scholarly journals Desain Komunikasi Visual untuk Menunjang Penjualan Berbasis Bisnis Online bagi Pemula

Humaniora ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1059
Yusaira Farhia

Living in Jakarta, as one biggest business centre and largest target market, increases people awareness for doing entrepreneurship. However, for many business people with minimal capital, the choice is to run online business. Since internet as one familiar thing among society, the chance of online business isincreasing. Research method used is questionnaire randomly for 20 respondents, internet and literature study. One online shop will be easier and structured in designing concept. This research is about the importance of visual communication design in the appearance of online business. Visual communication design will produce something with quality and increase product value and sales from online shop. Through the application of simple design element, a good and quality online shop will be created so it could help and give benefit for large audience.

Humaniora ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 705
Tunjung Riyadi

 A work of visual communication design which aired on the television screen has a different perspective in its interpretation in the eyes of the audience when compared to other media. By understanding the characteristics and nature of media, proper exploration of graphic design can easily be created. Through literature study, observations of the author as a practitioner of graphic design for television and comparisons with the print media will facilitate the understanding of this study. 

2021 ◽  
pp. 130-138
Yon Ade Lose Hermanto ◽  
Andreas Syah Pahlevi ◽  
Masayu Zulfidyah Rakhmatia ◽  
Nadira Ayu Safitri ◽  
Nabisah Binti Ibrahim

This study aimed to determine how companies successfully created visual brands during the COVID-19 pandemic that are easy to remember, contextually-relevant, and educated the public about the current pandemic. The phenomenology research method was used, which is a method to deeply observe actual and factual phenomena occurring at a specific time. This method runs with several steps to find out the essence of the phenomenon that occurs. The results of this study explain consumer behaviour, visual strategies that can be taken by companies in dealing with pandemic situations, and how companies and brands communicate in the new-normal era. It will be a valuable input, especially for visual communication design science, because the collected data can be used to determine strategies and visual communication techniques during a pandemic. Data related to the stage of consumer shifting during a pandemic can also be used to determine the direction of branding and brand communication with the community. Keywords: visual brand, visual adaptation, COVID-19 pandemic

Khamadi Khamadi ◽  
Agus Setiawan

Cultivating exhibitions for visual communication design students is to increase the drive to create and enhance the spirit of student appreciation for the work of students to achieve quality and character in the work. The research objective is to know and understand the governance of project learning-based exhibits to improve the quality of learning and build a climate of appreciation for artwork among Udinus visual communication design students. The research method uses qualitative methods which are more emphasized on observation, interviews, documentation. Through the implementation of project learning-based exhibition governance, learning outcomes in improving quality can be achieved.Key Words: Exhibition, Management, Project Learning

Panggung ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Sumbo Tinarbuko

ABSTRACT This article uses qualitative  research method by describing, interpretating,  and explaining the  connotation  meaning  of public  service  advertisingLater   on it is classified  based on  the sociolinguistics,  pragmatics, visual communication  design, and semiotics theory.The method of semiotics  visual  communication  analysis  is also used as an analysis method for verbal and visual  data. It is used as one of public service advertising  reading  methods do to the tendency to see things,  such as art, culture, social, visual communication design, and public service advertising  as the phenomenon  of language  and sign.It is important to understand the semiotics of visual  communication  theory, because it can be used to enlarging  the imagination,   insight, and  knowledge about  the importance  of under- standing  semiotics  of visual communication,  both on the creation  and designing public service advertising  process or process  of reviewing  the public service advertising object. Practically,  it gives a positive adventage for the advertising  practitioners  or students    at the Department  of Advertising and Visual Communication Design. Keywords: sign, code and meaning  of public service advertising,  semiotics  of visual  communica- tion, verbal message and visual message     ABSTRAK  Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasikan, dan menerangkan makna konotasi iklan layanan masyarakat yang kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan pada bangunan teori sosiolinguistik, teori pragmatik, teori desain komunikasi visual, dan teori semiotika.Metode analisis semiotika komunikasi visual juga dimanfaatkan sebagai metode analisis data verbal dan data visual, sebagai salah satu metode pembacaan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) akibat adanya kecenderungan untuk memandang berbagai hal, seperti seni, budaya, sosial, desain komunikasi visual, dan ILM sebagai fenomena bahasa dan tanda.Penguasaan teori semiotika komunikasi visual ini penting karena dapat digunakan sebagai bahan referensi verbal dan visual bagi khalayak untuk memperluas imajinasi, wawasan, dan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya memahami semiotika komunikasi vi- sual baik dalam proses penciptaan dan perancangan iklan layanan masyarakat maupun proses mengkaji objek iklan layanan masyarakat. Secara praktikal memberikan manfaat yang positif baik bagi praktisi periklanan dan biro iklan pada umumnya maupun civitas akademika Jurusan Periklanan dan Desain Komunikasi Visual pada khususnya. Kata kunci: tanda, kode dan makna iklan layanan masyarakat, semiotika komunikasi visual, pesan verbal, dan pesan visual

Khamadi Khamadi ◽  
Agus Setiawan

Cultivating exhibitions for visual communication design students is to increase the drive to create and enhance the spirit of student appreciation for the work of students to achieve quality and character in the work. The research objective is to know and understand the governance of project learning-based exhibits to improve the quality of learning and build a climate of appreciation for artwork among Udinus visual communication design students. The research method uses qualitative methods which are more emphasized on observation, interviews, documentation. Through the implementation of project learning-based exhibition governance, learning outcomes in improving quality can be achieved.Key Words: Exhibition, Management, Project Learning

DeKaVe ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Kukuh Dwi Wijanarko ◽  
Ahmad Adib

Gapura as the entrance to tourist sites Troso weaving is very important, because it is a symbol of visual communication design at the forefront of the village entrance. In general, the purpose of this study to find answers that fit with the main problem is how the gate can visualize the concept of brand visual communication to give impact to the development of Troso Jepara Weaving. The research method is descriptive, that is to make an accurate, systematic and factual explanation about the facts and nature of the population or specific location in this sense in research. The Troso weaving gate was originally established in 2012 and was inaugurated by the district governance of Jepara. Prospects after the gate of Troso Weaving can be seen on the Propinsi road from Semarang to downtown Jepara, it is expected that many people come to Troso village, so that entrepreneurs can market directly to buyers without third party intermediaries. 

DeKaVe ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Kukuh Dwi Wijanarko ◽  
Nanang Rizali ◽  
Ahmad Adib

Gapura as the entrance to tourist sites Troso weaving is very important, because it is a symbol of visual communication design at the forefront of the village entrance. In general, the purpose of this study to find answers that fit with the main problem is how the gate can visualize the concept of brand visual communication to give impact to the development of Troso Jepara Weaving. The research method is descriptive, that is to make an accurate, systematic and factual explanation about the facts and nature of the population or specific location in this sense in research. The Troso weaving gate was originally established in 2012 and was inaugurated by the district governance of Jepara. Prospects after the gate of Troso Weaving can be seen on the Propinsi road from Semarang to downtown Jepara, it is expected that many people come to Troso village, so that entrepreneurs can market directly to buyers without third party intermediaries.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 207-217
Agus Setiawan

AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang kekuatan rasa dalam perancangan desain komunikasi visual. Aktualisasi komukasi visual tidak dapat lepas dari bisnis dan estetika desain. Rasa berperan penting dalam perancangan, jika tidak  akan terjadi risalah tragedi. Karya-karya perancangan komunikasi visual tidak bisa lepas dari media sebagai tempat mediasi antara produk, jasa, bahkan aktualisasi diri dengan masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran. Kehadiran rasa pada setiap unsur di dalam perancangan akan membingkai konsep dari suatu rancangan. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif yang lebih menekankan pada observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis studi kasus. Berkreasi dengan rasa adalah persoalan penghayatan, karena setiap tindakan yang dilakukan manusia melibatkan seluruh panca indra. Penghayatan melalui daya imajinasi yang terwujud secara visual adanya stilasi, distorsi, dan adaptasi. Namun yang menarik adalah perancang mampu menangkap esensi, sehingga rasa lebih dilibatkan pada proses penciptaan. Rasa dalam perancangan adalah hasil dari penghayatan yang di dalamnya menunjukkan adanya kegiatan berproses kreatif. Aspek kreatif, ekspresi, persepsi, karakter, produktif, inventif, inovasi, dan inspirasi serta emergentif yang keseluruhan hadir dalam konsep perancangan tertuju pada pencapaian nilai estetika. Perancangan komunikasi visual menunjukkan adanya rasa dari proses hingga final desain. Rasa dalam perancangan komunikasi visual hadir pada setiap elemen desain yaitu: ilustrasi, tipografi, warna, dan layout.  Kata kunci: Sense of Design,  Elemen Desain, Desain Komunikasi Visual. AbstractThis research discuss about the power of sense in creation of Visual Communication Design. The actualization of visual communication can’t be separated from bussines and aesthetic design. The sense is important role in creation. If it doesn’t, it will be treatise tragedy. The product of visual communication can’t be separated from media, as a mediation place among product, services, even self actualization with social community who became target. The presence of sense on every element in the design will frame the concept of design. Research methods uses a qualitative approach with emphasis on observation and documentation. The analize data uses case study. Creating with sense is appreciation problems, because every action of human involve all five senses. The appreciation through the imagination manifested visually may experience stylized, distortion, and adaptation. But interestingly, designer is able to capture the essence, so the sense be more involved in the creation process. The sense of design is the result of the appreciation that includes creative activity. The creative, expression, perception, character, productive, inventive, innovation, inspiration, and emergentif aspects that present in the overall design concept focused on achieving aesthetic value. The design of visual communications show the sense of the process until the final design. The sense of design is present in every element of the design such as illustration, typography, color, and layout.Keywords : Sense of Design, Element Design, Visual Communication Design

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 268-290
Erisa Adyati Rahmasari ◽  
Toto Haryadi

Abstract Implementation of education activities on 2020 for college level has changed because of Covid-19 pandemic. It must be carried by online include an exhibition for the Final Project. Dian Nuswantoro university (UDINUS) as an IT based campus has experience on online education implementation. However, this does not apply to final project exhibition activities which are usually held physically in a gallery, as it has been implemented by Visual Communication Design (DKV) majors at UDINUS for years. This transition is a new thing for DKV academic community, so it becomes the main topic of this article. The research was conducted to obtain points of view and conclusion regarding the response of the academic community to virtual exhibition and its potential on post-pandemic period. This research was carried out at the beginning of the even semester according to the UDINUS academic calendar, namely March 2021 by online. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used to gain data deeper through virtual exhibition observation, literature study, and questionnaires to the academic community randomly. The research adapted the diffusion-innovation theory of Rogers and Shoemaker’s model, which has conclusion that the adaptation of virtual exhibition for the final project of DKV students received positive response and it was accepted as a substitution of physical exhibition, as well as an alternative which can be chosen to hold exhibitions in the post-pandemic period. This research can be developed further, especially to examine the potential of virtual exhibition deeply, that have not been found in this research.Keywords: Covid-19, Visual Communication Design, diffusion-innovation; virtual exhibition, perceptionAbstrak Pelaksanaan kegiatan pendidikan tahun 2020 di tingkat perguruan tinggi mengalami perubahan signifikan akibat pandemi Covid-19. Aktivitas perkuliahan wajib dilaksanakan secara online termasuk pameran karya Tugas Akhir. Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (UDINUS) sebagai kampus berbasis IT memiliki pengalaman dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan secara daring. Namun, hal ini belum berlaku untuk kegiatan pameran Tugas Akhir yang biasanya dilaksanakan secara fisik dalam sebuah galeri, sebagaimana telah diterapkan oleh program studi Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) di UDINUS selama bertahun – tahun. Transisi ini merupakan hal baru bagi civitas akademika DKV, sehingga menjadi topik utama artikel ini. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memperoleh pandangan dan kesimpulan terkait respon civitas akademika terhadap pameran virtual serta bagaimana potensinya di masa pasca pandemi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada awal semester genap sesuai kalender akademik UDINUS yakni bulan Maret 2021 serta dilakukan secara online. Metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif digunakan untuk menggali data secara lebih mendalam melalui observasi pameran virtual, studi pustaka, serta penyebaran angket online kepada civitas akademika secara acak. Penelitian mengadaptasi teori difusi-inovasi model Rogers dan Shoemaker, yang menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa adaptasi pameran virtual dalam Tugas Akhir mahasiswa DKV mendapat respon positif dan diterima sebagai substitusi pameran fisik, serta menjadi alternatif yang bisa dipilih untuk menyelenggarakan pameran di masa pasca pandemi. Penelitian ini bisa dikembangkan lebih lanjut khususnya untuk mengkaji lebih dalam potensi pameran virtual yang belum ditemukan di penelitian ini.Kata Kunci: Covid-19; Desain Komunikasi Visual; difusi-inovasi; pameran virtual; persepsi

Humaniora ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 582
Danu Widhyatmoko

The cover design is the face of the whole picture of the publication works, which not only serves as a media promotion but also as a medium of identification. This paper consists of a review of the cover design of a book of Anak-anak Revolusi by Budiman Sudjatmiko by using visual communication design approach. Then the choice will also be discussed in other visual approach that can be applied. Research method used in this paper is literature study, continued with reflective data analysis. By the end of the paper, a more comprehensive picture related object being reviewed. The book of Anak-anak Revolusi by Budiman Sudjatmiko has an excellent script and has an appropriate methaporic book cover. However, at the time of the visualization of the book cover is executed, there are many shortcomings that should have been optimized so that the book of Anak-anak Revolusi could be presented entirely and completely in many aspects. 

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