2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Chartilia Gendis Napinillit M. ◽  
Anjar Sri Ciptorukmi

<p>This article aims to analyze and know the law protection provided to parties involved in the agreement through the loan-based crowdfunding platform. The legal protection granted to the parties is contained within the agreement itself, namely within the clause of the clause agreed upon by the parties, and there is also an out of the agreement, that is, in the provisions of current laws and regulations. Law protection is an important thing to guarantee the fulfillment of the legal rights of a person. In addition to these objectives, law protection is provided to bring about legal certainty, legal benefit, and justice for the parties. Law protection can be preventive (prevent) or repressive (fix). The agreed agreement on the loan-based crowdfunding platform creates a legal relationship between the two parties of the manufacturer.  Legal Relationship is a relationship that gives rise to the consequences of a law guaranteed by law or law. Any legal action that raises legal consequences on a loan-based crowdfunding platform should have legal protection, especially when there is a dispute between the<br />parties. Peaceful forums or through deliberations can not be guaranteed to resolve existing disputes, therefore legal protection is required to provide a solution and clarity of existing dispute settlement or potentially occurring after the agreement is agreed.</p><p>Keywords: Law Protection, Agreement, Loan-based crowdfunding, .</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui perlindungan hukum yang diberikan bagi para pihak yang terlibat didalam perjanjian melaui platform loan-based crowdfunding. Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan bagi para pihak terdapat didalam perjanjian itu sendiri, yaitu didalam klausula klausula yang telah disepakati para pihak, dan terdapat juga diluar perjanjian, yaitu didalam ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat ini. Perlindungan hukum merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk menjamin terpenuhinya hak hak hukum dari seseorang. Selain tujuan tersebut, perlindungan hukum yang diberikan guna mewujudkan kepastian hukum, kemanfaatan hukum, dan keadilan bagi para pihak. Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan dapat bersifat preventif (mencegah) atau represif (memperbaiki).  Perjanjian yang disepakati pada platform loan-based crowdfunding menimbulkan suatu hubungan Hukum antara dua pihak pembuatnya. Hubungan Hukum yaitu hubungan yang menimbulkan akibat Hukum yang dijamin oleh Hukum atau Undang-Undang. Setiap perbuatan hukum yang memunculkan akibat hukum pada platform loan-based crowdfunding harus memiliki perlindungan hukum, terlebih disaat terjadi suatu sengketa antar pihak. Forum damai atau melalui cara musyawarah belum dapat menjadi jaminan akan terselesaikannya sengketa yang ada, maka dari itu perlindungan hukum diperlukan untuk  memberi solusi dan kejelasan akan penyelesaian sengketa yang ada atau yang berpotensi terjadi pasca perjanjian disepakati.</p><p>Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Perjanjian, Loan based crowdfunding.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Socha Tcefortin Indera Sakti ◽  
Ambar Budhisulistyawati

<p>Abstract <br />This article aims to analyze and to understand the legal protection provided to the parties involved in under-hand agreement of the sale of Letter C land. The legal protection or all of the parties involved is contained in the agreement if the agreement specifically stated it in its clauses. The kegal protection outside of the agreement is contained in the laws and regulations in force which is Civil Code and Statute. The legal protection is an important aspect to ensure the fulfillment of a person’s legal rights. Furthermore, it also has other objective, which is to realize legal certainty, legal benefits, and justice for the parties. Legal protection can be preventive or repressive. The agreements made in the underhand sale of Letter C land forms a legal relationship between the two parties. The legal relations are relationships that result in legal consequences guaranteed by the laws and regulations. Every legal act that causes legal consequences must have legal protection, especially when there is a dispute between the parties. Dispute can occur after the under-hand agreement of the sale of Letter C Land was agreed, therefore legal protection is needed to provide solutions, certainty and clarity towards the resolution of the existing as well as the potential post-agreement disputes.<br />Keywords: Legal Protection; Under-hand Agreement; the sale of Land.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui perlindungan hukum yang diberikan bagi para pihak yang terlibat didalam perjanjian dibawah tangan jual beli tanah Letter C. Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan bagi para pihak dalam perjanjian dibawah tangan terdapat di dalam perjanjian apabila dalam perjanjian disebutkan secara khusus dalam klausula-klausula yang telah disepakati dalam perjanjian. Perlindungan hukum yang terdapat diluar perjanjian yaitu dalam ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu KUHPerdata dan undang-undang. Perlindungan hukum merupakan suatu hal yang penting dalam menjamin terpenuhinya hak-hak hukum seseorang. Selain itu, perlindungan hukum yang diberikan memiliki tujuan lain yaitu guna mewujudkan kepastian hukum, kemanfaatan hukum, dan keadilan bagi para pihak. Perlindungan hukum yang diberikan dapat bersifat preventif (mencegah) maupun represif (memperbaiki). Perjanjian yang disepakati dalam perjanjian jual beli tanah Letter C dibawah tangan menimbulkan suatu hubungan hukum antara dua pihak yang membuatnya. Hubungan hukum sendiri merupakan hubungan yang menimbulkan akibat hukum yang dijamin oleh hukum atau undang-undang. Setiap perbuatan hukum yang menimbulkan akibat hukum harus memiliki perlindungan hukum, terlebih disaat terjadi suatu sengketa diantara para pihaknya. Sengketa pertanahan dapat timbul setelah disepakatinya perjanjian jual beli tanah Letter C, maka dari itu diperlukan perlindungan hokum untuk memberi solusi dan kepastian serta kejelasan akan penyelesaian sengketa yang ada atau yang berpotensi terjadi pasca perjanjian disepakati.<br />Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum; Perjanjian di bawah tangan; Jual Beli Tanah.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Desi Handayani Simbolon ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

<p class="JudulAbstrakInggris"><em>Juridical Issues Regarding Transition of Land Rights in the Object of Disputes</em></p><p class="JudulAbstrakInggris">Abstract</p><h1>Land is a place for human settlements as well as a source of livelihood for those who make a living through agriculture and ultimately land is also the last place for people to die. The law regarding land in Indonesia is influenced by a colonial legal system. This is because for hundreds of years Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch, so that there are two kinds of land ownership, namely lands with western rights and lands with customary rights, of course different about the transition, in terms of buying and selling, also ways of legal protection and legal certainty for the land owner concerned. Transition of land rights is a legal action aimed at transferring rights from one party to another. When someone has transferred his rights (land rights), to someone else "legally" then that person has no more rights to the land that has been transferred since the transfer of rights. The purpose of this study was to find out the process of transferring land rights in the object of the dispute and to find out the judges' consideration in deciding on land rights cases. This type of research is normative ayuridis. The nature of this research is descriptive analytical.</h1><p class="JudulAbstrakInggris"> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Syafrida Syafrida ◽  
Ralang Hartati

AbstrakTujuan Hukum menurut Ajaran Gustav Radbruch adalah memberikan keadilan, kepastian hukum dan kemanfataan. Penyelenggaran produk halal yang bertujuan untuk memberi perlindungan hukum hak konsumen terhadap produk halal. Pelaku usaha dalam menjalan kegiatan usahannya harus bertindak adil artinya peaku usaha tidak melakukan perbuatan yang melanggar hak konsumen terhadap produk halal. Keadilan akan dapat diwujudkan jika didukung oleh regulasi yang memberikan kepastian hukum dalam penyelenggaran produk halal untuk melinduk hak konsumen muslim. Penyelenggaran produk halal yang didukung oleh unsur keadilan dan kepastian hukum peraturan perundang- undangan yang berkaitan dengan produk halal akan memberi manfaat melindungi hak konsumen muslim terhadap produk halal dan bermanfaat bagi pelaku usaha karena logo halal yang terdapat pada produk akan meningkatkan nilai tambah penjualan pelau usaha sehingga memberi keuntungan bagi pelaku usaha.Kata kunci, ajaran Gustav Radbruch, perlindungan, konsumen muslim  Abstract He purpose of the Law according to Gustav Radbruch's Teachings is to provide justice, legal certainty and humanity. Holding halal products that aim to provide legal protection for consumer rights to halal products. Business actors in carrying out their business activities must act fairly, meaning businesspeople do not commit acts that violate consumer rights to halal products. Justice will be realized if it is supported by regulations that provide legal certainty in the implementation of halal products to protect the rights of Muslim consumers. Holding halal products supported by justice and legal certainty of laws and regulations relating to halal products will provide benefits to protect Muslim consumers' rights to halal products and benefit business actors because the halal logo on the product will increase the added value of sales of business pelau so benefit the business actor. Keywords, the teachings of Gustav Radbruch, protection, Muslim consumers

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 437 ◽  
Riko Sulung Raharjo ◽  
M. Khoidin ◽  
Ermanto Fahamsyah

Copyright recognizes a declarative system in which the state automatically protects a creation after it was born without having to be preceded by registration. Article 64 of Copyrights Act Number 28 of 2014 (Copyright Act) states the registration even though it is not a necessity for the creator. This study aims to examine and analyze the legal consequences, forms of legal protection, as well as the future conception of regulations relating to the recording of a work in common by using legal research as its method. The results of the study indicate that the legal consequences on the similar work to the registration, inter alia, the abolition of the power of law for the registration of works, compensation for the creator, and criminal threats. Based on the theory of legal certainty, a provision is a form of legal certainty provided by the Copyright Law. There is a form of legal protection against the creator of the registration of the similar creation, inter alia, the abolition of the power of the law for registration the work by the court, the creator has the right to compensation, and the creator has the right to sue criminal. Based on the theory of legal protection, a provision is a form of protection provided by the Copyright Law. The future conception of the regulation of registration of creation so that it can provide legal protection against the creator through the renewal related to the addition of authority and procedures in conducting checks for ministers in the case of the registration of creation since it was first realized and announced. Based on the theory of legal certainty and the benefits of law, change and renewal can provide legal certainty and legal benefit for the creator and his creation. Keywords: Creator, Recording of Creations, Same Creations

2011 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-165 ◽  
Patrick McCrystal ◽  
Esmeranda Manful

AbstractIn 1998 Ghana harmonised its child care legislation to conform to the Convention on the Rights of the Child by enacting the Children's Act 1998, Act 560. Some stakeholders expressed misgivings at its capacity to ensure child protection, but little literature exists on the views of professionals working within the law. This paper presents an investigation of the views of professionals who are mandated to work within the law to ensure the rights of the child to legal protection in Ghana. The findings suggest that there is a gap between legal intent and practice. It is concluded from these findings that for better child protection, the provision of legal rights for children is only an initial step; the administrative framework including better professional training, adequate resources for social care agencies and the establishment of new structures also needs to be reconsidered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-77
Puspa Fitriyah

The problem of debt is included in the field of personal status, where marriages are carried out between spouses, which as a result of the law of debt become a burden to be borne together from marriage agreements between citizens, especially related to the distribution of joint assets. How is the legal liability of debtors to creditors in the final period of marriage? and How is the legal protection for the debtor's innate property? Regarding the marriage agreement, it is regulated in Article 29 of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. This is because of the agreement made between the husband and wife both regarding joint property after marriage and the child's guardianship rights as well as the citizenship status of the child and each party. The method used in this research is normative juridical and empirical juridical research which is analyzed using legal certainty theory and legal liability theory. From the results of the research. Events that often occur in the field of debt, debt repayments that must be paid by the debtor are often not as agreed. In the legal certainty of customer credit guarantees on objects of land and building mortgages, there is a decrease in the appraisal value by the bank, but the binding of credit guarantees with mortgages is carried out if a customer or debtor obtains credit facilities from the bank. Divorce is an abolition of marriage accompanied by a judge's decision. or at the will of one of the parties, both husband and wife, through the submission of a claim by one of the parties to the marriage. Keywords: Legal Liability, Debt, Creditors, Wife.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 436
Wulan Wiryantari Dewi ◽  
Ibrahim R

The notary's role is to provide legal protection to the people who use his services. The presence of a Notary is indispensable for the community concerned to hold a legal relationship with other individuals so that the Notary may also be liable. In the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (1) letter c of the Amendment Law, it is stipulated that in carrying out his position, the Notary is required to attach fingerprints on the minutes of the deed, giving rise to various polemics, because the said provisions do not stipulate further if in this case the smoker suffers from finger defects or events that result in damage to fingerprints which makes the investigator unable to put his fingerprint. The purpose of this research is to find out how the efforts that can be done by a notary against those who are unable to put fingerprints and the legal consequences of the absence of fingerprints against the strength of the deed. This research is a type of normative legal research. The results of this study indicate that efforts can be made by a notary if there are those who suffer from finger defects or experience events that cause fingerprint damage so that they cannot attach their fingerprints to the minutes of the deed, the relevant Notary can explain the matter at the end of the deed. he made it because the fingerprints attached to the address are an act that is required to a notary that can lead to administrative sanctions as contained in the Amendment Law. Due to the legal absence of fingerprints attached to the strength of the deed that is the deed made by the relevant Notary Public remains an authentic deed even though the fingerprints of the tappers are not attached based on Article 1869 of the Civil Code and the deed is valid and legally binding as long as the provisions contained in Article 1320 are fulfilled Civil Code.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Zaldi Pratama Bagus Putra

The legal consequences of the issuance of the land title certificate whose application is made by a party who is not the right holder / owner is legally flawed. Issuance of a legally invalid certificate and no binding force and cancellation by the court. The defendant obtains a parcel of land through an auction, the auction is proven by photocopies of the auction object certificate, according to Article 21 of the 2016 Bidding Guidelines that the registered land auction must include an original certificate, so The Defendant did not go through the correct legal procedures. For the issuance of a double certificate for the same land field, the buyer of the land field loses the ownership certificate that is purchased by another party as a buyer with good intentions, because it has been carried out in accordance with the correct legal procedure, which means that the purchaser's certificate is guaranteed legal certainty. Legal protection for the purchaser of good land rights, that the buyer as a buyer has good intentions, with the issuance of the HGB certificate Number 181 Village / Cicau Village covering an area of ​​26,700 m2 in the name of the Defendant, is impaired, so that legal protection provided to the Plaintiff is filing an objection to the issuance HGB certificate to the Land Office as a preventive legal protection. 

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 481
Arif Budi Pamungkas ◽  
Djauhari Djauhari

An auction is an activity of selling of goods in public by means of a verbal-bid to get the higher price or to get lower prices and the price quote can be done in a closed and written. This is done by the way of collecting the prospective buyers of the auction led by officials of the auction. In this case, the intended auction was the sale of goods that are held publicly. The auction, according to the regulations of security right, is when the debtor made a breach, the holder of the security rights have the right to sell the security rights’ objects over its own power through a public auction as well as taking payment of account receivable from the sale proceeds. An auction is an alternative to the sale of an undertaken asset by way of inviting prospective buyers at a particular time and place in which the last highest bidder in writing or orally is determined as the winner. The author used socio-legal research as his research method. To meet the forth standards set by the law, the auction should be widely announced to the public, either through printed file, electronic or visual. A legal certainty as a basis which concerned with propriety and justice is very closely related to the principle of auction sales in another. As the formulation of the problem of the form of identification of the problem, namely how the legal protection of the auction buyers encountered the obstacles as well as the solution.Keywords: Auction; Legal Protection; Mortgage Right

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-162
Robertus Berli Puryanto ◽  
I Nyoman Putu Budiartha ◽  
Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti

Labor is something that is needed by an employing company in carrying out its economic activities. This can be seen in the constitutional arrangements of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In the implementation of the working relationship between workers and the employing company, there are several rights and obligations that must be fulfilled between the two parties. Because there are provisions regarding work agreements that are differentiated based on the form of the agreement, each worker has different rights where these rights must be guaranteed by the company based on law. From this, the problems that will be examined are legal protection for workers with an unwritten work agreement at the employing company, as well as legal remedies that can be taken by workers with an unwritten agreement in the event of a violation of rights by the company. The research method used is normative legal research, namely legal research conducted by examining existing library materials. By examining problems by looking at existing regulations, and describing problems that occur in practice or in everyday life in society. From the research conducted, it was found that legal protection for workers with an unwritten work agreement at the employing company is regulated based on Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower where the basis is that the applicable work agreement is an indefinite work agreement so that the rights obtained under the provisions of the law. Then efforts that can be made if there is a violation of the law in work relations is based on Law Number 20 of 2004 concerning Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement, namely in the form of Bipartite, Tripartite (Mediation, Consoliation and Arbitration) negotiations, as well as through Trials at the Industrial Relations Court.

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