scholarly journals Fronteiras entre Judicialidade e não Judicialidade: percepções e contrastes entre a mediação no Rio de Janeiro e em Buenos Aires

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Bárbara Lupetti Baptista ◽  
Kátia Mello ◽  
Klever Filpo ◽  
Thais Borzino

Resumo:Este artigo busca descrever e refletir sobre os diferentes usos da mediação de conflitos no Rio de Janeiro e em Buenos Aires a partir da observação empírica de sessões de mediação e entrevistas com atores do campo. No Brasil, a Resolução 125 do CNJ e, recentemente, Código de Processo Civil e a Lei de Mediação, pretendem estimular o emprego desse método no âmbito dos Tribunais. Etnografias realizadas entre 2010 e 2014 evidenciaram que a mediação realizada nos espaços judiciais, geralmente como uma etapa processual, apresenta algumas complexidades. É difícil para as partes litigantes perceberem a distinção entre o processo e a mediação, que se torna mais uma formalidade a cumprir, do que uma forma diferenciada, não-adversarial, de tratamento do conflito, que é a proposta da mediação. Em Buenos Aires, por sua vez, a lei determina que a mediação é etapa obrigatória e prévia ao ajuizamento da ação, além de ser realizada em espaços extrajudiciais. São opções distintas no campo da administração de conflitos. O trabalho diz respeito ao contraste observado entre esses dois modelos de solução de conflitos, que ora se aproximam e ora se afastam.Palavras-Chave:  Administração de conflitos; Judiciário; Mediação de conflitos. ***Resumen:Este artículo tiene como meta describir y reflejar sobre los distintos usos de la mediación de conflictos en las ciudades de Rio de Janeiro y Buenos Aires, desde la observación empírica de las sesiones de    mediación y de entrevistas con los actores del campo. En Brasil, la Resolución n° 125 de CNJ y, recién, el Código de Proceso Civil y la Ley de Mediación, tratan de la mediación en el ámbito de los Tribunales. Etnografías hechas en Brasil, entre 2010 y 2014, apuntan que la mediación hecha en los espacios judiciales, generalmente como una etapa procesal, expone algunas cuestiones complejas. Es difícil para las partes en conflicto percibieren la distinción entre el proceso judicial y la mediación, porque si está hecha dentro de los tribunales, queda más como una etapa del proceso judicial en lugar de mostrarse como una distinta manera de tratamiento del conflicto, como intenta la mediación. En Buenos Aires, por otra parte, la ley indica que la mediación es un paso obligatorio y anterior al comienzo del juicio y, más allá, es hecha en espacios extrajudiciales. Estas son opciones distintas en el campo de la gestión de los conflictos. Este artículo expone, por lo tanto, los contrastes entre los dos modelos de mediación, que en parte se acercan y, por otra parte, se alejan.Palabras Clave: Gestión de Conflictos; Poder Judicial; Mediación. ***Abstract:This article has the objective of describing and reflecting the different uses of conflict mediation in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires, starting from the empiric observation of the mediation sessions and interviews with camp actors. In Brazil, the CNJ Resolution n° 125 and, recently, the Civil Procedure Code and the Mediation Law, intend to stimulate the application of this method in the Courts of Justice. Ethnographies accomplished between 2010 and 2014 showed that mediation is realized in judicial spaces, usually as a procedural step, showing some complexities. It is hard for the litigant parts notice the distinction between the legal process and the mediation, because this last one becomes only one more formality to accomplish, than that a different way, not adversary, of conflict treatment, that it is the real goal of mediation. In Buenos Aires, for its turn, the law sets that mediation is a mandatory step and has to be done before the proposal of judicial action, besides that it is realized in no-judicial spaces. Both cities have distinct options of conflicts administration. This article intends to show the contrast observed between this two forms of conflict resolution, that one time get closer and the other time back off. Key words: Conflict Management; Judiciary; Mediation of Conflicts.

2007 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Mercedes Avellaneda ◽  
Lia Quarleri

O presente trabalho procura dar conta do impacto da criação de milícias guaranís na configuração geopolítica e socioeconômica das fronteiras rio-platenses, durante os séculos XVII e parte do XVIII. Partimos do pressuposto de que as fronteiras surgem historicamente pela articulação de interesses, ações e sentidos atribuídos pelos atores locais e pelos poderes centrais. Seguindo esta orientação, por um lado, analisaremos a influência situacional do exército missioneiro nos principais conflitos fronteiriços e políticos originados pelos governos do Paraguai e de Buenos Aires, bem como seu alcance e suas limitações na relação com a dinâmica geopolítica regional. Por outro lado, interesa mostrar o impacto dos privilégios obtidos pelas reduções jesuíticas sobre outros setores sociais bem como os efeitos negativos de sua condição de milícias do rei sobre a vida missioneira. Abstract The present research tries to show the impact that the creation of the guaraníes militias had on the geopolitical and socioeconomic platenses frontiers, during the XVII and part of the XVIII centuries. We start from the idea that the frontiers were historically formed by the articulation of interests, action and meanings given by the local actors and the central powers. According to this concept, we are going to analyze the situational influence of the missionary army on the main bordering and political conflicts originated in the governments of Paraguay and Buenos Aires and we are also taking into account their achievements and limitations in relation to geopolitical regional dynamic. On the other hand, it is interesting to point out the impact of the privileges obtained by the Jesuit Missions and the negative effects that the condition of “milicias del Rey” brought to the missionary life. Palavras-chave: Milícias guaranis. Missões jesuíticas. Guerras de fronteiras. Key words: Guarani militias. Jesuit missions. Frontier wars.

Revista Prumo ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 138-151
Adriana Sansão Fontes ◽  
Fernando Espósito ◽  
Sergi Arbusà

Architecture, a discipline called to design the living places, usually operates within a logic that has as main objective welcoming human acts. Its status as a built object requires an adequate response not only material, structural, spatial and environmental, but also in meeting the most vital demands of these acts. Art, on the other hand, can respond with almost absolute freedom, uncompromising with the proper habits of living, in which the act of dwelling can be questioned, freeing itself from its responsibilities related to life. This paper presents a clipping of the work of the artistic collective Penique Productios - the inflatables - their references and methodology, highlighting two interventions in Rio de Janeiro, carried out in a partnership between Penique, DAU PUC-Rio and FAU/UFRJ. The common denominator is to establish a connection between architecture, city and art, through large, ephemeral and habitable collective works that dialogue with the existing place, stimulating its reinterpretation. Key-Words: Inflatables, ephemeral interventions, site-specific interventions, contemporary art

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-125 ◽  
Mustafa Monjur

Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon of human life as everyone strives for the peace, which can be established only on the absence of conflict. So, naturally, the presence of various conflicts in our life cycle, from the very person to the greater field of international arena, and the process to avoid or resolve these have been taken as a major concern by the social thinkers. In this regard, Muslim scholars also give their thoughtful suggestion on principles and methods of conflict resolution according to the Islamic ideology that basically consists of the Quran and of the tradition of the Prophet (pbuh). In this paper, among these two core sources of Islam, the traditions of Prophet (pbuh) are described to some extent that would be helpful to regulate a new method for conflict management. This paper is also an attempt to make proper evidences from the history for the settlement of disputes of the present world. With the comparison of conventional and Islamic process of conflict resolution it also can help to add suitable dimension in this context.    Key words: Conflict resolution; Dispute; Islam; Peace; Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).DOI: 10.3329/jbayr.v1i1.6840Journal of Bangladesh Association of Young Researchers Vol.1(1) 2011 pp.109-125

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-174
Fransmar Costa Lima

Resumo: O artigo que ora se apresenta é, na realidade, um pequeno ensaio que tem por finalidade indagar a importância da educação no pensamento de Søren Kierkegaard e investigar se, no âmbito da existência como possibilidade, uma educação voltada para a subjetividade se mostra efetiva diante dos debates acerca da liberdade e da singularidade do indivíduo. Pouco se debate sobre o conceito de educação em Kierkegaard, porém, acreditamos que se trata de um ponto basilar no pensamento do filósofo dinamarquês, conforme buscamos demonstrar, e deve ser objeto de maiores pesquisas, estudos e reflexões. Tomamos como referência para o início desse debate textos como as Migalhas Filosóficas e o Post-Scriptum, onde a subjetividade e a singularidade aparecem como conceitos fundamentais.Palavras-chave: Educação. Existência. Singularidade. Subjetividade. Kierkegaard. Abstract: The present article is, in fact, a small essay whose purpose is to investigate the importance of education in Søren Kierkegaard's thinking and to investigate whether, in the scope of existence as a possibility, an education focused on subjectivity is effective before the debates about the freedom and the singularity of the individual. There is little debate about the concept of education in Kierkegaard, but we believe that this is a basic point in the thinking of the Danish philosopher, as we seek to demonstrate, and should be the object of further research, study and reflection. We take as reference for the beginning of this debate texts such as the Philosophical Fragments and the Post-Scriptum, where subjectivity and singularity appear as fundamental concepts.Keywords: Education. Existence. Uniqueness. Subjectivity. Kierkegaard. REFERÊNCIASALMEIDA, J.M A alteridade na construção da ética de Kierkegaard e Lévinas. In:  Revista Controvérsia - Vol. 6, n° 1: 36-45 (jan-mai 2010), São Leopoldo: UNISINOS, 2010.KIERKEGAARD, Søren. Diario: 1847-1848, Vol. 4. 3ª ed. A cura di Cornelio Fabro. Brescia: Morcelliana, 1980. (D 4)._______. Opere. Sansoni Editore. Milano: 1993._______. Postilla Conclusiva no Scientifica alle Briciole di Filosofia. In: Opere. Tradução e organização de Cornélio Fabro. Sansoni Editore: Milano, 1993._______. As obras do amor: algumas considerações cristãs em forma de discurso. Tradução de Álvaro Valls. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2005._______. Três Discursos Edificantes de 1843. Tradução de Henri Nicolay Levinspuhl.  Publicação do Tradutor. Rio de Janeiro:  2000.KIERKEGAARD, Søren. Migalhas filosóficas ou um bocadinho de filosofia de João Climacus. Tradução de Álvaro Valls, e Ernani Reichmann. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2001._______. O conceito de Ironia: constantemente referido à Sócrates. Tradução de Álvaro Valls, e Ernani Reichmann. Vozes: Rio de Janeiro, 1997._______. Johannes Climacus ou É preciso duvidar de tudo. Tradução Silvia Saviano Sampaio e Álvaro Valls. Martins Fontes: São Paulo, 2003._______. Diário Íntimo. Tradução de Maria Angélica Bosco. Santiago Rueda: Buenos Aires, 1989MARTINS, J.S.; VALLS, A. L. M. (orgs.). Kierkegaard no nosso tempo. Nova Harmonia: São Leopoldo: 2010. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Mao Nguyen Van ◽  
Dong Tran Nam

Background: Pigmented tumour of the skin is one of the common tumour in human including the benign pigmented tumours (more common) called Nevi tumours and the malignant one called melanoma which was less frequent but the most poor in prognosis. In addition, the others not belonging to these group had the same clinical appearance, so the application of histopathology and immunohistochemistry for the definitive diagnosis was indespensible. Objectives: 1. To describe the macroscopic features of the pigmented tumoral-like lesions; 2. To classify the histopathologic types of the pigmented cell tumours and the other pigmented tumours of the skin. Materials and Method: Cross-sectional research on 55 patients diagnosed as pigmented tumoral lesions by clinician, then all definitively diagnosed by histopathology combining the immunohistochemistry in difficult cases. Results: There was no difference in gender, the disease was discovered most common in adult, especially with the age over 51 years old (58.1%). the most region located was in the face accounting for 60%, following the trunk and limbs (14.6%, 12.8% respectively). All 3 malignant melanomas happened in foot. The most common color of the lesions was black (65.4%), the other ones were rose, grey and blue. Histopathology and immunohisthochemistry showed that the true pigmented cell tumours were 52.6% encompassing benign ones (Nevi tumour) (41.8%), melanoma (5.4%) and lentigo (5.4%). 47.4% was not the true pigmented cell tumour including pigmented basocellular carcinoma (36.4%) and the others less common as histiofibromas, acanthoma and papilloma. Conclusion: the pigmented tumoral-like lesions of the skin could be the true pigmented cell tumours and the others, so the application of the histopathology and the immunohistochemistry after the clinical discovery helps to determine and classify the disease definitely and for the best orientation of treatment as well. Key words: skin tumour, benign pigmented tumour (Nevi), malignant pigmented tumour (melanoma), pigmented basocellular carcinoma

GEOgraphia ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
Márcio Piñon de Oliveira

A utopia do direito à cidade,  no  caso específico do Rio de Janeiro, começa, obrigatoriamente, pela  superação da visão dicotômica favela-cidade. Para isso, é preciso que os moradores da favela possam sentir-se tão cidadãos quanto os que têm moradias fora das favelas. A utopia do direito à cidade tem de levar a favela a própria utopia da cidade. Uma cidade que não se fragmente em oposições asfalto-favela, norte-sul, praia-subúrbio e onde todos tenham direito ao(s) seu(s) centro(s). Oposições que expressam muito mais do que diferenças de  localização e que  se apresentam recheadas de  segregação, estereótipos e  ideologias. Por outro  lado, o direito a cidade, como possibilidade histórica, não pode ser pensado exclusivamente a partir da  favela. Mas as populações  que aí habitam guardam uma contribuição inestimável para  a  construção prática  desse direito. Isso porque,  das  experiências vividas, emergem aprendizados e frutificam esperanças e soluções. Para que a favela seja pólo de um desejo que impulsione a busca do direito a cidade, é necessário que ela  se  pense como  parte da história da própria cidade  e sua transformação  em metrópole.Abstract The right  to the city's  utopy  specifically  in Rio de Janeiro, begins by surpassing  the dichotomy approach between favela and the city. For this purpose, it is necessary, for the favela dwellers, the feeling of citizens as well as those with home outside the favelas. The right to the city's utopy must bring to the favela  the utopy to the city in itself- a non-fragmented city in terms of oppositions like "asphalt"-favela, north-south, beach-suburb and where everybody has right to their center(s). These oppositions express much more the differences of location and present  themselves full of segregation, stereotypes and ideologies. On  the other  hand, the right to  the city, as historical possibility, can not be thought  just from the favela. People that live there have a contribution for a practical construction of this right. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
D. Rubel ◽  
N. Flaibani

Abstract The aim of this study was to explore through cross-sectional study the variation in the prevalence of parasitic helminths in canine faeces collected from green spaces of Buenos Aires according to the human density (HD) and economic level (EL) in the surroundings. HD and EL were considered as independent variables with three categories each. Twenty public squares (one hectare of surface) were randomly selected for each existing combination of the two independent variables. Ten random samples of fresh canine faeces were obtained in each square and analysed for helminths by the sedimentation and flotation techniques. The prevalence for each of the species was analysed using generalized linear models (GLM). The prevalence was modelled with a binomial error distribution and a logit link function. Helminth eggs were detected in 45 out of the 200 (22.5%) faecal samples collected and in 18 of the 20 green spaces sampled. The species observed were Ancylostoma caninum (13% of samples), Trichuris vulpis (8%) and Toxocara canis (4.5%). The GLM indicated that the prevalence of A. caninum in the slum areas (very high HD and very low EL) was higher than that in the other areas studied. However, the HD seemed to contribute more than the EL to the variations in the prevalence of A. caninum in faecal samples. The GLM showed no differences in the prevalence of the other parasite species for the different levels of the independent variables.

1970 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 425-434 ◽  
PK Malaker ◽  
IH Mian

The efficacy of seed treatment and foliar spray with fungicides in controlling black point incidence of wheat seeds was evaluated in the field. Two seed treating fungicides, namely Vitavax-200 and Homai-80WP were used @ 0.25% of dry seed weight and foliar spray with Tilt-250EC (0.05%) was applied in six different schedules. Untreated and unsprayed controls were also maintained. Seed treatment with either Vitavax-200 or Homai-80WP significantly increased plant population and grain yield, but none of them was found effective in reducing black point incidence. On the other hand, foliar sprays with Tilt-250EC under all the spray schedules except spraying at 70 and 90 DAS significantly minimized the disease severity over unsprayed control. Among the different spray schedules, spraying at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 DAS appeared to be most effective, which was similar to spraying at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 DAS in reducing black point incidence and increasing grain yield. Economic analysis on yield advantage showed that the highest additional gross margin of Tk. 6120/ha with BCR 2.57 was obtained from five sprays applied at 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 DAS. Key Words: Seed treatment, foliar spray, black point, wheat. DOI: 10.3329/bjar.v34i3.3968 Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 34(3) : 425-434, September 2009

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (S1) ◽  
pp. S447-S447
C. Gabriela ◽  
C. Lima

The author has devoted her life to matters relating to communication, whether in business contexts, or as a mediator, trainer and moderator.The trilogy “Lili, do conflito à Mediação de Conflitos” aims to help create more informed citizens, starting from an early age, namely in terms of the new forms of solving conflicts.In the first book: “Lili and the conflicts” (“Lili e os Conflitos”), we find the theme of conflicts; how to deal with them; respect for the different other; to put oneself in the place of the other.In the second book: “Lili and Conflict Medition” (“Lili e a Mediação de Conflitos”), we find the space created by conflict mediation so the parts in conflict can be heard; the enormous need to listen to the other; the needed empathy so as to know the reality of the other.In the third and final book: “Lili and the Conflict Mediator” (“Lili e o Mediador de Conflitos”), we explain what it is to be a conflict mediator, this “new” profession, distinguishing it from other professions which also use the word “Mediator”.The author makes presentations of the books and its topics, bringing these issues to debate and making them known to the school environment, both to students and teachers, as well as staff and parents.Disclosure of interestThe authors have not supplied their declaration of competing interest.

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