scholarly journals What is earning management in sharia bank lower than conventional bank?

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Nurianah Nurianah

<p><strong>Purpose</strong> - This study is to examine the effect of sharia status on the level of earning management in Banking Companies in Indonesia.</p><p><strong>Method</strong> - This study use pooled data regression analysis and independent sample t-test to test the level of earning management between Islamic banks and non-Islamic banks. We use sample of Islamic banks and non-Islamic banks in Indonesia in the year 2009-2013.</p><p><strong>Result</strong> - We find the Islamic banks employ less earning management than non-Islamic banks. The results show that, as hypothesised, Islamic banks status has a significant negative association with earning management in regression model. This Suggest that Islamic banks have lower discressionary accrual than non-Islamic banks ans Islamic ethics palys monitoring role in reducing managerial opportunistic behaviors to manage earnings by discretionary accruals.</p><p><strong>Implication</strong> - At least the sample in this study was due to the limited number of Islamic banks and conventional banks in Indonesia. The discretionary accrual model used in this study may not be able to detect earnings management properly, so that there is a need to readjust other models related to earnings management.</p><p><strong>Originality</strong> - Earnings management has become a global issue, but for Islamic banking based on religious principles, the practice of earnings management can be minimized or eliminated. Then provide information about the high and low earnings management in banks, especially Islamic and conventional banking in Indonesia.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Esty Apridasari

<p class="bdabstract">Earnings management in financial statements can be caused by accrual accounting policies applied and conflicts of interest in agency theory. This study aims to analyze and compare earnings management in financial statements of conventional banks and Islamic banks. This research is a descriptive study of banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2018. Earnings management is measured by accrual earnings management proxied by discretionary accruals using the modified-Jones model. The samples are 10 Islamic banks and 32 conventional banks. The results show that the comparison of the average absolute value of discretionary accruals for conventional banks is 0.0659 and for Islamic banks is 0.0478. It shows that discretionary accruals for Islamic banks are generally smaller compared to conventional banks. This indicates that the level of earnings management in Islamic bank financial statements is lower than conventional banks.</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 511-529 ◽  
Eftychia Kapoutsou ◽  
Christos Tzovas ◽  
Constantinos Chalevas

The aim of this study is to examine the question of earnings management and, specifically, how this relates to taxation. In order to determine whether there is a correlation between earnings management and taxation, we investigate the discretionary accruals aspect of total accruals, i.e. the portion of profits which can be affected by management accounting choices, as calculated by the Jones (1991) model and the modified Jones model (Dechow et. al, 1995). Furthermore, we examine to what degree a correlation may exist between discretionary accruals and tax income (consisting of current and deferred tax). Our empirical findings demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between the levels of discretionary accruals and of total, current and deferred tax. This suggests that tax in general may be employed as a means to facilitate earnings management. The findings of this study suggest that IFRS provisions regarding taxation provide firms with a scope to get involved in earning management practices

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-111
Vina Elfreda ◽  
Ari Budi Kristanto

Global economic’s uncertainty that occurs cause a predictions of an economic crisis that may happen anytime. This prediction becomes the basis for corporates to anticipate, which one of them by increasing corporate cash holding. The amount of cash holding can be determined with earnings management, especially in this global economic uncertainty. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of earnings management on cash holding with financial constraint as moderating variables. The samples of this study are collected by purposive sampling and resulted 363 companies as the final sample from manufaturing companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. Data were analyzed by using panel data regression. The result shows that earning management has positive and significant effect on cash holding. In addition, financial constraint is also proven to moderate by strengthening the effect of earning management towards cash holding

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Ravaela Amba Masiku ◽  
Christine Novita Dewi

The purpose of this study is to examine auditor’s concervatism in term of their reaction to client’s earnings management behavior and their limitations to issue the going concern opinions (GCO). The population of this study consists of 672 observations from 69 companies are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) during 2012-2017. The author used the modified Jones model to measure discretionary accruals as a proxy of earnings management. The results of this study indicate that size of audit firm has a positive effect to discretionary accrual. Companies that have been audited by the Big4 tend to apply discretionary accrual in their financial reporting than companies audited by Non-Big4. Further, to strenghten the first hypothesis, we examine the effect of discretionary accruals and going concern opinion on companies that audited by audit firms Big4 lower than companies that audited by audit firms Non-Big4. We found that the result is consistent with the first hypothesis. Keywords : auditor reputation, discretionary accruals, going concern opinion, audit firm  ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji konservatisme auditor dalam hal reaksi auditor terhadap akrual diskresioner yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan dan keterbatasan auditor untuk menerbitkan opini Going Concern (GC). Populasi penelitian terdiri dari 672 pengamatan dari 69 perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) selama tahun 2012-2017. Penulis menggunakan model modifikasi Jones untuk mengukur akrual diskresioner sebagai proksi manajemen laba. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa ukuran kantor akuntan publik berpengaruh positif terhadap akrual diskresioner, hal tersebut diperkuat dengan pengaruh akrual diskresioner dan opini audit going concern yang diaudit oleh kantor akuntan publik Big4 lebih rendah dari perusahaan yang tidak diaudit oleh kantor akuntan publik Non-Big4. Kata kunci : reputasi auditor, akrual diskresioner, opini audit going concern, kantor akuntan publik

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Djaja Perdana

Abstrak: Deteksi Manajemen Laba Melalui Perbedaan Nilai Absolut Akrual Diskresioner Seputar Seasoned Equity Offerings. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeteksi praktik manajemen laba pada perusahaan yang melakukan aksi Seasoned Equity Offerings. Pendeteksian manajemen laba dilakukan melalui pengujian perbedaan nilai absolut akrual diskresioner sebelum dan sesudah aksi Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO).  Penelitian ini melibatkan total 201 data observasi dari 67 sampel perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia yang melakukan Seasoned Equity Offerings selama periode 2008-2013 dan dipilih melalui metode purposive random sampling serta menggunakan data Laporan Keuangan periode 2004-2016. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan nilai absolut akrual diskresioner dalam informasi laba perusahaan antara sebelum dengan sesudah melakukan Seasoned Equity Offerings.  Nilai absolut akrual diskresioner sebelum Seasoned Equity Offerings lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sesudah Seasoned Equity Offerings. Hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya praktik manajemen laba sebagai dampak asimetri informasi antara manajemen perusahaan dengan investor. Kata kunci: Asimetri informasi, Manajemen Laba, Nilai Absolut Akrual Diskresioner, Seasoned Equity Offerings Abstract: Detecting Earning Managemeng by Examining the Changes in Absolute Value of Discretionary Accrual in Relation to Seasoned Equity Offerings. This study aims to detect earnings management practices in companies that perform Seasoned Equity Offerings. Earnings management is detected by examining the change of absolute value of discretionary accrual before and after Seasoned Equity Offerings (SEO). This study utilises 201 observation data from 67 IDX-listed companies which conducted Seasoned Equity Offerings during 2008-2013. The samples were selected by purposive random sampling method and using the data from Financial Report 2004-2016 period. The test was performed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. This study found the absolute value of discretionary accruals before Seasoned Equity Offerings is greater than after Seasoned Equity Offerings. These earnings management practices as impact of information asymmetry between management and investors. Keywords: Information Asymmetry, Absolute Value of Discretionary Accruals, Earnings Management, Seasoned Equity Offerings

Webology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 568-586
Erike Anggraeni ◽  
Muslim Marpaung ◽  
Ersi Sisdianto ◽  
Bayu Tri Cahya ◽  
Muhammad Kurniawan

The study aims to provide an overview of the influence of deferred tax expense, current tax and discretionary accruals to earnings management towards Earnings Management where it was caused by the temporary differences between accounting income and taxable profit. In this PSAK, there is a statement paragraph that can provide freedom of management in determining an earning in deferred tax of the difference between accounting standard and tax regulations in the amount of deferred tax payable related to accounting income in a current perioed or a current fiscal year. The amount of current tax is same with tax expense in SPT. The type of a method of this study is quantitative. Based on the hipothesis testing, it can be concluded that deferred tax expense and discretionary accruals have a significant positive influence toward earnings management while current tax has no significant positive towards Earnings Management in Manufactured Company registered at Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2014 – 2018. The limitation of this study is that it only discusses how much influence the deferred tax expense, current tax and discretionary accruals have on earnings management, as well as the number of samples and populations that are less than 100 samples, thus opening up opportunities for new researchers by adopting the same theme. The implications of this study are expected to be able to add to the state of knowledge relating to the effect of deferred tax expense, current tax and discretionary accruals on earnings management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Muljanto Siladjaja ◽  
Yuli Anwar

The purpose of this research is to test investors capability to detect earning management after the period of publication, when the information from financial report plays critical role in investment’s decision. Given the feedback of investor’s reaction, this research provides an empirical model, that point out the earnings management as a message or signal of firm performance, particularly of negative perception on accruals’s opportunisties. This research uses path model analysis and multivariate regression, where the data have been collected from 2.560 observations. The unit of analysis of this research was all the listed companies in the period 20012017. The method of sampling was purposive sampling, which based on annual financial report. The findings of this research showed that all public firms have systematic method for earnings management, by distinguishing the positive and negative accruals, the discretionary accruals have the negative influence on the market value significantly, when we used the earning market ratio. When financial report had high accruals quality, it had positive perception from investors, while estimating the future prospect with high accuracy by obtaining usefulness of financial report. The indicator of earnings management, and working capital had been sensitive for investors, because of accruals in reporting firm’s performance. Keywords: Discretionary Accruals, Working Capital, Dividend Pay Out, Quality of Accruals, Cost of Capital.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-62
Baharudin Ludfi Syuhada ◽  
Susi Sarumpaet

Corporations pass every stage of their life cycles through different ways. At each point of these stages a company has the possibility to turn into decline. When this occurs, a company has the incentive to manage earnings in order to maintain its performance reflected in reported earnings. The objective of this study is to examine whether earnings management choices are different in corporate life cycles from growth to mature and mature to stagnant. The differences in earning management behaviour were indicated by negative and positive discretionary accruals. The sample was taken from manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2006 to 2013) in different life stages. The results show that firms in growth-mature and mature-stagnant did manage earnings through discretionary accruals, as indicated by significant differences as compared to those in other corporate life cycles.

2016 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Cahyo Indraswono

Abstrak  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh struktur kepemilikan pada perusahaan cross listed terhadap discretionary accrual manajemen laba model Jones modifikasi dengan legal sistem sebagai variabel pemoderasi dalam hubungan antara struktur kepemilikan perusahaan cross listed dan discretionary accrual manajemen laba. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengggunakan sampel lima puluh perusahaan Asia yang terdaftar di New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) pada tahun 2011-2013. Salah satu indikator penilaian kinerja perusahaan adalah besarnya kompensasi yang diterima oleh manajer, hal ini menjadi motivasi tindakan manajemen laba. Tindakan manajemen laba dapat diminimalisasi dengan cara memonitor pihak manajemen dengan menggunakan proporsi kepemilikan oleh pihak luar di dalam perusahaan. Bagi perusahaan yang terdaftar di pasar modal asing (cross listed), legal sistem suatu negara diduga mampu memperkuat pengaruh struktur kepemilikan perusahaan terhadap tindakan manajemen laba karena negara dengan legal sistem yang baik mampu memperkecil kemungkinan tindakan manajemen laba. Manajemen laba diukur menggunakan model Jones yang dimodifikasi dengan discretionary accruals sebagai proksi dari manajemen laba.Alat uji statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah multiple regression. Penelitian ini memperoleh bukti bahwa struktur kepemilikan institusional perusahaan cross listed memiliki pengaruh negatif yang signifikan terhadap discretionary accruals manajemen laba, sedangkan legal sistem tidak mampu memoderasi pengaruh struktur kepemilikan perusahaan cross listed terhadap discretionary accruals manajemen laba yang dilakukan perusahaan. Hal ini terjadi karena pasar modal NYSE berada di negara dengan proteksi investor yang kuat sehingga legal sistem perusahaan Asia tersebut tidak mampu memperkuat pengaruh struktur kepemilikan terhadap tindakan manajemen laba. Kata kunci: Struktur Kepemilikan Perusahaan Cross Listed, Legal Sistem, Discretionary Accruals Manajemen Laba dan Model Jones Modifikasi.  Abstract This study aimed to get empirical evidence about the influence of ownership structure cross listed company on earnings management with the legal system as a moderating variable in the relationship between ownership structure cross listed company and discretionary accruals earnings management model Jones Modified. This research was carried out by using a sample of fifty Asian companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in 2011-2013. One indicator of corporate performance assessment is the amount of compensation received by the manager, where this can be the motivation of earnings management action. Earnings management measures can be minimized by monitoring the management by using the proportion of ownership by outsiders in the company. For companies listed on foreign capital markets, the legal system of a country believed to be able to strengthen the company's ownership structure influence on earnings management measures for countries with good legal system is able to minimize the likelihood of earnings management action. Earnings management is measured using the modified Jones models with discretionary accruals as a proxy for earnings management. Statistical test equipment used in this research is multiple regression. This study obtained evidence that the structure of institutional ownership cross listed company has a significant negative effect on discretionary accruals earnings management, while the legal system is not able to moderate the influence of ownership structure cross listed company on discretionary accruals earnings management of the company. This occurs because the NYSE stock market is in a country with strong investor protection that the legal system of the Asian company is not able to strengthen the influence of ownership structure on earnings management action. Keywords: Ownership Structure Cross Listed Company, Legal System, Discretionary Accruals Earnings Management and Modified Jones Model.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Ayu Apriliani Hidayat ◽  
Ahmad Juanda ◽  
Ahmad Wajuya Jati

This study aims to examine the relation of information asymmetry and leverage to earnings management in mining companies listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange. Earnings  management as the dependent variabel is measured by discretionary accruals. The populations of this study were all mining companies that listed at Indonesian Stock Exchange period 2016-2018. The sample used in this research is about 24  companies through purposive sampling method. The methode of analysis used in this study is panel data regression. The results showed that the  information asymmetry hasn’t been approved for having significant and negative relation on earnings management. However, leverage have significant and positive relation on earnings management.

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