Deysi Rengifo-Alvan ◽  
Kely Vicaña-Huaman ◽  
Rosa Perez-Siguas ◽  
Hernan Matta-Solis ◽  
Eduardo Percy Matta-Solis
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (09) ◽  
pp. 742-756
Josue Pacheco-Castillo ◽  
Maria-Jesus Casuso-Holgado ◽  
Maria-Teresa Labajos-Manzanares ◽  
Noelia Moreno-Morales

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 5269 ◽  
Roseane Mota Santana Rohrs ◽  
Claudenice Ferreira Dos Santos ◽  
Ruana Dos Santos Barbosa ◽  
Renata Da Silva Schulz ◽  
Milena Bastos De Carvalho

RESUMOObjetivo: analisar o impacto da metodologia da simulação realística na visão dos acadêmicos de enfermagem. Método: estudo quanti-qualitativo, a partir da pesquisa-ação, utilizando questionário semiestruturado com amostra de 133 acadêmicos do 6º ao 10º semestre em uma Universidade privada. Resultados: 98% dos acadêmicos afirmaram gostar muito da aula com a metodologia de simulação; 97% relataram ter diferença na aprendizagem com a simulação; destes, 62% confirmaram ter maior rendimento no aprendizado quando utilizada a simulação com paciente simulado; e 35% mencionaram ter melhor rendimento quando utilizado o boneco estático. Conclusão: o estudo demonstrou impacto positivo da metodologia de simulação entre os acadêmicos ao demostrarem preferência no uso desta metodologia em detrimento ao método de ensino tradicional e que o uso dessa metodologia permite melhorias no processo de ensino-aprendizado. Descritores: Simulação; Enfermagem; Ensino; Educação. ABSTRACTObjective: to analyze the impact of realistic simulation methodology on nursing students' view. Method: quantitative-qualitative study, based on action research, using a semistructured questionnaire with a sample of 133 students from the 6th to the 10th semester in a private university. Results: 98% of the students said they liked the classes with the simulation methodology; 97% stated they felt a difference in learning with the simulation; of these, 62% affirmed they had a higher learning achievement when using simulation with simulated patients; and 35% stated having higher learning achievement when using the static doll. Conclusion: the present study showed a positive impact of the simulation methodology among the students, demonstrating a preference in the use of this methodology in detriment to the traditional teaching method and that the use of this methodology allows improvements in the learning process. Descriptors: Simulation; Nursing; Teaching; Education; Learning.RESUMENObjetivo: analizar el impacto de la metodología de la simulación realística en la visión de los académicos de enfermería. Método: estudio cuantitivo-cualitativo, a partir de la investigación, utilizando cuestionario semi-estructurado con muestra de 133 académicos del 6º al 10º semestre en una Universidad privada. Resultados: 98% de los académicos afirmaron que gustaban mucho de la clase con la metodología de simulación; 97% relataron tener diferencia en el aprendije con la simulación; de este, 62% confirmaron tener mayor rendimiento en el aprendizado cuando utilizado la simulación con paciente simulado; y 35% mencionaron tener mejor rendimiento cuando utilizado el muñeco estático. Conclusión: el estúdio demostró impacto positivo de la metodología de simulación entre los académicos al demostrar preferencia en el uso de esta metodología en detrimento al método de enseñanza tradicional y que el uso de esa metodología permite mejorías en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Descriptores: Simulación; Enfermería; Enseñanza; Educación; Aprendimiento.

2006 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 455-470 ◽  
Huey-Ming Tzeng ◽  
Chang-Yi Yin

This survey aimed to illustrate factors that contribute to nurses' fear when faced with a possible human-to-human avian flu pandemic and their willingness to care for patients with avian flu in Taiwan. The participants were nursing students with a lesser nursing credential who were currently enrolled in a bachelor degree program in a private university in southern Taiwan. Nearly 42% of the nurses did not think that, if there were an outbreak of avian flu, their working hospitals would have sufficient infection control measures and equipment to prevent nosocomial infection in their working environment. About 57% of the nurse participants indicated that they were willing to care for patients infected with avian influenza. Nurses' fear about an unknown infectious disease, such as the H5N1 influenza virus, could easily be heightened to levels above those occurring during the 2003 severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in Taiwan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-67
Somayeh Kamalpour ◽  
Mansoure Azizzadeh Forouzi ◽  
Betul Targary ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Meyliana Megawati Hartono ◽  
Monika Kristin Aritonang ◽  
Maya Ariska ◽  
Veronica Paula ◽  
Novita Susilawati Barus

<p><em>Self-compassion is extending compassion to one’s self by seeing failure as a positive thing not to blame yourself. Compassion represents six main components, namely self-kindness, self-judgment, common humanity, isolation, mindfulness, and over identification. As a nursing student it is important to be able to apply self-compassion to herself before becoming a nurse. It can be seen that first year nursing students at Private University in west Indonesia come from various regions throughout Indonesia, where culture is one of the factors that affect the self-compassion they have. Research Objectives to determine the level of self-compassion in first- year nursing students at Private University in west Indonesia. This study uses quantitative descriptive design methods. The sampling technique used total sampling with a total of 216. The questionnaire used in this study is the Self-compassion Scale (SCS) with a total of 26 questions. The description of self-compassion possessed by first year nursing students at Private University in west Indonesia is categorized high (95%) so that it can be said that self-compassion possessed by first year nursing students can treat a person and yourself well and understand each person's shortcomings. The next researcher can conduct qualitative research to all nursing students and nurses to find out their self-compassion.</em></p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Self-compassion merupakan belas kasih kepada diri sendiri dengan memandang kegagalan sebagai perihal positif untuk tidak menyalahkan diri sendiri. Belas kasih memiliki enam komponen utama yaitu self-kindness, self-judgment, common humanity, isolation, mindfulness, dan over identification. Sebagai mahasiswa keperawatan penting untuk dapat menerapkan self-compassion pada dirinya sendiri, sebelum menjadi perawat. Dapat diketahui mahasiswa keperawatan tingkat satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat berasal dari berbagai daerah di seluruh Indonesia, dimana budaya merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi self-compassion yang dimiliki. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat self-compassion pada mahasiswa keperawatan tingkat satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode desain deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan total sampling dengan jumlah 216 responden. Kuesioner yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Self-compassion Scale (SCS) dengan jumlah 26 soal. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan gambaran self-compassion yang dimiliki mahasiswa keperawatan tingkat satu Universitas Swasta Indonesia Bagian Barat dikategorikan tinggi (95%) sehingga dapat dikatakan self-compassion yang dimiliki mahasiswa keperawatan tingkat satu dapat memperlakukan seseorang dan diri sendiri secara baik serta memahami kekurangan setiap orang. Peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian secara kualitatif kepada semua mahasiswa keperawatan maupun perawat untuk mengetahui self-compassion yang dimiliki.</p><p> </p>

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