scholarly journals Tomato Value Chain Analysis in Yayo And Hurumu Districts of Ilu Aba Bor Zone, Ethiopia

Abera Beyu

Abstract Background: Tomato is one of the most important and widely grown vegetable in Ethiopia. This study was aimed at analyzing tomato value chain in Yayu and Hurumu districts of Ilubabor zone. The specific objectives of the study were to identify actors and their roles in the value chain, to estimate marketing margins of each actor and identifying determinants of market participation decision and level of participation of farm households in tomato market.Methodology: The study used both primary and secondary data. Descriptive statistics, value chain analysis and Heckman two-stage selection model were used to analyze the data.Results: The major tomato value chain actors in the study area are input suppliers, producers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Producer received the maximum profit when they sell directly to consumers. The Heckman first stage model result showed that four variables such as family size, production experience, participation in non-farm activity and quantity produced significantly affect the tomato market participation decision. Heckman second stage model indicated that extension contact, quantity produced and perception of lagged price significantly influence the tomato level of market participation.Conclusion: in the study area Tomato is produced mainly as a source of food and income and it is one of the most important and widely grown vegetable. The market participation decision of the farmers is influenced significantly by family size, production experience, participation in non-farm activity and quantity produced. Similarly, extension contact, quantity produced and perception of lagged price were among determinants which affect significantly tomato producer’s level of market participation. Hence, these significant factors need to be intervening so as to enhance the possible gain that could be drawn from tomato value chain in the study area.

Yolanda MTN Apituley ◽  
Dionisius Bawole ◽  
Imelda KE Savitri ◽  
Friesland Tuapettel

This research was taken in Ambon (Latuhalat and Laha) and in Central Maluku Regency (Waai) in May – July 2018. It was aimed at mapping the value chain of small pelagic fish in Ambon through: 1) mapping of product, financial and information flows and 2). analysis of percentage distribution of small pelagic fish caught. The data used in this study was primary and secondary data, and analyzed by using value chain analysis. The results show that small pelagic fish marketing chain in Ambon consisted of six models with five actors. Each chain is formed due to the conditions and situation of market, resulted by the influencing of catches of fishermen and traders' capital. The broker plays an important role in marketing small pelagic fish in the market and obtaining 10% of the fishermen's catch that can be distributed, both to retailers and cold storage. Fish caught by the fishermen is still fresh in general when arrives in the consumers, because the fishing area is not too far, the market distance with the production centers is also quite close and in general fishermen and traders have understood the importance of maintaining product quality. Even so, the role of the Government in providing marketing facilities and infrastructure is needed so that modern market conditions can be applied in marketing fresh fish in Ambon.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Ganesh Bhat Chhetri ◽  
Durga Devkota ◽  
Banita Sharma

A field experiment was carried out during the early summer seasons of 2018, at Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a high value spice crop of high medicinal and economic concern (HVAP, 2011). It has been using in Ayurveda and medicinal propose from centuries which helps to boost up digestive system, circulatory system, nervous system and immune system (Gunnar, 2018). 60 household respondents were selected using simple random technique without replacement from Beriganga Municipality, Barahataal Village Municipality and Chaukune village Municipality. 4 co-operatives were selected from each level randomly and 5 respondent from each co-operatives, i.e. 20 respondents from each local level. 3 spice industries and 7 traders were selected purposively. Secondary data were collected from secondary sources like PMAMP, journal articles, MoAD etc. Descriptive statistics, benefit cost analysis, value chain analysis were carried out. The study reveals that 81.67% of populations were engaged in agriculture occupation as a primary source of income. The BC ratio of fresh, dry and powder turmeric was found to be 1.30, 1.09 and 1.36 (machinery), 1.16 (Dhiki Jhato) respectively. Similarly the cost of production of fresh dry and powder turmeric was found to be NRs. 18.46, NRs. 119.20 and NRs. 162.92 (machinery), NRs. 189.87 (Dhiki Jhato) respectively. Market margin of fresh, dry and powder turmeric was found to be NRs. 6.03, NRs. 25.07 and NRs. 179.70 respectively. In the study area major value chain actors were providers, producers, collectors, processors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. Insufficient technical support and improved seed rhizome, insufficient price to cover cost of production and traders dominance in pricing were the major problems faced by turmeric producing community. This study suggests the farmers for seed production, value addition, marketing and distribution in farm level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-144
Muhammad Hasham Daqiq

Pomegranates are one of the most important fruits in the Kandahar province of Afghanistan, which is famous for its pomegranates around the world. Pomegranates play a vital role in the socio-economic life of those who grow them. This study empirically analyzed the value chain of pomegranate production in Kandahar using primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected from 200 pomegranate growers in the Dand, Panjwai, and Daman districts of Kandahar province. These growers were selected using a random sampling method and the data was collected using a structured, pre-tested questionnaire. The secondary data was collected from traders, local collectors, and exporters of pomegranates involving 30 pomegranate selling companies. The value chain analysis shows that from the main four chains of pomegranate production (farmer, collector, trader, and exporter), the main actors are the exporters who process pomegranate and add the greatest value by investing in marketing, shipment, and warehousing and receive highest profit margin among the stakeholders. Exporters of pomegranates to Europe earn an average of 66 Afghani per kg. The next greatest beneficiaries are the growers or farmers who earn an average of 23 AFN on each kg. Local collectors who buy pomegranates from farmers earn the least, at an average of 13 AFN per kg over the costs of processing and transportation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 453-458
Manoj Sharma

This study assessed value chain and marketing performance of vegetable subsector of Sindupalchowk district, Nepal with the objectives of identifying the value chain actors and their roles, analyzing the market channel and identifying the problems related to production and marketing system The study was based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data were collected from 84 households that were selected purposive proportionately. The study showed major vegetable value chain actors as input suppliers, producers, bulk traders, retailers, wholesalers and consumers. The total amount of vegetable production was 29.73 tons with productivity of 7.2 tons/ha transacting 17.92 tons of vegetables through four marketing channels. The channel transacting the vegetables to consumers directly by producers was found to be dominant in terms of volume of vegetable which represented 71.75% of total vegetable supplied by farmers (12.86 tons). The bulk traders supplied 18.97 % of vegetables to Kathmandu and 8.77% to consumers of Sindupalchowk district through retailers. The wholesalers were of least volume transacting actor to consumers through retailers (0.51%). The study suggests that Government of Nepal should focus on development of marketing infrastructures to provide equitable market sharing to actors. Int. J. Appl. Sci. Biotechnol. Vol 7(4): 453-458

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 169
Hamni ., Pisalemo ◽  
Nordy F. L. Waney ◽  
Lorraine W. Th. Sondak

This study aims to determine the value of coconut flour at PT. Tropica Cocoprima. This research has been conducted at PT. Tropica Cocoprima and actors in its supply chain located at Jalan Trans Sulawesi Lelema Village Tumpaan Subdistrict of South Minahasa Regency. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. Sources of data were obtained through interviews using questionnaires containing questions related to this study. The sampling method is Purvosive Sampling and the sample is PT. Tropica Cocoprima as focal firm and suppliers of raw materials as many as 5 suppliers as well as coconut farmers as much as 2 farmers taken from each supplier. The method of analysis used in this research is value chain analysis with cost and margin approach. Based on the research results can be concluded that the value chain of coconut flour at PT. Tropica Cocoprima There are several actors involved in the process of value creation. The actors involved are coconut farmers and suppliers who bring raw materials to PT. Tropica Cocoprima. The actors involved in the value chain of coconut flour each earn a margin that corresponds to the effort that has been done. Coconut flour value chain at PT. Tropica Cocoprima from one, two and three actors experienced value increase is Rp.195.000.000. Margin received by PT. Tropica Cocoprima amounting to Rp.12.277.822 then the supplier obtained a margin of Rp.6,675,000 and the farmer earned a margin of Rp.100.102.700.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-24
Nia Amelia Damayanti ◽  
Diyah Probowulan ◽  
Ari Sita Nastiti

UD. Ijen Batik Bondowoso is a company engaged in the production of batik for the Bondowoso and surrounding areas, even outside Java and abroad. Competition for batik products in Indonesia makes companies have to increase UD's competitive advantage. Ijen Batik needs to do a strategy. This study aims to analyze the value chain of batik products made at UD. Ijen Batik Bondowoso. Value chain analysis is one way of looking at business as a series of activities that convert inputs into outputs that are of value to customers. This research uses qualitative method with case study method. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The results show that the value chain actors consist of suppliers, companies, wholesalers and retailers. In the added value analysis conducted at the time of batik production, it shows an added value of 213,000.00 or 81.3%/per unit. This is because the highest added value is obtained from sales and marketing activities. Keywords: Value Chain Analysis, Competitive Advantage

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 165
Maharani Yulisti ◽  
Hertria Maharani Putri

Pengembangan budidaya patin pasupati didorong oleh besarnya permintaan daging patinberwarna putih. Patin produksi Indonesia seperti patin siam dengan daging berwarna merah kurangdisukai di pasar Internasional, untuk itu diperlukan pengembangan patin pasupati yang memiliki dagingberwarna putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari supply chain patin Pasupati yang telahdikembangkan di Tulungagung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan analisis supplydan value chain. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer dan data sekunder melalui studi literatur dansurvei terhadap pembudidaya, pedagang serta informan kunci seperti peneliti dan pejabat dinas terkait.Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasilanalisis, perbandingan rantai nilai patin pasupati dan patin siam dari pembudidaya dengan luasan lahansebesar 530 m2 ke pabrik fillet ikan ditunjukkan oleh nilai keuntungan yang diterima oleh pembudidayapatin siam lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pembudidaya patin pasupati. Sementara itu pada simpulpedagang pengumpul ke pabrik fillet ikan, patin pasupati lebih menguntungkan dibandingkan patin siam.Hal ini terjadi karena patin pasupati mempunyai harga relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan denan hargapatin siam. Beberapa strategi pengembangan Patin di Tulungagung adalah: 1) penetapan kawasansentra patin pasupati di Tulungagung, 2) mengoptimalkan fasilitas Balai Bemih Ikan (BBI) denganBalai Penelitian Pemuliaan Ikan (BPPI) Sukamandi untuk produksi benih patin, 3) penguatan teknologibudidaya patin pasupati berdasarkan Cara Budidaya Ikan yang Baik (CBIB), 4) penguatan kapasitasSDM untuk pengolahan limbah patin, 5) membuka kembali pabrik pakan mandiri berbasis masyakaratdengan pemanfaatan limbah patin itu sendiri, serta 6) market intelligence untuk penetapan harga,sehingga usaha patin pasupati di pembudidaya tidak kalah dibandingkan dengan patin siam.Title: Supply Chain Analysis for Pangasius Pasupati AquacultureDevelopment at Tulungagung, East JavaAquaculture development of Pangasius sp. were driven by high demand of white meat ofpangasius. Indonesian Pangasius production such as Siamese conjoined with red meat is less preferredin the International market, it is necessary for the development of Pangasius aquaculture which haswhite meat. This research aimed to analyzed supply chain of Pasupati catfish that has been developedin Tulungagung. The method used is supply and value chain analysis approached. Data collected wereprimary and secondary data through literature studies and surveys of fish farmer , traders and keyinformants such as researchers and officers of relevant agencies . Data analysis in this research weredescriptive and quantitative. Based on the analysis, comparison of pasupati and siamese pangasiusvalue chain from farmers with land area of 530 m2 to fish fillet factory indicated that Siamese catfishfarmers gain more than pasupati catfish farmer. The value chain comparison of Pasupati and Siamesepangasius trading conjoined from the traders to the fillet factories is that Pasupati gained more profit ofselling. It happened because the price of Pasupati is better in fillet factories. Some development strategiesin Pangasius Development are: 1) Establishing The regional center of Pangasius at Tulungagung,2 ) Optimizing the facility of Fish Breeding Center owned the Agency with Sukamandi Fish Breeding Research Center (Marine and Fisheries Research and Development Agency) for seed production ofPangasius, 3) Strengthening the Pasupati aquaculture technology based on Standard of Aquaculture, 4)Strengthening the human resource capacity for pangasius waste treatment, 5) Reopen the independentfeed mills based on society with the raw material from the pangasius waste, and 6) Market intelligencefor pricing, untill the Pasupati business at farmers are not less than Siamese pangasius.

Khem Prasad Gautam ◽  
Rajnish Ratna ◽  
Keshar Nath Dhakal ◽  
Hita Nath Dhakal

Chilli is the most ubiquitous spice used in Bhutanese cuisine. Almost all dishes in Bhutan contain chillies in various forms. Bhutan produces many variants of chilli, one of which is Namgang chilli. Commonly known for being one of the hottest and tastiest variants in Bhutan, it is cultivated in Pakshikha, Bongo Gewog, Chukha. This study is aimed at identifying value chain actors of Namgang chilli, their roles, margins, and mapping out its overall value chain. The quantitative and qualitative data for this study were obtained from 29 of the 49 Namgang chilli-cultivating households in Pakshikha. Other published sources were also referred for gathering secondary data required for this study. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics, and chain mapping was performed to identify actors and their supply linkages. Margin analysis was conducted to assess the value gained by each player in the value chain. The identified actors of the value chain were input suppliers, farmers, transporters, retailers, and consumers. Farmers, retailers, and transporters share 53.6, 28.7, and 5 percentage of the margin respectively. Some of the critical constraints and challenges faced by farmers are rising pest infestation; lack of awareness about modern tools and techniques; lack of agency support; lack of motivation and encouragement for mass commercial farming; no initiative for organizing farmers’ cooperative/group; and ack of crop protection mechanism. The findings suggest that the overall value chain of Namgang chilli is underdeveloped. Therefore, relevant agencies should intervene and encourage farmers to form groups/cooperatives for Namgang chilli cultivation. The chilli farmers could be provided with technical supports in the form of knowledge and training to improve efficiency in the production and marketing of the commodity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 2161-2171
Adibi M. Nor ◽  
Tim S. Gray ◽  
Gary S. Caldwell ◽  
Selina M. Stead

AbstractA global shortfall in protein supply from capture fisheries has motivated the Malaysian government to revise its aquaculture strategy, focusing on three commodities: seaweed, fish and marine shrimp. However, the performance of the Malaysian aquaculture sector, particularly seaweed production, is poorly documented. This is the first empirical study to undertake a value chain analysis (VCA) of the Malaysian seaweed sector using stakeholder perceptions and secondary data that encompass members of seaweed farming cooperatives (the Semporna Area Farmers’ Association and the governments’ flagship Seaweed Cluster Project). Fieldwork was conducted between April and June 2015 among seaweed stakeholders involved in the value chain using a mixed methods approach—in-depth interviews with key informants, focus group discussions, household surveys, personal observation and secondary data. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from both upstream (seaweed farming, marketing structure and the Malaysian Good Aquaculture Practices [MyGAP] certification programme) and downstream (seaweed processing) activities involving farmers, intermediaries/middlemen (buyers), processors and officials. Kappaphycus spp. was sold in two forms: (1) dried seaweed to be used as raw materials in carrageenan processing (approximately 90% of total harvest) and (2) fresh seaweed to be used as a source of seedlings (approximately 10% of total harvest). The value chain ended with the carrageenan form, which is exported to international markets. The price of dried seaweed varied according to a combination of seaweed quality, the strength of farmer’s relationships with intermediaries and processors and in response to demand from the carrageenan industry. The prices obtained by Malaysian farmers for dried seaweed and carrageenan remained low, US$ 0.60 and US$ 4.43 per kg, respectively, despite efforts by the government to enhance the value chain by imposing seaweed standards (via MyGAP) for farm management, dried seaweed and semi-refined carrageenan. The VCA was a useful tool to identify and map the market, with the results providing a better understanding of the seaweed sector, which could be helpful in supporting further aquaculture development in Malaysia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-121
Nurul Hudaningsih

Kre Alang is the unique fabric of Sumbawa which is the identity of the people of Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. At present developments, Kre Alang is not only owned by Sumbawa residents. At present, the production of 1 sheet of Kre Alang requires more than 1 month. While the selling price of one sheet of Kre Alang is above 1.5 million rupiah. The high processing time and selling price is a challenge for Kre Alang UKM to meet the high demand. Product competitiveness is obtained through seeking the right strategy. To optimize the potential of UKM Kre Alang, it is necessary to formulate a development strategy that can eliminate the various obstacles faced. The strategic approach that will be used is value chain analysis, where in the value chain analysis it can be used as a strategic analysis tool used to better understand competitive advantage, where companies can increase value added and reduce costs so they can make businesses more competitive. Value chain analysis is carried out with 4 main stages, namely primary and secondary data collection relating to the actors of each value chain, activities carried out by actors in each value added value chain and the final value of each value chain. Based on the research that has been done, the results obtained in the form of value chain mapping consisting of the main actors are suppliers, craftsmen, wholesalers and retailers. Based on the value chain analysis, the core competency that can be the basis for the competitive advantage of Kre alang craftsmen in Sumbawa is the ability of the craftsmen in the weaving process which is not easily imitated by other weavers.

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