communicative theory
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Tradterm ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 347-377
Carlos Eduardo Piazentine Costa

Collocations have a great potencial to the understanding of meanings, senses and concepts of words or terms they compound. In this article, we studied the collocations of the terms “segurança” in Portuguese, and “safety” and “security” in English, in aviation language. Our aims were to search for a better understanding of the studied conceptual units, and to offer a discussion about the role of collocations in Terminology. We built two comparable corpora, one with Portuguese texts from the Brazilian National Civil Aviation Agency and the Brazilian Air Force, and another one with English texts from the International Civil Aviation Organization. We focused on the main collocations of the three terms in Portuguese and in English. The theoretical frame we adopted was the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CABRÉ, 1999) and we used the techniques of Corpus Linguistics (TAGNIN, 2010, 2013; BERBER SARDINHA, 2000) to design our methodology, assisted by the software WordSmith Tools, version 6.0. (SCOTT, 2012). We found noun and adjective collocations. The study is addressed to professionals, teachers and tranlators who make use of aviation language.   KEY-WORDS: Terms of Aviation; Terminology; Corpus Linguistics; Collocations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 751-764
A. V. Skorobogatov ◽  
A. I. Skorobogatova ◽  
A. V. Krasnov

Objective: to study the socio-cultural and legal nature of the corruption phenomenon in a discursive and communicative context.Methods: the methodological basis of the article is the synthesis of the discursive and communicative theory of J. Habermas and W. Krawietz’s integrative theory of legal reality, focusing on the interdisciplinary study of corruption as an interdisciplinary category, taking into account not only objective, but also subjective components. This determined the choice of research methods (comparative, hermeneutic, and discursive methods).Results: corruption as a phenomenon and the interdisciplinary category reflecting it is determined by social, cultural and psychological factors of the legal reality development. Acting as a complex legal archetype, it defines the value attitudes of consciousness and behavior of the legal communication participants, orienting them to carry out actions aimed at satisfying individual (less often group and social) interests, even if they contradict the law. Corrupt behavior is perceived by a large part of the Russian society as a model of hierarchical interaction of the legal communication subjects, the purpose of which, according to the addressee, is to increase the effectiveness of the addressee’s activities. In addition, corruption is becoming an informal means of “liberation” from the legal requirements, rigid and unfair, according to some representatives of the society. In these conditions, the success of the institutional fight against corruption can be achieved only if this fight involves not only improvement of anti-corruption legislation, but also countering shadow norms, creating a system of anti-incentives for corrupt behavior, including ideologically, through the formation of value attitudes of citizens to reject corrupt practices as unpatriotic and harmful to the rule of law and the legal culture of the society as a whole.Scientific novelty: for the first time in Russian jurisprudence, a study of the category of corruption in the communicative and discursive aspect was conducted.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and pedagogical activities when considering the issues of the essence and content of the Russian legal reality, in the anti-corruption activities of state and municipal bodies, as well as in anti-corruption education.

Нина Сергеевна Болотнова

Введение. Изучение речемыслительной деятельности автора и адресата в процессе сотворчества на основе текста как формы коммуникации относится к числу наиболее актуальных проблем в русистике. Современная когнитивно-дискурсивная парадигма научного знания и развитие коммуникативной теории текста открывают новые перспективы в исследовании текста как объекта восприятия, интерпретации и понимания. Цель – опираясь на теорию регулятивности как одно из направлений коммуникативной стилистики текста, выявить некоторые лингвокогнитивные механизмы формирования гиперконцепта как результата интерпретационной деятельности воспринимающего текст субъекта. Материал и методы. Исследование основано на анализе, сравнении и обобщении научной литературы по теории и истории вопроса, на использовании методологии и понятийно-терминологического аппарата теории регулятивности, разработанной в коммуникативной стилистике текста, применении концептуального, лингвосмыслового, семантико-стилистического анализа. Материалом исследования послужили стихи известных русских поэтов Ф. И. Тютчева, И. А. Бунина, З. Н. Гиппиус, Н. А. Заболоцкого. Результаты и обсуждение. За исходное взято положение о том, что в основе интерпретации текста адресатом лежат лингвокогнитивные механизмы – речемыслительные процессы, формирующие обобщенный смысл текста (гиперконцепт), стимулированные общей системой текста, включающие когнитивные операции анализа, сравнения, синтеза с опорой на ассоциативную деятельность и имеющийся у индивида опыт. В выявлении гиперконцепта важны регулятивная стратегия текста, способы регулятивности, регулятивные средства и структуры, использованные автором в тексте с ориентацией на сотворчество с адресатом, «управление» его познавательной деятельностью. Особенно значима лексическая система текста, стимулирующая его ассоциативно-смысловое развертывание в сознании читателя. Интерпретационная деятельность предполагает взаимосвязь актуализированных в тексте концептов в рамках его общей концептуальной структуры на основе отношений дополнения, усиления, контраста, включения, сопоставления, обобщения. С учетом этого, опираясь на теорию регулятивности, были выявлены лингвокогнитивные механизмы формирования гиперконцепта: 1) сквозной усилительно-конвергентный, связанный с последовательным усилением ключевого концепта различными регулятивными средствами и структурами в рамках индуктивно-дедуктивной лексической макроструктуры текста, с повтором как способом регулятивности и регулятивной стратегией поэтапного усиления семантических признаков ключевого концепта; 2) замкнутый последовательно-дополнительный, проявляющийся в по этапной художественно-образной конкретизации разных признаков гиперконцепта на основе использования сильной регулятивной стратегии однородного эксплицитного типа и повтора как основного способа регулятивности; 3) сопоставительно-парадоксальный, стимулированный регулятивной стратегией парадоксально-контрастивного типа, контрастом как основным способом регулятивности и текстовыми парадигмами антонимического типа как регулятивной доминантой; 4) сопоставительно-синтезирующий, отражающий синтез (обобщение) на основе сопоставительного ассоциативно-смыслового развертывания разных граней (признаков) ключевого концепта, стимулированных ступенчатой лексической макроструктурой индуктивно-дедуктивного типа. Заключение. Использование теории регулятивности и ее понятийно-терминологического аппарата позволяет судить о некоторых заданных в поэтическом тексте автором закономерностях организации интерпретационной деятельности адресата и лингвокогнитивных механизмах формирования общего смысла текста. Полученные наблюдения представляют интерес для дальнейшей разработки проблемы смысловой интерпретации и методики смыслового анализа текста. Introduction. The study of verbal and cognitive activity of an author and an addressee in the process of co-creation based on the text as a form of communication remains an urgent problem. The modern cognitive-discursive paradigm of scientific knowledge and development of communicative theory of text offer the challenge in the study of text as an object of perception, interpretation and understanding. The aim of the article is the detection of some linguo-cognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept forming as a result of interpretative activity by a subject perceiving the text relying on the regulative theory as one of the directions of the communicative stylistics of the text. Material and methods. The research is examined on the analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific literature on the theory and history of the issue, on the use of the methodology and conceptual and terminological apparatus of the regulative theory, on the application of conceptual, linguistic, semantic and stylistic analysis. The material for the study was the poems of famous Russian poets F. I. Tyutchev, I. A. Bunin, Z. N. Gippius, N. A. Zabolotsky. Results and discussion. The starting point is the following: the interpretation of the text by the addressee depends on linguo-cognitive mechanisms – verbal and cognitive processes that form the generalized meaning of the text (hyperconcept), stimulated by the general system of the text, including the cognitive operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis based on associative activity and an experience of a person. In identifying the hyperconcept, the regulatory strategy of the text, the methods of regulation, the regulatory means and structures which the author used in the text with an orientation towards co-creation with the addressee, “control” of his cognitive activity are important. The lexical system of the text stimulating its associative and semantic deployment in the mind of the reader is especially significant. Interpretive activity presupposes the interconnection of the concepts actualized in the text within the limits of its general conceptual structure based on the relations of complement, enhancement, contrast, inclusion, comparison, generalization. Taking this into account, relying on the regulative theory, the following linguocognitive mechanisms of hyperconcept formation were identified: 1) through amplifying-convergent mechanism, associated with the sequential strengthening of the key concept by various regulatory means and structures in the context of the inductive-deductive lexical macrostructure of the text; with repetition as a way of regulation and a regulatory strategy for the stepwise enhancement of the semantic features of the key concept; 2) closed sequentialadditional, manifested in a phased artistic-figurative concretization of various signs of a hyperconcept based on the use of a strong regulatory strategy of a homogeneous explicit type and repetition as the main way of regulation; 3) comparative-paradoxical, stimulated by the regulatory strategy of the paradoxical-contrastive type; contrast as the main method of regulation and textual paradigms of the antonymic type as a regulatory dominant; 4) comparativesynthesizing, reflecting synthesis (generalization) on the basis of parallel comparative associative-semantic deployment of different facets (features) of the key concept, stimulated by a stepped lexical macrostructure of the inductive-deductive type. Conclusion. The use of the regulative theory and its conceptual and terminological apparatus makes it possible to determine some of the patterns organized by the interpretive activity of the addressee and the linguo-cognitive mechanisms of the formation of the general meaning of the text given in the poetic text. Obtained observations are of interest for further development of the problem of notional interpretation and methods of semantic analysis of the text.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-163
Nikolay Golovin ◽  
Roman Vissonov

The dispute over the construction of a social system theory, which took place in Harvard between P.A. Sorokin (1889–1968) and T. Parsons (1902–1979), is still drawing the attention of historians and theorists of sociology. Both scientists were greatly respected by the scientific community of those times, both had their unique vision on creating a social theory and, of course, each of them claimed priority in the development of their respective system-sociological theory. According to P.A. Sorokin, who in 1951 was promoting his work “Similarities and Dissimilarities Between Two Sociological Systems” among colleagues from his department and beyond it, T. Parsons’ essays on the topic of social system theory are suspiciously similar to P.A. Sorokin’s lectures and essays — an opinion which in turn was refuted by Parsons. In response to Sorokin’s claims, T. Parsons claimed that his theoretical concept had been influenced more by other authors than by P.A. Sorokin. He also pointed to the process of convergence in system theory and highlighted plenty of other differences between their system theories. All researchers noticed the severity of this conflict, but when we look to the circumstances of the end of this conceptual debate, we find that it is not entirely clear whether it was even resolved, and more importantly — how the conflict actually ended. Analysis of this historical case conducted through the lens of Luhmann’s communicative theory helps get a clearer understanding of the problem. It allows for separating the conceptual implications of the dispute from its other aspects – personal, career, psychological, institutional aspects — which ultimately allowed looking into the conceptual essence of the conflict. The use of new and previously little-known German archival documents, copies of sociologists’ personal letters, journal reviews on sociological theory, journal publications about the conflict allowed to establish the importance of the role played by respected German sociologist L. von Wiese (1876–1969), a personal friend of P.A. Sorokin and an expert in theoretical sociology, in deescalating the conflict and ending the dispute in 1952.

Nina Bolotnova

Dynamically altering reality stimulates the use of new means and ways of communication in the process of textual activity. Peculiarities of present-day media communication (polycode, polydiscursiveness, intertextuality, interactivity, openness, etc.) and anthropocentrism of the modern linguistic paradigm determine the dialogue between the author and the addressee based on the text, which requires special study. The identification of the means and ways of expressing the category of media text dialogicity in the aspect of idiostyle is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the texts regulativity in the context of the communicative-activity approach to it. A broad range of linguistic and extralinguistic means of dialogization, which are typical of the author's journalistic texts, was revealed in the mainstream of the theory of regulation as one of the directions of communicative stylistics, based on the articles of 2020 in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" by the famous journalist and political scientist L. Radzikhovsky. The sphere of communication, the author's idiostyle, the peculiarities of the representation of regulation as a systemic quality of the media text are considered as factors that influence the dialogue with the addressee. The approach to the analysis of the media text based on the allocation of various regulatory means, structures, methods of regulation, and regulatory strategy that controls the cognitive activity of the addressee allows us to judge upon the specificity of the dialogic character of the modern publicistic text in accordance with the genre of the article in the aspect of the author's idiostyle. The proposed approach also is of interest for media linguistics and mediastylistics, the communicative theory of text, theory of speech impact.

Bjarne Melkevik

The author analyses the contribution of Jürgen Habermas as an open model of legal thought. He focuses more specifically on the question of the transformation of law as "anchored" in democratic legitimacy and therefore to be understood from the life world of concrete individuals. The author emphasizes that Habermas seeks to democratically stabilize "legality and legitimacy" to protect them from all undemocratic usurpation. The author stresses the "social validity" that accompanies all public discourse and the perspective of democracy obtained by speaking out at the level of a multitude of social "procedures". It is through practical discussions that we can "test" the normative proposals to better assess their "meanings and validity", their "cognitivity and universality", their "usefulness (“interest”) and (conceivable) consensus". The author analyses these six bodies of thought in detail to identify the meaning of habermasian thought concerning the democratic transformation of the law. He insists that the transformation of the law is "tested" in society from the bottom up in order to create, as much as possible, the broadest possible social consensus concerning “law”. In the end, the law attests to our ability to live together.

2021 ◽  
Vol - (1) ◽  
pp. 37-56
Anatolii Yermolenko

The paper analyzes Max Weber’s concepts of rationality and rationalization as components of modernization processes in modern society. The author reconstructs Weber’s interpretation of “spiritual factors” of social development, which emerge in the ethos of Protestantism. The research demonstrates how Weber’s study of capitalism in terms of rationality corresponds with concepts of other classics of German sociology, such as Ferdinand Tönnies, Werner Sombart, Georg Simmel and others. The article emphasizes the relevance of Weber’s sociology for XX— XXI centuries and how its basic concepts and methodological approaches have been further developed by scholars, including Ukrainian ones. Weber’s concept of rationality is applicable not only to the mental-epistemological sphere, it also acquires a social meaning. This approach has gained recognition in phenomenological sociology, theory of social systems, communicative theory and more. In addition to the formal rationality of the economy, modern social sciences use such concepts as social, aesthetic, ethical, environmental, and practical rationality. Weber’s “diagnosis of the age” is still a component of the “diagnosis” of modern society. The gap between values and interests remains an integral feature of the “risks and threats society” in the XXI century. This situation is especially evident in international relations, when “real politics” (Realpolitik), based on interests, becomes insensitive to “value postulates”. The author also discovers ways of value (moral and ethical) reclamation of modern society, particularly in the concepts of “ethical economy”, universalist ethics of discourse, global ethos and more. Keywords: purposive rationality, rationality (formal, material, communicative, systemic), value, ethos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 286
Chidoo Ezika

This study looks at the translation and the retranslation of the Igbo missal in line with Newmark’s (2001) semantic and communicative theory of translation. The aim is to highlight the factors that necessitated the retranslation, looking at the loopholes of the first translation in comparison with the Latin and English source texts. This study adopts the Newmark’s translation theory which sees translation from language and equivalence perspectives. The data were gathered from both old and new Igbo missals, the Latin missal and from the old English missal. Some persons were also interviewed to see the level of acceptability of the new translation. The study finds out that the first translation of the missal, hinges on communicative translation which focuses on the target language users. The retranslated version, hinges on the semantic translation which focuses on the source text language as requested by the Church authority. The study shows that many have accepted the translation while few are of the opinion that the new translation is not suitable. The paper concludes that the retranslated version is faithful to the source text and that the dangers of loss of meaning and possible incomprehensibility are not visible.

سيد طنطاوي

The aim of this research is to develop some concepts of web3 for the education technology specialist, to present a proposed training program for web3 technology, to define the concepts and technology of web3. There is a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) between the average scores of education technology specialists in the pre and post applications to test the web3.0 concepts in favor of the post application. In light of the significance of the differences using the "T" tests, the square of ETA (2η) was calculated using the equation Eta square (2 η) to find the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable (training program) in the dependent variable (development of web3.0 concepts), and by calculating the value of the square of ETA (2)) (Al-Amiri, 2006, 233), reached (0.98), which indicates that the training program has a significant impact on the acquisition of some concepts of web3.0, where this value shows that the training program contributed (98%) of the total variance In developing these concepts,It is a large percentage indicating the effectiveness of the training program in developing web3.0 concepts for the target research sample, which is the education technology specialist (if the effect size = 0.2 is the effect is weak, and if the impact size = 0.5, the effect is moderate, and if the impact size is = 0.8 The effect is significant), (Asr, 2003). From the above it is clear that the training program contributed to the development of the targeted web3.0 concepts for education technology specialists, as it found a difference between the median of the pre and post applications to test the concepts of the web3.0 in favor of the post application at the research group, which averaged (51,85) compared to (16) , 75) for pre-application, with a large effect size of (0.98) according to the ETA square measure (2η) of the effect size.

M. І. Hordiichuk

The article studies the concept of “fake news,” focusing on researching its etymology and the scope of its meaning. The meaning of the concept of “fake news” is studied based on the contrast with the word combination“false news”. The coinages “post-truth” and “fake news” have been recognized as the words of the year by different dictionaries in the recent years, which contributes to the image of the present-day media. Various definitions of fake news of different scholars were analyzed. It was found that fake news are relatively easy in making and spreading due to the advancement of modern technologies. However, they disrupt the faith of readers in media, which stands for the need for the detection of fake news in mass media. Consequently, the detection of fake news has been acknowledged as a crucial skill in the modern era. The paper analyzes the ways communicative theory can be used in the detection of fake news in the media. Four main strategies were identified, namely argumentative, appellative, evaluative, and the strategy of optimizing of perlocutionary effect. Each of the strategies is applied in various ways in fake news making with the use of appropriate tactics within their scope. The argumentative strategy operates with the tactics of manipulation and detalization. Tactics of ideologization, appeal to addressees’ needs and retrospection are used within the appellative strategy. Evaluative strategy includes the tactics of positioning, discrediting the opponent and distancing. And within the strategy of optimizing of perlocutionary effect the tactics of emotion evocation, mnemonization and visualization are identified. The paper provides a theoretical background to all of these strategies. Also, their practical application in the media was analyzed based on the examples taken from the independent fact-checking organization “StopFake”. It was found that all of them are frequently used in the hybrid war against Ukraine to disrupt its official government, treaties with European partners, and provoke chaos within the state.

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