2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Noorlatifah Noorlatifah ◽  
Suryajaya Suryajaya ◽  
Muhammad Zaini

Teachers still have difficulty practicing critical thinking skills so that learning outcomes and critical thinking skills in science learning are less than optimal. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality of the lesson plans developed using a guided inquiry learning model with the topic of change in form at SMPN 22 Banjarmasin. The method used is development research. The device development model used is the Tessmer model, which includes the stages of self-evaluation, expert review, one to one, small group, and field test. The lesson plans developed were syllabus, lesson plans, teaching materials, LKPD, and assessment test. The subjects in the study were students of class VII SMPN 22 Banjarmasin. The results showed that the lesson plan using the guided inquiry model, the topic of change in form was classified as effective, including the learning outcomes of students with a completeness percentage of 76% and had reached the KKM set by the school. Students 'critical thinking skills are categorized as very good, students' psychomotor skills use very good categorized filter papers, characterized behavior includes disciplinary aspects that are very well categorized and aspects of responsibility are very good. Social skills include aspects of working together which are categorized as quite good, aspects of donating ideas are categorized as very good, and spiritual attitudes of gratitude are categorized as very good. Based on the following research results, it can be concluded that the lesson plan tools through design-based research are effective.Keywords: effectiveness, lesson plans tools, guided inquiry, learning outcomes, critical thinking skillsAbstrakGuru masih mengalami kesulitan dalam melatihkan kemampuan berpikir kritis sehingga hasil belajar dan keterampilan berpikir kritis dalam pembelajaran IPA kurang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi keefektifan kualitas perangkat RPP hasil pengembangan menggunakan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing topik perubahan wujud di SMPN 22 Banjarmasin. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan. Model pengembangan perangkat yang digunakan adalah model Tessmer, meliputi tahap self evaluation, expert review, one to one, small group, dan field test. Perangkat RPP yang dikembangkan adalah silabus, RPP, bahan ajar, LKPD, dan lembar penilaian. Subyek dalam penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas VII SMPN 22 Banjarmasin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat RPP menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing topik perubahan wujud tergolong efektif meliputi hasil belajar peserta didik dengan persentase ketuntasan sebesar 76% dan telah mencapai KKM yang ditetapkan sekolah. Keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik terkategori sangat baik, keterampilan psikomotor peserta didik menggunakan kertas saring terkategori sangat baik, perilaku berkarakter meliputi aspek disiplin terkategori sangat baik dan aspek tanggung jawab terkategori sangat baik. Keterampilan sosial meliputi aspek bekerja sama terkategori cukup baik, aspek menyumbangkan ide terkategori sangat baik, dan sikap spiritual rasa syukur terkategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian berikut dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat RPP melalui penelitian berbasis perancangan efektif.Kata kunci: keefektifan, perangkat RPP, inkuiri terbimbing, hasil belajar, keterampilan berpikir kritis

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Laiaza Aghenia Muhan ◽  
Harun Nasrudin

The 21st-century learning process highlights the critical thinking skills concept. Critical thinking has the highest chance of impacting students' learning outcomes. One of the learning models to increase critical thinking skills was guided inquiry. This research aimed to analyze the correlation between critical thinking skills and learning outcomes on reaction rates topic using the Guided Inquiry learning model. This research used a correlational design.  Subjects were students of SMA Negeri 1 Krian class XI MIPA 6 odd semester in the academic year 2020/2021 as many as 34 people. The data were obtained using the observation sheets instrument for the implementation of the guided inquiry learning model, the critical thinking skills test sheets, and the learning outcomes test sheets. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis used (α) 0.05. The results indicated that there was a significant positive correlation between critical thinking and learning outcomes on reaction rates topic using the Guided Inquiry learning model. The correlation regression equation obtained between the two variables is Y = -16.575 + 1.170X with reliability value 76,3%. The N-gain score obtained for each indicator of critical thinking skills and learning outcomes ≥ 0.7 at high criteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Luh Sukariasih ◽  
I Gede Purwana Edi Saputra ◽  
Fahrudi Ahwan Ikhsan ◽  
Andri Estining Sejati ◽  
Khaerun Nisa

The study aims to improve the learning outcomes in the field of knowledge and inquiry skill in class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari on the subject matter of light in atmosphere as the effect of applying the guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT. The method of the study used a classroom action research with research design is cycle model. The research subject is the students of class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the academic year 2016/2017 which consist of 26 students. The learning data achievements of the learners' realm were obtained through the learning result test (cycle test), the skill data of the learners were obtained through the inquiry sheet, and then was analyzed used the descriptive statistics.  Results of data analysis are: 1) learning outcomes increased from 60,31 in cycle I to 75 in cycle II; 2) the students group inquiry skill increased form average value 2.68 (enough category) in the cycle I to 3.15 (good category) in cycle II; 3) the students mastery learning percentage increase from 42.31% (11 students) in cycle I to 77% (20 students) in cycle II. It could be concluded that the implementation of guided inquiry learning model assisted by science KIT could improve the learning outcomes of knowledge and inquiry skill domain on Class VIII 5 SMP Negeri 14 Kendari in the subject matter of light in atmosphere. Keywords: guided inquiry, inquiry skills, learning outcomes,science KIT.   References Ahmadi, L. (2015). Pemanfaatan Alat KIT pada Pembelajaran.Gorontalo: Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Aksa, F.I., Utaya, S., & Bachri, S. (2019). Geografi dalam Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu. Majalah Geografi Indonesia,33(1), 43-37. Amaliana, I. (2017). Teacher-centered or Student-centered Learning Approach to Promote Learning?. Jurnal Sosial Humaniora, 10(2), 59-70. Anderson, L.W., & Krathwohl, D.R. (2015). Kerangka Landasan untuk Pembelajaran, Pengajaran, dan Asesmen Revisi Taksonomi Pendidikan Bloom (A. Priantoro, Trans.). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Arikunto, S. (2016). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Depdiknas. (2004). Kurikulum Mata PelajaranSains SMP danMTs.Jakarta: Depdiknas. Greenwald, R.R.,&Quitadamo, I.J. (2014). A Mind of Their Own: Using Inquiry-based Teaching to Build Critical Thinking Skills and Intellectual Engagement in an Undergraduate Neuroanatomy Course. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 12(2), 100-106. Hardianti, T., & Kuswanto, H. (2017). Difference among Levels of Inquiry: Process Skills Improvement at Senior High School in Indonesia. International Journal of Instruction, 10(2), 119-130. Hidayati, D.N., Amaluddin, L.O., & Surdin. (2016). The Effect Guided Inquiry to Critical Thinking Ability to Build Student Character in Geography Subject. Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,9(1), 367-371. Kuhlthau, C.C., Maniotes, L.K., & Caspari, A.K. (2015). Guided Inquiry: Learning In The 21st Century(2nd ed.). California: Libraries Unlimeted. Mulyana, S., Rusdi, & Vivanti, D. (2018). The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Scientific Performance on Student Learning Outcome. Indonesian Journal of Science and Education, 2(1), 105-109. Niana, R., Sarwanto, & Ekawati, E.Y. (2016). The Application of Guided Inquiry Model on Physic Learning to Improve Scientific Attitude and Students Analysis Ability. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Teacher Training and Education Sebelas Maret University,2(1), 605-615. Piaget, J. (1970). Science of Education and the Psychology of The Child. New York: Wiley. Putra, M.I.S., Widodo, W., & Jatmiko, B. (2016). The Development of Guided Inquiry Science Learning Materials to Improve Science Literacy Skill of Prospective MI Teachers.JPII, 5(1), 83-93. Riduwan. (2015). Dasar-Dasar Statistika. Bandung: Tarsito. Sanjaya, W. (2014). Strategi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Sapriya. (2014). Pendidikan IPS. Bandung: RemajaRosdaKarya. Sarwi, S.,& Prayitno, W.W. (2016). Implementation of Guided Inquiry Physics Instruction to Increase An Understanding Concept and to Develop The Students Character Conservation. JurnalPendidikanFisika Indonesia,12(1), 1-7. Sitorus, H.H., Hasruddin, & Edi, S. (2017). The Influence of Inquiry Learning Model on Student’s Scientific Attitudes in Ecosystem Topic at MTs. Daarul Hikmah Sei Alim (Islamic Junior High School) Asahan. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 4(11), 170-175. Sohibun. (2014). Penerapan Strategi Belajar Dengar Lihat Kerjakan (Delikan) Berbasis Laboratorium Mini terhadap Ketrampilan Proses Sains (KPS) Siswa SMA Kelas X MIA. Jurnal Imliah Edu Research, 3(1), 53-67. Sudjana, N. (2014). Penelitian Hasil Proses Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Sugiyono. (2014). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan   R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta. Tim Direktorat Pembinaan SMP. (2017). Panduan Penilaian oleh Pendidik dan Satuan Pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jakarta: Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Wardani, S., Nurhayati, S., & Safitri, A. (2015). The Effectiveness of the Guided Inquiry Learning Module towards Students’ Character and Concept Understanding. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(6), 1589-1594. Yewang, M.U.K., Degeng, I.N.S., Setyosari, P., & Sulton. (2016). The Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Method VS Free Inquiry Against Learning Outcomes. International Conference on EducationUM, 561-568. Zaini, M. (2016). Guided Inquiry Based Learning on the Concept of Ecosystem Toward Learning Outcomes and Critical Thinking Skills of  High School Student. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 6(6), 50-55.   Copyright (c) 2019 Geosfera Indonesia Journal and Department of Geography Education, University of Jember This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share A like 4.0 International License

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Imelda Imelda ◽  
M. Arifuddin Jamal ◽  
Suyidno Suyidno

Learning device in SMP Negeri 4 Banjarmasin has not been designed to accommodate the needs of students to actively learn and solve problems on their own during the learning process, therefore carried out a study aimed at describing the effectiveness of the development of the physical science learning through inquiry learning model with the method of pictorial riddle. In particular, this study aimed to describe: (1) the feasibility study, (2) lesson plan implementation, (3) students' critical thinking skills, (4) learning outcomes, (5) the response of students towards learning. This refers development research to the Dick and Carey. Data retrieval techniques through achievement test, observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The results were analyzed by descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results showed that: (1) a device developed includes lesson plans, Teaching Materials and LKS are reliable instrument used, (2) the method of inquiry learning lesson plan implementation of using pictorial riddle methods in good category. (3) students' critical thinking skills that include known issues, define hypotheses, solve problems, collect data, evaluate, and conclude are in good category. (4) learning outcomes that indicates with classical TPK completeness in good category is achieved with good overall sensitivity and sensitive, although there is a small unfinished because of the difficulty in analyzing the problem, (5) The students response of to the inquiry learning model with pictorial riddle methods is in good category. Retrieved conclusion that the physical science device which is developed are effective to improve critical thinking are students and learning outcomes learning through inquiry learning model with pictorial riddle methods. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 703
M. Salahudin Al’ Ayub ◽  
Rahardjo Rahardjo ◽  
Toeti Koestiari

The aimed of this research to describe the student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills through guided inquiry model using student worksheet oriented of critical thinking skills. This Research was conducted on two stages, are development of teaching materials using Dick and Carey model, and the implementation stage into the classroom using one group pretest-posttest design with subjects were 30 students on X class of SMAN 1 Pasir Belengkong Kabupaten Paser Kalimantan Timur. The parameter is feasibility of lesson plan, student activity, learning outcomes, critical thinking skills and constraints for teaching and learning activities. Data collecting were using observation method, test, and questionnaire. After the data were analiyzed with this result: The feasibility of lesson plan could be categorized as good, student activity with instrument reliability classified as good, learning outcomes test to know mastery of student learning on Ecosystems with the average score as good and gain score high gain, critical thinking test with the average score as good and gain score high gain. Based on this research, it can be concluded that guided inquiry model using student worksheet of critical thinking skills can improve student learning outcomes and critical thinking skills. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hasil belajar siswa dan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa melalui model inkuiri terbimbing menggunakan LKS berorientasi keterampilan berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap pengembangan perangkat yang menggunakan model Dick & Carey, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tahap implememtasi model di dalam kelas menggunakan rancangan One group Pretest-Posttest Design dengan subjek penelitian 30 siswa kelas X SMAN 1 Pasir Belengkong Kabupaten Paser Kalimantan Timur. Parameter yang diukur meliputi keterlaksanaan RPP, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar siswa, keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa, respon siswa dan hambatan selama kegiatan belajar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, tes, dan angket. Selanjutnya data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Keterlaksanaan RPP dengan kategori baik, aktivitas siswa, dengan reliabilitas instrumen berkategori baik, ketuntasan belajar siswa pada materi ekosistem dengan nilai rata-rata baik dan gain score rata-rata  gain tinggi, ketuntasan keterampilan berpikir kritis dengan rata-rata nilai baik dan gain score rata-rata gain tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa model inkuiri terbimbing menggunakan LKS berorientasi keterampilan berpikir kritis dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-68
Rita Saekawati ◽  
Harun Nasrudin

This research aims to examine the effectiveness guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning on reaction rate material to improve students' critical thinking skills. The design in this research is the One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. The subjects in this research were students of SMAN 1 Kalitidu Bojonegoro in class XI IPA 1. The method used to collect data was the test, observation, and student response questionnaires. Data analysis used the percentage, mean, N-Gain, and Paired sample t-test. The results showed that the guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning was carried out well with an average percentage of the implementation of phase 1 was 98%, phase 2 was 93.76%, phase 3 was 100%, phase 4 was 93.75%, phase 5 was 100%. The average score of the N-gain critical thinking skills is 0.73 with the high category. There is a significant difference in the results of critical thinking skills between before and after being given a guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning. The results showed the guided inquiry learning model based on blended learning effectively improving students' critical thinking skills. Efektivitas Inkuiri Terbimbing Berbasis Blended Learning dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir KritisPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning pada materi laju reaksi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Design pada penelitian ini adalah One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. Sasaran dalam penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 1 Kalitidu Bojonegoro. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan berupa tes, observasi dan angket respon. Analisis data menggunakan teknik persentase, mean, n-gain, dan uji Paired Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning terlaksana dengan baik dengan rata-rata persentase keterlaksanaan fase 1 sebesar 98%, fase 2 sebesar 93,76%, fase 3 sebesar 100%, fase 4 sebesar 93,75%, fase 5 sebesar 100%. Nilai rata-rata N-gain kemampuan berpikir kritis adalah sebesar 0,73 dengan kategori tinggi. Terdapat perbedaan hasil keterampilan berpikir kritis yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing berbasis blended learning efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-78
Muhammad Jamhari Darhany

This study aims to analyze the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills in the features of focus, supporting reasons, reasoning, organization, conventions and integration through the implementation of argument mapping-based guided inquiry learning models. Type of this research is classroom action research, a systematic inquiry with the goal of informing practice in particular situation which adopted Kemmis and McTaggart’s models which follows the cycle of planning, action, observation and reflection. It was conducted in class XI-Avenzoar of SMA Unggulan CT Foundation Deli Serdang in the academic year 2019/2020. The sampling technique was done by total sampling consisting of 24 students with a composition of 6 boys and 18 girls. The instrument used the essay tests adapted from Finken based on Illinois Critical Thinking Essay Test and argument mapping based on van Gelder on the concept of human excretory system. The data collection methods were included the interview, observation and documentation. The whole data was employed by descriptive analysis developed by Miles and Huberman which includes three concurrent activities, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the features of focus and reasoning from critical thinking skills tests in Cycle I obtained the highest score of all, while the features of supporting reasons and conventions obtained the lowest score and showed no improvement at all. Meanwhile in Cycle II, the features of focus and reasoning increased significantly and obtained the highest score as well. However, the feature of supporting reasons increased simultaneously but conventions still remained. It definitely showed that there was a significant improvement between groups in Cycle I (65.42) and Cycle II (80.21) from the average score of students’ critical thinking skills through their argument mapping grading. The aspects of argument mapping, such as claims, reasons, objections, rebuttals and debates improved well between these cycles. It was strongly suggested that argument mapping could enhance students’ critical thinking skills in Biology. From the results and discussion, it could be concluded that the implementation of the argument mapping-based guided inquiry learning models on the concept of human excretory system had a very positive and significant improvement on students’ critical thinking skills. The students’ critical thinking skills were in the high category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Triyo Supriyatno ◽  
Dirga Ayu Lestari ◽  
Ulfa Utami

This study aims to analyze learning activities using guided inquiry learning models in improving scientific attitudes and students 'critical thinking skills and the effectiveness of guided inquiry learning models in improving scientific attitudes and students' critical thinking skills in science learning. This research was a quasi-experimental research with purposive sampling technique. Subjects in this study were 51 students of class V MIN 1 Serang. Data collection used documentation, questionnaires, observations and tests. Data were collected from the pretest and posttest of the students' scientific attitude and critical thinking as well as documentation and observation of guided inquiry learning activities in the control class and the experimental class. The type of data analysis used t-Test and effect size cohen’s test with the help of the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) program version 23.0. The results showed that the guided inquiry model learning activities were better than conventional models namely. So, there is the effectiveness of guided inquiry learning models in improving scientific attitudes and critical thinking skills of students on science learning in class.

Rahmi Nur Habibah ◽  
jandra Kirana ◽  
Raharjo .

This study aims to produce science learning tools that are valid, practical, and effective which consists of syllabus, lesson plan, teaching material, student activity sheets, and test sheets to improve the critical thinking skills of elementary students. This research was carried out using the 4-D model of adaptation Ibrahim, M., which is define, design, developing, disseminate and tested in class V of Jiken Elementary School, Kedondong I Elementary School, Sudimoro Elementary School, school year 2019/2020 with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative and qualitative descriptive. The results shows: 1) valid, according to the validity of the three validators with valid categories, 2) practical, in accordance with the level of observers seen from the activity of students increasing at each meeting and implementation of RPP, 3) effective, seen from appearing significantly different from the pretest and posttest test students' critical thinking and positive student responses. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the development of science learning tools oriented in guided inquiry is valid, practical, and effective for improving critical thinking skills of elementary students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 1397
Ana Rizka Falentina ◽  
Murni Saptasari ◽  
Sri Endah Indriwati

<pre><strong>Abstract:</strong> Education aims to prepare students to become independent generations who are able to face the challenges of the times by having 21st century life skills, one of which is critical thinking, in fact contrary to the low critical thinking skills that occur in SMAN 2 Probolinggo. The purpose of this study was to describe the application of guided inquiry learning in improving critical thinking skills. This type of research is Class Action Research (CAR). Data is analyzed by triangulation through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Research Results guided inquiry learning model can change the way students learn to practice high-level thinking through learning syntax so that it gives the impact of increasing critical thinking skills by 18.75% students of class XI IPA 1 Probolinggo 2 High School.</pre><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Pendidikan bertujuan menyiapkan siswa menjadi generasi mandiri yang mampu menghadapi tantangan zaman dengan memiliki keterampilan hidup abad 21 salah satunya berpikir kritis, faktanya bertolak belakang dengan rendahnya keterampilan berpikir kritis yang terjadi di SMAN 2 Probolinggo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penerapan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Data dianalisis secara triangulasi melalui  proses reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dapat mengubah cara belajar siswa untuk berlatih berpikir tingkat tinggi melalui sintaks pembelajaran sehingga memberikan dampak meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis sebesar 18,75% siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMA Negeri 2 Probolinggo.

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