Writing World Histories for Our Times

Alan Karras ◽  
Laura J. Mitchell

This essay considers the place of world history within the larger disciplinary practices of historical inquiry. Disciplinary traditions of deep specialization are in tension with world historians’ interest in broad patterns and long time scales, which leads some scholars—especially those with access to institutional power—to keep world historical scholarship at arm’s length. The essay demonstrates the institutional and intellectual benefits of supporting both global and local scholarship. It argues that historians’ attention to time scale significantly differentiates history from other analyses of globalization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 (5) ◽  
pp. 1265-1287 ◽  
Arjun Jagannathan ◽  
Kraig Winters ◽  
Laurence Armi

Abstract Uniformly stratified flows approaching long and dynamically tall ridges develop two distinct flow components over disparate time scales. The fluid upstream and below a “blocking level” is stagnant in the limit of an infinite ridge and flows around the sides when the ridge extent is finite. The streamwise half-width of the obstacle at the blocking level arises as a natural inner length scale for the flow, while the excursion time over this half-width is an associated short time scale for the streamwise flow evolution. Over a longer time scale, low-level horizontal flow splitting leads to the establishment of an upstream layerwise potential flow beneath the blocking level. We demonstrate through numerical experiments that for sufficiently long ridges, crest control and streamwise asymmetry are seen on both the short and long time scales. On the short time scale, upstream blocking is established quickly and the flow is well described as a purely infinite-ridge overflow. Over the long time scale associated with flow splitting, low-level flow escapes around the sides, but the overflow continues to be hydraulically controlled and streamwise asymmetric in the neighborhood of the crest. We quantify this late-time overflow by estimating its volumetric transport and then briefly demonstrate how this approach can be extended to predict the overflow across nonuniform ridge shapes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 492 (2) ◽  
pp. 1914-1918
Yury A Nagovitsyn ◽  
Aleksandra A Osipova

ABSTRACT The IDV index of geomagnetic activity is used by many researchers as a proxy of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength B. Using the original multiscale regression (MSR) method based on wavelet transformation, we obtained a long series of B values starting from 1845. Then, based on the new 2.0 versions of the sunspot number and group sunspot number and using MSR method and this series as a reference, we reconstructed IMF strength B starting from 1610. Further extension of the reconstruction is associated with radiocarbon reconstructions of solar activity at a time-scale of up to several millennia. It is shown that in the last 3200 yr the IMF strength has been experiencing a downward trend of −(0.39 ± 0.17) · 10−3 nT· yr−1.

2011 ◽  
Vol 24 (23) ◽  
pp. 6210-6226 ◽  
S. Zhang

Abstract A skillful decadal prediction that foretells varying regional climate conditions over seasonal–interannual to multidecadal time scales is of societal significance. However, predictions initialized from the climate-observing system tend to drift away from observed states toward the imperfect model climate because of the model biases arising from imperfect model equations, numeric schemes, and physical parameterizations, as well as the errors in the values of model parameters. Here, a simple coupled model that simulates the fundamental features of the real climate system and a “twin” experiment framework are designed to study the impact of initialization and parameter optimization on decadal predictions. One model simulation is treated as “truth” and sampled to produce “observations” that are assimilated into other simulations to produce observation-estimated states and parameters. The degree to which the model forecasts based on different estimates recover the truth is an assessment of the impact of coupled initial shocks and parameter optimization on climate predictions of interests. The results show that the coupled model initialization through coupled data assimilation in which all coupled model components are coherently adjusted by observations minimizes the initial coupling shocks that reduce the forecast errors on seasonal–interannual time scales. Model parameter optimization with observations effectively mitigates the model bias, thus constraining the model drift in long time-scale predictions. The coupled model state–parameter optimization greatly enhances the model predictability. While valid “atmospheric” forecasts are extended 5 times, the decadal predictability of the “deep ocean” is almost doubled. The coherence of optimized model parameters and states is critical to improve the long time-scale predictions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 498 (1) ◽  
pp. L25-L30
Numa Karolinski ◽  
Wei Zhu(祝伟)

ABSTRACT Gravitational microlensing can detect isolated stellar-mass black holes (BHs), which are believed to be the dominant form of Galactic BHs according to population synthesis models. Previous searches for BH events in microlensing data focused on long time-scale events with significant microlensing parallax detections. Here we show that, although BH events preferentially have long time-scales, the microlensing parallax amplitudes are so small that in most cases the parallax signals cannot be detected statistically significantly. We then identify OGLE-2006-BLG-044 to be a candidate BH event because of its long time-scale and small microlensing parallax. Our findings have implications to future BH searches in microlensing data.

2011 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 909-926 ◽  
Timothy DelSole ◽  
Michael K. Tippett ◽  
Jagadish Shukla

Abstract The problem of separating variations due to natural and anthropogenic forcing from those due to unforced internal dynamics during the twentieth century is addressed using state-of-the-art climate simulations and observations. An unforced internal component that varies on multidecadal time scales is identified by a new statistical method that maximizes integral time scale. This component, called the internal multidecadal pattern (IMP), is stochastic and hence does not contribute to trends on long time scales; however, it can contribute significantly to short-term trends. Observational estimates indicate that the trend in the spatially averaged “well observed” sea surface temperature (SST) due to the forced component has an approximately constant value of 0.1 K decade−1, while the IMP can contribute about ±0.08 K decade−1 for a 30-yr trend. The warming and cooling of the IMP matches that of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and is of sufficient amplitude to explain the acceleration in warming during 1977–2008 as compared to 1946–77, despite the forced component increasing at the same rate during these two periods. The amplitude and time scale of the IMP are such that its contribution to the trend dominates that of the forced component on time scales shorter than 16 yr, implying that the lack of warming trend during the past 10 yr is not statistically significant. Furthermore, since the IMP varies naturally on multidecadal time scales, it is potentially predictable on decadal time scales, providing a scientific rationale for decadal predictions. While the IMP can contribute significantly to trends for periods of 30 yr or shorter, it cannot account for the 0.8°C warming that has been observed in the twentieth-century spatially averaged SST.

2020 ◽  
Vol 643 ◽  
pp. A85
T. A. Howson ◽  
I. De Moortel ◽  
L. E. Fyfe

Context. The relative importance of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) heating mechanisms in maintaining the temperature of the solar corona is not well constrained. Aims. We aim to investigate the effects of the characteristic time scales of photospheric driving on the injection and dissipation of magnetic and kinetic energy within a coronal arcade. Methods. We conducted three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of complex foot point driving imposed on a potential coronal arcade. We modified the typical time scales associated with the velocity driver to understand the efficiency of heating obtained using AC and DC drivers. We considered the implications for the injected Poynting flux and the spatial and temporal nature of the energy release in dissipative regimes. Results. For the same driver amplitude and complexity, long time scale velocity motions are able to inject a much greater Poynting flux of energy into the corona. Consequently, in non-ideal regimes, slow stressing motions result in a greater increase in plasma temperature than for wave-like driving. In dissipative simulations, Ohmic heating is found to be much more significant than viscous heating. For all drivers in our parameter space, energy dissipation is greatest close to the base of the arcade, where the magnetic field strength is strongest, and at separatrix surfaces, where the field connectivity changes. Across all simulations, the background field is stressed with random foot point motions (in a manner more typical of DC heating studies), and, even for short time scale driving, the injected Poynting flux is large given the small amplitude flows considered. For long time scale driving, the rate of energy injection was comparable to the expected requirements in active regions. The heating rates were found to scale with the perturbed magnetic field strength and not the total field strength. Conclusions. Alongside recent studies that show that power within the corona is dominated by low frequency motions, our results suggest that, in the closed corona, DC heating is more significant than AC heating.

2007 ◽  
Vol 574 ◽  
pp. 405-427 ◽  

Lagrangian auto- and cross-correlation functions of the rate of strain s2, enstrophy ω2, their respective production terms −sijsjkski and ωiωjsij, and material derivatives, Ds2/Dt and Dω2/Dt are estimated using experimental results obtained through three-dimensional particle tracking velocimetry (three-dimensional-PTV) in homogeneous turbulence at Reλ=50. The autocorrelation functions are used to estimate the Lagrangian time scales of different quantities, while the cross-correlation functions are used to clarify some aspects of the interaction mechanisms between vorticity ω and the rate of strain tensor sij, that are responsible for the statistically stationary, in the Eulerian sense, levels of enstrophy and rate of strain in homogeneous turbulent flow. Results show that at the Reynolds number of the experiment these quantities exhibit different time scales, varying from the relatively long time scale of ω2 to the relatively shorter time scales of s2, ωiωjsij and −sijsjkski. Cross-correlation functions suggest that the dynamics of enstrophy and strain, in this flow, is driven by a set of different-time-scale processes that depend on the local magnitudes of s2 and ω2. In particular, there are indications that, in a statistical sense, (i) strain production anticipates enstrophy production in low-strain–low-enstrophy regions (ii) strain production and enstrophy production display high correlation in high-strain–high-enstrophy regions, (iii) vorticity dampening in high-enstrophy regions is associated with weak correlations between −sijsjkski and s2 and between −sijsjkski and Ds2/Dt, in addition to a marked anti-correlation between ωiωjsij and Ds2/Dt. Vorticity dampening in high-enstrophy regions is thus related to the decay of s2 and its production term, −sijsjkski.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 7160-7168 ◽  
D. U. B. Aussems ◽  
K. M. Bal ◽  
T. W. Morgan ◽  
M. C. M. van de Sanden ◽  
E. C. Neyts

We demonstrate that long time-scale events in atomistic ion-surface bombardment simulations can be essential and need to be accounted for.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 519 ◽  
Erwin Bergsma ◽  
Daniel Conley ◽  
Mark Davidson ◽  
Tim O'Hare ◽  
Rafael Almar

Coastal evolution occurs on a wide range of time-scales, from storms, seasonal and inter-annual time-scales to longer-term adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Measuring campaigns typically either measure morphological evolution on a short-time scale (days) with high frequency (hourly) or long-time scales (years) but intermittently (monthly). This leaves an important observational gap that limits morphological variability assessments. Traditional echo sounding measurements on this long time-scale and high-frequency sampling require a significant financial injection. Shore-based video systems with high spatiotemporal resolution can bridge this gap. For the first time, hourly Kalman filtered video-derived bathymetries covering 1.5 years of morphological evolution with an hourly resolution obtained at Porhtowan, UK are presented. Here, the long-term hourly dataset is used and aims to show its added value for, and provide an in-depth, morphological analyses with unprecedented temporal resolution. The time-frame includes calm and extreme (storm) wave conditions in a macro-tidal environment. The video-derived bathymetries allow hourly beach state classification while before this was not possible due to the dependence on foam patterns of wave breaking (e.g., saturation during storms). The study period covers extreme storm erosion during the most energetic winter season in 60 years (2013–2014). Recovery of the beach takes place on several time-scales: (1) an immediate initial recovery after the storm season (first 2 months), (2) limited recovery during low energetic summer conditions and (3) accelerated recovery as the wave conditions picked up in the subsequent fall—under wave conditions that are typically erosive. The video-derived bathymetries are shown to be effective in determining bar-positions, outer-bar three-dimensionality and volume analyses with an unprecedented hourly temporal resolution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 893-905 ◽  
E. Moreno-Chamarro ◽  
J. Marshall ◽  
T. L. Delworth

AbstractWe examine the link between migrations in the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and changes in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), Atlantic multidecadal variability (AMV), and Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO). We use a coupled climate model that allows us to integrate over climate noise and assess underlying mechanisms. We use an ensemble of ten 300-yr-long simulations forced by a 50-yr oscillatory North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)-derived surface heat flux anomaly in the North Atlantic, and a 4000-yr-long preindustrial control simulation performed with GFDL CM2.1. In both setups, an AMV phase change induced by a change in the AMOC’s cross-equatorial heat transport forces an atmospheric interhemispheric energy imbalance that is compensated by a change in the cross-equatorial atmospheric heat transport due to a meridional ITCZ shift. Such linkages occur on decadal time scales in the ensemble driven by the imposed forcing, and internally on multicentennial time scales in the control. Regional precipitation anomalies differ between the ensemble and the control for a zonally averaged ITCZ shift of similar magnitude, which suggests a dependence on time scale. Our study supports observational evidence of an AMV–ITCZ link in the twentieth century and further links it to the AMOC, whose long-time-scale variability can influence the phasing of ITCZ migrations. In contrast to the AMV, our calculations suggest that the PDO does not drive ITCZ migrations, because the PDO does not modulate the interhemispheric energy balance.

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