scholarly journals Tinjauan Konseptual Mikro-Makro Daya Saing dan Strategi Pembangunan Pertanian

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
NFN Saptana

<strong>English</strong><br />Policy makers and economists are interested in competitiveness concept and try to implement in the economic development. Competitiveness has several perspectives, i.e. economic perspective, business, and politic. Competitivess could also be reviewed in a micro perspective (company level) and macro perspective (national level). This paper examines the competitiveness concept in terms of micro and macro perspectives. The micro perspective would be useful in agricultural development, especially in crop selection and in endeavor to change comparative to competitive advantages. The macro perspective should be useful to improve national competitiveness trough various fiscal policies of real sector. The study revealed that several agricultural commodities have competitive and comparative advantages, but the competitiveness susceptible to external fluctuation. The changes from comparative to competitive advantage require government intervention to control market distortion and to reduce the high transaction cost economy. Meanwhile, the changes from competitiveness at company level to competitiveness at national level need an integrated macro economic policies and micro economic activities.  <br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pakar ekonomi dan pengambil kebijakan telah memberikan perhatian besar terhadap konsep daya saing dan mencoba mengoperasionalkan dalam pembangunan ekonomi. Konsep daya saing dimaknai dari berbagai perspektif, antara lain perspektif ekonomi, bisnis, dan politik (kebijakan). Di samping itu, ada yang memaknai dalam perspektif mikro (perusahaan) dan perspektif makro (nasional). Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji konsep daya saing dalam perspektif ekonomi baik mikro maupun makro.  Kajian dari perspektif mikro diharapkan berguna dalam pembangunan pertanian terutama untuk menentukan pilihan komoditas dan upaya mewujudkan keunggulan komperatif menjadi keunggulan kompetitif. Sementara itu, dari kajian dalam perspektif makro diharapkan berguna membangun daya saing nasional melalui berbagai kebijakan makro terutama melalui kebijakan fiskal di sektor riil.  Secara mikro beberapa komoditas pertanian Indonesia mempunyai keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif, namun keunggulan yang dimiliki rentan terhadap gejolak eksternal. Untuk mewujudkan keunggulan komparatif menjadi keunggulan kompetitif diperlukan adanya kebijakan pemerintah yang ditujukan untuk menghilangkan adanya distorsi pasar dan menekan tingginya biaya transaksi. Sementara itu, untuk mewujudkan daya saing di tingkat mikro (perusahaan) menjadi daya saing di tingkat makro (nasional) diperlukan adanya keterpaduan antara kebijakan makro dan kegiatan ekonomi mikro.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
NFN Saptana ◽  
Handewi Purwati Saliem

<p><strong>English</strong><br />Economists are interested in the marketing concept try to apply it in agricultural development. Marketing concept has several aspects, i.e. economy, business, and policy. Some people interpret marketing concept in terms of macro aspect (national level) and micro aspect (firm level). This paper proposes to examine marketing concept in term of macro and micro levels. Examining the marketing aspect at macro level will be useful to increase the marketing efficiency of agricultural commodity at regional or national level. It will also improve marketing efficiency in supply chain of agricultural commodity. Reviews on empirical studies indicate that some agricultural commodities have low marketing efficiency causing low competitiveness in the domestic and global markets. Enhancing marketing efficiency requires government intervention intended to reduce market distortion and high transaction cost in the supply chain of agricultural commodity. To achieve marketing efficiency of agricultural commodity, it is necessary to integrate macro-economic policy and micro-economic activities in the supply chain of agricultural commodity. </p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pakar ekonomi dan pemasaran telah memberikan perhatian besar terhadap konsep pemasaran dan mencoba menerapkannya dalam pembangunan pertanian. Konsep pemasaran dimaknai dari berbagai perspektif, antara lain perspektif ekonomi, bisnis, dan kebijakan. Di samping itu, ada yang memaknai pemasaran dari perspektif makro dan perspektif mikro. Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji konsep pemasaran dalam perspektif ekonomi baik makro maupun mikro. Kajian dari perspektif makro diharapkan berguna meningkatkan efisiensi pemasaran suatu komoditas pertanian dalam suatu wilayah atau nasional. Sementara itu, dari kajian dalam perspektif mikro diharapkan berguna dalam upaya meningkatkan efisiensi dalam rantai pasok dan pengelolaan rantai nilai suatu komoditas. Secara mikro beberapa pelaku usaha rantai pasok komoditas pertanian Indonesia mempunyai efisiensi yang rendah, sehingga kalah bersaing di pasar domestik dan global. Untuk mewujudkan sistem pemasaran yang efisien diperlukan adanya kebijakan pemerintah yang ditujukan untuk menghilangkan adanya distorsi pasar dan menekan tingginya biaya transaksi pada sistem pemasaran komoditas pertanian. Sementara itu, untuk mewujudkan efisiensi pemasaran di tingkat mikro (pelaku usaha) menjadi efisiensi di tingkat makro (nasional) diperlukan adanya keterpaduan antara kebijakan makro terkait sistem distribusi dan pemasaran komoditas pertanian dan kegiatan usaha ekonomi mikro dalam rantai pasok komoditas pertanian.</p>

Danijela Despotović ◽  
Lela Ristić ◽  
Miloš Dimitrijević

Since it is not enough just to achieve economic development, we should strive for sustainable development over a longer period and base it on innovation. It is an extremely important factor of economic and sustainable development. It is particularly important to innovate those economic activities that are crucial for sustainable development and where there are comparative advantages. Because of that, the aim of this paper is to prove that innovation is the key to success and achieving sustainable development. The cluster analysis has highlighted innovative leaders and learners. The Republic of Serbia is a country where agriculture is one of the most important economic activities. In terms of agricultural productivity, it not only lags behind innovative leaders, but also behind other countries of Southeast Europe, distinguished as innovative learners. In addition, in terms of innovation in agriculture, it significantly lags behind other economic activities at the national level, so that  special attention should be paid to this issue.

K. Chen ◽  
T. Jia

The Defense Meteorological Satellite Programs Operational Linescan System (DMSP-OLS) nighttime lights imagery has been widely used to monitor economic activities and regional development in recent decades. In this paper, we firstly processed the nighttime light imageries of the Mainland China from 1992 to 2013 due to the radiation or geometric errors. Secondly, by dividing the Mainland China into seven regions, we found high correlation between the sum light values and GDP of each region. Thirdly, we extracted the economic centers of each region based on their nighttime light images. Through the analysis, we found the distribution of these economic centers was relatively concentrated and the migration of these economic centers showed certain directional trend or circuitous changes, which suggested the imbalanced socio-economic development of each region. Then, we calculated the Regional Development Gini of each region using the nighttime light data, which indicated that social-economic development in South China presents great imbalance while it is relatively balanced in Southwest China. This study would benefit the macroeconomic control to regional economic development and the introduction of appropriate economic policies from the national level.

1994 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-221 ◽  
Daniel Gutwein

SummaryThe respective Jewish policies of Tsarist ministers Witte and Plehve are re-examined through the perspective of their opposing socio-economic policies. The two ministers' rivalry over Jewish policy is considered not to be a reflection of “antisemitic” or “pro-Jewish” sympathies, as that would leave major elements of these policies unexplained; rather, analysis shows it to be a means in their struggle to gain supremacy for their own respective policies regarding the nature and pace of Russia's industrialization. The Russian policy-makers perceived the Jews not only as a religious group; they saw them as a non-monolithic economic entity, and differentiated among the various strata of Jewish society in accordance with the respective influence of each stratum's economic activities on Russian society and economy. Accordingly, the two ministers formulated opposing differential Jewish policies to fit their respective all-Russian socio-economic policies.

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-173 ◽  
Mark Beeson

This paper argues that despite the internationalisation of economic activity, and a concomitant diminution of economic policy-making autonomy, national policy settings continue to display a surprising degree of divergence and remain important determinants of economic outcomes. Similarly, there are distinctively different and enduring patterns of corporate organisation across nations which confer specific competitive advantages. Important theoretical and practical questions are raised, therefore, about the potential efficacy of national economic policies and their capacity to accommodate such divergent practices. This paper examines the bilateral relationship between Australia and Japan, and assesses the effectiveness of Australia's predominantly neoliberal economic policy framework in the light of such national and organisational variation. It will be suggested that Australian policy-makers' faith in market mechanisms caused them to underestimate the significance of Japanese commercial practices and regional production strategies, rendering attempts to transform the relationship largely unsuccessful.

1990 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-196
M. Ghaffar Chaudhry

The book under review is a comparative study of agricultural development in the Indian (East) and Pakistani (West) Punjab. Although the growth of agricultural output and productivity in the two Punjabs was about the same between 1950 and 1965, it became significantly higher in East Punjab than West Punjab in the period that followed, with the result that the Indian Punjab enjoyed productivity levels in 1985 which were double those of the Pakistani Punjab. As the two Punjabs offer a sort of laboratory to gauge the agro-ecological conditions as well as the language and cultural traditions, any differences in their development experience must be explained by reference to the divergent economic policies towards agriculture followed there. Sims thinks that development experiences of the two Punjabs can be attributed to a political dichotomy and the consequent role of the political leadership in the formulation of economic policies. In the case of Pakistan, the Muslim League lacked mass support in the rural areas. Its middle class forces and political institutions were weak, with a predominance of landed aristocracy and bureaucrats. As a consequence, there was hardly any zest for democratic rule. By contrast, the Congress Party, under the charismatic leadership of Nehru, enjoyed full support of the rural masses. At the national level, it was devoid oflanded interests and created a new administrative class to run government affairs.

Thomas J. Sargent

This collection of essays uses the lens of rational expectations theory to examine how governments anticipate and plan for inflation, and provides insight into the pioneering research for which the author was awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in economics. Rational expectations theory is based on the simple premise that people will use all the information available to them in making economic decisions, yet applying the theory to macroeconomics and econometrics is technically demanding. This book engages with practical problems in economics in a less formal, noneconometric way, demonstrating how rational expectations can satisfactorily interpret a range of historical and contemporary events. It focuses on periods of actual or threatened depreciation in the value of a nation's currency. Drawing on historical attempts to counter inflation, from the French Revolution and the aftermath of World War I to the economic policies of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, the book finds that there is no purely monetary cure for inflation; rather, monetary and fiscal policies must be coordinated. This fully expanded edition includes the author's 2011 Nobel lecture, “United States Then, Europe Now.” It also features new articles on the macroeconomics of the French Revolution and government budget deficits.

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Firoza Akhter ◽  
Maurizio Mazzoleni ◽  
Luigia Brandimarte

In this study, we explore the long-term trends of floodplain population dynamics at different spatial scales in the contiguous United States (U.S.). We exploit different types of datasets from 1790–2010—i.e., decadal spatial distribution for the population density in the US, global floodplains dataset, large-scale data of flood occurrence and damage, and structural and nonstructural flood protection measures for the US. At the national level, we found that the population initially settled down within the floodplains and then spread across its territory over time. At the state level, we observed that flood damages and national protection measures might have contributed to a learning effect, which in turn, shaped the floodplain population dynamics over time. Finally, at the county level, other socio-economic factors such as local flood insurances, economic activities, and socio-political context may predominantly influence the dynamics. Our study shows that different influencing factors affect floodplain population dynamics at different spatial scales. These facts are crucial for a reliable development and implementation of flood risk management planning.

Cathie Martin ◽  
Tom Chevalier

Why did historical anti-poverty programs in Britain, Denmark and France differ so dramatically in their goals, beneficiaries and agents for addressing poverty? Different cultural views of poverty contributed to how policy makers envisioned anti-poverty reforms. Danish elites articulated social investments in peasants as necessary to economic growth, political stability and societal strength. British elites viewed the lower classes as a challenge to these goals. The French perceived the poor as an opportunity for Christian charity. Fiction writers are overlooked political agents who engage in policy struggles. Collectively, writers contribute to a country's distinctive ‘cultural constraint’, or symbols and narratives, which appears in the national-level aggregation of literature. To assess cross-national variations in cultural depictions of poverty, this article uses historical case studies and quantitative textual analyses of 562 British, 521 Danish and 498 French fictional works from 1770 to 1920.

Michael Irlacher ◽  
Michael Koch

Abstract We use the most recent wave of the German Qualifications and Career Survey to reveal a substantial wage premium in a Mincer regression for workers performing their job from home. The premium accounts for more than 10% and persists within narrowly defined jobs as well as after controlling for workplace characteristics. In a next step, we provide evidence on substantial regional variation in the share of jobs that can be done from home in Germany. Our analysis reveals a strong, positive relation between the share of jobs with working from home opportunities and the mean worker income in a district. Assuming that jobs with the opportunity of remote work are more crisis proof, our results suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic might affect poorer regions to a greater extent. Hence, examining regional disparities is central for policy-makers in choosing economic policies to mitigate the consequences of this crisis.

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