scholarly journals Policy on Strengthening the Role of Libraries in Supporting Scholarly Communication at IAIN Curup

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-169
Syamsul Rizal ◽  
Rhoni Rodin

Background of the study: Libraries occupy a very strategic position in supporting scientific communication in universities. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the policy of strengthening the role of libraries in supporting scientific communication at IAIN Curup. Method: This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews and documentation. Findings: The results of this study indicate that there are several policies that have been and will be carried out by the IAIN Curup and the IAIN Curup Library in supporting scientific communication at IAIN Curup, namely 1) regulations and development strategies in the institutional strategic plan; 2) carry out routine user education activities; 3) online research skills training for academicians; 4) providing e-resources; 5) information literacy class program for students and lecturers; and 6) book review activities. The lecturers hope that the means of scientific communication can be improved so that the role of libraries can be maximized in scientific communication activities. The concept that can be offered in order to strengthen the role and function of libraries in the development of scientific communication at IAIN Curup is the revitalization of user education by adding facilities and facilities for user education activities. Then the increase in the promotion of services and facilities at the IAIN Curup Library. Conclusion: The position of libraries in supporting scientific communication in tertiary institutions must be strengthened through policies in favor of libraries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-136
Syamsul Rizal ◽  
Rhoni Rodin

Problem statement: Libraries have not played an optimal role in supporting Scholarly communication in a university. Purpose: This study aims to analyze the strengthening of the role and function of libraries in supporting Scholarly communication at IAIN Curup. Method: This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, documentation and surveys. Result: The results of this study indicate that there are several efforts to strengthen the role and function of libraries including 1) optimizing user education and information literacy activities by adding facilities for these activities; 2) conducting online research skills training for the IAIN Curup academic community; 3) providing e-resources; 4) conducting routine focus group discussions and book reviews. Strengthening the traditional role includes adding to collect quantity and quality, disseminate information, and preserve. Strengthening the role of university libraries in a broader way is through information literacy programs, the materials of which are packaged, expanded and harmonized with the dynamics and scope of Scholarly communication. Conclusion: A library is an integral part of a university, therefore its existence must be strengthened. This strengthening can be done from all aspects, including facilities, human resources, and others. Keywords: library; scholarly communication; IAIN Curup   Abstrak Permasalahan: Perpustakaan selama ini belum berperan secara optimal dalam mendukung komunikasi ilmiah pada suatu perguruan tinggi. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penguatan peran dan fungsi perpustakaan dalam mendukung komunikasi ilmiah di IAIN Curup. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, dokumentasi dan survey. Hasil: Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa upaya penguatan peran dan fungsi perpustakaan meliputi: 1) optimalisasi kegiatan user education dan literasi informasi dengan menambah fasilitas untuk kegiatan tersebut; 2) mengadakan pelatihan online research skill bagi sivitas akademika IAIN Curup; 3) menyediakan e-resources; 4) rutin melakukan kegiatan focus group discussion dan bedah buku. Penguatan peran tradisional meliputi penambahan collect secara kuantitas dan kualitas, disseminate informasi, dan preserve. Penguatan peran perpustakaan perguruan tinggisecara lebih luas adalah  melaui program-program information literacy, yang materi-materinya dikemas, diperluas dan diselaraskan dengan dinamika dan ruang-lingkup komunikasi ilmiah. Kesimpulan: Perpustakaan merupakan bagian integral dari suatu perguruan tinggi, oleh karena itu keberadaannya harus diperkuat. Penguatan tersebut bisa dilakukan dari segala segi, baik sarana prasarana, sumber daya manusia, dan lain-lain. Kata kunci: perpustakaan; komunikasi ilmiah; IAIN Curup

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 167-178
Zurayna Sari

ABSTRAKPelabuhan berperan sebagai fasilitas penunjang pusat pertumbuhan regional dalam proses pembangunan ekonomi wilayah. Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang diarahkan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan ekonomi regional dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan perekonomian Kawasan Sabang. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang adalah belum optimalnya peran dan fungsi Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang dalam menunjang perekonomian wilayah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang dalam mendorong perkembangan perekonomian Kawasan Sabang. Lingkup materi yang dibahas mencakup peran-peran Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang, menentukan potensi dan masalah serta upaya-upaya peningkatan peran Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang. Metode analisis yang dilakukan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis SWOT IFAS-EFAS. Hasil analisis menunjukkan dalam kurun waktu 4 (empat) tahun terakhir dari tahun 2010-2013, Pelabuhan Bebas Sabang belum optimal dalam menjalankan perannya, sehingga membutuhkan strategi pengembangan dengan pendekatan Agressive Maintenance Strategy (strategi perbaikan agresif), yaitu strategi konsolidasi internal dengan memperbaiki faktor-faktor kelemahan untuk memaksimalkan pemanfaatan peluang.Kata kunci: Pengelolaan, SWOT IFAS-EFAS, WilayahABSTRACTPort was supporting facility of regional growth center in the process of regional economic development. Sabang free port was directed as the center of regional economic growth and expected to raise the economy of sabang. Problems faced by sabang free port was yet optimal role and function in supporting the economy of the region. This study aimed to determine the role of sabang free port in supporting the economic development of sabang. The covered material scope included roles of sabang free port, determining the potentials and problems and efforts of increasing the role of sabang free port. The method of analysis was descriptive analysis with qualitative and quantitative approach. The analytical tool used was the swot ifas-efas analysis. The analysis results showed in the period of 4 (four) years from 2010 until 2013, sabang free port was not optimal in carrying out its role yet, so it requires development strategies with agressive maintenance strategy approach, which is internal consolidation strategy by improving vulnerability factors to maximize the utilization of opportunities.Keywords:, Management, Regional, SWOT IFAS-EFAS

Chelsea Barabas

This chapter discusses contemporary debates regarding the use of artificial intelligence as a vehicle for criminal justice reform. It closely examines two general approaches to what has been widely branded as “algorithmic fairness” in criminal law: the development of formal fairness criteria and accuracy measures that illustrate the trade-offs of different algorithmic interventions; and the development of “best practices” and managerialist standards for maintaining a baseline of accuracy, transparency, and validity in these systems. Attempts to render AI-branded tools more accurate by addressing narrow notions of bias miss the deeper methodological and epistemological issues regarding the fairness of these tools. The key question is whether predictive tools reflect and reinforce punitive practices that drive disparate outcomes, and how data regimes interact with the penal ideology to naturalize these practices. The chapter then calls for a radically different understanding of the role and function of the carceral state, as a starting place for re-imagining the role of “AI” as a transformative force in the criminal legal system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (17) ◽  
pp. 9317
Konstantinos Zifkos ◽  
Christophe Dubois ◽  
Katrin Schäfer

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) compose a heterogenous group of membrane-derived particles, including exosomes, microvesicles and apoptotic bodies, which are released into the extracellular environment in response to proinflammatory or proapoptotic stimuli. From earlier studies suggesting that EV shedding constitutes a cellular clearance mechanism, it has become evident that EV formation, secretion and uptake represent important mechanisms of intercellular communication and exchange of a wide variety of molecules, with relevance in both physiological and pathological situations. The putative role of EVs in hemostasis and thrombosis is supported by clinical and experimental studies unraveling how these cell-derived structures affect clot formation (and resolution). From those studies, it has become clear that the prothrombotic effects of EVs are not restricted to the exposure of tissue factor (TF) and phosphatidylserines (PS), but also involve multiplication of procoagulant surfaces, cross-linking of different cellular players at the site of injury and transfer of activation signals to other cell types. Here, we summarize the existing and novel clinical and experimental evidence on the role and function of EVs during arterial and venous thrombus formation and how they may be used as biomarkers as well as therapeutic vectors.

M Muhammadong ◽  
St Habibah ◽  
Dalilul Falihin ◽  
Muhammad Adnan Hudain

The purpose of this research is to describe the role of the clerics to actualize good governance concept in the development of Makassar City. Therefore, clerics are not merely issuing “fatwas” (religious advises) for the sake of society, but also, clerics can also play a role in development process. The method applied in this research is a descriptive method. While the approach applied is a qualitative method because the issues that are studied are phenomenological. The results show that the role of clerics is optimal in actualizing good governance concept in Makassar City development process. The role and function of the clerics can be represented as a community counselor in line with the government's role as servant and protector of society. Moreover, the policy taken by the government has been supported by all the clerics in actualizing development programs for the mutual good of the societies. In making strategic decisions, clerics sometimes contribute and suggestions to the government to improve social support of that decision

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  

Like international legal scholarship, LJIL is in transition. Our colleagues, Larissa van den Herik and Jean d'Aspremont, who have shaped much of the role and plural identity of the journal over the past decade, in collaboration with our different sections, have passed leadership on to us, the new team of (co-)editors-in-chief. This editorial reflects on the changing role and function of scholarship in international law, a theme important to our predecessors and ourselves. This is to some extent a niche area. It has not received much attention in discourse. With some notable exceptions, legal journals are typically reluctant to address overarching meta-issues of discourse, i.e. issues of production of scholarship, the role of journals vis-à-vis other media, or the broader direction of the development of international legal scholarship. Such issues might be perceived as non-scientific by some. We feel that it is important to include such dimensions, including critical self-reflection on our discipline, in international legal discourse.

2015 ◽  
Vol 396 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 1043-1058 ◽  
Kristina Puth ◽  
Harald F. Hofbauer ◽  
James P. Sáenz ◽  
Robert Ernst

Abstract Biological membranes are dynamic and complex assemblies of lipids and proteins. Eukaryotic lipidomes encompass hundreds of distinct lipid species and we have only begun to understand their role and function. This review focuses on recent advances in the field of lipid sensors and discusses methodical approaches to identify and characterize putative sensor domains. We elaborate on the role of integral and conditionally membrane-associated sensor proteins, their molecular mechanisms, and identify open questions in the emerging field of membrane homeostasis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Moh Yusup Saepuloh Jamal ◽  
Muhamad Dani Somantri ◽  
Cecep Moch. Ramli Al-Fauzi

<p>Mosque has a pivotal role in the process of Da’wah for Muslim, including  al-Barokah Mosqu, Guranteng, Tasikmalaya. This transformative research aims at transforming people's perception in understanding the substance of the role and function of mosques and optimizing the potential of the mosque to its fullest. This Participatory Action Research model links the social change process through three-area of empowerment : Community commitment, local leader, and institutional based needs. The results of the study gained action of change: Seeking the transformation of community paradigms on understanding the substance role of the mosque through several actions: FGD for restructuring DKM Management, strengthening DKM and DKM management training. Meanwhile, the second stage is to optimize the potential of the culture by implementing the mosque empowerment based on local culture, such as the training of Friday's cermon, corpes-handling management, Ziswaf Manager, reading <em>Marhabaan</em>, forming youth-mosque-managers, as well as assistance by other potential-based empowerment activities.</p><p> </p><p>Secara substansi masjid mempunyai peran sentral yang sangat penting terhadap laju perjalanan dakwah umat Islam. Peran sentral masjid kenyataannya tidak berbanding lurus dengan keberadaan masjid al-Barokah daerah ujung utara Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Penelitian transformatif ini bertujuan untuk mentransformasi persepsi masyarakat dalam memahami substansi peran dan fungsi masjid dan mengoptimalisasikan potensi masjid secara maksimal. Penelitian ini menggunakan model <em>participatory action research</em> yang menghubungkan proses perubahan sosial melalui tiga pemberdayaan: komitmen masyarakat, <em>local leader</em>, dan institusi berdasarkan kebutuhan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh aksi perubahan:  mengupayakan transformasi paradigma masyarakat terhadap pemahaman substansi peranan fungsi masjid yang diupayakan melalui beberapa <em>action</em>: refleksi FGD merestrukturisasi pengurus DKM, pengukuhan pengurus DKM; dan pelatihan manajemen DKM.Sementara tahap kedua melakukan langkah optimalisasi terhadap potensi yang dimiliki dengan menerapkan pemberdayaan masjid berbasis lokalitas budaya, seperti pelatihan khutbah Jum’at, pengurusan jenazah, pengelola Ziswaf, membaca <em>marhabaan</em>, pembentukan pengurus remaja/pemuda masjid, serta dampingan kegiatan pemberdayaan lainnya berbasis potensi.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Susanti Susanti

Penanganan pesawat di bandar udara atau ground handling mempunyai fungsi dan peranan penting dalam menjaga keselamatan penerbangan. Sesuai prosedur dalam sistem operasional harus benar benar ditaati dan dijalankan. Peristiwa yang pernah terjadi pada Turkish Airlines penerbangan nomor 981 yang melakukan penerbangan dari Istanbul, Turki menuju London melalui Paris kemudian pada tanggal 3 Maret 1974, pesawat tersebut berakhir celaka sesaat setelah keluar wilayah Paris. Pintu kargo di bagian belakang bawah pesawat terlepas. Menyebabkan dekompresi dan memutus kabel kabel kontrol pesawat. Pilot kehilangan kontrol atas pesawat sehingga pesawat kemudian jatuh menukik. Semua penumpang dan awak pesawat McDonnel Douglas DC 10 yang berjumlah 346 ditemukan tewas. Sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan keselamatan penerbangan khususnya di bandar udara, maka perlu dilakukan kajian tentang human factor tentang ground handling di sisi udara. Maksud kajian adalah untuk mengevaluasi bagaimana peran ground handling di bandar udara dan bagaimana manajemen dalam mencegah faktor human error. Kajian human factor personel ground handling di Bandara Adi Sucipto yang difokuskan pada sisi udara menemukan hasil bahwa pekerjaan ground handling yang mempunyai human error probability HEP tertinggi personel ground handling dalam menjalankan tugasnya adalah terburu buru menempatkan forward airstair sehingga menabrak pesawat, bagasi yang jatuh dari bag carts dan tugs and tractor saling bertabrakan karena area sempit. Seluruhnya mendapat nilai 0.1800 sedangkan HEP operator tidak melock forward airstairs mendapatkan nilai 0.0900 [The Study of Human Factor of Ground Handling Human Resources in Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto Airport] The aircraft handling in the airport, named as ground handling, has important role and function in maintaining the aviation safety. In accordance with the stated procedures, ground handling operations must be obeyed and held appropriately. The accident related with aircraft mishandling was happened on Turkish Airlines flight number 981 which departed from Istanbul, Turkey, to London via Paris at 3 March 1974, The accident took place shortly after flew out of Paris area. The cargo door at the lower aft of aircraft was detached and causing decompression and cutting off the control cables of the aircraft. The pilot lost control and the aircraft crashed. All 346 of the passengers and cabin crews of the McDonnel Douglas DC 10 aircraft found dead. In the effort of improving the aviation safety, particularly in the airport, it is necessary to examine the human factor of ground handling in the air side of the airport. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of ground handling and propose the operational management which can prevent the occurrence of human error. The results of this study indicate that ground handling works with high Human Error Probability HEP are forward air stair that is placed hastily by ground handling personnel that it collides with the aircraft, falling baggage from bag carts, and collision of tugs and tractor due to narrow area. All of three works with high HEP have the score of 0.1800 whilst the operator who does not lock the forward air stair has the score of 0.0900

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