2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Dwi Aziz Azizah Agustina ◽  
Galih Akbar Prabowo

Deafness is a disorder that occurs in the human sense of hearing. Loss of hearing function causes deaf people unable to hear and communicate verbally so that they experience delays in language development. Sign language is used by deaf people as a communication language. Sign language needs to be introduced by teachers of SLB Pertiwi Ponorogo to students with hearing impairments in order to get an agreement on the meaning of the signs used during communication. This research uses a descriptive type of research with a qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate the following: first, the communication carried out by the teacher in introducing sign language uses total communication by means of oral, written, pictures, signs, spelling, and lip-reading. Second, students gave a positive response indicated by a change in attitude following the cues displayed by the teacher. Students give negative responses indicated by emotional changes such as expressions of anger, confusion, silence, and even rejection from students. Third, the communication position in this study lies in the communicator, message, and communicant, namely the communication process barriers, physical barriers, and semantic barriers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-71
Bunga Shafira Nindia ◽  
Eko Harry Susanto ◽  
Doddy Salman

Abstract— Researchers want to find out how people with disabilities understand the content of news on television broadcasts, specifically decoding nonverbal communication on news broadcasts. Basically the communication process (message exchange) will not run well if it is not supported by various communication elements or components, namely encoding. Therefore, in communicating there are so many obstacles and constraints experienced by communication agents. Physical barriers become one of the obstacles in communication. When communicating, one's physical imperfections become a problem in the delivery and reception of messages (information). In this study, researchers used qualitative research methods and interpretive paradigms to get accurate results. After conducting research on persons with hearing impairments, the researcher saw that the resource persons could not encode or decode perfectly, the resource persons were only able to absorb a little information that was conveyed. The resource person is not able to make messages according to a certain code the cause is the unclear tempo of the sign language column movement that is too fast so the resource person is unable to capture the message conveyed by the interpreter. Keywords—: News; Communication; Encoding; Decoding; Deaf.

Geilson Rodrigues Da Silva ◽  
Talina Meirely Nery Dos Santos ◽  
Griscele Souza De Jesus ◽  
Lucas Pereira Gandra

Resumo: A Química é uma Ciência com poucos sinais específicos em Língua Brasileira de Sinais para o ensino de pessoas com surdez. Essa barreira de linguagem pode ocasionar obstáculos de aprendizagem aos estudantes surdos. Sendo assim, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivos catalogar verbetes e criar sinais para a utilização em aulas práticas de Química. Para coleta de dados foram levantados os termos na literatura no dicionário ilustrado trilíngue que possuíssem relações com a disciplina de Química, ao qual foram categorizados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo, em função do seu emprego e utilização. Realizou-se a análise quantitativa dos termos mais presentes em roteiros de aulas experimentais, usadas na disciplina de Química Geral e Experimental Ida Licenciatura em Química do IFMS campus Coxim. Sendo elaborados quatro sinais de instrumentos do laboratório de Química que apresentam potencial para serem utilizados em práticas bilíngues, no ensino superior e médio.Palavras-chave: Educação Bilíngue; Formação de Conceitos Científicos; Práticas Experimentais. Experimentation in chemical education: elaboration signals in libras for laboratory practicesAbstract: Chemistry is a Science with few specific signs in Brazilian Sign Language for teaching deaf people. This language barrier can lead to learning obstacles for deaf students. Thus, the present research had as objectives to catalog entries and to create signals for the use in practical classes of Chemistry. In order to collect data, the terms in the literature in the trilingual illustrated dictionary that had relations with the discipline of Chemistry were categorized from the Content Analysis, according to their use and use. A quantitative analysis of the most present terms was carried out in experimental classes, used in the General Chemistry and Experimental I subject of the Chemistry Degree of the IFMS campus Coxim. Four signs of chemistry laboratory instruments are being developed, which have the potential to be used in bilingual practices in higher and secondary education.Keywords: Bilingual Education; Formation of Scientific Concepts; Experimental Practices. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 ◽  
pp. 12090
S.T. Kokhan ◽  
L.A. Osmuk ◽  
O.A. Varinova

The article deals with the problem of organizing distance learning for Deaf students in a pandemic situation. This problem is evaluated differently by experts, many of whom speak of a complete failure. However, the description of how two Siberian universities, which have a relatively large number of students with hearing impairments, organized a remote format, allows us to talk about the possibility of more or less successful practices. The article presents empirical studies of the Trans-Baikal State University and Novosibirsk State Technical University, on the basis of which the analysis is carried out, the opinions of students, teachers and interpreters of the Russian sign language are compared. The results of the study prove that the system of distance education of the Deaf more satisfied the requests of Deaf students where sign language interpreter worked, who simultaneously carried out control and support. During the study, organizational problems were discovered. Solving the identified problems will allow us to build a more successful model, which will make it possible to prevent risks and find effective remote technologies for teaching the Deaf.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 6441-6452
Roberto García Sánchez ◽  
Justo Pedro Hernández González

Comunidad  Sorda es aquella que participa de unos valores culturales y lingüísticos construidos en torno a la lengua de signos y a una concepción visual del mundo. Entre las personas sordas usuarias de la lengua de signos algunas aprendieron a signar en su infancia y otras siendo ya adultas; hay quienes son usuarias de audífonos o implantes cocleares y, entre ellas, hay quienes usan la lengua de signos y quienes no. También debemos mencionar a aquellas personas sordas que, a causa de un sistema educativo no inclusivo, tienen problemas de expresión y comprensión de textos escritos. Al igual que en el resto de la población, entre las personas sordas encontraremos niños, jóvenes, mayores, personas sordas con otra(s) discapacidad(es)... Todas y cada una de ellas con sus necesidades y demandas concretas. Es importante saber que, aun tratándose de un colectivo heterogéneo, todas las personas sordas, cualquiera que sea su tipo o grado de sordera, situación individual e independientemente de que sean o no usuarias de las lenguas de signos, comparten la necesidad de acceder a la comunicación e información del entorno sin barreras de ningún tipo. Por ese motivo es necesario desarrollar un servicio de orientación, asesoramiento y acción tutorial específico para el alumnado sordo que tenga en cuenta sus necesidades y dificultades y que evite cualquier tipo de discriminación o falta de accesibilidad al contenido universitario del tipo que sea. Por lo tanto, es necesario proporcionar este servicio con los recursos audiovisuales necesarios, intérpretes de lengua de signos española y formación continua a la comunidad universitaria. Es fundamental coordinarse con las asociaciones de personas sordas para cumplir los requisitos básicos que garanticen su inclusión, puesto que éstas son las que conocen mejor sus necesidades por la lucha de sus derechos, y orientar a la universidad para la consecución de dicha finalidad.   A Deaf Community is one that participates in cultural and linguistic values built around sign language and a visual conception of the world. Among the deaf people who used sign language, some learned to sign in their childhood and others when they were adults; there are those who use hearing aids or cochlear implants and, among them, there are those who use sign language and those who do not. We will also find deaf people who, because of a non-inclusive educational system, have problems of expression and comprehension of written texts. As in the rest of the population, among the deaf people we will find children, young people, elderly, deaf people with other disability(ies). . . Each and every one of them with their specific needs and demands. It is important to know that, even if it is a heterogeneous collective, all deaf people, whatever their type or degree of deafness, individual situation and regardless of whether or not they are users of sign languages, share the need to access the communication and information of the environment without barriers of any kind. For this reason it is necessary to develop a service of guidance, advice and specific tutorial action for deaf students that takes into account their needs and difficulties and avoids any type of discrimination or lack of accessibility to university content of any kind. Therefore, it is necessary to provide this service with the necessary audiovisual resources, Spanish sign language interpreters and continuing education to the university community. It is essential to coordinate with associations of deaf people to meet the basic requirements to ensure their inclusion, since they are the ones who best know their needs by fighting for their rights, and guide the university to achieve that goal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Nofha - Rina

The uniqueness of communication ways for the Deaf is different from other people. On communicating they use sign language to bridge communication process. However, not everyone can understand their message so that is difficult to express theirselves. The purpose of this research was to determine the meaning of pantomim by Deaf students and knowing how to self-expressing and meaning by using key informants helped deaf students at SLB Negeri Cicendo Bandung. This research use qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Types of data used are primary data through observation and interview. The results obtained through this research show that the meaning of pantomim by deaf students from five informants are important in his life. Pantomim is entertaining for deaf student, because it is funny and can make them laugh. Pantomim is a hobby that become their favorite thing. So pantomim makes deaf student to be brave, having many friends, and the achievments and make their parents be happy and proud. Through pantomim they can express themselves maximumly with facial expressions, so they can entertain themselves.niqueness of communication ways for the Deaf is different from other people. On communicating they use sign language to bridge communication process. However, not everyone can understand their message so that is difficult to express theirselves. The purpose of this research was to determine the meaning of pantomim by Deaf students and knowing how to self-expressing and meaning by using key informants helped deaf students at SLB Negeri Cicendo Bandung. This research use qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Types of data used are primary data through observation and interview. The results obtained through this research show that the meaning of pantomim by deaf students from five informants are important in his life. Pantomim is entertaining for deaf student, because it is funny and can make them laugh. Pantomim is a hobby that become their favorite thing. So pantomim makes deaf student to be brave, having many friends, and the achievments and make their parents be happy and proud. Through pantomim they can express themselves maximumly with facial expressions, so they can entertain themselves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Nofha - Rina

The uniqueness of communication ways for the Deaf is different from other people. On communicating they use sign language to bridge communication process. However, not everyone can understand their message so that is difficult to express theirselves. The purpose of this research was to determine the meaning of pantomim by Deaf students and knowing how to self-expressing and meaning by using key informants helped deaf students at SLB Negeri Cicendo Bandung. This research use qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Types of data used are primary data through observation and interview. The results obtained through this research show that the meaning of pantomim by deaf students from five informants are important in his life. Pantomim is entertaining for deaf student, because it is funny and can make them laugh. Pantomim is a hobby that become their favorite thing. So pantomim makes deaf student to be brave, having many friends, and the achievments and make their parents be happy and proud. Through pantomim they can express themselves maximumly with facial expressions, so they can entertain themselves.niqueness of communication ways for the Deaf is different from other people. On communicating they use sign language to bridge communication process. However, not everyone can understand their message so that is difficult to express theirselves. The purpose of this research was to determine the meaning of pantomim by Deaf students and knowing how to self-expressing and meaning by using key informants helped deaf students at SLB Negeri Cicendo Bandung. This research use qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Types of data used are primary data through observation and interview. The results obtained through this research show that the meaning of pantomim by deaf students from five informants are important in his life. Pantomim is entertaining for deaf student, because it is funny and can make them laugh. Pantomim is a hobby that become their favorite thing. So pantomim makes deaf student to be brave, having many friends, and the achievments and make their parents be happy and proud. Through pantomim they can express themselves maximumly with facial expressions, so they can entertain themselves.

2020 ◽  
pp. 168-189
Sani De Carvalho Rutz da Silva ◽  
Elsa Midori Shimazaki ◽  
Renata Silva Da Silva Dessbesel

ResumenEl avance de la tecnología combinado con el desarrollo de nuevos recursos y la rapidez con que fluye la información, mantienen a la sociedad en un constante movimiento, y consecuentemente, la escuela como uno de los elementos de la sociedad sufre continuos cambios. Considerando este escenario, planteamos como objetivo del presente estudio diseñar un panorama de las investigaciones referentes la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la educación de personas sordas. Para este propósito utilizamos, como metodología de revisión la Methodi Ordinatio, para la selección y análisis de los artículos disponibles en la base de datos Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ y ERIC, a través de los descriptores: sordo, matemáticas, lenguaje de señas, escuela, tecnología y bilingüismo. Constatándose que la educación de los sordos se presenta en un ambiente de muchas posibilidades y, por lo tanto, diversos factores interfieren en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas de estas personas en el aula. Los resultados revelaron que entre los factores que influyen, los puntos convergentes son la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el lenguaje de señas, con el desarrollo de herramientas visuales y la construcción de un ambiente accesible para los sordos, con respeto y valorización a la cultura sorda.Palabras clave: Lenguaje de señas. Enseñanza y aprendizaje. SordezUm panorama das investigações sobre o ensino de matemática na educação de surdosResumoO avanço da tecnologia aliado ao desenvolvimento de novos recursos e a rapidez de informações mantêm a sociedade em constante movimento e, consequentemente, a escola como um dos segmentos sociais, passa por contínuas mudanças. Ao considerar tal fato, o objetivo deste estudo é desenhar um panorama das investigações sobre o ensino de matemática na educação de surdos. Para tanto, utilizou-se, como metodologia de revisão, a Methodi Ordinatio para seleção e análise dos artigos disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ e ERIC, por meio dos descritores: surdos, matemática, língua de sinais, escola, tecnologia e bilinguismo. Constatou-se que a educação de surdos se apresenta em um ambiente de muitas possibilidades e por conseguinte, diversos fatores interferem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática em sala de aula a essas pessoas. Os resultados revelaram que dentre os fatores que influenciam, os pontos convergentes são, o ensino e a aprendizagem de matemática em língua de sinais, com desenvolvimento de ferramentas visuais e a construção de um ambiente acessível para os surdos, com respeito e valorização à cultura surda.Palavras chave: Língua de sinais. Ensino e aprendizagem. Surdez.An overview of research on the teaching of mathematics in deaf students’ educationAbstractThe technology advances combined with the development of new resources and the speed of information keep the society in constant movement and, therefore, the school as a social segment undergoes continuous changes. Considering this fact, this study aims to draw a research panorama about mathematics teaching in deaf students’ education. The Methodi Ordinatio was used as review methodology to select and analyze the articles available on Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ and ERIC databases, throughout the descriptors: deaf, mathematics, sign language, school, technology and bilingualism. The deaf people’s education, was concluded, is presented in an environment with many possibilities and thus various factors which interfere in mathematics teaching-learning process in classroom of these students. The results showed that among the factors which influence, the convergent aspects are the mathematics teaching-learning in sign language, development of visual tools and the constructions of an accessible environment to deaf people and respect and appreciation for deaf culture.Keywords: Sign language. Teaching-learning. Deafness.

Miaad Ahmed Alobaidy ◽  
Sundus Khaleel Ebraheem

Deaf people suffer from difficulty in social communication, especially those who have been denied the blessing of hearing before the acquisition of spoken language and before learning to read and write. For the purpose of employing mobile devices for the benefit of these people, their teachers and everyone who has contact with them, this research aims to design an application for social communication and learning by translating Iraqi sign language into text in Arabic and vice versa. Iraqi sign language has been chosen because of a lack of applications for this field. The current research, to the best of our knowledge, is the first of its kind in Iraq. The application is open source; words that are not found in the application database can be processed by translating them into letters alphabetically. The importance of the application lies in the fact that it is a means of communication and e-learning through Iraqi sign language, reading and writing in Arabic. Similarly, it is regarded as a means of social communication between deaf people and those with normal hearing. This application is designed by using JAVA language and it was tested on several deaf students at Al-Amal Institute for Special Needs Care in Mosul, Iraq. It was well comprehended and accepted.

Techno Com ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 540-551
Addin Aditya ◽  
Decya Windri Sukmawati Susanto

Masyarakat penyandang tuna rungu tentunya mengalami kesulitan saat melakukan komunikasi sehari-hari, terutama bagi para siswa tuna rungu. Sejauh ini, mereka menggunakan bahasa isyarat SIBI dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. SIBI merupakan jenis bahasa isyarat yang banyak digunakan pada lembaga pendidikan luar biasa. Namun disatu sisi, proses belajar mengajar dinilai masih kurang maksimal apalagi dimasa pandemi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi berbasis smartphone sebagai media pembelajaran tambahan pengenalan huruf alphabet dan kata bagi penyandang disabilitas tuna rungu serta memudahkan mereka untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesama. Aplikasi dibuat dengan menggunakan metode waterfall, dimulai dari analisis kebutuhan, perancangan, pembuatan hingga uji coba. Penelitian ini terbatas pada pengenalan huruf alphabet dan kata dalam bahasa Indonesia serta ditujukan bagi penyandang disabilitas tuna rungu usia 7-10 tahun. Berdasarkan hasil uji ahli materi dan bahan ajar serta uji kelayakan pengguna, aplikasi ini dinyatakan layak untuk dikembangkan dengan hasil taraf kelayakan 80.45%. Deaf people certainly have difficulty in carrying out daily communication, especially for deaf students. So far, they use SIBI sign language in teaching and learning activities. SIBI is a type of sign language that is widely used in special education institutions. But on the one hand, the teaching and learning process is considered to be still less than optimal, especially during the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to build a smartphone-based application as an additional learning medium to recognize letters and words for deaf people and make it easier for them to communicate with other people. Applications are made using the waterfall method, starting from needs analysis, design, manufacture to testing. This research is limited to the introduction of letters of the alphabet and words in Indonesian and is intended for deaf people aged 7-10 years. Based on the results of expert tests of teaching materials and user feasibility tests, this application is declared feasible to be developed with a feasibility level of 80.45%.

2020 ◽  
pp. 168-189
Sani De Carvalho Rutz da Silva ◽  
Elsa Midori Shimazaki ◽  
Renata Da Silva Dessbesel

ResumenEl avance de la tecnología combinado con el desarrollo de nuevos recursos y la rapidez con que fluye la información, mantienen a la sociedad en un constante movimiento, y consecuentemente, la escuela como uno de los elementos de la sociedad sufre continuos cambios. Considerando este escenario, planteamos como objetivo del presente estudio diseñar un panorama de las investigaciones referentes la enseñanza de las matemáticas en la educación de personas sordas. Para este propósito utilizamos, como metodología de revisión la Methodi Ordinatio, para la selección y análisis de los artículos disponibles en la base de datos Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ y ERIC, a través de los descriptores: sordo, matemáticas, lenguaje de señas, escuela, tecnología y bilingüismo. Constatándose que la educación de los sordos se presenta en un ambiente de muchas posibilidades y, por lo tanto, diversos factores interfieren en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas de estas personas en el aula. Los resultados revelaron que entre los factores que influyen, los puntos convergentes son la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en el lenguaje de señas, con el desarrollo de herramientas visuales y la construcción de un ambiente accesible para los sordos, con respeto y valorización a la cultura sorda.Palabras clave: Lenguaje de señas. Enseñanza y aprendizaje. SordezUm panorama das investigações sobre o ensino de matemática na educação de surdosResumoO avanço da tecnologia aliado ao desenvolvimento de novos recursos e a rapidez de informações mantêm a sociedade em constante movimento e, consequentemente, a escola como um dos segmentos sociais, passa por contínuas mudanças. Ao considerar tal fato, o objetivo deste estudo é desenhar um panorama das investigações sobre o ensino de matemática na educação de surdos. Para tanto, utilizou-se, como metodologia de revisão, a Methodi Ordinatio para seleção e análise dos artigos disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ e ERIC, por meio dos descritores: surdos, matemática, língua de sinais, escola, tecnologia e bilinguismo. Constatou-se que a educação de surdos se apresenta em um ambiente de muitas possibilidades e por conseguinte, diversos fatores interferem no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática em sala de aula a essas pessoas. Os resultados revelaram que dentre os fatores que influenciam, os pontos convergentes são, o ensino e a aprendizagem de matemática em língua de sinais, com desenvolvimento de ferramentas visuais e a construção de um ambiente acessível para os surdos, com respeito e valorização à cultura surda.Palavras chave: Língua de sinais. Ensino e aprendizagem. Surdez.An overview of research on the teaching of mathematics in deaf students’ educationAbstractThe technology advances combined with the development of new resources and the speed of information keep the society in constant movement and, therefore, the school as a social segment undergoes continuous changes. Considering this fact, this study aims to draw a research panorama about mathematics teaching in deaf students’ education. The Methodi Ordinatio was used as review methodology to select and analyze the articles available on Scopus, Scielo, DOAJ and ERIC databases, throughout the descriptors: deaf, mathematics, sign language, school, technology and bilingualism. The deaf people’s education, was concluded, is presented in an environment with many possibilities and thus various factors which interfere in mathematics teaching-learning process in classroom of these students. The results showed that among the factors which influence, the convergent aspects are the mathematics teaching-learning in sign language, development of visual tools and the constructions of an accessible environment to deaf people and respect and appreciation for deaf culture.Keywords: Sign language. Teaching-learning. Deafness.

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