K.I. Leontyeva ◽  

The paper explores cognitive mechanics of «doing» gender in literary translation and aims at providing a cognitive account of gender as both a function of the translator’s self and the translator’s practical concern, i.e. a meaning-making feature of the literary structure which is to be somehow relayed in the translator’s text. Having initially defined the notions «cognitive dominant» and «perspective», constitutive of the research framework, the author reflects on the instrumental role of gender, integrating biological, cognitive, sociocultural and discourse dimensions of the translator’s activity, as a meta-dominant of the translator’s cognition and discourse, which shapes 1) the translator’s phenomenological perspective, from which the text world is mentally construed and 2) strategic (re)framing of the narrative perspective in the translator’s text. A number of English-Russian translations are discussed to illustrate inherent dynamicity, fluidity, multiplicity, performativity and pervasiveness of gender as a dominant driving translation. Certain cognitive and aesthetic modes of doing and (re)framing gender in translation are distinguished as well. Overall, the research findings evince the urgent need for the translators to adopt and implement a gender-sensitive translation strategy, which is likely to considerably enhance the literary value of their translations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-201 ◽  
Chris Shields ◽  
Kate Russo ◽  
Michele Kavanagh

Despite the increasing number of people being bereaved by suicide, little is understood concerning the experiences of those bereaved by suicide as they struggle to make sense of a loved one’s death. The current study explored the experiences of four mothers who had been bereaved by suicide and the role of support groups in the meaning-making process following bereavement by suicide. Participants were interviewed and transcribed interviews were then analysed from an interpretative phenomenological perspective. Four main themes were identified: Continuing role of the mother; A never-ending quest; Finding sanctuary; and Rising up from the ashes. These themes relate to a range of emotions following bereavement by suicide, the meaning-making process, the social context and the role of the support group. Clinical implications are discussed in relation to these findings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Marko Pajević

The British translation practitioner and theorist Clive Scott has presented an approach to literary translation that integrates the transmedial into textual translation. His translations of poetry contain doodling, handwriting, crossing out, writing over, typographical experimentation, and photo-collages; he even offers photo-poetic translations consisting exclusively of photos. By including such extra-verbal matter, they play with the medium of literature and integrate a rich variety of visual forms. Scott wishes to stress the role of perception in translating; he offers a reader-focused theory of translation. He is much less concerned with translation as a service for people who do not understand the original language than with the act of translating as a school for reading and hence for developing our capacities of perception and self-awareness. The materiality of language plays a major role in such an idea of translation. His approach has little to do with intentional meaning, focusing instead on the accessibility of sense. Translating is a process, and it is the relationship of this process to what Scott rightly sees as the multi-sensory process of meaning-making during reading that is at issue in his theory and practice. By analysing Scott’s theory and examples of his translationwork, this paper considers what this approach to translating says about transmediality in a phenomenological sense: it sheds light on how we read and perceive and on what the transmedial elements in these processes do. Scott’s transmedial translation theory and practice bring to the fore the multiplicity of media involved in the perception of a text in the reader’s mind and thus sharpens the awareness of what language is and does.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Merja L.M. Bauters

In design and learning studies, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to experience. Many design approaches relate experience to embodiment and phenomenology. The growth in the number of applications that use the Internet of Things (IoT) has shifted human interactions from mobile devices and computers to tangible, material things. In education, the pressure to learn and update skills and knowledge, especially in work environments, has underlined the challenge of understanding how workers learn from reflection while working. These directions have been fuelled by research findings in the neurosciences, embodied cognition, the extended phenomenological–cognitive system and the role of emotions in decision-making and meaning making. The perspective on experience in different disciplines varies, and the aim is often to categorise experience. These approaches provide a worthwhile view of the importance of experience in learning and design, such as the recent emphasis on conceptual and epistemological knowledge creation. In pragmatism, experience plays a considerable role in research, art, communication and reflection. Therefore, I rely on Peirce’s communicative theory of signs and Dewey’s philosophy of experience to examine how experience is connected to reflection and therefore how it is necessarily tangible.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-133 ◽  
Ruth Kevers ◽  
Peter Rober ◽  
Lucia De Haene

While collective identifications of diasporic Kurds have attracted considerable scholarly interest, their possible role in familial processes of post-trauma reconstruction has hardly been studied. The aim of this article is therefore to develop an explorative understanding of the deployment and meaning of collective identifications in intimate family contexts by examining the interconnectedness between the transmission of cultural and political belonging and post-trauma meaning-making and coping in Kurdish refugee families. After contextualising diasporic Kurds’ collective identifications through an ethnographic depiction of the Kurdish diasporic community in Belgium, this article reports on findings from a small-scale, exploratory study with five Kurdish refugee families in Belgium. Thematic analysis of family and parent interviews indicates how cultural and political identifications may operate as sources of (1) dealing with cultural bereavement and loss; (2) commemorating trauma; and (3) reversing versus reiterating trauma. Overall, this study’s findings support an explorative understanding of collective identifications as meaningful resources in families’ post-trauma reconstruction.ABSTRACT IN KURMANJIRola nasnameyên komelî di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina paş-trawmayê de: Xebateke raveker li ser malbatên kurd ên penaber û civakên wan ên dîasporayêTevî ku nasnameyên komelî yên kurdên dîasporayê ta radeyeke baș bûye mijara lêkolînan, rola wan a muhtemel di pêvajoyên malbatî yên vesazkirina (selihandin) paş-trawmayê qet nehatine vekolîn. Lewma armanca vê gotarê ew e têgihiştineke raveker pêş bixe li ser rol û wateya nasnameyên komelî yên di çarçoveya mehremiya malbatê de, ku vê yekê jî dê bi rêya vekolîna wê têkiliya rijd bike ya di navbera neqlkirina aidiyetên çandî-siyasî û rêyên sazkirina wateyê û serederîkirina li dû trawmayê di nav malbatên kurd ên penaber de. Piştî diyarkirina çarçoveya nasnameya komelî ya Kurdên diasporayê bi rêya teswîreke etnografîk a cemaeta diasporaya Kurd li Belçîkayê, ev gotar encamên ji xebateke biçûk a bi pênc malbatên kurd ên penaber ên li Belçîkayê pêşkêş dike. Tehlîla babetî ya hevpeyvînên ligel malbatan û dayik û bavan nîşan dide ka çawa nasnameyên çandî û siyasî dikarin bibin çavkanî ji bo (1) serederîkirina bi mehrûmiyeta çandî û windahiyên xwe; (2) bibîranîna trawmayê; û (3) kêmrengkirin an, beramber vê yekê, dubarekirina trawmayê. Bi giştî, encamên vê xebatê wê têgihiştineke raveker tesdîq dikin ku nasnameyên kolektîf çavkaniyên kêrhatî ne di vesazkirina paş-trawmayê ya malbatan de. ABSTRACT IN SORANIDewrî nasname bekomellekan le prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-trawmayîda: lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarî binemalle penabere kurdekan û civatî ewan le diyasporaLe katêkda nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le layen şarezakanewe giringîyekî berçawî pê drawe û serincî ewanî bo lay xoyî rakêşawe, bellam sebaret be egerî dewrî prose binemalleyîyekanî sazkirdinewey paş-tirawma be degmen lêkollîneweyek encam drawe. Ke wate, amancî em wutare perepêdan be têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane lemerr bekarhênan û manay nasname bekomellekan le bestênekanî têkellawîy binemalleyîdaye, ke le rêgey peywendîy nêwan rewtî gwastineweyî grêdraweyî kultûrî û siyasî, sazbûnî mana û herweha rahatin legell kêşekanî qonaẍî paş tirawma le binemalle kurde penaberekanda taqî krawetewe. Dway awirrdanewe le civakî diyasporay kurd le Belcîka, nasname bekomellekanî kurdekanî diyaspora le bestênî xoyda xwêndinewey bo krawe û bem gêreye lem wutareda lêkollîneweyekî şirovekarane bo qebareyekî biçûk le pênc binemalley kurdî penaber le Belcîka dekrê û encamekanî billaw dekrêtewe. Şîkarîyekî babetiyaney wutuwêj legell binemalle û dayk û bawkekan nîşanî dedat ke çon dekrê nasname kultûrî û siyasîyekan wek serçaweyek bo em sê mijare derbikewn: (1) gîrodebûn be ledestçûn û bizirbûnî kultûr; (2) webîrhênanewey tirawma; û (3) pêçewanebûnî tirawma leberamber dûbarebûneweyda. Beşêweyekî giştî, encamekanî em lêkollîneweye piştgîrî le têgeyîştinêkî şirovekarane le nasname bekomellekan dekat ke wekû serçaweyekî giring bo sazkirdinewey binemallekan le dway qonaẍî paş-tirawma seyr dekrêt.

2012 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 467-490 ◽  
Eszter Berán ◽  
Zsolt Unoka

Háttér: A terápiás diskurzusban megvalósuló narratív konstrukciós folyamat során a páciens és a terapeuta kölcsönösen befolyásolják egymás nézőpontjának változásait. Ez a nézőpont, vagy narratív perspektíva (NP) váltás szorosan kapcsolódik a figyelem irányításának nyelvi eszközökkel megvalósuló szabályozásához, amit korábban Chafe fogalmazott meg a beszédmegértésre vonatkozó kognitív-diskurzív elméletében. Célkitűzések: Vizsgálatunkban a pszichoterápiás folyamatot a beszélők NP-váltásain keresztül tanulmányozzuk. Hipotézisünk az, hogy a NP-váltással megvalósuló figyelmi szabályozás spontán, nem tudatos használata lehetővé teszi azt, hogy a terapeuta a terápiás célkitűzések szempontjából megfelelő módon befolyásolja a páciens szelf-narratívumainak átszerkesztési, és újraírási folyamatait. Az átszerkesztés, újraírás során a páciens nem pusztán a feldolgozás alatt álló problémára – történetre – tud megváltozott nézőpontból tekinteni, de a számára új típusú perspektíva váltások elsajátításával a figyelmi szabályozás új módjait is megtanulja. Módszerek: Jelen elemzés egy 1,5 évig tartó megfigyeléses vizsgálat része, melynek során páciens-terapeuta párosok közötti terápiás beszélgetéseket rögzítettünk magnóra. A szövegeket CHILDES módszerrel jegyeztük le, majd kódoltuk a NP-váltásokat. A vizsgálatban résztvevő terapeuta és kliens nem ismerte a szöveg elemzésére használt NP-modellünket, a diskurzív elemzésben általunk leírt NP-váltások nyelvi eszköztárát spontán és nem tudatosan használta. Eredmények: Elemzésünkben kimutattuk, hogy a terapeuta által végrehajtott perspektívaváltások, vagy váltások sorozata előzte meg azt a momentumot, amikor a páciens képes volt kilépni korábbi perspektívájából, és alternatív nézőpontokat tudott felvenni. A terapeuta a páciens figyelmének irányítása során sikeresen avatkozott közbe olyan perspektíva-váltások indukálásával, amelyekből a páciens megtapasztalhatta, és sajátjaként élhette át szelf-állapotait, és ágenciáját. Következtetések: Hipotézisünket, miszerint a NP-váltással megvalósuló figyelmi szabályozás használatával a terapeuta befolyásolni tudja a páciens szelf-narratívumainak újraszerkesztési folyamatait, sikerült alátámasztani.

Svitlana Gruschko

The article investigates the role of communicative-functional approach in the translation of scientific and technical literature, when the translation itself is seen as a tool to accomplish purposeful activity of communicators, representatives of different interlingual groups. In practical terms, the difficulties of translating scientific and technical texts are due to the peculiarities of scientific style, insufficient understanding of the terminology of a particular field of knowledge, which complicates the choice of adequate translation solutions. In this context, an important role is played by the translation strategy, where the communicativefunctional approach dominates. The translation is implicitly included in the communication structure between the author and the recipient. The relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of studying the problems of scientific and technical literature translation, taking into account the current realities of interlanguage information exchange. Key words: communicative-functional approach, interlingual communication, translation, structure

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mustaqim - Mustaqim

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to analyze the role of Panglima Laot in the management of fishery resources in Sabang Island. To be able to understand the fisheries management that involves the role of the community in the form of local institutions, a series in-depth interview, observation, as well as literature were successfully carried out to local fishery community. Since this study is a combination of qualitative and quantitative method, the data collection was analysed using phenomenological approach and critical interpretation process to see the validity and reliability of the research findings.  Referring to previous research evidence, the results show that the presence of Panglima Laot has played an important role in providing information, invitation, supervision and participation in the management of fishery resources. In addition, the role of Panglima Laot in the management of fishery resources includes carrying out customs, assisting the government, resolving conflicts in the community, preventing illegal fishing, preserving the coastal environment and fighting for the living standards of fishermen is very influential both in centralization and decentralization era.  Therefore, these findings can be categorized as a useful information for any party working in field of fishery program. 

2018 ◽  
Brett Buttliere

Over the last decade, there have been many suggestions to improve how scientists answer their questions, but far fewer attempt to improve the questions scientists are asking in the first place. The goal of the paper is then to examine and summarize synthesize the evidence on how to ask the best questions possible. First is a brief review of the philosophical and empirical literature on how the best science is done, which implicitly but not explicitly mentions the role of psychology and especially cognitive conflict. Then we more closely focus on the psychology of the scientist, finding that they are humans, engaged in a meaning making process, and that cognitive conflict is a necessary input for any learning or change in the system. The scientific method is, of course, a specialized meaning making process. We present evidence for this central role of cognitive conflict in science by examining the most discussed scientific papers between 2013 and 2017, which are, in general, controversial and about big problems (e.g., whether vaccines cause autism, how often doctors kill us with their mistakes). Toward the end we discuss the role of science in society, suggesting science itself is an uncertainty reducing and problem solving enterprise. From this basis we encourage scientists to take riskier stances on bigger topics, for the good of themselves and society generally.

2010 ◽  
Vol 27 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Krishna Poudel

Mountains have distinct geography and are dynamic in nature compared to the plains. 'Verticality' and 'variation' are two fundamental specificities of the mountain geography. They possess distinct temporal and spatial characteristics in a unique socio-cultural setting. There is an ever increasing need for spatial and temporal data for planning and management activities; and Geo Information (GI) Science (including Geographic Information and Earth Observation Systems). This is being recognized more and more as a common platform for integrating spatial data with social, economic and environmental data and information from different sources. This paper investigates the applicability and challenges of GISscience in the context of mountain geography with ample evidences and observations from the mountain specific publications, empirical research findings and reports. The contextual explanation of mountain geography, mountain specific problems, scientific concerns about the mountain geography, advances in GIScience, the role of GIScience for sustainable development, challenges on application of GIScience in the contexts of mountains are the points of discussion. Finally, conclusion has been made with some specific action oriented recommendations.

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