Kodifikasia ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Wiwin Widyawati

Abstract:This research is a literary criticism which uses psychological approach. It employs a literary criticism because the writer conducts discussion of literary works which is related with the personality of the main character in the Beastly film namely Kyle Kingson. The findings showed that there are five symptoms of depression from the main character Kyle Kingson namely, (1) feeling sad or unhappy, (2) loss of interest or pleasure daily activity that be loved before, (3) easy to be angry or easy to be offended, (4) difficult to take decision, less to concentrate, (5) feeling worthless, guilty and always thinking about past failures. Moreover, Kyle can solve his depression by himself and Zola and Will make Kyle confidence with his ugly face.Keywords: symptoms of depression, character, beastly film

Lire Journal ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-164
M Afifulloh

This paper aims to describe the female characters in the novel Kabar Bunga by Marsiraji Thahir, the conflicts and its causes, and the impact of the conflicts experienced by women in the novel Kabar Bunga by Marsiraji Thahir. This novel is examined by a psychological approach in literature, a literary approach that emphasizes the psychological aspects of the types and laws of psychology that can be applied to literary works. The data is qualitative since the purpose of this research is to explain or describe the phenomena of the researches deeply. The data were obtained by categorizing all the related dialogues in the story, then psychologically analyzed. Triangulation was used to validate the data.  After finishing all the steps of analyzing data, the interpretations were made based on the data and the theory. The results of the research were, psychologically, the main character in this novel is described as a person who often feels worried, frightened, keeping the reality up, and she is burdened by the problems faced. This portrayal is the representation of Wulan as a woman and woman emotionally and mentally is depicted as a weakness persona without having the ability to solve the problems.

Yuli Angraini

The writer chose one of literary works—film entitled “The Analysis of Sociopath of Louis Bloom’s Character in Nightcrawler” to be anlyzed. The writer interested to analyze the main character in this film—Louis who used all people around him for the sake of his own intention. He even did not care if people whom he used finally dead. He even recorded the murded scene as calm as it was nothing just casual events that could happen anytime. The purpose of this study was  to analyze the types of sociopath character in Louis Bloom and to describe how it can affect his perspective towards his goal. The method of this study was a descriptive. The writer watched Nightcrawler movie to observe the main chharacter and he manipulated people to smooth his way. The writer also read the movie script to understand Louis’ character deeper.To analyze the sociopath of main character, the writer used the psychological approach of Grossman’s theory of psychoanalysis Keywords:  sociopath character and psychological approach

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Relita Moputi ◽  
Dahlia Husain

Literary works are the reflection of real life. Movie is a literary work that tells a story by using some conflict. The character in a movie usually describes the human psychology and behavior. Ambition is one of human psychology. This research discusses about the ambition of the main characters in Perfume: the Story of a Murderer. This movie tells about the ambitious the main character to make a perfume by killed 26 victims. He has an ambition to fulfill their psychogenic needs. The fulfillment of psychogenic needs that is experienced by the main character on the movie is analyzed in Henry Murray's The Need Theory of Personality. This research is conducted by using the qualitative method. This research uses psychological approach to analyze the fictitious of the main character. The result from this study is that the ambition has the causes and the effects.Keywords: Movie, Psychogenic needs, Ambition, Psychological Approach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Sri Megawati

The title of this thesis is an analysis of the ambitions and dreams of Americans in the 1920s, focusing on the analysis of a leading figure from the circle An ordinary person named Willy Loman who turned his career into a businessman (Salesman), but eventually found failure and experienced severe frustration and eventually committed suicide by crashing the car fence home.                Problems in this thesis is a problem associated with characterizations such as Willy Loman has an inner conflict between his two children Biff and Happy. In this thesis, the author uses a psychological approach. This approach saw the development of characters in literary works that are a reflection of the true human psyche. This approach also explains the character changes in the main characters.                The purpose of this study is for the reader to know the ambitions and dreams of what is in the drama of the death of Salesman, and the results obtained from this analysis is that material satisfaction greatly affects the lives of Americans especially Willy loman, the main character in this drama he Very ambitious to achieve material satisfaction such as home, money, success, wealth, honor, equality of rights so that people around him will put respect and sympathy.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Irwan Sumarsono

This study discusses the illusion and explains the conditions that lead the main character, Willy Loman to be in illusion. The analysis will be focused on the characterization of Willy Loman, his marriage with Linda Loman, his relationship with his sons, Biff and Happy. The analysis also focuses on the illusion of Willy Loman by discovering why he cannot face the reality and   what the effects to his life. To analyze these problems, the writer uses the psychological approach since psychology and literary works cannot be separated.

Hamlet has long been recognized as concerned with fundamental philosophical issues about identity, responsibility, intimacy, mourning, and agency. How is the play’s address to these issues structured by its distinctively powerful literary-dramatic form and language? What might philosophy have to learn from its mode of address? Is such learning affected by Hamlet being not merely literature, but literature designed to be embodied and voiced on a stage? And what light, in turn, might attention to philosophical themes cast on the play’s development and interest, in other words, does literary criticism gain or lose when tempted to employ literary works as gateways enabling abstract reflection? This book brings together a team of leading literary scholars and philosophers who were invited to probe philosophical dimensions of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Authors diverge in what they focus on: what is shown by Hamlet’s words, what is shown by Hamlet (despite his words), what is shown by Hamlet, what is shown by Hamlet’s interpreters. “Philosophy in literature” does not, accordingly, possess a consistent meaning throughout this volume. Some essays inquire into Hamlet’s own insights. Others assess the significance of philosophy’s literary-dramatic framing by this play. Still others trace the philosophically relevant underpinnings exposed by historical transformations in Hamlet’s reception. Subjectivity, knowledge, sex, grief, self-theatricalization—these are but some of the topics examined in overlapping ways in the emerging symposium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 69
Nuri Fainuddin

Destruction Caused by Greed and Brutality as Reflected in Shakespeare’s Macbeth: A Psychological Approach becomes the title of the research. It is intended to describe the greed and brutality of the main character; the main character’s id, ego, and super ego; the catastrophe suffered by the main character, and the moral values of this drama. The subject of the research is Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare and the main character’s greed. The object is the psychological aspect of the main character. The research belongs to a library research since its sources are taken from books. Horney’s theory of greed is applied to analyze the data. The study found several interesting results. First, Macbeth becomes a king by murdering King Duncan (a form of Macbeth’s greed). Second, Macbeth’s brutality is shown by murdering Banquo’s and Macduff’s family. Third, Macbeth’s id is murdering the king and the followers; the ego supports the King; and the super ego cuts of the King head when Birnam wood comes. The play delivers several messages to the readers, such as those who plant will harvest and the good deed will destroy the bad deed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1285-1298
Diana Anggraeni ◽  
Herland Franley Manalu ◽  
Desty Anggraini

Humans have gone through many incidents, both good and bad experiences, and sometimes these experiences are shared with others in the form of stories. The stories, as one of the forms of literary works, would be nothing without the created characters within them because they provide the viewers with a purpose and a reason for us to learn about what happens in the story. Besides, they act as one important element in the movie with various psychological effects. This research aims to analyze the characteristics and the hierarchy of human needs, especially esteem needs, that appear in the main character named Will Traynor in the ‘Me Before You’ movie directed by Thea Sharrock. This study uses descriptive data analysis which describes a phenomenon and the main character in the movie. The results revealed seven characters comprising the esteem needs hierarchy: sensitive, open-minded, friendly, kind, confident, humble, and stubborn. The esteem needs hierarchy is the desire to have the need to be approved, valued, and recognized to have some self-esteem. This is striking in the movie because of the status of the character, Will Traynor as a lord, and Louisa Clark who is only a maid and has no superiority over Will in her life. The findings imply the personality of humans differ in their characters and psychology as shown from the esteem needs hierarchy in Will’s personality expressing the different types of characteristics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (26) ◽  
Marin Laak

Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum on olnud teerajajaid digihumanitaaria valdkonnas juba 1990. aastatest, alates arvutikultuuri laiemast levikust. Väärtuslike andmekogude haldamisel on olnud missiooniks nende kättesaadavaks tegemine avalikkusele. Kultuuripärand avati laiemale kasutajale kahes suunas: sisupõhised otsitavad andmebaasid ning suhtepõhised andmekeskkonnad. Siinse artikli eesmärgiks on näidata arvutusliku kirjandusteaduse tänapäevaseid võimalusi ja nendega seotud kirjanduslike keeleressursside loomist koostöös korpuslingvistidega. Artiklis analüüsin kultuuripärandi sisukeskkondade ja andmekoguside kasutusvõimalusi masinloetava keeleressursina. Esimeste selliste katsetena on valminud kirjavahetuse ja kriitika märgendatud keelekorpused päringusüsteemis KORP. Käesolev uurimus toob on 20. sajandi alguse mõjukriitika probleemi näitel välja kirjanduslike keelekorpuste potentsiaali kultuuripärandi uurimisel.   Estonia can soon expect an explosive growth in digital heritage and text resources due to the current project of mass digitisation of national cultural heritage (printed books, archival documents, photos, art, audiovisual, and ethnographic artifacts) (2019–2023). This will give new opportunities for different fields of digital humanities and make digitised heritage accessible to everyone in the form of open data. The project will focus on the usage of the heritage, on the needs of education, e-learning, and the creative industry, including digital creative arts. The aim of this article is to examine some research possibilities that opened up for literary history due to the digitisation of literary works and archival sources and to put them in the general context of digital humanities. Although the field of digital humanities is broad, the meaning of DH is often reduced to methods of computational language-centered analyses, mainly based on using different tools and software languages (R, Stylo, Phyton, Gephy, Top Modelling etc.). While the corpus-based research is already a professional standard in linguistics, literary scholars are still more used to working with traditional methods. This article introduces two digital literary history projects belonging to the field of digital humanities and analyses them as language resources for creating texts corpora, and introduces some results of the case study of Estonian criticism from the Young Estonia movement up to the 1920s, carried out using the literary texts corpora in the corpus query system KORP ( by the Centre of Estonian Language Resources. During the past twenty years, I have mainly focussed on developing large-scale implementation projects for digital representation of Estonian literary history. The objective of these experimental projects has been to develop principally new non-linear models of Estonian literary history for the digital environment. These activities were based on my research of the intertextual relations between authors, literary works, and critical texts using traditional methods. The first content-based literary history project “ERNI. Estonian Literary History in Texts 1924–1925” ( was based on a hypertextual network of literary source texts and reviews. We re-conceptualised literary history as a non-linear narrative and a gallery with many entrances. The task of the project was also to ensure its usability in education: a significant number of study materials has been added in cooperation with schoolteachers. In 2004, we initiated our long-term and still running project “Kreutzwald’s Century: the Estonian Cultural History Web” ( at the Estonian Literary Museum. The objective of this project was to make literary sources of the period accessible as the dynamic, interactive information environment. This was a hybrid project which synthesised the classical study of Estonian literary history, the needs of the digital media user, and the expanding digital resources from different memory institutions; its underlying idea was to link together all the works of fiction of an author, as well as their biography, manuscripts, and photos and to make them visible for the user on five interactive time axes. The project uses a specially created platform. Today, this platform is extensively used by schoolteachers: in 2020 (Jan.–Dec.) it had about 8, 986.555 million clicks and during seven years (2013 Dec.–2020 Dec.) it has collected 64, 627.380 million clicks. To find out how we can fit such content-based models of literary heritage into the context of Digital Humanities we need to compare the previous modelling practices with our current experimental project in the corpus query system KORP. Our interdisciplinary project “Literary Studies Meet Corpus Linguistics” (2017–2020) concentrated on studying literary history sources with linguistic methods. As the result of the project two literary text corpora were created: “Epistolary text corpus of Estonian writers Johannes Semper and Johannes Vares-Barbarus” and “Corpus of the Estonian literary criticism, Noor-Eesti and the 1920s”. Both of them were pilot projects in the field, started with converting the digitalised archival and printed sources into machine-readable format before text and data mining for corpus creation. Query system KORP allows us to organise the language data by all the categories used in the corpus, for example, to learn who and in what context mentioned the name of the French writer André Gide. The second currently running project is the morphologically annotated corpus of literary criticism. This corpus contains texts of literary reviews and criticism in different genres, drawn from the projects ERNI and “Kreutzwald’s Century”. The first results in studying the dynamics of literary values can already be seen. A query in KORP about the word ‘mõju’ (‘influence’) revealed that the manifesto “More of European culture!”of the group Young Estonia, voiced in 1905, was during the independent Estonian Republic replaced by the valuing of a specific national character. Corpus query showed a change in the meaning of the word: in the criticism contemporary to Young Estonia, the word ‘mõju’ was only associated with the historical pressure from Russian and German cultures. The foundation for modern comparative linguistics at the University of Tartu was laid in the 1920s by the professorship in Estonian literature.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Sugeng Nugroho ◽  
Danissa Dyah Oktaviani

Mira Lesmana, produser terkemuka Indonesia, membuat gebrakan dengan meliris dan menulis sendiri cerita film Ada Apa dengan Cinta 2. Kekuatan film ini tidak semata-mata bersandar dari sekuel sebelumnya, namun juga dikemas dengan aliran cerita yang menarik. Alur menggantung pada sekuel sebelumnya merupakan peluang besar untuk mengembangkan kreatifitas. Bentuk kreativitas Mira Lesmana dalam menulis cerita film ini adalah untuk mengubah karakter utama, Rangga. Karakter Rangga sengaja dibuat berbeda didasari tokoh Cinta. Perubahan karakter Rangga terjadi pada awal dan akhir cerita. Perubahan karakter Rangga dapat dilihat dari ekspresi, dialog dan tanggapan dari orang lain mengetahui sehingga dapat diketahui perubahan karakter dasar (karakter tokoh 3D) adalah fisiologis, sosiologis, dan psikologis. Perubahan karakter Rangga dapat diketahui melalui pendekatan psikologi yang didalamnya memuat karakterisasi tokoh, kostelasi tokoh, dan konsepsi tokoh. Melalui pendekatan tersebut akan nampak struktur, dinamika, dan perkembangan tokoh Rangga sehingga dapat diketahui perubahan karakter Rangga yang berdampak pada kehidupannya dalam film ini. Mira Lesmana, Indonesia's leading producer, made a breakthrough by writing  story itself and released the film “What’s Up with Love? 2”. The strength of the film is not simply leaning on the previous sequel, but also packed with interesting stories flow. Flow hang on previous sequel is a great opportunity to develop creativity. Mira Lesmana form of creativity in the writing of this movie is to change the main character, Rangga. Characters of  Rangga deliberately made different based on the character of Cinta. Rangga character changes occur at the beginning and end of the story. Character of Rangga change can be seen from the expression, dialogue and feedback from others to know that it can be seen changes in the basic character (characters 3D) is a physiological, sociological, and psychological. Rangga character change can be known through the psychological approach which includes the characterization of the figures, kostelasi character, and character conception. Through this approach would seem the structure, dynamics and character development that can be known Rangga character changes that have an impact on life in this film.

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