scholarly journals Socio-Cultural Anthropology of the Peoples of Asia and Africa in Discourse of Oriental Studies

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-330
Viktor V. Bocharov ◽  
Varuzhan G. Geghamyan ◽  
Nikolai N. Dyakov ◽  

In this article, the research supervisor (Bocharov V. V) and consultant (Dyakov N. N.) of the new master’s program “Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Peoples of Asia and Africa”, which will be opened at the Faculty of Oriental Studies of St. Petersburg State University in 2021, share the motives that prompted its creation. According to them, the goal of the program is to bring the study of “modernity” back into the fold of Oriental Studies, as a science of Eastern (Oriental) cultures. Moreover, scientific activity in this direction should contribute to the creation of a theory of the development of the East, since the accumulated material on the socio-political practices of modern states in the region indicates, on the one hand, the presence of obvious universals, and, on the other hand, they are significantly different from the Western processes that are identical in form. Otherwise, states (even those that have surpassed the West in many respects), are doomed to remain in the status of “underdeveloped”. The reason for this is the dominance of the evolutionary paradigm (“savagery — barbarism — civilization”), where “civilization” is the standard of society’s progressiveness, which has actually turned it into a kind of ideologeme. The development of such a new theory also has an important socio-political significance because the discourse of “underdevelopment” (sous-développement) in many respects gives rise to revolutionism (a characteristic of the East) under the slogans of overcoming it, which is always a threat to state collapse, chaos, and, in the end, humanitarian catastrophe. The anthropological approach is the basis of the international Russian-Armenian scientific project (SPbSU — PAARA — YSU), supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Committee on Science of the Armenian Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. The member of the project V. G. Geghamyan who specializes in studying the political culture of Turkey, also shares his thoughts on the “program” and the role that its methodology plays in its successful implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-188
Seregin N. ◽  
Chistyakova A. ◽  
Mongush K. ◽  

Abstract: The article presents the publication and diverse interpretation of a fragment of a rare metal mirror from the collection of the National Museum of the Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl city). The attribution of the composition, placed in the preserved part of the ornamental field of the mirror, required an appeal to the extensive collections of Chinese objects reflected in catalogs and special literature. It is established that the product belongs to a rare group of finds depicting the scene of the conversation “Xu Yu and Chao Fu” — a plot known since the Han Dynasty. An examination of the features of casting, the design of the rim, and the stylistics of the images of the published mirror shows that the manufacture of this item can be attributed to the period of the non-Chinese Jin Dynasty (1115–1234 AD). The significance of the fragment in the system of similar objects found on the territory of Tuva was determined by a review of known finds. The published fragment, the production of which dates back to the Jurchen time, demonstrates the latest period in the distribution of such objects in Tuva. It is important that the product shows a very rare specimen of a mirror, full analogies of which are absent not only in the designated region, but also, as far as we know, have not yet been identified in the sites of North and Central Asia. Keywords: metal mirror, Tuva, museum collections, China, Jurchen time, interpretation Acknowledgements: The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Ministry of Culture, Education, Science and Sports of Mongolia within the framework of the scientific project No. 19–59–44013 “Historical, Сultural and Ehnogenetic Processes in Mongolia during the Great Migration and the Early Middle Ages: an Interdisciplinary Analysis of Archaeological and Written Sources”.

Sergey Kodan

The article shows the general understanding of technologies and technologization in scientific activity, shows the place and target settings of technologies in the methodology of scientific research. The author analyzes the main characteristics and structural elements of technologies as a methodological toolkit for cognition of state and legal phenomena and institutions. Particular attention is paid to the role of the scientist in the development, study and use of technologies in research activities. The publication was prepared as part of the implementation of the scientific project no. 20-011-00779 funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Historiography, source studies and methodology of the History of Political and Legal doctrines: theoretical and applied problems of research practices”.

2012 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-60
Elmedina Nikoçeviq

After the war in Kosovo (1999) many powers concentrated in school were drawn out the former Department of Education, led by UNMIK. Many responsibilities were transferred from central to local level in the period from 2003 until 2010, but there was no assignment at school. Obviously, the return of powers to schools is having many difficulties. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Republic of Kosovo has still no clear strategy on how to make the decentralization of educational system. This paperwork deals with analysis of the existence of capacities for successful implementation of decentralization process of school system. It also identifies the challenges and difficulties faced by principals and teachers in meeting the school needs because of a lack of competencies in school management. The study uses survey data generated from 29 primary and secondary school principals and 172 primary and secondary school teachers in Republic of Kosovo. According to the survey and interview results, schools in Kosovo do not enjoy autonomy. Their needs are addressed at the municipal level. Key words: decentralization, capacities, roles, legal infrastructure, pre- university education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 126 ◽  
Fradhana Putra Disantara

This study aims to analyze the relevance of the �health emergency� status to the existing legal theory and condition as well as to identify the validity of the Circular Letter of the Rector of State Universities. To this end, this study applied the statute and conceptual approach. The study was conducted by inventorying primary and secondary legal materials to obtain a proper and critical review of the legal issues under study. The results showed that the determination of the �health emergency� status by the government was inappropriate due to the uncertainty of the regulations issued by the government to determine the current condition. Thus, the status of the COVID-19 pandemic is a �legal emergency� status. Further, the Rector�s policy through the Circular Letter is valid judicially, sociologically, and philosophically. The determination of the �legal emergency� status can be done by issuing a Perppu without a �state of emergency� from the President. Finally, it is suggested to firstly get an approval from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding the issuance of the Rector�s Circular Letter. Besides, further study is needed as this study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic.�Keabsahan Surat Edaran Rektor Perguruan Tinggi dalam Pandemi Covid-19Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa relevansi status �darurat kesehatan� dengan teori hukum dan kondisi yang ada dan keabsahan atas Surat Edaran Rektor Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statute approach dan conseptual approach. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menginventarisasi bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, guna mendapatkan kajian yang seyogianya dan telaah kritis terkait isu hukum. Hasil penelitian menyatakan penetapan status darurat kesehatan oleh pemerintah kurang tepat, dikarenakan tidak menentu-nya peraturan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah untuk menetapkan kondisi saat ini. Sehingga, status pandemi COVID-19 merupakan status darurat hukum. Kebijakan rektor melalui Surat Edaran adalah absah secara aspek yuridis, sosiologis, dan filosofis. Penetapan darurat hukum cukup dilakukan dengan menerbitkan Perppu tanpa pernyataan darurat dari Presiden. Saran peneliti adalah di perlukan persetujuan pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan terkait terbitnya Surat Edaran Rektor, dan dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut dikarenakan penelitian ini dilakukan pada masa COVID-19 yang bersifat temporal.�

Tat'yana V. Baranova ◽  

The present article is dedicated to the problems of the organization and planning of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes, gives grounds for the purposes and tasks of such competence-forming activity as part of the “Oriental studies” speciality program, the Russian State University for the Humanities. The article analyzes these competences, as well as forms and methods of their formation and development. The author presents demarcation of scientific knowledge and gives its characteristics: using most general qualities of a subject, objective reasoning, argumentativeness, results verifiability and reproducibility, consistency, practicality, capability to change, anticipating the future, making forecasts, methodological reflection. The author tried to analyze the reflexive component of scientific and research work of students in more detail. The article presents possible reflexive positions in the interaction between the teacher and the student and shows the dynamics of this interaction, i.e. gives a hierarchy of positions which the student can occupy in the educational process depending on how independent they are in their activity. The article also highlights the content of scientific and research work of students of the University in English classes on the basis of work with foreign texts in the macro-discourse for the “Oriental studies” speciality. The given foundations of the organization and content of scientific and research work of students have been regularly used in English language classes, as well as in optional forms of scientific activity. The students have shown good results and passion for this kind of work, which confirms the correctness of this approach.

The author analyzes the legal status of the organizers of artistic creation, enshrined in the Russian legislation de lege lata, and develops the legal status of the organizer of scientific activities de lege ferenda. It is proposed to consider the organizer of scientific activity as only the head of the temporary scientific team, the purpose of which is to solve a specific scientific problem. A set of elements of the legal structure is formulated, which may be fixed in a normative manner in order to ensure uniformity of legal regulation of the activities of temporary research teams. The status of the organizer of scientific activity is determined on the base of his organizational efforts to guide the creative activities of the team (a distinction is made between the creative and organizational contribution of the head of the scientific team to the overall result). Various options for modeling the legal status of the organizer of scientific activities are discussed: inclusion of the organizer among the co-authors the scientific results obtained by the team; inclusion of the organizer among the co-authors in case if he / she has a creative idea (topic) of academic search; granting the organizer related intellectual rights to the entire result obtained by the team. It is presumed that the organizer of scientific activity is the author of the idea of scientific search for solving the task set for the temporary team. It is concluded that the organizer of scientific activity (the head of the temporary scientific team) must be endowed with related intellectual rights: 1) the exclusive right to use the scientific result obtained by the team as a whole, and 2) the personal non-property right to indicate his name in any use of this result. The author substantiates the content, non-turnover and special validity period of the exclusive right of the organizer of scientific activity.

2019 ◽  
pp. 14-31
P.V. Kuzenkov

The article offers a new evaluation of the wellknown phenomenon of cultural renaissance of the peoples of the Middle East and Egypt of the Syrians, the Copts, the Armenians, the Georgians, etc., in the first centuries AD. This period is commonly associated with the spreading of Christianity around the territory of the Roman Empire and the Parthian, later on Sassanid Iran. According to the author there are reasons to regard the genesis of the Christianity in the Middle East as a single yet multifaceted process of transformation of the Late Antiquity culture in its totality of the Eucumene, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pamir mountains. The essence of this process could roughly be defined as overcoming the Hellenistic culture crisis called forth by the ever deepening disparity between the transcendental intellectual environment it had given rise to, on the one hand, and its ideological nucleus rooted in the archaic Greek mythology, on the other. The only feasible recourse out of this crisis was the appearance of a new cultural nucleus, conventionally described as the canonized sacred text (The Holy Scriptures). This nucleus, together with the Hellenistic cultural and technological achievements (general literacy, school education, science, literature, symbolic culture, etc.) gave rise to religious civilizations with Christianity as the principal example. Thus, the author describes the historical transition from the Late Hellenistic and Post Hellenistic cultures of the Ancient Rome and the Ancient Middle East that resulted in the new nationallytinged in form but supranational in content cultures of the Christianity in the Middle East.В статье предлагается новая оценка известного феномена культурного возрождения народов Ближнего Востока и ЕгиптоСирийцев, Коптов, Армян, Грузин и др. в первые века нашей эры. Этот период обычно связывают с распространением христианства по территории Римской Империи и Парфянского, позднее Сасанидского Ирана. По мнению автора есть основания рассматривать генезис христианства на Ближнем Востоке как единый, но многогранный процесс трансформации культуры поздней Античности в ее тотальности Ойкумены, от Атлантического океана до Памирских гор. Суть этого процесса можно приблизительно определить как преодоление кризиса эллинистической культуры, вызванного все более углубляющимся несоответствием между трансцендентальной интеллектуальной средой, которую она породила, с одной стороны, и ее идеологическим ядром, коренящимся в архаической греческой мифологии, с другой. Единственным возможным выходом из этого кризиса было появление нового культурного ядра, условно описываемого как канонизированный священный текст (Священное Писание). Это ядро, наряду с эллинистическими культурными и технологическими достижениями (общая грамотность, школьное образование, наука, литература, символическая культура и др.) породило религиозные цивилизации с христианством, в качестве основного примера. Таким образом, автор описывает исторический переход от Позднеэллинистической и Постэллинистической культур Древнего Рима и Древнего Ближнего Востока к новым национально окрашенным по форме, но наднациональным по содержанию культурам христианства в Cредние века.

1996 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-122
Joseph R. Stimpfl

The literature annotated here is from a subset of literature in cultural anthropology that deals with ethnographic fieldwork: the basic research exercise of cultural immersion. This bibliography is meant to offer a representative sample of literature in anthropology that deals with the fieldwork experiences of researchers. Cultural anthropology is devoted to the concept of “discovering the other.” Its method of inquiry is often referred to as participant/observation: the researcher lives the culture while observing it. Since so much of the fieldwork experience deals with personal adjustments to living in different cultures, the literature is charged with the problems of adjustment and understanding so common to study abroad experiences. This literature is particularly relevant to those interested in cross-cultural learning and issues in cultural adjustment. 

Jenny Andersson

Alvin Toffler’s writings encapsulated many of the tensions of futurism: the way that futurology and futures studies oscillated between forms of utopianism and technocracy with global ambitions, and between new forms of activism, on the one hand, and emerging forms of consultancy and paid advice on the other. Paradoxically, in their desire to create new images of the future capable of providing exits from the status quo of the Cold War world, futurists reinvented the technologies of prediction that they had initially rejected, and put them at the basis of a new activity of futures advice. Consultancy was central to the field of futures studies from its inception. For futurists, consultancy was a form of militancy—a potentially world altering expertise that could bypass politics and also escaped the boring halls of academia.

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