scholarly journals Studi Implementasi Akad Rahn (Gadai Syariah) Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Surepno Surepno

<p><em>The development of sharia-based products is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia, including pawnshops. Perum pawnshops issued sharia-based products called sharia pawnshops. Basically, sharia-based products have such characteristics, do not collect interest in various forms due to usury, determine money as a medium of exchange not as a commodity traded, and do business to obtain compensation for services and or profit sharing.</em></p><p><em>This research includes the type of literature study by looking for theoretical references that are relevant to cases or problems found. Theoretical references obtained by means of literature study research and then used as the basic foundation and main tools for analyzing data. The type of data used by the authors in this study is secondary data obtained from journals, books, documentation and the internet. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed using descriptive analysis method</em></p><em>Islamic Pawnshop or known by the term rahn, in its operation using the Fee Based Income (FBI) or Mudharabah (profit sharing) method. Because customers in using UP (UP) have different objectives, for example for consumption, paying school fees or additional working capital, the use of the Mudharabah method has not been properly used. Therefore, pawnshops use the Fee Based Income (FBI) method.</em>

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi

This study generally aims to analyze the concept of mudharabah financing in Baitul Qiradh (BQ) Abu Indrapuri for micro-enterprises. Specifically, the paper reviews the systems implemented in the management and revenue-sharing mechanisms derived from these micro-enterprises. This study employs primary and secondary data which were collected through interview and documentation studies. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The findings show that generally the concept of mudharabah financing in BQ Abu Indrapuri is based on Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No. 07/DSN/MUI/IV/2000. In the implementation level, however, the application of profit sharing and collateral system was not fully shariah compliance. The imbalance between the concept and implementation because the BQ still refers to the conventional banking rules. =========================================== Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep pembiayaan mudharabah pada Baitul Qiradh (BQ) Abu Indrapuri untuk usaha mikro. Secara spesifik, tulisan mengkaji tentang sistem yang diterapkan dalam pengelolaan dan mekanisme pembagian pendapatan yang diperoleh dari usaha mikro tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara bebas, dan studi dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum konsep pembiayaan mudharabah pada BQ Abu Indrapuri berpedoman pada Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional No.07/DSN/MUI/IV/2000. Akan tetapi, dalam implementasinya masih terdapat hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan konsep syariah yaitu pada sistem bagi hasil dan jaminan. Terdapat ketimpangan antara konsep dan implementasi disebabkan karena BQ Abu Indrapuri masih mengacu pada aturan sistem perbankan konvensional.

Al-Buhuts ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Abdul Latif

This study aims to determine the system for the results of Mudharabah on Business Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu with Qualitative Descriptive Analysis method. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data relating to the annual revenue sharing system Mudharabah (2010-2014). The results of this study indicate that the profit sharing system is implemented by the Multipurpose Business Cooperative (KSU) Amanah Desa Bunobogu in the form of Mudharabah financing. With a guarantee statement on the process akadnya. In the event of negligence made by members who resulted in his business losing the goods made in the guarantee will be seized by the cooperative. Businesses that are established by members are mostly small and medium enterprises so often encountered bookkeeping that is not clear and just make a budget booklet at random. However, it does not become alaasan and hamper the growth of cooperatives which each year has increased the remaining results of operations. Unclear budget bookkeeping can result in member earnings manipulation, by lowering the profits earned and the effect on the revenue share installments

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 17
Willy Tri Rama Putra ◽  
Yuliasma Yuliasma

This is a qualitative research with a descriptive analysis method. The main instrument in this study was the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and cameras. The data used were primary and secondary data. The data was collected through literature study, observation, documentation, and interview. The data analysis was conducted by reducing the data, modeling the data (data display), and taking / verifying conclusions. The results show that 1) extracurricular dance planning can be conducted well as expected, the material selection is in accordance with students’ needs and abilities, and the schedule selection has been determined by the principal and is always consistent in its implementation, 2) the implementation techniques taught to students give optimal quality such as doing varied warm-ups, teaching difficult to easy movements, and emphasizing parts of the motion by using words such as 1-2-Hentak-Turak, 5-6-Sorong-Turak, 3) students' abilities which looks very good consist of several parts, namely motion, rhythm, and expression. In terms of doing movements, the students are always consistent (there is no change). In terms of rhythm, the students are always good at doing movements because the trainer always provides varied counts and consistently provides rhythms with sound or music during warming up. In terms of expression, students are also spontaneous in doing movements and giving off a beautiful smile. This is due to the fact that the trainer always explains the meaning of motion in every movement the students do.Keywords: Tanun dance Training

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 245
Aynun Nurmayanti ◽  
Widayati Widayati

This study aims to determine and analyze licensing arrangements that seek to be integrated electronically (Online Single Submission-OSS) in legislation, the application of OSS in Pekalongan City, and to know and analyze the constraints of OSS implementation in Pekalongan City and its solutions. This study uses a sociological juridical approach with descriptive analysis research specifications. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study. Data analysis method used is qualitative analysis. Furthermore, based on the results of the study it can be concluded: that 1) Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 On Electronically Integrated Business Licensing seeks to regulate all licenses in Indonesia, but in practice the implementation can only reach a portion of licensing in Indonesia; 2) The issuance of PP 24/2018 does not regulate the transition period of its enactment, the OSS system is not ready, the NSPK has passed the stipulation 15 (fifteen) days since the issuance of the PP, the OSS system has not used Digital Signature, and the weak aspects of supervision, and inefficiency in obtaining permits.Keywords: OSS; Integrated Business Licensing; PP; NSPK.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-53
Setyo Pambudi ◽  
Sigit Tri Utomo ◽  
Nur Alfi Muanayah

This research is intended to find out the values of Islamic Education in the Wedhatama book written by KGPAA Mangkunegaran IV which is very relevant today. This research is a type of literature study research by looking for theoretical references that are relevant to the cases or problems found. Data collection techniques using documentation, observation and study literature Tajusalatin Fiber. The data that has been obtained are then analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Descriptive analysis method is carried out by describing the facts which are then followed by analysis, not only describing, but also providing adequate understanding and explanation. To understand the full meaning of Wedhatama, it is necessary to begin with knowing the outline of the contents of the Pupuh tembang pangkur, which is an opening of the teachings that in general to walk towards "Penembah" must begin with "ngungkuraken angkara", which is to throw away the nature and attitude of the haunted, greedy , greed, wrath, cunning, envy, envy and so on. Character or virtue, as one of the basic teachings in religion, in order to be implemented in society, the king needs to be supported by all his apparatus. Meanwhile, a king who is aware of his mission and duty to uphold goodness, must need religious guidance, as seen in the expression "religion ageme aji".

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Vera Megasari ◽  
Darmawati Darmawati

This research aims to reveal, describe, and analyze the development of Tauh Dance in Rantau Pandan Village, Rantau Pandan District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. This research used a descriptive analysis method. The object of this research was Tauh dance in Rantau Pandan District, Bungo Regency, Jambi Province. The data used in this study were primary and secondary data. The main instrument was the researcher itself. The data were collected through literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was conducted by using interpretation technique so that the truth can be obtained. The results show that Tauh Dance in Rantau Pandan Village has developed into a new form that can be seen through the processing of motion, clothing, make-up, property, time and place of performance as well as aspects of dancers packaged in new forms. In motion, there is a development in terms of movement assertiveness and motion motives. In costumes, there is a development in terms of uniformity, similarity between dancers, and harmony in choosing colors for male and female dancers’ costumes. Thus, the process of developing Tauh dance in Rantau Pandan District is supported because there is a desire from Alsobri to keep Tauh dance by turning it into an attractive Tauh dance for Rantau Pandan community as well as maintaining cultural heritage and forming the identity of the local Village.Keywords: Development, Tauh Dance, Rantau Pandan Village

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 192
Musa Taklima

<p>The research aims to find out Maslahah's review of people's transport activities by using a motorcycle (Ojek) and the urgency of legal protection for consumers of transportation by using a motorcycle (ojek). The research method used is normative juridical with a doctrinal approach that relies on secondary data sources consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials obtained through literature study, and analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of the study, first, Mashlahah's review of the Transportation of People by Motorcycle (Ojek) is a "mashlahah transportation solution" for the needs of the community to meet their transportation needs. Second, the Urgency of Legal Protection Against Consumers of Transportation of People with Motorcycle (Ojek) is no longer negotiable to be done by providing legal certainty of motorcycle taxi legality through revision of Law No. 22 of 2009. Recommendations from the results of this study are: first, the government needs to translate its obligations in providing public transport that can be accessed by all levels of society and also embody its obligations in providing legal protection for consumers, secondly, Law No. 22 of 2009 which is still relatively new is apparently unable to provide justice to ojek drivers who have contributed significantly to community needs for transportation, therefore Law No. 22 of 2009 needs to be revised and accommodate ojek as a public transport.</p><p> </p>Penelitian memiliki tujuan untuk mengetahui tinjauan Maslahah terhadap aktivitas angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (Ojek) dan urgensitas perlindungan hukum terhadap konsumen angkutan orang dengan menggunakan sepeda motor (ojek) tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan doktrinal yang bertumpu kepada sumber data sekunder  yang terdiri dari bahan hokum primer, sekunder dan tersier yang didapat melalui studi pustaka, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian, pertama, tinjauan Mashlahah terhadap Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) adalah “solusi angkutan yang mashlahah” bagi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan transportasinya. Kedua, Urgensi Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Konsumen Angkutan Orang dengan Sepeda Motor (Ojek) tidak bias ditawar lagi untuk dilakukan dengan cara memberikan kepastian hukum legalitas angkutan ojek melalui revisi Undang-Undang No. 22 Tahun 2009. Rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian ini adalah: pertama, pemerintah perlu menterjemahkan kewajibannya dalam menyediakan angkutan umum yang bisa diakses oleh seluruh lapisan masarakat dan juga mengejawantahkan kewajibanya dalam memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen, kedua, Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 yang masih tergolong baru ternyata tidak mampu memberikan keadilan kepada pengojek yang sudah berkontribusi signifikan bagi kebutuhan masyakat terhadap tranportasi, oleh karena itu Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 perlu direvisi dan mengakomodir angkutan ojek sebagai angkutan umum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Albadri Albadri ◽  
Desfiarni Desfiarni

The research aims to reveal, describe, and analyze the development of the Tampuruang Dance in Sabirullah Matador dance studio, KanagarianPasirTalangTimur, Solok Selatan Regency.This research is a qualitative research usinga descriptive analysis method. The object of this research is Tampuruang Dance in NagariPasirTalangTimur, Sungai PaguSubdistrict, SouthSolok Regency. The type of data was primary and secondary data. The main instrument was the research itself. The data collection techniques were conducted through literature study, observation, interviews, and documentation. The data collected were analyzed by using interpretation techniques so that the truth can be obtained.The results show that the Tampuruang Dance Tradition had developed into creativeTampuraung Dance.This development can be seen from the motion management, dancers, floor patterns, accompaniment music, make-up and clothing, as well as time and venue. In its motion, there is a development of 4 motives. Inthe floor pattern, there is development of 17 floor patterns. In costumes, the colors and accessories used are also developed.In the musical instrument, there aresomeadditions of musical instruments: Bansi, talempong, andjimbe. Thus, the process of Tampuruang Dance development in NagariPasirTalang is supported because there is a desire from the Sabirullah Matador studio to maintainTampuruang Dance by turning it into an attractiveTampuruang dance creationso that it can be used by the community. In addition, it can be a place for youths to learn maintaining cultural heritage so that it becomes a local village identity. Keywords: development, Tampuruang dance, Sabirullah Matador Studio

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Subaidah Ratna Juita ◽  
Amri Panahatan Sihotang ◽  
Ariyono Ariyono

<p>Penelitian ini adalah merupakan pembahasan dan pengkajian secara teoretis normatif  mengenai politik hukum pidana dalam penanggulangan tindak pidana pada anak berkaitan dengan pembaruan dalam subsistem substansi dari hukum pidana anak, serta merupakan pembangunan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia yang berorientasi pada perlindungan terhadap anak korban <em>cyber bullying</em>. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak. Adapun metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif yang dilakukan terhadap data sekunder. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku, dan jurnal ilmiah. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu melalui studi pustaka. Metode analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif yang dikaji berdasarkan obyek kajian hukum pidana pada <em>cyber bullying, </em>kemudian dari obyek penelitian tersebut peneliti menganalisis dengan menggunakan teori politik hukum pidana. Dengan demikian, pendekatan yuridis-normatif dalam penelitian ini digunakan untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan perilaku <em>cyber bullying </em>pada Anak dalam perspektif politik hukum pidana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa politik hukum pidana dalam terhadap <em>cyber bullying</em> pada<strong> </strong>anak dapat ditelusuri berdasarkan Pasal 76 C jo. Pasal 80 (1) UU Perlindungan Anak, yaitu dalam hal tindakan <em>cyber bullying</em> yang dilakukan pada<strong> </strong>anak, maka terhadap pelaku dapat dikenakan sanksi pidana penjara paling lama 3 (tiga) tahun 6 (enam) bulan dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp72.000.000,00 (tujuh puluh dua juta rupiah).</p><p> </p><p><em>This research is a form of action taken in the efforts of legal countermeasures carried out in various processes, and also in the Indonesian legal system that focuses on violence against cyber bullying. Problems in this study relate to legal policies in combating cyber bullying in children. While the method used in this study is a normative juridical approach to secondary data. Secondary data in the form of making regulations, books, and scientific journals. Data collection methods that use literature study. Data analysis method uses descriptive analysis that explores the object of cyber bullying, then from the object of the research the researcher uses political theory of criminal law. Thus, the juridical-normative approach in this study is to analyze the behavior that is happening in children in the perspective of criminal law politics. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that legal policy in the context of cyber bullying in children can be traced based on Article 76 C jo. Article 80 (1) of the Child Protection Act, namely in the case of cyber bullying actions carried out on children, it can be subject to a prison sentence of a maximum of 3 (three) years 6 (six) months and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 72,000,000.00 (seventy two million rupiah).</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Parrhesia Insani ◽  
Irdhan Epria Darma Putra

This study aims to describe and determine the Implementation of Culture and Arts instruction using online learning at SMA Negeri 3 Padang Panjang. This research is a qualitative research using a descriptive analysis method. The instruments used were the researcher itself and was assisted by supporting instruments such as writing instruments and mobile phones. The data were collected through interviews, literature study, and documentation. This study used primary and secondary data. The data analysis was conducted by collecting the data, identifying the data, classifying the data, describing the data, and making conclusions. The results show that the implementation of online learning has not been carried out well. This is due to the fact that there are still many students who do not participate in the process of online learning. In addition, the lesson plans used by teachers are inappropriate. The teachers still use lesson plans for classrooms instruction. This is due to the fact that there is no order from the government to create online lesson plans. The media used is very limited. The teachers use smartphones, laptops and computers. Moreover, the methods used are also limited. The teachers usually used demonstration, lectures, discussions, and assignments. Meanwhile, in online learning the teachers only give assignments. Discussions carried out during online learning are still conducted. However, there are small numbers of students respond and participate in the discussion. The assignments collected are also not on time on the grounds that students have not finished working on assignments, network problems, internet data, and others.Key Words: Implementation, Culture and Arts, Online Instruction

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