scholarly journals Popular legal discourse of English language mass media: From criminal news to legal websites

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 104-117
Artyom S. Averin ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 899-930
Han-Ru Zhou

Abstract Principles form part and parcel of our law and legal discourse, so much so that we seldom think of what they are and what they entail. For centuries they have been invoked daily to interpret and argue about the law. But when it comes to matters of constitutional law, principles are further called upon to perform a perennially controversial function: to help police the boundaries of state action. In most common law jurisdictions with a written constitution, this function of principles runs against the generally accepted view that the exercise of judicial review must ultimately be governed and restricted by the terms of the national constitution. This Article argues that the exercise of judicial review based on principles is not confined to that view, once the relationship between principles and the constitution is unpacked and recontextualized. While the English-language literature on principles over the past half-century has been dominated by a select group of Anglo-American scholars, there is a wealth of untapped insights from other parts of the world. One of the major contributions by continental legal theorists even predates the earliest modern Anglo-American writings on the subject by more than a decade. Overall, the law literature in common law and civil law systems reveals a significant degree of commonalities in the basic characters of principles despite the absence of initial evidence of transsystemic borrowings. The wider conceptual inquiry also displays a shift in the focus of the debate, from the protracted search for a clear-cut distinction between rules and principles towards a redefinition of principles’ relationship with “written” law, be it in the form of a civil code or a constitutional instrument. From this inquiry reemerge “unwritten” principles not deriving from codified or legislated law although they have been used to develop the law. Translated into the constitutional domain, these unwritten principles bear no logical connection with the terms of the constitution. Their main functions cover the entire spectrum from serving as interpretive aids to making law by filling gaps. The theoretical framework fits with an ongoing four-century-old narrative of the evolution of constitutional principles and judicial review across most common law-based systems. Constitutional principles are another area where Anglo-American law and legal discourse is less exceptional and more universal than what many assume. Throughout modern Western history, legal battles have been fought and ensuing developments have been made on the grounds of principles. Our law and jurisprudence remain based on them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 15
Olga Dzhagatspanyan ◽  
Svetlana Orlova

This article studies expressive syntax as a type of stylistic devices and illustrates its use in publicistic style economic oral and written media reports. The relevance of the research is that syntactic expressive means have not been thoroughly studied and analyzed in economic mass media. The work aims to identify the techniques that apply syntactic expressive means to evoke emotiveness in economic media reports. This article also addresses the recurrence of usage of expressive syntax in written and oral speech involving economic discourse. Using the method of text analysis on the bases of theoretical linguistic statements evaluating functional style, media stylistics, and stylistic devices in the English language, we determined the diverse usage of expressive syntax in both videocasting and written articles. From analyzed syntactic expressive means, we identified the frequency and common usage of such syntactic expressive means as rhetorical question and simple repetition in oral and written reports. The sample analysis indicated that a paragraph in any economic report might restrain more than one occurrence of expressive syntax; these carry a manipulative function through psychological phenomena represented via syntactic expressive means.

A.A. Golubykh ◽  

The conceptual framework ‘medicine’ within the English lexicographic, scientific, educational, and mass-media discourse was considered in this paper. The research was motivated by current medical innovations accompanied by word-coining contributing to the renewal of nuclear concepts and their semantic content within the conceptual framework ‘medicine’. The nuclear concepts of the above-mentioned conceptual framework focusing upon semantic, synonymic, and hyper-hyponymic features of medical nouns in English were studied and systematized. For this purpose, the methods of data collection, description, and classification of the empirical materials with elements of semantic and conceptual analysis were used. The key aspects of the modern conceptual framework ‘medicine’ were identified. It was discovered that the conceptual framework ‘medicine’ in the modern English lexicographic, scientific, educational, and mass-media types of discourse is basically actualized through the following nuclear concepts: ‘diseases’, ‘diagnostics and treatment methods’, and ‘drugs’. Interestingly, the nuclear concepts in all types of the English professional discourse enrich and develop the conceptual framework ‘medicine’ with medical terms related to the corresponding professional markers, synonyms, hyponyms, and hyperonyms. The results obtained provide both a valid background for better explanation, translation, and application of medical vocabulary in terms of modern lexicographic, scientific, educational, and mass-media communication strategies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 135-140
Татьяна Николаевна Малиновская ◽  
Галина Анатольевна Менщикова ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (87) ◽  
Yana Tikan ◽  
Kateryna Potapenko ◽  

The work is devoted to topical problems of functioning and translation of expressive vocabulary in media texts of modern English-language press. The study defines the concept of "media text". Stylistic features of English – language media texts are characterized. It is noted that the language of English-language media texts has certain features and directions for certain categories of readers. The analysis of English-language media proved the direct relationship between the degree of complexity of the selected language tools and socio-cultural specific features of the target audience. Linguistic practice of mass media determines the main tendencies of development of lexical-semantic, word-forming and syntactic structures of language. The language of the media is singled out as a separate background in journalism, which has its own genre and language features. Expressiveness is a property of language units to reinforce the logical and emotional meaning of what is said. Expression is a set of semantic and stylistic features of speech expressiveness, such as quality, due to which stylistic marking (emotionality) is achieved. The concepts of expression and expressiveness are different: expression serves to increase and enhance expressiveness, and expressiveness is that expressiveness. Expressive vocabulary is constantly updated and supplemented with new lexical and semantic variants. It is emphasized that a significant part of the specific vocabulary in the English-language media is expressive vocabulary. The concepts of expressive vocabulary and their functionality in media text are considered. The results of the analysis allow us to conclude that expressive vocabulary is quite common in newspaper texts, which is reflected in articles on various topics (economic, business, entertainment, youth newspapers, etc.), creating a stylistic effect in each of them. It is noted that the transfer of expressive English vocabulary in the Ukrainian language is carried out with the involvement of such translation methods as assimilation, descriptive translation, tracing, transcription, transliteration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Наталія Акімова

У статті аналізуються особливості розуміння інтернет-новин. Для цього використані методи аналізу та синтезу; описового, лінгвокультурного та концептуальнного аналізу тексту, дескриптивної інтроспекції та моделювання, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контекстне спостереження. Автор акцентує, що у процесі дослідження розуміння новин у інтернеті варто враховувати їх специфічні характеристики. Виокремлено, що на відміну від друкованих новин інтернет-новинам властиві такі риси: відсутність цензури, жорсткої залежності від формату видання, гіпертекстовість, інтерактивність, електронна форма, що дозволяє спростити процес друку, зекономити час, колективне авторство, можливість архівування та електронного пошуку, можливість постійного доступу з будьякої точки світу, мультимедійність, необмежений тираж та низька собівартість, уривчастість (не можна відкрити декілька сторінок в одному вікні). Ці нові переважно технічні можливості створюють потенціал реалізації низки комунікативних феноменів, зокрема персоналізації, нехтування мовними нормами, спрощення, широкого використання жаргону, термінів, що призводить до формування специфічного мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин. Для мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин типовим є використання дієслів у третій формі множини, часто не називаючи суб’єкта дії або називаючи лише формально: через метонімію (наприклад: «влада») або за допомогою онімів без референтів. Такий мовленнєвий етикет інтернетновин значно ускладнює розуміння їх змісту, крім того за допомогою незрозумілих формулювань читачам нав’язують певні цінності, установки та орієнтири. Психологічні особливості впливу мовленнєвого етикету інтернет-новин на процес розуміння репрезентовані у моделі розуміння такого тексту, що запропонована у цій статті (на прикладі новинного анонсу з сайту «РосБизнесКонсалтинг»). Література References  Akіmova, N. (2014). Internet-kommunikatsiya: psikholingvisticheskiy analiz: Monografiya [Internet-communication: Psycholinguistic Analysis]. Saarbryúkken : LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Akіmova, N. Movlennevі devіacіyi u movі ukraїns'kih іnternet-ZMІ: tendencіja movy epokhy chy zasіb manіpuliuvannia [Speech deviation in the language of Ukrainian online media: the tendency of epoch’s language or means of manipulation]. Retrieved from Akіmova, N. (2016). Frahmentarnist’ novynnoyi internet-komunikatsiyi yak faktor, shcho uskladnyuye yiyi rozuminnya [Fragmentation of the Internet news communication as a factor that complicates its understanding]. Psykholinhvistyka, 20(2), 12-20. Batmanova, S. (2004). Setevyye SMI: faktory efektivnosti [Network mass media: factors of effectiveness]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Voronezh. BTSRYA – Kuznetsov, S.A. (Eds.). (2009) Bol'shoj tolkovyi slovar' russkogo jazyka [Big Dictionary of Russian]. S.-Petersburg: Norint. Dvoynina Ye. (2010). Rechevaya manipulyatsiya v internet-diskurse (na materiale russko- i angloyazychnykh novostnykh saytov) [Speech manipulation in Internet discourse (on the basis of Russian and English-language news sites)]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Saratov. Il'ina I. Problemy izucheniya i vospriyatiya giperteksta v mul'timediynoy srede internet [Problems of studying and perception of hypertext in the multimedia environment of the Internet]. Retrieved from Karamysheva R. (2009). Rehistrovo-zhanrovi kharakterystyky povidomlen’ pro stykhiyni lykha na ukrayinomovnykh ta anhlomovnykh internet-saytakh [The register and genre characteristics of reports of natural disasters in Ukrainian and English web sites]. Linhvistychni Studiyi, 18, 167–173. Koval'chukova M. (2009). Novostnoy anons v seti internet kak rechevoy zhanr diskursa SMI [News announcement in the Internet as a speech genre of the discourse of the media]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Izhevsk. Kolomiyets’ S., Kulyezniova S. (2012). Zhanrovo-styliova dominanta v perekladi tekstiv internet-dyskursu [Genre-style dominant in the translation of texts of Internet discourse]. Funktsyonalnaya Lyngvistika, 3, 176-284. Kulakova V. (2007). Internet v sisteme sredstv massovoy informatsii Tadzhikistana [Internet in the system of mass media of Tajikistan]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Dushanbe. Filatova, O. G. (2004) Internet kak mass-media [Internet as a mass media]. Aktual'nye Problemy Teorii Kommunikatsii, 232-240. Sources RBK – RosBiznesKonsalting – novosti, akcii, kursy valjut, pogoda, dollar, evro [RosBusinessConsulting – News, Stocks, Exchange rate, weather, dollar, euro]. Retrieved from  

2018 ◽  
Vol 52 (12) ◽  
pp. 807-812 ◽  
Charlie Foster ◽  
Paul Kelly ◽  
Hamish A B Reid ◽  
Nia Roberts ◽  
Elaine M Murtagh ◽  

ObjectiveInterventions to promote walking have focused on individual or group-based approaches, often via the randomised controlled trial design. Walking can also be promoted using population health approaches. We systematically reviewed the effectiveness of population approaches to promote walking among individuals and populations.DesignA systematic review.Data sources10 electronic databases searched from January 1990 to March 2017.Eligibility criteriaEligibility criteria include pre-experimental and postexperimental studies of the effects of population interventions to change walking, and the effects must have been compared with a ‘no intervention’, or comparison group/area/population, or variation in exposure; duration of ≥12 months of follow up; participants in free-living populations; and English-language articles.Results12 studies were identified from mostly urban high-income countries (one focusing on using tax, incentivising the loss of parking spaces; and one using policy only, permitting off-leash dogs in city parks). Five studies used mass media with either environment (n=2) or community (n=3) approaches. Four studies used environmental changes that were combined with policies. One study had scaled up school-based approaches to promote safe routes to schools. We found mass media, community initiatives and environmental change approaches increased walking (range from 9 to 75 min/week).

Litera ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 18-28
Aleksandr Petrovich Evlasev ◽  
Larisa Alekseevna Sychugova

This article is dedicated to examination of the questions of functionality of evaluative lexis in political discourse of the United States. The relevance of the topic is substantiated by the heightened interests of research towards the peculiarities of expressing evaluative meanings in various types of discourse. In modern linguistics, the analysis of functionality of evaluative lexis in the political discourse is of unequivocal interest, since axiological interpretation significantly affects the life of modern society. Research methodology is comprised of the work of such Russian linguists as I. S. Alekseeva, A. A. Ufimtseva, T. A. Znamenskaya, N. D. Arutyunova, and others. Special attention is given to the method of realization of negative evaluations. The goal of this  article consists in the methods of expression of evaluative meanings s using stylistic means, as the language is an effective weapon in the world of politics. The political texts of US mass media served as the material for this research due to the fact that mass media influence the formation of public opinion, the course of political discussions and referendums, rating of political and public figures, political parties, and public organizations. The conducted analysis demonstrates that the US political discourse includes different lexical and stylistic means applied for exertion of ideological influence, as well as formation of certain attitudes on certain realities of political life among the recipients.

Olga M. Litvishko ◽  
Mariam R. Manukyan ◽  
Veronica A. Doctorevitch ◽  
Ekaterina V. Miletova ◽  
Rimma M. Grankina

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