scholarly journals Comprehensive approach to the educational process modernization at the stage of basic training of maritime specialists

Svetlana Anatolyevna Belyaeva ◽  
Oksana Mironkina

Methods of training in advanced training groups formed from the staff of personnel divisions of the MIA of Russia, which involve the use of anti-corruption education at different stages of professional activity are discussed in the article. A comprehensive approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior, which allows using various forms of training of police officers in their relation is described. The effectiveness of this approach in the system of professional development was shown. A comprehensive approach allows the training process to pay attention to the needs and difficulties in the field of corruption prevention without spending time on basic training information. Several stages in the organization and content of training are considered. Each of them corresponds to different stages of professional development of specialists of personnel divisions of internal affairs bodies. Described in detail every stage is aimed at a separate audience and has its own value. The possibilities of anti-corruption education are presented, starting with the selection of personnel for service in the internal affairs bodies and ending with the preparation for dismissal. The anti-corruption educational activities carried out at the present time are analyzed. Methods of intensifying each of them and the possibilities of optimal inclusion in the developed complex of content and forms are determined. The proposed approach can be used for majority posts. It is not limited to human resources units. In addition, the developed methodological material can be used by students in the course of their professional activities in the field after studying at advanced training courses.

O. Yu. Strelova ◽  
E. N. Stepanova ◽  
A. N. Grebenyuk

The need for basic training in toxicology of students of pharmaceutical universities and departments of toxicology is justified. The experience of teaching toxicology and medical protection to students of the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy was analyzed. Academic teaching staff were trained in the methodology of teaching toxicology, and a participated in the preparation of the all-Russian textbook «Toxicology and Medical Protection» (2016) and three tutorials for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities. It is shown that in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard of the third generation, toxicology issues are included in the curriculum of a complex discipline «Life Safety. Emergency Medicine» as a stand-alone module. Students study toxicology in the fifth year having received a good basic training in medical, biological, and professional disciplines in previous years. For realization of cognitive and creative activity of students in the educational process, modern educational technologies are used which make it possible to improve the quality of teaching and to use school time more efficiently. The potential of using algorithmic workbooks, interactive forms of training, test control, case-method for facilitating the perception of theoretical knowledge and improving the quality of practical skills development is demonstrated. Results of the anonymous questionnaire survey, in which 153 of 198 students who studied toxicology and medical protection in the autumn semester of the 2017/2018 academic year participated, are reported. It was shown that more than 80% of the students surveyed are convinced of the need to study toxicology during the undergraduate training of specialists of pharmaceutical profile and positively assessed the methodology of teaching toxicology that is performed at the St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy.

Sverre Varvin

Specialist services for asylum seekers and refugees have an important task in organizing prevention and treatment for vulnerable and affected groups. Specialist services for traumatized refugees must be developed as a discipline in itself and must be taught in basic training and for active professionals in all sectors of the healthcare system that serve refugees. Refugees have often multi-layered conditions with comorbidity, family problems, and social and relational problems. Families are often affected when members are traumatized and there is risk for transgenerational transmission of problems. What happens during flight and after resettlement is often crucial for traumatized refugees and this call for early interventions and chain of responses that secure continuity. Supporting development of resilience and resources in the family and the group is mandatory. A model for specialist services in a comprehensive approach is developed where specialist services such as psychotherapy have an important role.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 30-43
V. E. Gladkova ◽  
E. I. Gubaydullina ◽  
I. O. Mikhailov

The article considers the peculiarities of labor financing in a budgetary institution through the lens of staff satisfaction with working conditions, which is one of the priority goals of the organization’s personnel policy. The article presents a methodology for assessing staff satisfaction with work in a budget institution, which allows you to identify «problem zones» and improve working conditions. The authors tested the proposed technique. The proposed methodology is based on a comprehensive approach, which takes into account working conditions, financing, labor content and interaction of employees within the structural unit. As a result of the development of the methodology, a model of interaction of the department with other structural divisions of the educational organization was proposed.The purpose of the model is to identify relationships between business units to optimize and balance the interests of all participants. The interaction of structural divisions is carried out with the aim of organizing the educational process and research activities, exchanging experience, building interdisciplinary ties, and implementing comprehensive scientific research. The organization of interaction between faculties allows you to integrate the research base an

Tatiana Vitenko ◽  
Paweł Droździel ◽  
Radovan Madleňák

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-57 ◽  
Абросимов ◽  
Sergey Abrosimov ◽  
Тихонов-Бугров ◽  
Dmitriy Tikhonov-Bugrov

The article shows that Russian higher education in part of graphic disciplines has been using technologies presently capable to provide necessary competencies (knowledge) since the Несколько лет назад всех людей, которым не без- различно отечественное образование, потрясли две цитаты из речей руководителя Министерства обра- зования. В одной говорилось о том, что ошибкой отечественного образования являлось стремление воспитать человека-творца, а надо бы – квалифици- рованного потребителя. Во второй – о том, что выс- шая математика убивает креативность. К счастью, в документах, посвященных модерни- зации отечественного образования в настоящее время, как среднего, так и высшего, признается, в частности, необходимость решения важной задачи – обеспечить выработку устойчивой рефлексии обучаемых через создание условий для формирования опыта самосто- ятельного решения познавательных, коммуникатив- ных, организационных, нравственных и иных проблем. Многие специалисты считают, что именно ком- петентностная модель способна привести в соответ- ствие профессиональное образование с потребно- стями рынка, нуждающегося в компетентном и кре- ативном работнике. К одной из самых эффективных технологий об- учения относят проектное обучение, или метод про- ектов. Наш опыт преподавания инженерной графи- ки убеждает в том, что ничего принципиально но- вого здесь нет. Уже довольно много лет назад учебный процесс в отечественной высшей школе (мы говорим о преподавании инженерной графики) в ряде техни- ческих вузов отвечал большинству тех требований, которые предъявляются в настоящее время. В Военмехе, например, по согласованию с факультетами подби- ралась соответствующая элементная база (образцы техники и чертежная документация), а на занятиях делался акцент на проектно-конструкторские осо- бенности изделий, элементы творчества. end of the past century. This article describes tasks with elements of constructing built on the element bases of corresponding faculties that assisted in search and education of people with creative potential. The author notes difficulties of preservation and development of design and engineering approach to training due to the transition to two-level training and sharp reduction in class hours. Decline in students’ basic training is stated, its causes are analyzed. It is noted that in the current situation (weak basic training, per capita funding, and low level of motivation) university teachers face the responsibility to develop student´s discipline of mind, discipline of character, discipline of work, which used to be Soviet schoolteachers’ task. It is shown that the elements of project-based learning should be introduced at the earliest stage of engineering drawing training. Examples of tasks are provided. The article proposes a number of organizational and methodological measures, which, according to the authors, will help save the engineering design approach to learning. The role of computing and software as a vital tool is displayed in the courses of: Engineering Graphics; Basics of computer-aided design; Introduction to CAD. Historical development of this tool is followed to date. The conclusion about the need to build the educational process as a system of parallel projects going through the entire training period is made.

Joko Wahono ◽  
Intan Kusumawati ◽  
Ahmad Nasir Ari Bowo

Education aims to educate and create the nation's future generation with character. However, problems like brawls, violence, abuse of narcotics, illegal drugs, and promiscuity still occur among students. It becomes the concern of parents and teachers in educating and leading students to develop their character. The teacher is obligated to develop Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning model suitable for students to have good character. Through character education, it hoped that it would produce a sound generation. The educational process that gives birth to the expected character is, of course, gradual. This study aimed to find out Pancasila and Citizenship Education learning model for developing students' character. Research using mixed methods research with data collection, analysis, and mixing both quantitative data and qualitative.  This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches in collecting data through interviews and questionnaires. The results showed that Pancasila and Citizenship Education Learning model based on character education through a comprehensive approach could develop and shape the students' character, such as inculcation, modelling, values facilitation, and skill-building. Through character development, it hoped that good characters expected to form permanently.

Evgeniya Vasilievna Konischeva

The paper reveals the features of the functioning of the institution of education in the context of trans-formation, instability and risks of personalization. Modern circumstances confirm the inevitability of planned and coordinated innovative activities of participants in the educational process at all stages in the higher education system. The student must clearly understand the purpose of educational activi-ties, analyze and assess their abilities in obtaining education, understand the degree of individual re-sponsibility to themselves, relatives and society for the learning outcomes. However, the mass character of education and the diversity of levels of basic training, intellectual capabilities, and personality traits create additional difficulties in organizing a personalized educational process. An attempt made in this work to generalize and evaluate such experi-ence will allow us to identify the positive compo-nents and identify the risks of personalization in order to minimize them in the future to increase the effectiveness of professional training.

E.Z. ogly Yagubov ◽  
V.V. Babenko ◽  

The problems of the quality of higher education are constantly discussed at different levels, but so far no precise recipes for a radical change in the situation have been developed. Constantly changing standards, dictated by the trend of the times and changes in the requirements of the labor market, only exacerbate this situation. As they say, if you constantly loosen the ground, nothing will sprout on it. However, the rapid obsolescence of knowledge, the need for timely and effective changes in the educational process to meet the requirements of the market and the employer, the displacement of outdated professions by new ones, weak basic training (in most cases) of school graduates require different approaches to optimizing the educational process in universities. The key problems of the educational process in universities lie in its different understanding by teachers, students, heads of basic educational programs (OEP) and the employer. The student and the employer understand (or should understand) that relevant knowledge is needed that meets the requirements of the current market, which can constantly change, and in this case, the educational process must be quickly rebuilt. Teachers and leaders of OOP offer for study the material that they themselves own, regardless of whether there is a need for this knowledge (sometimes very outdated) among students who are later expected by the employer. One of the approaches that can make it possible to effectively optimize the educational process depending on the changing realities of time and the market is the project approach, which, according to the authors, must be laid as the basis for the design of the educational process at the university. The article simulates the educational process of the university in order to identify the factors that determine its effectiveness and the possibility of following these factors. The ways of optimization (reengineering) of this process, increasing its adaptability to the requirements of the labor market are proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-89
N. Podolchak ◽  
N. Tsygylyk ◽  
M. Khim ◽  

The purpose of the article is to identify the main problems in the basic and advanced training of civil servants. Using a retrospective review and taking into account the current situation, develop a strategic plan for further action to improve the system of training of civil servants. Outline priority areas and forms of advanced training of existing staff and basic training of new civil servants to meet the needs of highly qualified and competitive staff. In this article, the authors used the literature review method and analytical method to develop a strategic plan for further action to improve the training of civil servants. Based on these two methods, the priority areas and forms of advanced training of existing staff and basic training of new civil servants were outlined. It is established that the existing system of advanced training and basic training of civil servants still needs to be improved without moving towards the reforms carried out by the National Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Ukraine. The main attention in the basic training should be paid to the practical application of the acquired knowledge. The most effective for full-time students will be the internship of study in public authorities lasting 1 week of each semester. In this case, the topic of internship should correspond mainly to the three subjects studied, and it should take place at the end of the semester as a result before the exam or test. The results of the internship must be evaluated at least 20% of the total grade for the subject. Part-time students are invited to take an internship before the session. Civil service advanced training is encouraged to take place annually in order to be competitive in times of rapid change. Thus the direction of advanced training is recommended to choose independently and to coordinate with the direct head. The number of hours per year must be at least 7 ECTS credits (210 hours), as 1 ECTS credit is insufficient for the effective acquisition of new knowledge. The results of this research can be implemented in the educational process to meet the needs of highly qualified and competitive staff, namely civil servants of the new generation. Also, the findings may be of interest to the leadership of the National Agency for Civil Service Affairs of Ukraine for further effective civil service reform in Ukraine. This article highlights the main problems of today, developed a strategic plan for further improvement of the existing system of training and retraining of civil servants. This will help to take effective steps towards the existing problems and move in the right direction of further reforms, and thus speed up progress towards the EU.

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