scholarly journals EKO-FUTUROLOGI: Pemikiran Ziauddin Sardar

Dialogia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Ridhatullah Assya’bani

Abstract: Recently, Ziauddin Sardar, a futurologist who is famous in studying the future of civilization and the universal relation of Muslims and Christians in the world. This study essentially showed the contradictory of Sardar's ideas related to the environment in particular, and nature in general. It entails thatSardar can be categorized into a proffesional of the future of ecology along with Muslim ecologists, such as Seyyed Hossein Nasr. This study focused on Sardar's point of view of Shari'a as problem solving, tazkiyyah, hieraki awareness and futurology. The results of this study indicate a new discourse in the ecological discourse of Islam, such as eco-futurology, the perspective on the awareness of  the importance of environment (nature), believing in God and the future. This study is expected that peoplecan do sharing-speace with the surrounding environment. Sardar’s thought is expected to foster mutual consciousness between human and God, human with human and human with nature. It implies that echo-futurology encourage people to live in harmony and behave in accordance with its purpose in the earth, namely to maintain the ecological balance.  ملخص:خلال هذا الوقت كان ضياء الدين سردار يركز فكرته على مستقبل الحضارة والعلاقة العالمية بين المسلمين والمسيحيين في العالم. وتبحث هذه الدراسة فى أفكار سردار المتعلقة بالبيئة على وجه الخصوص، والطبيعة بشكل عام. وهذا بمعنى أن سردار في الواقع كالمفكر أيضا عن مستقبل البيئة وهو يدخل من كبار علماء البيئة المسلمين مثل سيد حسين نصر. أساس هذه الدراسة هو وجهة نظر سردار عن الشريعة التي يمكن استخدامها لحل المشاكل، والتزكية، والوعي، والفكرة عن المستقبل. وكانت نتائج هذه الدراسة نشأة الفكرة الجديدة في مجال علم البيئة الإسلامية -علم الإيكولوجية المستقبلة- بمعنى طريقة النظر المبنية على الوعي، يعني الاندماج بين الوعي الطبيعي والوعي الإلهي والوعي على المستقبل. ومن خلال هذه الدراسة يرجى على الناس أن يحترموا البيئة. أما بالنسبة إلى آثار فكرة سردار فيرجى أن ينشأ الوعي من الإنسان إلى ربّه، وبين الإنسان مع الآخر، وبين الإنسان مع طبيعته. وهذه هي الإيكولوجية المستقبلة التي تشجع الناس على العيش السليم وفقا لكونهم كالخليفة في الأرض وهو الحفظ على البيئية. Abstrak: Selama ini, Ziauddin Sardar cenderung diposisikan sebagai futurolog yang mengkaji jika bukan masa depan peradaban, relasi global umat Muslim dan Kristen di dunia. Studi ini justru memperlihatkan adanya percikan gagasan Sardar terkait dengan lingkungan secara khusus, dan alam secara umum. Artinya, Sardar sebenarnya bisa dikategorikan sebagai pemerhati masa depan ekologi di antara deretan ekolog-ekolog Muslim terkemuka, seperti Seyyed Hossein Nasr. Dasar pijak dari studi ini adalah pokok pemikiran Sardar seperti: Syariat sebagai problem solving, tazkiyyah, hieraki kesadaran dan futurologi. Hasil dari studi ini mengindikasikan wacana baru dalam diskursus ekologi Islam, yakni eko-futurologi, cara pandang yang dikonstruk melalui kesadaran, antara kesadaran berlingkungan (alam) dengan kesadaran berketuhanan serta kesadaran akan masa depan. Melalui studi ini diharapkan manusia bisa sharing-speace dengan lingkungan sekitar. Adapun implikasi dari pemikiran Sardar ini adalah diharapkan akan menumbuhkan kesadaran timbal-balik antara manusia dengan Tuhan, manusia dengan manusia dan manusia dengan alam. Artinya, Eko-futurologi mendorong manusia agar hidup selaras dan berprilaku sesuai dengan tujuannya di muka bumi, yakni untuk menjaga keseimbangan ekologis Keywords: Ekologi, Syariat, Hierarki Kesadaran, Futurologi, Eko-Futurologi 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 38-43

The article examines the epistemological roots of conservative ideology, development trends and further prospects in political reform not only in modern Russia, but also in other countries. The author focuses on the “world” and Russian conservatism. In the course of the study, the author illustrates what opportunities and limitations a conservative ideology can have in political reform not only in modern Russia, but also in the world. In conclusion, it is concluded that the prospect of a conservative trend in the world is wide enough. To avoid immigration and to control the development of technology in society, it is necessary to adhere to a conservative policy. Conservatism is a consolidating ideology. It is no coincidence that the author cites as an example the understanding of conservative ideology by the French due to the fact that Russia has its own vision of the ideology of conservatism. If we say that conservatism seeks to preserve something and respects tradition, we must bear in mind that traditions in different societies, which form some kind of moral imperatives, cannot be a single phenomenon due to different historical destinies and differing religious views. Considered from the point of view of religion, Muslim and Christian conservatism will be somewhat confrontational on some issues. The purpose of the work was to consider issues related to the role, evolution and prospects of conservative ideology in the political reform of modern countries. The author focuses on Russia and France. To achieve this goal, the method of in-depth interviews with experts on how they understand conservatism was chosen. Already today, conservatism is quite diverse. It is quite possible that in the future it will transform even more and acquire new reflections.

Michael Gideon Josian ◽  
Maria Veronica Gandha

The future of dwelling has a very board context and will continue to be discussed, it is possible that the discussions about “dwelling” is come from the environment of farming and fishing. Things that are not much cared for but still have a role in the survival of the world. Therefore this matter will be discussed using the role of architecture as space, to be able to create an ideal system by paying attention to the quality of farming and fishing for the future, and leaving a trace or memory to be able to carry messages for the future. Talking about the future of an interaction that occurs between the general public and farmers and fishermen, especially considering that farmers and fishermen themselves can be compared to two different poles, a liminal space is needed, which may already exist indirectly in the environment. By letting go of individual egos and emphasizing ego to the point of view of farmers and fishermen. To present a common space, or a place that contains a special character of a city that contains a message for the future. Keywords:  dualism; hope; liminal; trace;  Abstrak Masa depan cara berhuni memiliki konteks yang sangat luas dan akan terus diperbincangkan. Tidak menutup kemungkinan datang dari pembahasan mengenai cara berhuni dengan bertani dan melaut. Hal yang tidak banyak dipedulikan tetapi tetap memiliki peran dalam kelangsungan dunia. Oleh karena itu, masa depan berhuni ini akan dibahas dengan menggunakan peran arsitektur sebagai ruang, untuk dapat menciptakan sistem yang ideal dengan memperhatikan kualitas bertani dan melaut bagi masa depan, dan meninggalkan sebuah jejak atau kenangan untuk dapat membawa pesan bagi masa depan. Berbicara mengenai masa depan dari sebuah interaksi yang terjadi antara masyarakat umum dengan para petani dan nelayan, apalagi mengingat para petani dan nelayan itu sendiri dapat diibaratkan berada pada kedua kutub yang berbeda, maka dibutuhkanlah sebuah ruang liminal, yang mungkin sudah hadir secara tidak langsung pada lingkungan masyarakat. Dengan cara melepaskan ego individual dan menekankan ego kepada sudut pandang para petani dan nelayan. Untuk menghadirkan sebuah ruang bersama, atau sebuah tempat yang mengandung sebuah karakter tersendiri dari sebuah kota yang berisi pesan bagi masa depan.

PMLA ◽  
1969 ◽  
Vol 84 (3) ◽  
pp. 530-535
Robert M. Philmus

Most of the early science fantasies of H. G. Wells are, as he defines the term, prophetic: the myths that they develop to a logical conclusion represent a critique of some historical or essential aspect of the human condition. The Time Machine, his first scientific romance, explores the premises of prophetic fantasy at the same time that it embodies a myth of its own. In it Wells envisions the future devolution of man, already outlined in previous essays of his, as the ultimate consequence of what he perceived as a present attitude of complacent optimism, an attitude he dramatizes in the reaction of the Active audience to the Time Traveller's account of the world of 802,701 and beyond. Although the Time Traveller accepts this vision as literally true, his own theories about that world make it clear that its significance pertains to it only as a metaphoric projection of tendencies existing in the present. Thus the structure of The Time Machine reveals the Time Traveller's point of view, like that of his audience, to be limited: his final disappearance into the fantasied world of the future vindicates the rigorous integrity of Wells s prophecy.

2019 ◽  
pp. 77-91
Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr.

Environmental activism and preservation of the land, acknowledgement of our shared responsibilities to the planet, to unci maka, to Mother Earth, to our home; these are obligations of love we as human beings embrace with devoted regularity. But what happens when we look at stories that might destroy the world entirely, might remold, reshape, reclaim and remake (or perhaps even “rename” in a restorative move) our histories and homes? What is the reception for works that defy the expectations of devotion to the environment in Native American literature one genre at a time? That address historic erasure by reshaping the future? This paper will examine some of Stephen Graham Jones’s prolific works, including Sterling City, “How Billy Hanson Destroyed the Earth, and Everyone on It,” as well as Chapter Six, all published in a variety of platforms and collections. In each instance, the worlds as home and future history described are decidedly reclaimed, perhaps for good reasons, and perhaps for not so good reasons. The worlds offered to choose from, however, are ones that will likely give you nightmares, or at least pause, even in the daylight.

Dorota Samborska-Kukuć

There is more to the literary polemic between the author of The Doll and the creator of The Trilogy than merely Prus’ contradictory review of Sienkiewicz’s With Fire and Sword. It also includes The Doll’s multifarious allusiveness to Fire in the Steppe, manifested in particular in the meaningful, symbolic ending, whereby both protagonists blow themselves up, literally and metaphorically cornered in old buildings. Prus converses with Sienkiewicz in a discreet manner, though the careful reader will spot contentious issues. These include the struggle for a different type of protagonist – not a hero, but an individual entangled in romantic myths, paralysing their life forces; a different perception of the past, rational and fair rather than glorified and martyrological; finally, a different outlook on the present and the future, promoting entrepreneurship and economy as tools for the development of Poland as a European partner, rather than the idealistic focus on the utopian, foregone concepts of military achievements. The text highlights the similarities in the characters of Wokulski and Wołodyjowski, with special emphasis on the final scenes and the demise of the world after the protagonists’ respective disappearance. The two famous literary suicides, patterning after the deed of Ordon as depicted in Mickiewicz’s poem, have been parodied (e.g. by Mrożek) and adopted, thus becoming literary weapons in the struggle with the Polish mythopoeia, xenophobia, and exaggerated patriotism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
Emerson Sbardelotti

Resumo: O objetivo de “Ecologia, Ética e Sustentabilidade” em Leonardo Boff é dialogarcom as novas gerações que não estão tão preocupadas com a degradação do PlanetaTerra e com a situação de caos em que vivem os pobres do Continente Americano e doMundo, quanto à necessidade de refletir sobre libertação, ecologia, cuidado e diálogo. Éconsenso que a ecologia é o novo paradigma. Está emergindo uma nova forma de diálogocom a totalidade dos seres e de suas relações. A ética pode ser o estudo das ações oudos costumes, e pode ser a própria realização de um tipo de comportamento. A vitalidadeda Terra e o futuro da espécie humana só estarão garantidos se conseguirmos conferir--lhes sustentabilidade. Caso contrário, estaremos no mesmo caminho dos dinossaurosque vieram antes de nós. O pensamento de Leonardo Boff nasceu do grito dos pobres eao mesmo tempo do grito da Terra, e consigo traz a reflexão do cosmocentrismo: a centralidadeecológica em detrimento do antropocentrismo que se sustenta da produtividadee da exploração da natureza. A preservação da natureza dos ecossistemas depende daforma como os seres humanos se portam eticamente, como compreendem sua missãode habitantes da Terra.Palavras-chave: Ecologia. Ética. Sustentabilidade.Abstract: The goal of “Ecology, Ethics and Sustainability” by Leonardo Boff is to dialoguewith the new generations who are not so concerned with the degradation of the Earthand the chaotic situation in which the poor live in the American continent and the world,calling to attention the necessity to reflect on liberation, ecology, care and dialogue. It isconsensus that ecology is the new paradigm. It is emerging a new form of dialogue with allthe beings and their relationships. Ethics can be the study of the actions or customs, andcan be itself the realization of a kind of behavior. The vitality of the Earth and the future ofthe human species will be guaranteed only if we give them sustainability. Otherwise wewill be on the same path of the dinosaurs that came before us. Leonardo Boff’s thinkingwas born from the cry of the poor and at the same time from the cry of the Earth, and itbrings with itself the cosmocentrism reflection: the ecological centrality at the expense ofanthropocentrism that sustains productivity and exploitation of nature. Nature conservationof ecosystems depends on how humans will behave ethically, how they will understandtheir mission as Earth’s inhabitants.Keywords: Ecology. Ethics. Sustainability.

2004 ◽  
Jack R. Lundbom

Stirring words of the most outspoken of the Hebrew prophets are reexamined in this concluding volume of the esteemed Anchor Bible Commentary on Jeremiah. This final book of the three-volume Anchor Bible Commentary gives us translation and commentary on the concluding sixteen chapters of Jeremiah. Here, during Judah’s darkest days, when nationhood came to an end, Jeremiah with his people confronted the consequences of the nation’s sin, while at the same time reconstituting a remnant community with hopes to give Israel a future. Jeremiah preached that Israel’s God, Yahweh, was calling to account every nation on the Earth, even the nation chosen as his own. For the latter, Jeremiah was cast into a pit and left to die, only to be rescued by an Ethiopian eunuch. But the large collection of Foreign Nation Oracles in the book shows that other nations too were made to drink the cup of divine wrath, swollen as they were by wickedness, arrogant pride, and trust in their own gods. Yet the prophet who thundered Yahweh’s judgment was also the one who gave Israel’s remnant a hope for the future, expressed climactically in a new and eternal covenant for future days. Here too is the only report in the Bible of an accredited scribe writing up a scroll of oracles for public reading at the Temple. This magisterial work of scholarship is sure to be essential to any biblical studies curriculum. Jeremiah 37-52 draws on the best biblical scholarship to further our understanding of this preeminent prophet and his message to the world.

Human Affairs ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Josef Šmajs

AbstractFor almost fifty years scholars have expressed their concern for the future existence of mankind and proposed ways of securing life in the years to come. Most of the declarations made by these movements do not, however, constitute viable instructions for change: they are rather moral discussion papers, containing much wishful thinking, or a list of flaws people are perceived to commit in their relation to Nature. All noble sentiments and efforts to understand and resolve the current crisis while ignoring the split of the planet into two opposing systems-Culture and Nature-are doomed to failure. The currently prevailing anthropocentric vision of the world is incorrect, not only in its details and in its specific arguments, but also in its deepest underlying principles-in short, in its entirety.That is this draft of a Constitution for the Earth is based on the ontological assumption that human Culture is not a continuation of natural evolution by different means. Culture is an artificial system opposing Nature. If it were set as Nature is in a biophilous, life-reverencing way, then Culture’s self-activity would grow in a desirable way. Culture would respect Nature and both systems would co-operate at a new level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (14) ◽  
pp. 5531
Tiberiu Marogel-Popa ◽  
Marina Viorela Marcu ◽  
Stelian Alexandru Borz

Poplar forests are cultivated worldwide on extended areas, contributing to the provision of wood for industries. Their management is intensive, especially in planting operations which are done, in many parts of the world, by the use of manual labor. This situation raises the question on their sustainability from an ergonomics point of view. Particularly, the postural risk is in question, as uncomfortable work postures may cause musculo-skeletal disorders. Two types of planting operations (large cutting—CP and bare-root seedling—SP) were selected as representatives for the evaluation of postural risks which was carried out for 14 subjects. Based on the analysis of approximately 14,500 images (approximately 67 h of field study), the postural risk indexes were estimated at 259 and 250 for the CP and SP, respectively. No significant differences were found between the operations, but the high share of effective planting tasks and their associated postural risk indexes generated these concerning results. The main conclusion is that these kinds of planting operations need postural improvement and ways for doing so should be researched in the future.

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