen the working alliance. Our results confirm recent research that highlights the importance of the quality of the relationship as a prerequisite for good care, and the importance of the tacit knowledge used and informal work done by professionals interacting with users.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
La Rangki ◽  
Kusman Ibrahim ◽  
Aan Nuraeni

Jumlah pasien pasca kolostomi akibat kanker kolon dan rektal di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Kolostomi menyebabkan masalah fisik, psikososial dan spiritual serta ekonomi. Tenaga kesehatan terutama perawat perlu memberikan asuhan keperawatan terhadap pasien pasca kolostomi secara menyeluruh. Penelitian kualitatif terhadap pasien kolostomi sangat diperlukan sebagai upaya untuk mengungkap secara mendalam pengalaman hidup pasien pasca kolostomi dan menemukan new insight, sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan perawat dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan pada pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Data didapatkan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap delapan informan yang merupakan pasien rawat jalan, terdiri dari lima laki-laki dan tiga perempuan, usia antara 30 tahun sampai dengan 73 tahun. Lamanya hidup dengan kolostomi antara empat bulan sampai dengan enam tahun. Analisis hasil wawancara menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Tema yang didapatkan dari pengalaman hidup pasien kolostomi antara lain: keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, perubahan psikososial informan, perubahan dalam perilaku ibadah dan distres spiritual, perubahan pada aktivitas seksual, sumber-sumber dukungan bagi informan, upaya menjalani hidup dengan kolostomi, adaptasi terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, serta penyulit dalam menjalani hidup dengan kolostomi. Individu yang hidup dengan kolostomi mengalami keterbatasan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasarnya, termasuk perubahan psikososial, distres spiritual dan masalah ekonomi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, perawat disarankan memberikan dukungan dan dan perhatian pada pasien pasca kolostomi.Kata kunci: Kanker kolorektal, kolostomi, pengalaman hidup The Life Experiences of Patients with Post ColostomyAbstractThe number of patient with colostomy that it caused by colorectal cancer has been increasing significantlyin Indonesia. Colostomy was affected to physical, psychosocial, spiritual and economic of patients. Health providers, especially nurses need to provide holistic care for post colostomy patients. The aims of this qualitative study were to describe the life experience of post colostomy patients and to explore new insight of nursing interventions. The new insight would increase nurses’ knowledge and improve the quality of nursing care. This phenomenological study was obtained data using in-depth interviews to 8 informants. The informants consist of 5 men and 3 women. The characteristic of informants included age between 30-73 years, and the length of time living with a colostomy between 4 months to 6 years. The data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. This study found several themes such as limited daily activities, psychosocial changes; spiritual distress; changes in sexualactivities;sources of support;live with a colostomy; live adaptation; the burdens living with a colostomy. Living with a colostomy faced problems including the limitation to fulfill their needs, psychosocial changes, spiritual distress, and economic problems. Based on those problems, nurses can give support and attention for post colostomy patients.Key words: Colorectal cancer, colostomy, life experiences

2020 ◽  
pp. 095148482095230
Harbir Singh ◽  
Ajoy Kumar Dey

In the era of patient centered healthcare, patients are educated, more aware and demanding than ever. However, there is a significant misalignment between patients and doctors due to improper communication resulting in broken patient-doctor therapeutic relationships and degraded quality of healthcare. This suggests that patients have a greater and mature role to play in their healthcare. The paper aims to fill this gap by studying the contribution of patients in their healthcare through patientdoctor communication in selected Indian multispeciality hospitals. Qualitative multi-case study was steered and in-depth interviews of thirteen patients, twelve doctors were conducted along with the secondary data analysis of more than 600 pages of the documents from the official websites of the sample hospitals. Grounded theory three level coding revealed the themes of contribution of patients in through effective communication. The results indicate that patients contribute to their healthcare through effective communication by demonstrating association with doctors, reflecting reciprocally, resolving communication challenges and supporting their overall treatment process. The paper extends the literature on patient’s contribution in their healthcare. It presents clear and succinct implementable implications and distinctive ways in which patients cooperate with the doctors, work mutually, improves communication and strengthen their overall healthcare process.

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
La Rangki ◽  
Kusman Ibrahim ◽  
Aan Nuraeni

Jumlah pasien pasca kolostomi akibat kanker kolon dan rektal di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Kolostomi menyebabkan masalah fisik, psikososial dan spiritual serta ekonomi. Tenaga kesehatan terutama perawat perlu memberikan asuhan keperawatan terhadap pasien pasca kolostomi secara menyeluruh. Penelitian kualitatif terhadap pasien kolostomi sangat diperlukan sebagai upaya untuk mengungkap secara mendalam pengalaman hidup pasien pasca kolostomi dan menemukan new insight, sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan perawat dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas asuhan keperawatan yang diberikan pada pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Data didapatkan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap delapan informan yang merupakan pasien rawat jalan, terdiri dari lima laki-laki dan tiga perempuan, usia antara 30 tahun sampai dengan 73 tahun. Lamanya hidup dengan kolostomi antara empat bulan sampai dengan enam tahun. Analisis hasil wawancara menggunakan metode Colaizzi. Tema yang didapatkan dari pengalaman hidup pasien kolostomi antara lain: keterbatasan dalam melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari, perubahan psikososial informan, perubahan dalam perilaku ibadah dan distres spiritual, perubahan pada aktivitas seksual, sumber-sumber dukungan bagi informan, upaya menjalani hidup dengan kolostomi, adaptasi terhadap perubahan yang terjadi, serta penyulit dalam menjalani hidup dengan kolostomi. Individu yang hidup dengan kolostomi mengalami keterbatasan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasarnya, termasuk perubahan psikososial, distres spiritual dan masalah ekonomi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, perawat disarankan memberikan dukungan dan dan perhatian pada pasien pasca kolostomi.Kata kunci:Kanker kolorektal, kolostomi, pengalaman hidup AbstractThe number of patient with colostomy that it caused by colorectal cancer has been increasing significantlyin Indonesia. Colostomy was affected to physical, psychosocial, spiritual and economic of patients. Health providers, especially nurses need to provide holistic care for post colostomy patients. The aims of this qualitative study were to describe the life experience of post colostomy patients and to explore new insight of nursing interventions. The new insight would increase nurses’ knowledge and improve the quality of nursing care. This phenomenological study was obtained data using in-depth interviews to 8 informants. The informants consist of 5 men and 3 women. The characteristic of informants included age between 30-73 years, and the length of time living with a colostomy between 4 months to 6 years. The data were analyzed using the Colaizzi method. This study found several themes such as limited daily activities, psychosocial changes; spiritual distress; changes in sexualactivities;sources of support;live with a colostomy; live adaptation; the burdens living with a colostomy. Living with a colostomy faced problems including the limitation to fulfill their needs, psychosocial changes, spiritual distress, and economic problems. Based on those problems, nurses can give support and attention for post colostomy patients.Key words: Colorectal cancer, colostomy, life experiences

Muhammad Umar

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of these unethical promotional activities on patient’s quality of life. Design/methodology/approach In-depth interviews were conducted, and then quantitative method was also used on a large number of health care professionals. Findings Findings of the study demonstrated that unethical activities influence biased prescriptions and then it helps to misuse of medicines. The drug resistance is also affected by misuse of medicines. Misuse of medicine further affects on financial burden on patient. Drug resistance has impact on health compromise. Furthermore, finding of the study describes that drug resistance, health compromise and financial lead to the imbalance of patient’s quality of life. Overall, findings revealed that pharmaceutical unethical promotional activity to achieve sales target is also a major cause of elements that disturbs patient’s quality of life. Originality/value This is a research paper and not published before.

Yin-Yi Lien ◽  
Hui-Shin Lin ◽  
Chi-Hsuan Tsai ◽  
Yin-Ju Lien ◽  
Ting-Ting Wu

Mental-illness-related stigma not only exists in the public but also in healthcare systems. Healthcare providers (HCPs) who have stigmatizing attitudes or behaviors might be thought of as a key barrier to mental health service use, and influence the quality of healthcare. Although cumulative projects have been conducted to reduce stigma related to mental illness among HCPs around the world, little is known about whether the attitudes of HCPs toward mental illness have changed over time. Research on this topic is mixed with respect to whether attitudes of HCPs toward mental illness have become more or less positive. The aim of the current study was to help clarify this issue using a cross-temporal meta-analysis of scores on the Social Distance Scale (SDS), Opinions about Mental Illness (OMI), and Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness (CAMI) measures among health care professionals and students (N = 15,653) from 1966 to 2016. Our results indicated that both social distance (β = −0.32, p < 0.001) and attitudes (β = 0.43, p = 0.007) of HCPs toward mental illness have become increasingly positive over time. These findings provide empirical evidence to support that the anti-stigma programs and courses have positive effects on HCPs and can inform future anti-stigma programs focusing on improving the attitudes of HCPs toward mental illness, thereby improving the quality of healthcare provided.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Lina Safarina

Introduction. Indonesia has increase in cases of HIV/AIDS significantly. HIV/AIDS incidence in children is increase too. Children with HIV infection are vulnerable to physical and psychosocial problems are complex. This raises the issue of the family in caring for children with HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to explore in depth the experiences of family life in the care of children with HIV/AIDS. Methods. The study used a qualitative approach was phenomenological. This research was conducted during the months of July-August 2012 in Cimahi. The study was conducted on families who have children with HIV/AIDS. Method of data collection study using in-depth interviews. Analysis of the data used to describe the lived experience of families in caring for children with HIV/AIDS with Colaizi data analysis. Results. Children with HIV/AIDS had experience a variety of problems related to the infection opportunity, growth and development disability, education, social skills and acceptance in society. Discussion. Nurse can give information about caring children with HIV/AIDS, give the support to family to get VCT program, ARV supervision, motivation enhancement, child health, children need to learn and play, support family to join with PMTCT program to increase quality of life of the children and family. Keywords: Children with HIV/AIDS, Family’s Experience, Quality of Life

k ta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Hossein Salimian Rizi

Negative capability, John Keats’s coined term, defines the ideal poet as being capable of being in uncertainties and mysteries without any irritable reaching after fact and reason. He insists that poets let the mind be a thoroughfare for all thoughts, by holding no fixed identity but metamorphic identities. Although Keats finds the ideal quality of a poet in Shakespeare the poet, it does not appear far from logical to investigate it in the characters of his plays, specifically king Lear, as he undergoes changes throughout the story and cuts across his enclosed self to enrich his receptivity to the actual vastness of life experience after he is estranged and labelled as an outsider in his erstwhile kingdom. In the present study I will employ the ongoing vigor of negative capability to take a step further ahead of its theoretically stipulated implications and investigate it on the character of king Lear.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
Anushka Dimitrova

The severity of the burn, as a trauma is a three-dimensional magnitude determining the localization, the vastness and depth of tissue damage. It is essential that the period from the onset of the trauma to the beginning and method of treatment. Depending on timely and adequate medical care for victims with burns, possible complications can be significantly reduced and prevented. According to the normative requirements for acquiring professional competence, health care professionals must possess special training and education in the scope of the specialty "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" (PVEH). The purpose of this study is to study awareness of the burns and the need to train healthcare professionals from outpatient care. The study was conducted in the period March-April 2019 year among 134 health care professionals working in outpatient clinics for specialized medical care (individual or group practice), medical centers and diagnostic advisory centers on the territory of Sofia City. The study used the dokumen¬tal and sociological method through its own survey. Results. The highest relative share is the health care professionals with work experience from 21 to 30 years (38.06%) from 11 to 20 years (34.33%). The analysis of the results showed that over half (55.97%) Professionals can partly cope with a burning incident. Every fifth of respondents (20.15%) Professional preparation for medical care and 23.88% of them respond negatively. A significant share of respondents (94.77%) Want to participate in training on the topic of burns 67.16% of them giving a categorical answer "yes, completely” , 27.61% say "yes, partly". 98.05% of professionals consider it necessary to provide information to parents about the possible risk of incineration in children, with 91.79% expected to contribute to reducing incidents in their rearing. Conclusion. In recent years, health care reforms have been oriented towards improving the quality of medical care, as the main task of medical institutions to provide affordable health care. The quality of healthcare has a multi-factor modality of criteria such as safety, accessibility, adequacy, patient satisfaction, social fairness and final health care outcomes.

Ratchaneekorn UPASEN ◽  

Mental health nurses have to confront distressing situations in caring for patients and families, in which several predicaments can lead to moral distress. This study explored moral distress experienced by mental health nurses. A qualitative narrative inquiry was used to gain a better understanding of moral distress Together with purposive sampling and snowball methods. The data were collected from 41 mental health nurses who met the inclusion criteria through in-depth interviews and then, the data were analyzed by using content analysis. This narrative study revealed that experiences from keeping the patient safe is a significant core theme among mental health nurses, involving five themes: (1) frustration in giving best work performance, (2) concerning the patient safe, (3) being stressed at work, (4) experiencing self-condemnation, and (5) sleeping difficulty. Support needed to face moral distress was also presented in this study. The stories of moral distress from this study may contribute to the understanding of health professionals concerning how it occurs and what attributes are involved. Situations leading to moral distress and support needed can shed light on the development of policy that can prevent and help relieve moral distress among mental health nurses for a greater quality of healthcare in Thailand.

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