Al-Ahkam ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 243
Muhammad Saifullah

This research aims to determine the implementation of mediation in divorce cases in The Religion Court Semarang, the substance perspective for PerMA No. 1 of 2008 on Mediation Procedure in the Court, and the legal culture for citizen proposing their problem to the court. This study uses the non-doctrinal law approach that puts the law as "skin out system" or the study of the law in action and also uses doctrinal law approach as a "skin in the system" or the study of law in book, PeMA No. 1 of 2008. The next, the study analysis uses the theory of Lawrence M. Friedman in law enforcement, Lucy V. Kazt theory in the mediation process, and content analysis. The researcher concludes that the mediation in the Religious Courts has not been effective yet because the litigants do not want to make peace, the lack of knowledge about science mediation judge, Religious Court cases are overload and limited means. Besides the existing mediation has just been done in court by requirement in which the parties should attend, whereas this requirement sometimes becomes the mediation success constraints. That is why, the success of mediation must be supported by a legal culture that preceded the dissemination and socialization of justice of peace in the mediation process, prioritybased divorce amicably and based on culture and local wisdom

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92 ◽  
Masdar Masdar

Cash waqf in Indonesia has been long enough implemented based on some rules enacted by government and other rules defined by The Waqf Board of Indonesia (BWI). However, the implementation of cash waqf has not reached the level of success. Therefore, this article studies the application of cash waqf law in Indonesia according to Friedman’s legal system theory. The legal system theory of Friedman firstly looks at the substance of the law, which is the rules or regulations; and secondly it examines the structure of the law, encompassing the law enforcement agencies, such as judge, prosecutor, police and legal counselors. And lastly the theory examines the element of legal culture, which is a response from Muslim society. The first two examinations indicate that there is nothing to be a problem. But from the last examination there is a problem regarding the trust from Muslim society. From the legal culture point of view, the implementation of cash waqf by the government, which is performed by BWI, needs attracting society’s credentials in order to improve and maximize the performance of cash waqf in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Muhammad Isna Wahyudi

Kompilasi Hukum Islam does not regulate interfaith inheritance distinctly. It only requires the testator and the heirs have the same religion. At court, judges of religious courts employ obligatory bequest (waṣiat wājibah) to divide inheritance to non-Muslim heirs, based on jurisprudence of the Supreme Court Number 368 K/AG/1995. As the result, different faith still become hindrance for Muslim and non-Muslim to inherit each other due to law enforcement without considering the legal reasoning (ratio legis) of the law. In this case, it is important to investigate the legal reason (ratio legis) of the hadith that prohibits the interfaith inheritance as this article tries to do. To do the investigation, the author employs Islamic legal theories (uṣūl fikih) and hermeneutics approach. As the result, the author comes to the conclusion that the ratio legis of the hadith that prohibits the interfaith inheritance is due to hostility and crime element and not due to different faith. Keywords: Interfaith Inheritance, Ratio Legis, Equality

1970 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Kun Budianto

This article discussed regulatory policy on mediation in religious courts way dispute resolution through mediation according to Islamic law and implementation of mediation in settlement court cases in Religious Courts Bandung Class I A. This research base on the policy rules by mediation in the  Religious Courts;  (a)  the  benefits to  be  gained if mediation used as a means in the  settlement  of  disputes,  namely  the  mediation process  could overcome  the  problem  of  accumulation of  matter,  the  mediation process is viewed as a means of dispute resolution that is faster and cheaper than the litigation process, enforcement of mediation can expand access for all parties to gain a sense  of  justice,  (b)  provision their peace  efforts in legislation.  (c) Indonesian society is a society that likes peace. The Implementation of the mediation process done with two ways, namely mediation initial litigation, and over litigation.

Arfan Faiz Muhlizi

<p>Revolusi mental yang ditopang oleh kekuatan civil society adalah bagian dari penguatan budaya hukum ketika memandang hukum sebagai sebuah sistem. Terdapat beberapa fakta yang menunjukkan bahwa korupsi telah sedemikian meluas sehingga hampir semua elemen Negara, baik di eksekutif, legislatif maupun judiciil . Berpijak dari visi revolusi mental ini menarik untuk dibahas lebih jauh mengenai bagaimana pemberantasan korupsi bisa dilakukan dengan paradigma, budaya politik, dan pendekatan nation building baru yang lebih manusiawi, sesuai dengan budaya nusantara, serta bagaimana transformasi budaya nusantara dalam pemberantasan korupsi. Dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Nation Building pemberantasan korupsi berpijak prinsip supremasi hukum, kesetaraan di depan hukum dan penegakan hukum dengan cara-cara yang tidak bertentangan dengan hukum. Di sisi lain, terdapat anggapan bahwa sulitnya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia adalah akibat pemahaman bahwa korupsi adalah budaya bangsa. Pemahaman ini perlu diluruskan dengan menunjukkan bahwa budaya bangsa Indonesia adalah anti terhadap korupsi dan melakukan transformasi budaya. Transformasi budaya nusantara ke dalam format pembangunan hukum, khususnya pemberantasan korupsi, bersumber dari dua elemen yakni dari nilai-nilai agama dan dari nilai-nilai adat.</p><p>Mental revolution supported by the strength of civil society is part of strengthening the legal culture as identify the law as a system. There are some facts showing how spreadable corruption it is in almost all elements of the nation, in the executive, legislative and judicial body. Based on the vision of mental revolution, it is interesting to discuss furthermore how corruption eradicating can be work with the new paradigms, political culture, and nation-building approach, which are humanly, likewise the national legal culture, and how the national culture-transformation in eradicating corruption. By normative juridical approach can be concluded that the nation building in combating corruption is based on the Supremacy of law principle, equality before the law and law enforcement in association with legal. On the other hand, there is a presumption that contraints of corruption eradicating in Indonesia because corruption has became a part of nation’s culture. This presumption must be clarified that Indonesian genuine culture is anti corruption. National Cultural Transformation, especially in combating corruption, based on 2 (two) elements which are religious values and traditional values.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-161
Husaima Husaima ◽  
Ma’ruf Hafidz ◽  
Hasbuddin Khalid

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen terhadap perusahaan leasing yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Serta menganalisis faktor-faktor efektivitas yang mempengaruhi penegakan hukum bagi perlindungan konsumen terhadap perusahaan leasing yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum. Hasil yang diperoleh penulis dalam melakukan penelitian ini adalah Perlindungan Konsumen terhadap perusahaan Leasing yang melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum terbagi menjadi dua yakni bentuk preventif dan represif. Penegakan hukum sengketa konsumen tidak lepas dari tiga faktor yaitu Substansi Hukum, Struktur Hukum dan Kultur Hukumnya yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan prosesnya. Adapun diantaranya ialah ketentuan yang kontradiktif dan rumusannya tidak jelas serta tegas, terlalu banyak peranan lemabaga yang terlibat dalam penegakan hukum UUPK,  tidak adanya pedoman operasioanl, dan pelaku usaha tidak melaksanakan putusan BPSK dengan sukarela. This study aims to determine and analyze the form of legal protection for consumers against companies leasing that commit acts against the law. As well as analyzing the factors that influence law enforcement for consumer protection agains tcompanies leasing that commit acts against the law. The results obtained by the author in conducting this research are consumer protection against companies leasing that commit acts against the law is divided into two, namely preventive and repressive forms. Law enforcement of consumer disputes cannot be separated from three factors, namely Legal Substance, Legal Structure and Legal Culture which affect the success of the process. Among them are contradictory provisions and the formulation is not clear and firm, there are too many roles of institutions involved in UUPK law enforcement, there are no operational guidelines, and business actors do not voluntarily implement BPSK decisions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1908
Yusi Permatasi ◽  
Yuwono Prianto

In Society, Paranormal practices is considered as common things. Paranormal Practices is used for any good and also for crime, so to cope with the activities, government had regulated the act to control the crime by using paranormal background. The paranormal practices have been included as criminal acts. It has regulated in article 545 and article 546 of the criminal law act and set on as supernatural powers activity. As time passes, there are constraint in the alleviation law it’s law enforcement. This research was done with empirical or law sociological point of view, where Lawrence M. Friedman state that the elements of the legal system consist of Legal Structure, Legal Substance, and Legal Culture. The result of this research is the paranormal practices are differentiate by it used which is good or bad. The bad paranormal practices cause loss for society. This gave rise to uncertainty of law enforcement on the paranormal practices, therefore it need a deep research which is not only from the law enforcement point of view, but also the religious and cultural represented by figure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-172
Nor Salam

This article analyzes the background of the legal pattern of the community at Kalisat Pasuruan in making local mediation as the main model to resolve divorce cases. This study uses a socio-legal approach with the Legal System Theory initiated by Lawrence Meir Friedman. This article is based on the emergence of the Supreme Court Regulation on Mediation in order to change the image of the Religious Courts from judicial paradigm to dispute resolution paradigm, including in divorce cases. The mediation in the case is imperative and the denial of mediation process in the court results in the cancellation of the decision by law. This study concludes that the alignment of the Kalisat community towards local mediation is much more due to non-legal factors which are categorized into elements of legal culture than to structural elements or legal substances. The legal culture element that is intended for example concerns the understanding of the Kalisat community on the teachings of their religion, their perceptions of the proceedings in the Religious Court in resolving divorce cases, or other factors such as the emotional closeness between them and community leaders who are local mediators.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Abnan Pancasilawati ◽  
Muhamad Noor

The implementation of legislation either nationally or internationally linked to the implementation of restorative justice as one of the alterntif in the process of implementation of conviction against children in conflict with the law had been applied, but the case has not yet been thoroughly and still limited at the law enforcement officers and observers who are committed and integrity as well as having the attention to this problems. The implementation of restorative justice which is applied at each level of the process of criminal justice in the form of taking back the children to their parents, versioned by handing the children to Panti Sosial Marsudi Putra (PSMP), and the implementation of social integration through giving CB, CMB, and PB for children who are already serving imprisonment. Some obstacle factors the implementation of restorative justice as one of the alternatives in the implementation of conviction against children in conflict with the law, including physical building facilities and non-physical facilities and legal substance. It is because restorative justice has not been expressly regulated, even though in the law nomer 11, 2012 concerning about the Child Criminal System has been regulated but until now it has not been declared valid. The other factors are legal structure and legal culture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-106 ◽  
Dedi Mulyadi ◽  
Tanti Kirana Utami

The effectiveness of law enforcement depends on three law aspects; those are the structure of law, the substance of the law, and legal culture. Law structure is about the law enforcers, law substance is about the legislative means, and law culture is about a living law adopted by society. This study defines the background of simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia, the problems of the simultaneous regional head elections in Indonesia, and the implementation of legal system theory to solve the simultaneous regional head election problems in Indonesia. The research method used is normative juridical with the specification of descriptive analysis research. The result of the research is needed permanent law structures that cover (Election Police, Election Prosecutor, Election lawyer, and Election Jury), the law substance through the issuing of general regulations (lex general) which can integrate the Laws of Legislative, Presidential, and Regional Head Elections (lex specialist) and the legal culture of society as human behavior (including the legal culture of law enforcement officers) on the electoral law and law system that are in force at the moment.

Wicipto Setiadi

<p>Konstitusi menyatakan bahwa negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum. Ketentuan tersebut mengandung makna bahwa hukum merupakan sesuatu yang supreme . Dengan supremasi hukum diharapkan lahir ketertiban ( order ) atau tata kehidupan masyarakat yang harmonis dan berkeadilan sehingga hukum dapat berperan dalam menjaga stabilitas negara. Dari empat belas tahun pasca reformasi Indonesia, pembangunan hukum menjadi salah satu agenda utama, namun Indonesia belum mampu keluar dari berbagai persoalan hukum, dan bahkan terjebak ke dalam ironi sebagai salah satu negara paling korup. Penelitian yang mengangkat permasalahan tentang kondisi penegakan hukum saat ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian terlihat bahwa prestasi penegakan hukum mulai terlihat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, meskipun masih juga terlihat beberapa masalah di berbagai sisi. Satu satu hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pelaksanakan pembangunan hukum, yaitu hukum harus dipahami dan dikembangkan sebagai satu kesatuan sistem yang di dalamnya terdapat elemen kelembagaan, elemen materi hukum, dan elemen budaya hukum.</p><p>The Constitution declare that Indonesia is a state of law. Provision implies that the law is something that is supreme. With the rule of law is expected to appear order or a harmonious society and justice so that law can play a role in maintaining the stability of the country. Of the fourteen years of post-reform Indonesia, development of the law became one of the main agenda, but Indonesia has not been able to get out of a variety of legal issues, and even stuck to the irony as one of the most corrupt countries. The research raised issues about the current state of law enforcement is being carried out by using literature methods. From the research shows that achievement of law enforcement began to appear in recent years, although it is also seen some problems on the various sides. One of the important things that must be considered in implementing the construction of the law, the law must be understood and developed as an integrated system in which there is institutional elements, elements of legal substance, and legal culture elements.</p>

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