EL-AFKAR : Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Tafsir Hadis
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Published By Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Bengkulu

2685-2918, 2502-5384

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Ahmad Farhan ◽  
Deden Bagus Putra

The word infidel is mentioned 525 times in the Qur'an. The use of this word infidel has various meanings as in the QS. Ali 'Imran:151, the word infidels are those who associate partners with Allah while in QS. Luqman:12, the Qur'an calls the disbelievers those who disbelieve in the favors of Allah. The difference in the term infidel is not only limited to the verses of the Qur'an, but also applies among commentators, scholars, intellectuals, to ordinary people, including in the understanding of Indonesian society. This research is entitled "The Meaning of Kafir in the Qur'an (Comparative Study of the Interpretation of Ibn Kasir and M. Qurais Shihab)". In order to significantly answer the questions that arise; what is the meaning of infidel in the Qur'an according to Ibn Kasir in the book of Tafsir al-Qur'an al-'Azhim and M. Quraish Shihab in the book of Tafsir al-Misbah, similarities and differences in interpretation, and the relevance of their interpretation in the Indonesian context. This research is a library research that uses descriptive comparative analysis research method with a historical approach. The results of this study are: the socio-historical context, sources of interpretation, methods, and styles have a significant influence in producing differences in the interpretation of the Qur'an, especially regarding the meaning of kafir. Between Ibn Kasir and M. Quraish Shihab agreed to interpret the word infidel in the form of isim jama 'muzakkar salim (الكَافِرُوْنَ) in five (5) verses, namely QS. al-Mai'dah: 44, QS. al-A'raf: 45, QS. al-Taubah: 32, QS. al-Ankabut: 47, and QS. al-Rum: 8 with the meaning of denying and covering, but differing in explaining the interpretation of the five verses, although the difference is not that far away. The interpretations of the two figures in this thesis are very relevant to the context of Indonesia which is multi-religious and multi-cultural.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Ni'matul Hidayah

علم المعايدة هو دراسة فلسفية لأصل المعرفة وبنيتها وطريقتها وهدفها. وصف عمليات المعرفة والإجراءات. الغرض من هذه الورقة هو تتبع أفكار مالك بن نبي في سيكولوجية القرآن في أزهيرة القرآن. يحاول المؤلف تقديم شرح موجز لأفكار مالك بن نبي ويجد الأفكار التي هي جوهر دراسته. أزهيرة القرآن هي ترجمة لكتاب ظواهر القرآن بالعنوان الأصلي "Le Phenomene Coranique Essai D une theorie surle" القرآن "قلم مالك بن نبي ، يحتوي على تحليل مفصل وموضوعي للقرآن الكريم. يهدف الكتاب ، وفقًا لعنوانه الفرعي ، إلى إيجاد نظرية مستمدة من تعاليم القرآن. ناقش مالك بن نبي علماء المسلمين الشباب ، خاصة في بلاده.يمكن القول إن Le Phénomène Coranique هو نقد عاقل للحداثة. يجادل هذا العمل مع الحجة الحالية القائلة بأن العقل والعلم ليسا نقيض الدين والوحي. يتألف هذا الفصل من ثلاثة أقسام رئيسية تبدأ بسيرة ذاتية مختصرة توضح المراحل الرئيسية لحياة بنابي ومسيرته المهنية. كما سيتضح في الصفحات التالية ، تبرز أعمال مالك بن نبي بشكل عام وظاهرة القرآن بشكل خاص كواحدة من أكثر الاستجابات الفكرية تفضيلًا ، والانخراط في الفكر الغربي الفلسفي والعلمي الحديث.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Adi Rahmat Kurniawan

The problem of religiosity is one of the themes that characterize the modern era today. This problem was marked by widespread issues of secularization, liberalization and pluralism which triggered reactions from Muslim scientists, such as Muhammad Rasyid Ridha. This text aims to examine Rosyid Ridha's thoughts on the theme of ijtihad, education and politics. By using the analytical descriptive method, this study concludes several important points. First, Rasyid Ridha contributed effectively from all aspects of benefit in the fields of ijtihad, education and politics. He includes religious elements that refer to the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, such as in his teacher Jamaluddin Al-Afghani. Second, he offers a well-known solution, namely by re-buzzing ijtihad. And third, taking modern thinking and then integrating it with Islam without eliminating syari'ah values. In Rida's concept of thought, he always combines Western and Islamic sciences but still prioritizes religion based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith. Because of this, his thinking is considered to be a solution in facing the modern era today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Muhammad Syachrofi

This paper discusses one of the humanitarian problems that still often occurs today, discrimination. Discrimination is not only contrary to human rights but also contrary to the Islamic view which is raḥmah fī al-‘ālamīn. But, in fact, Islam is always suspected as a religion that teaches various forms of discriminatory treatment. The accusation is based on Islamic religious texts which narratively teach discrimination. I find that there are two hadiths that are discriminatory about electing leaders. The first hadith is about having to elect a leader from the Quraysh clan. The second hadith is about the prohibition for women to be a leader. Textually, these hadiths are quite problematic because they contain the narration of racial-ethnic discrimination and gender discrimination. Therefore, in this article, I attempt to reinterpret these hadiths by using a contextual approach by analyzing the language and socio-historical context. My conclusion is that these hadiths were stated by the Prophet Muhammad in temporary cases. Substantially, these hadiths contain the significances that are relevant today.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Ilham Syukri ◽  
Syahidin Syahidin ◽  
Agusri Fauzan

Al-Quran is a book in which it discusses the problems of the world and the hereafter. And the hadith is the official explanation of the Koran. Understanding worldly concepts in al-Quran also requires a process of reasoning through the guidance of the Prophet's sunnah. One of the worldly problems mentioned in al-Quran is the political and ethical basics that must be adhered to in healthy politics in the style of al-Quran. Al-Quran is the principle of life, there is no single problem that exists in the world and even the hereafter unless it is regulated by the guidance and guidance of al-Quran and the valid sunnah, including in the world of politics, even the political character of al-Quran is not comparable. with it, everything is a benefit and blessing if it is used and understood by the right and proper individual. This research uses the thematic method (maudhu'i) about the siyasah verses. The results show that the political characteristics in al-Quran are 1. Bai'at, 2. Shura, 2. Responsibility, 3. Justice, 4. Silaturrahim. If these characters are applied, they will be safe in their career towards Allah SWT. On the contrary, if they do not disobey, they will be misled and get the wrath of the owner of the universe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Wely Dozan

The study of the Qur'an has produced a number of theories and therapeutic approaches in the study of the al-Qur'an text. So far, the interpretation and study of the al-Qur'an has developed so rapidly so that the Koran is in accordance with the text and context in realizing a fair and just interpretation. This is one of the forms of the effort and movement of making al-Qur'an grounded through understanding the text and critical study in the substance. The focus of the investigation, explored the hermeneutic and maqashid approaches (Tafsir Maqashidi) then examined various aspects of the methodology, methods, application of the interpretation model, especially in relation to gender in order to see the work of the two theories in terms of interpretation. The conclusion is to ground the interpretation of the Koran, not around a textual understanding. However, the emergence of various understandings in the context of seeing the reality of society (asbabun nuzul al-Qur'an) so that interpretation is able to place a middle position (Wasthiyyah Islam). Hermeneutics and maqashid (Tafsir Maqashidi) are offered as an effort to ground the interpretation of contextual and critical nuances, taking into account the social justice of society so that it has implications according to the essence and purpose of the Qur'an being revealed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Anggi Wahyu Ari ◽  
Rudi Kurniawan

The discussion of reward is often the object of aqidah study for theologians and scholars of kalam. Therefore, in this study the author makes the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf by al-Zamakhsyari (467-538 H) as an object of study that leads to a more complete and deeper study of the science of kalam. In the interpretation of Al-Kasyaf, al-Zamakhsyari uses logic more and this is what is used as a material for criticism by some scholars as material for defending the muktazilah understanding that he believes in. Sometimes he berates the leading priests astray, especially if they have an opinion that contradicts him. This paper tries to describe Zamakhsyari's interpretation of the reward in the perspective of the Koran from Tafsir Al-Kasyaf from the word al-ajr. This paper uses the maudhu'i method through an approach to understanding the characters in his work. The results of the study show that the term ajr that appears in the Koran is always related to human actions in good things or about goodness. The existence of ajr from Allah Swt cannot be separated from the role of human good deeds. Various virtues that are present with Ajr, besides the goodness mentioned earlier, there are other virtues, such as piety and patience, striving in the way of Allah, and always remembering Allah. Although ajr is closely related to the good deeds that have been done, the source of ajr itself is essentially from Allah Swt.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 288
Bustomi Bustomi

Al-Qur'an is a holy book with very valuabel Arabic language. Its language style is a miracle that no human can imitate until the end of time. The content of the meaning is very broad and the lexical choices are super precise and thorough. The Qur'an came down in Mecca and Medina where the majority of the population work as traders. Hence, this article is aimed at analyzing historically the lexical choices used in the Al-Qur'an whose people are generally busy in commerce. This study uses a qualitative approach by adopting the content analysis method of Satori and Komariah (2010); an analysis focusing on the actual content in a script to determine certain words, themes, concepts, phrases, or sentences related to the objectives will be achieved. In this case, the object analyzed is certain vocabulary in the Qur'an which has economic nuances. The result of this study explains that the Qur'an uses many economic terms and vocabularies which are usually used by the Arab community as a merchant community. The use of economic vocabulary such as tijârah, mȋzan, ajr, isytarâ and it’s derivatives, and jazâ is not only used to regulate proper business procedures in worldly affairs, but is actually used to guide people to do good deeds in the hereafter interest. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 326
Syahidin Syahidin ◽  
Agusri Fauzan ◽  
Ilham Syukri

Based on the quantity of narrators, hadith is divided into two, namely mutawatir and Ahad. Most of the teachings of Islam, be it creed or other problems, rely on the hadith ahad. If the ahad hadith cannot be used as evidence, then the consequence is that many Islamic teachings that are understood and believed by the majority of Muslims so far will be displaced. The discourse categorization of hadiths into mutawatir and Ahad will have an impact on the emergence of doubts and even rejection of the authority of the hadiths as a source of Islamic teachings after the Qur'an, which also means doubting most of the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. This study aims to see the pros and cons. in practicing the hadith ahad. The method used in this research is a qualitative method through the documentation of data collection techniques, this technique is carried out by examining documents related to the authenticity of the ahad hadith in some hadith literature and other works. The data analysis is descriptive analysis and comparative. The results of the research show that even though these ahad hadiths do not show conviction, he shows them to strong suspicion, and they have become the legal basis before the mutawatir-ahad dichotomy appeared. In fact, the opinion that states that these ahad traditions cannot be used as evidence, even in matters of faith, is the opinion of bid'ah, has no basis in Islamic syari'at. The status of ahad hadith authenticity is consensus accepted through the arguments that have been explained by the scholars to refute some of the scholars who reject it. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 307
Moch Iqbal

This paper examines the scientific design that combines Islam with a national perspective, which the author calls the Tabot’s scientific . Tabot's scientific design is Islam juxtaposed with local wisdom, to produce a wasathiyah (moderate) Islam. So far, the scientific design at PTKIN only reinforces the scientific dichotomy between science and religion. Such as the science of Spider Web, Tree of Science, Twin Tower and others, all carry the integration of religion and science. Islam itself does not recognize this scientific separation. Using library research (literature study), which is a method that is carried out by collecting data and information from books and writings that are related to the research object which is discussed descriptively-analytic through philosophical studies with a qualitative-rationalistic approach . The results of this study are: first, religion and national locality are like two sides of a coin that cannot be separated. Religion does not exist in a cultural vacuum. Rather, religion always includes two inseparable but distinguishable entities, namely normativity and historicity. Second, it is necessary to ground (domestication), downstream science, both religion and science technology according to the needs of the Indonesian people. So far, the science on campus has been more on the ceiling, in the ivory tower rather than manifesting in beneficial social and technological attitudes. Indonesian scientists are more expert in discourse rather than manifesting in praxis and works.Keywords:  Criticism, Science, Tabot, Integration, Domestification.

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