2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Isyatur Radhiyah

AbstractDiction, Language Style and Sound Games on Lyrics of Melayu Songs. This study aims to determinethe aesthetic value in the lyrics of melayu songs sung by Ahmad Jais. This research is directed towardsthe lyrics of melayu songs which are more prominent in terms of diction, language style and soundgames that are used specifically to create certain effects, especially aesthetic effects.This research is adescriptive qualitative research using content analysis method. The researchers took as many as 10 lyricsof melayu songs sung by Ahmad Jais.The results showed that the dictions or choice of words in the lyricsof melayu songs sung by Ahmad Jais use both connotative and denotative meanings. There are 160diction which meanings are divided into two; 80 data with connotative meanings and 80 data withdenotative meanings. This choice of words helps the author to convey the message he wants to deliver andto add the beauty of the songs’ lyrics. The most widely used language style based on the choice of wordsis the unofficial language style found as many as 8 data. The most widely used language style accordingto the tone contained in the discourse is the powerful noble language as many as 5 data. The most widelyused in language style according to mostly used sentence structure is the climax, as many as 7 data.The most widely used language style according to the direct or indirect meaning is the style of rhetoricallanguage, as many as 10 data. From the document analysis of the lyrics of melayu songs from soundelements, it can be seen that there are 174 data from taxation elements consisting of 34 alliteration data,134 assonance data and 6 data of the combination of alliteration and assonance. From the element ofrhythm, there are 10 kinds of euphony. From the elements of the tone and the atmosphere, which are 2data of sad atmosphere, 2 data of joyful atmosphere, and 6 data of powerless atmosphere.Key words: diction, language style and sound gamesAbstrakDiksi, Gaya Bahasa dan Permainan Bunyi pada Lirik Lagu-Lagu Melayu. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk mengetahui nilai keindahan yang terkandung dalam lirik lagu-lagu melayu yang dibawakanoleh Ahmad Jais. Penelitian ini diarahkan terhadap lirik dalam lagu-lagu melayu yang lebih menonjoldari segi diksi, gaya bahasa dan permainan bunyi yang digunakan secara khusus untuk menimbulkanefek tertentu, khususnya efek estetis.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif denganmenggunakan metode analisis isi. Peneliti mengambil data sebanyak 10 lirik lagu-lagu melayu yangdibawakan oleh Ahmad Jais. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa diksi atau pilihan kata dalam liriklagu-lagu melayu yang dibawakan oleh Ahmad Jais menggunakan makna konotatif dan juga makna205denotatif. Ada 160 data terdapat diksi, yang bermakna konotatif 80 data dan diksi yang bermaknadenotatif 80 data. Pilihan kata ini membantu penulis untuk menyampaikan pesan yang ingindisampaikannya dan menambah keindahan lirik lagunya. Gaya bahasa menurut pilihan kata yangpaling banyak digunakan adalah gaya bahasa tidak resmi sebanyak 8 data. Gaya bahasa menurut nadayang terkandung dalam wacana yang paling banyak digunakan adalah gaya bahasa mulia bertenagasebanyak 5 data. Gaya bahasa menurut struktur kalimat yang paling banyak digunakan adalah klimakssebanyak 7 data. Gaya bahasa menurut langsung tidaknya makna yang paling banyak digunakanadalah gaya bahasa retoris sebanyak 10 data. Dari analisis dokumen lirik lagu-lagu melayu dari unsurbunyi dapat diketahui ada 174 data dari unsur persajakan yang terdiri dari 34 data aliterasi dan 134data asonansi serta 6 data kombinasi aliterasi dan asonansi. Dari unsur irama ada 10 jenis efoni. Dariunsur nada dan suasana, yaitu suasana sedih ada 2 data, suasana gembira ada 2 data, dan suasana takberdaya ada 6 data.Kata-kata kunci: diksi, gaya bahasa, permainan bunyi

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-200 ◽  
Servet Kardeş ◽  
Çağla Banko ◽  
Berrin Akman

Bu araştırmada sığınmacılara yönelik paylaşımların yapıldığı sosyal medyada yer alan sözlüklerden birinde sığınmacılara yönelik algıya bakılmıştır. Yöntem olarak nitel desende olan bu çalışmada, bir sosyal medya sitesinde yer alan paylaşımlar içerik analizi yoluyla derinlemesine incelenip yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda sosyal medya kullanıcılarının sığınmacıları büyük bir güvensizlik ortamı ve huzursuzluk yaratan bireyler olarak gördükleri saptanmış, sığınmacılarla yaşanan deneyimlerin ve medyadaki haberlerin bu düşüncelerin oluşmasında etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında sosyal medya kullanıcılarının devletin sığınmacılar konusunda yanlış politika izlediğini düşündükleri ve sığınmacılar için etkili bir planlama yapılmadığını ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonuçları doğrultusunda medyada sığınmacılar hakkında çıkan haberlerde olumsuz ve şiddet temalı haberlerin azaltılması, Suriyeli sığınmacıların durumu, sahip oldukları haklar ve topluma yansımaları hakkında doğru ve bilgilendirici kamu spotları hazırlanması ayrıca sığınmacıların topluma entegre olma sürecinin her basamağında daha planlı ve etkili bir yol izlenmesi önerilebilir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHPerceptions about Syrian refugees on social media: an evaluation of a social media platformIn this research, posts which are about Syrian refugees were published in a social media platform, called as “sözlük” were investigated. The research is a qualitative research. The posts in this platform are analyzed with content analysis method. According to results of analyses, social media users see Syrian refugees as people who create an insecure and a restless environment. The experiences people had with them and news have an effect on this view. In addition, social media users think that government made inappropriate policies and ineffective plans about Syrian refugees. It is suggested negative news about Syrian refugees should be decreased and government should make safer policies. In addition, adaptation of refugees to society should be made in more planned and effective way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-209
Imanila Imanila ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Sisca Wulansari Saputri

This study is focused on analysis of the politeness expressed by the main characters and supporting characters in “Beauty and the Beast” Movie. The objective of this study are to know the politeness expressed by the main characters; Beauty (Belle) and the Beast (Prince) and to know the politeness expressed by the supporting characters in “Beauty and the Beast” movie. This Study is qualitative research that used content analysis method. Technique of data analysis in this study is using descriptive qualitative. The result of analysis are the sum of expression of politeness in saying thank you are 8 expressions, in saying hello are 7 expression, in answer the saying hello are 2 expressions, in use ‘I’m sorry’ are 5 expression and of how to sound more polite are 5 expressions. The sum of all expression of politeness that expressed by the characters in “Beauty  and the Beast” movie are 27 expressions. Based on the discussion of the result of analysis, It can be concluded that expression of politeness is important in communication and it usually use in conversation when people in saying hello or greeting, when people answer the saying hello or greeting from others, when people ask with the sound more polite, and the last when people saying use ‘I’m sorry’ to refused and ignore something and ask to forgiven by other people. This study can be applied to conduct the learning material in teaching about the  English expression in conversation, especially expression of politeness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-214
Alimuddin Alimuddin

This research aims at analysing the interactive education concept in Qur’an wich examines specifically surah al-Baqarah (2) verse 133 and surah al-Saffat (37) verse 102. This research applied both qualitative research approach and are uses type of research literature (Library Research). The technique of data collection carried out in this Reseach was decomentation techniques. Furthermore, the collected data was analysed by using the content Analysis Method. The finding shows that educative interaction in the koran has purposes of promoting a generation of monotheism (Tauhid) to Allah, diligent in worship, and noble character. The achievement is significantly influenced by the personality influenced by the personality of an educator who is patient, caring, and knows the students’ psychology. Moreover, an educative interaction within Qur’an to correspond between values, knowledge and behavior wich lead the learners to be great figures, being able to build a mindset namely scientific thought and noble character.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-463
Wahyu Handila Suci ◽  
Titiek Fujita Yusandra ◽  
Ricci Gemarni Tatalia

This research was motivated by the problem of being able to find the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. The object of this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data in this study are words, phrases, sentences and discourses which are the values of character education. The data source in this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data techniques used are reading novels, marking data related to the value of character education, recording data, making inventory, and classifying. The results of this study indicate that there are ten values of character education found in the novel Gunung Ungaran. In addition to the value of character education, other character education values are also found, such as: 1) religious, 2) Tolerance, 3) Work hard, 4) Independent, 5) Curiosity, 6) Love the homeland, 7) Friendly/communicative, 8) Caring for the environment, 9) Social care, 10) Responsibility.Keywords: Education, Character, Novel.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 288
Bustomi Bustomi

Al-Qur'an is a holy book with very valuabel Arabic language. Its language style is a miracle that no human can imitate until the end of time. The content of the meaning is very broad and the lexical choices are super precise and thorough. The Qur'an came down in Mecca and Medina where the majority of the population work as traders. Hence, this article is aimed at analyzing historically the lexical choices used in the Al-Qur'an whose people are generally busy in commerce. This study uses a qualitative approach by adopting the content analysis method of Satori and Komariah (2010); an analysis focusing on the actual content in a script to determine certain words, themes, concepts, phrases, or sentences related to the objectives will be achieved. In this case, the object analyzed is certain vocabulary in the Qur'an which has economic nuances. The result of this study explains that the Qur'an uses many economic terms and vocabularies which are usually used by the Arab community as a merchant community. The use of economic vocabulary such as tijârah, mȋzan, ajr, isytarâ and it’s derivatives, and jazâ is not only used to regulate proper business procedures in worldly affairs, but is actually used to guide people to do good deeds in the hereafter interest. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1944-1966
Oğuzhan AYTAR

The core of corporate governance is composed of values such as transparency, accountability, fairness and responsibility. The principles of corporate governance and ethical approach are built on these core values. Consequently, there is a need for guidelines on how managers and other employees should behave ethically on certain issues. In this context, the aim of the study is to identify the concepts emphasized in the ethical declarations of companies and to reveal the focus themes, differences and similarities of the sectors and companies included in the Corporate Governance Index in Turkey. Content analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was performed in the study. The reason for the selection of companies included in the BIST Corporate Governance Index as a sample is because of the fact that the companies within this index have certain standards in terms of corporate governance and ethical principles and they are accepted as cynosure for other companies. As a result of this research, the themes that the company and sector groups intensified were determined and significant differences have been identified among companies and sectors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
Jacks Soratto ◽  
Denise Elvira Pires de Pires ◽  
Susanne Friese

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the most important tools of ATLAS.ti Software and to associate them with the procedures of Thematic Content Analysis. Method: It is a theoretical reflection of the Content Analysis phases of Laurence Bardin, associating them with software tools Atlas.ti and showing its usefulness for data analysis in qualitative research. Results: historical contextualization and the available resources of Atlas.ti software with presentation of health research involving the phases of thematic content analysis. Final considerations: The Atlas.ti software assists in the accomplishment of the thematic content analysis being this promising association in health research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 289
Susrina Kalee ◽  
Yumna Rasyid ◽  
Liliana Muliastuti

This research aimed to describe the form of errors in using affixation in Indonesian Language paper written by Thai students. The data were words and sentences that contained errors. The research was qualitative research using content analysis method. This research used interactive model data analysis through three steps. Those were data reduction, presentation of data, as well as conclusion and verification. The results show that there are some errors; 72 errors in using affixation: 21 or 29% errors in prefix, 9 or 13% errors in suffix, 9 or 13% errors in confix, and 33 or 46% errors klofiks (combination of affixes). The error is caused by two factors; 7% of interlingual errors and intralingual factor including 7% of overgeneralization and 86% of ignorance of rule restriction. However, the results also show that Thai students have not mastered or understood the structure of Indonesian language. The results can be used to develop the techniques of teaching Indonesian structure, especially the use of affixation. Therefore, the Thai students can improve the ability to use Indonesian language by channeling it in academic writing.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 163-168
Isabelle Plociniak Costa ◽  
André Felipe Caregnato ◽  
José Francisco López-Gil ◽  
Fernando Renato Cavichiolli

Resumo. A formação esportiva é um processo que depende de vários fatores internos e externos ao individuo. Nesse processo, a forma que ocorre a iniciação esportiva é de alta relevância, pois um planejamento organizado possibilita uma formação qualificada. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar como ocorre a iniciação esportiva na modalidade de atletismo de acordo com a perspectiva de atletas olímpicos brasileiros. Metodologia: Foi utilizada uma pesquisa do tipo qualitativo empregando a técnica de entrevistas semiestruturada, sendo que os dados obtidos foram agrupados a partir dos preceitos do método «análise do conteúdo». Resultados: Como resultado aparece que instituições escolares são as entidades de maior prevalência na iniciação esportiva de atletismo no Brasil, na sequência aparecem prefeituras, projetos sociais e associações. E os motivos pela busca da modalidade são variados, sendo a diversão o motivo que mais foi relatada. Conclusões: É possível perceber a importância das instituições escolares na iniciação esportiva, pois auxiliam na experimentação da modalidade de atletismo. Resumen. El entrenamiento deportivo es un proceso que depende de varios factores internos y externos al individuo. En este proceso, la forma en que se produce la iniciación deportiva es de gran relevancia, puesto que una planificación organizada permite una formación de mayor calidad. El objetivo de este estudio es investigar cómo se produce la iniciación deportiva en el atletismo según la perspectiva de atletas olímpicos brasileños. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa empleando la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas, y los datos obtenidos se agruparon a partir de los preceptos del método de «análisis de contenido». Resultados: Como resultado, parece que las instituciones escolares son las entidades que más prevalecen en la iniciación del atletismo en Brasil; seguido de ayuntamientos, proyectos sociales y asociaciones. Los motivos para la búsqueda de la práctica deportiva son variados, siendo la diversión la razón más reportadas. Conclusiones: Es posible percibir la importancia de las instituciones escolares en la iniciación del deporte, en base a la ayuda que ofrecen a la modalidad deportiva del atletismo.Palabras clave: carrera deportiva, entrenamiento deportivo, instituciones académicas, entrenamiento deportivo, rendimento atlético. Abstract. Sport training is a process that depends on various factors both internal and external to the individual. In this process, the way in which the sports initiation takes place is highly relevant, since an organised planning allows a higher quality training. The objective of this study is to investigate how sport initiation in athletics occurs according to the perspective of Brazilian Olympic athletes. Methodology: A qualitative research was carried out using the technique of semi-structured interviews, and the data obtained were grouped based on the precepts of the «content analysis» method. Results: As a result, it seems that school institutions are the most prevalent entities in the initiation of athletics in Brazil; followed by city halls, social projects and associations. The reasons for the pursuit of sports practice are varied, with fun being the most reported reason. Conclusions: It is possible to perceive the importance of school institutions in the initiation of sport, based on the help they offer to the sport modality of athletics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
M. Yusuf

The Nurul Yaqin book is one of the yellow books that tell the history of the journey and struggle of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in spreading Islam. In the book, many stories are told about the joys and sorrows of the Prophet and his companions in the mission of spreading Islam. There are also many descriptions of essential and historical events that have become the treasures of Muslims. One of the efforts to connect the chain of the Prophet's struggle is to teach this book again with methods and media that are fun to students. The use of instructional media is expected to help students capture their imagination, increase their enthusiasm, spark their enthusiasm and provoke their creativity in studying historical books. This research is library research with a qualitative research approach. The data collection method uses the documentary study method. The data analysis method used is the content analysis method. The purpose of this study is to help teachers make it easier for students to accept and understand the contents of the Nurul Yaqin book by utilizing learning media in the form of pictures and maps.

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