scholarly journals Hexagonal management kelas dalam pembelajaran di sekolah dasar

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-49
Daniel Dike ◽  
Lusila Parida

Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan suatu gambaran pemanfaatan kelas sebagai episentrum pembelajaran secara maksimal melalui penguatan manajemen kelas. Disain penelitian ini menggunakan case study research.  Penelitian ini mengkaji fenomena dan fakta pembelajaran di kelas melalui observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi serta angket respon siswa terhadap aktivitas belajar mengajar yang dilakukan guru dan siswa di SD Panca Setya 2 Sintang, Kalimantan Barat. Data divalidasi dengan triangulasi sumber dan teknik kemudian dianalisis dan ditarik kesimpulan secara induktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelas dan pembelajaran belum sepenuhnya menjadi pusat atau episentrum pembelajaran yang kuat meskipun pada aspek perencanaan, pengorganisasian, implementasi dan evaluasi belajar yang dilakukan guru sudah cukup baik. Respon siswa menunjukkan bahwa pada keempat aspek tersebut belum berjalan secara ideal sesuai harapan siswa kerena kelas belum sepenuhnya dikelola secara maksimal. Solusi mengatasi persoalan ini bisa dilakukan dengan menerapkan manajemen hexagonal yang memiliki enam kekuatan sentral yakni karakteristik siswa, sikap guru, infrastruktur kelas, infrastruktur teknologi, dukungan sekolah, dukungan  yayasan atau dinas pendidikan. Bila pembelajaran di kelas mengintegrasikan peran sentral keenam aspek manajemen hexagonal maka kelas akan sungguh-sungguh menjadi pusat gravitasi pembelajaran efektif, produktif dan bermakna. Class hexagonal management in elementary school learning AbstractThis study aims to map a picture of class use as the epicenter of learning and strengthening classroom management. This research design uses a case study research. This study explores the phenomena and facts of learning in the classroom at Panca Setya 2 Elementary School, in Sintang of West Kalimantan. The data collecting by participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation studies as well as student response questionnaires to teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and students. Data is validated by source triangulation and techniques then analyzed and drawn inductively. The results of the research show that class and learning have not yet fully become the center or strong epicenter of learning even though the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating the learning done by the teacher are good enough. Students' responses show that the four aspects have not run ideally according to student expectations because the class has not been fully managed maximally. The solution to overcome this problem can be done by implementing hexagonal learning management because it is believed to be able to turn on six key aspects of learning so that the class truly becomes the center of effective and optimal learning gravity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Zumrotus Sa’diyah

This study was conducted with the aim of describing the approach model used by teachers in optimizing the implementation of class room management as an effort to shape learning in Islamic elementari school Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), to describe the extent of student responses to the model used by teachers in optimizing the implementation of class room management. The design used in this study is case study research to describe the phenomena and facts that occur in the learning process in the classroom through non-participant observation activities, interviews and questionnaires with student respondents on teaching and learning activities undertaken by teachers and students at MI Al Asyhar Jelu Ngasem Bojonegoro. The validity of the data obtained using the method of triangulation of sources, and techniques are then analyzed to get conclusions. The results of the research that have been done show that classroom room management has a strategic role in creating efficient learning, through several stages, namely; planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating learning. As the results of the study show that under class room management that has been applied at MI Al Asyhar has a very strategic role, it is supported by the recognition of students as respondents taken through questionnaires, with the results of 89% of students feeling that the classroom management room teacher is applying a humanistic model, and democratic authority models by 84%, and behavioristic models 78%. Learning will be more fun and successful if the use of class room management maximizes and combines the advantages of the three models.

Bruce L. Mann

As a research methodology, case study is very popular among researchers doing investigations of Internet-supported teaching and learning. This chapter will discuss considerations for conducting case study research in online and blended (on-site and online) learning environments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul ◽  
Heri Retnawati

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen kelas yang berupa perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan/kepemimpinan dan pengevaluasian dari pembelajaran matematika yang dilakukan oleh guru matematika di SMA Negeri Yogyakarta. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif jenis studi kasus ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5, 8 dan 9 Yogyakarta dengan subjek data adalah kepala sekolah, guru kurikulum, guru matematika dan siswa. Untuk teknik pengumpulan datanya dengan pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara yang dilakukan dengan proses triangulasi dan teknik analisisnya menggunakan analisis induktif dari Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa manajemen kelas dalam pembelajaran matematika yaitu (1) perencanaannya dengan penyusunan seperangkat pembelajaran mendatangkan ahli pada MGMP, memberikan waktu 10 menit untuk sarapan dan melakukan pengujian pretest. (2) Pengorganisasianya dengan pendekatan cooperative learning, pendekatan scientific, menekankan siswa yang pasif dan ketika siswa jenuh, guru mengajak bernyanyi. Guru memanfaatkan alat peraga yang mudah dicari dengan melibatkan siswa untuk praktek langsung serta memanfatkan media youtube. (3) Kepemimpinannya dengan guru menguasai keadaan peta kelas, menghafal nama siswa, membangunkan untuk sholat tahajud, memancing siswa untuk aktif dengan memberikan soal susah, memberikan reward dan cerita motivasi melalui youtube. (4) Evaluasi dengan guru melakukan pendekatan kepada siswa dan memiliki program bimbingan individu untuk siswa yang tidak memperhatikan pada saat pembelajaran dan siswa yang tidak menyukai matematika dari awal.Kata kunci: manajemen kelas, pembelajaran matematika CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT IN MATHEMATICS LEARNING AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS IN YOGYAKARTA MUNICIPALITYAbstractThe research aims at finding out the classroom management that such as planning, organizing, actuating/ leadership and evaluating of learning mathematics which is done by mathematics teachers in Senior High Schools (SHS) in Yogyakarta Municipality. By using qualitative research in the form of case study research, this research was conducted at SHS 5, 8, and 9 Yogyakarta with the headmasters, curriculum teachers, mathematics teachers, and students as the subjects of the research. For the technique of collecting data used observation guide and interview guide which was done by using triangulation process and the technique of analyzing the data used inductive analysis by Miles and Huberman. The result of the research reveal that classroom management in learning mathematics, namely (1) the planning by arranging a set of teaching and learning and conducing an expert from mathematics teacher organization (MGMP), giving 10 minutes for breakfast, and conduct a pretest. (2) The organization uses cooperative learning approach, scientific approach, encouraging passive students and when the students were getting bored, the teachers asks to sing a song. They use powerpoint by using appropriate animation, utilizing the tools which are easy to look for and involving students to practice directly and utilizing media such as youtube. (3) The leadership is indicated by teachers mastering the map situation of the class, memorizing the students’ names, waking up for tahajud prayer, enhancing students to be active by providing difficult tasks, giving rewards and telling the motivational stories through video. (4) The evaluation is by teachers approaching toward the students and having individual guidance program for students who do not pay attention to teaching and learning process and the students who dislike mathematics from the beginning.Keywords: classroom management,  teaching and learning mathemathics

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Andrian Indramawan ◽  
Jacob Donald Tan ◽  
John Tampil Purba

E-commerce marketplace is prominent in today ‘s society era of buying and selling products without having to leave the doorsteps. One important stakeholder group involved in the process of e-commerce is logistics. Logistic companies facilitate the delivery from one destination to another with punctuality and security of the products keys in establishing trust between the buyer, seller, and the e-commerce hubs. Hence by means of participant observation, this case study research investigates the key success factors of how an e-commerce firm manages its collaborations with logistic partners, as well as how the firm utilizes its strengths and opportunities take advantage of the market while minimizing its weaknesses and threats. The researchers used Business Model Canvas and TOWS in their analytical process

Nurul Faizah ◽  
Bambang Suratman ◽  
Murtadlo Murtadlo

This study uses qualitative research, with the type of multi-case study research. The main data source in this study was obtained by snowball sampling. Data collection techniques in this study used three techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The locations used as research sites were State Elementary School Babatan I and State Elementary School Wiyung, which are partnering with USAID Prioritas. State Elementary School Babatan I before partnering with USAID was accredited B, but after partnering with USAID accredited A in 2016. State Elementary School Wiyung was able to maintain its accreditation after partnering with USAID. The conclusion of this study states that improving the quality of education in State Elementary School Babatan I and State Elementary School Wiyung has been reached. This can be seen from the acceleration of changes in both physical development, and human resources, especially teachers and students both in quantity and quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Farrah Camelia

               Education which is expected to spearhead the progress of the nation in fact it has not been fully realized. Thousands of Islamic boarding schools spread throughout the regions in Indonesia also has not been able to overcome the problem of character degradation to the optimum. Character education is fundamental in the formation of human personality in order to create a generation that begets God. One of the boarding school which is quite successful in making the memorization program policy as an effort to strengthen character education namely the Islamic women’s Boarding School of Al-Qur’an Ibnu Katsir Jember. Through case study research with nonethnographic data collection techniques, non-participant observation, unstructured interviews, and secondary documents, It was found that the implementation of the memorization of the al-Qur'an program policy as an effort to strengthening then character education done by choosing programs to add to rote, repeat rote, monthly exams, make memorization with friends, make memorization with family and public testing. These activities encourages the strengthening of characters so as to produce self-confidence, tolerance, tough and hardiness, cooperation, and commitment.  Keyword: Implementation, Character Education, Program Policy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1018-1025
Arin Setiyowati

Purpose of the study: This paper aims to analyze how the Lazismu of Muhammadyah regional leadership (PDM) of Surabaya City collect to manage and distribute Islamic philanthropic funds (zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, and waqaf) to empower micro-business through the Entrepreneurial Capital Assistance program (BMW). Methodology: This research uses the qualitative approach with case study research design. Results: The results show that the distribution of Islamic philanthropic funds (ZISWAF) in the BMW program greatly empowers the people's economy. Applications of this study: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality of this study: LAZISMU Surabaya (Muhammadiyah institution of collecting zakat) is part of an institution of collecting zakat under peoples’ organization

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2072-2082
Muh. Shaleh ◽  
Kharis Sulaiman Hasri ◽  
Faizah Binti Awad

This article aims to examine the interpersonal and metapersonal self-regulation of students memorizing the Qur'an at the elementary school level. This research adopted a phenomenological case study research design. Six students, five parents of students, and one teacher were recruited for data collection. Interviews, observation and documentation were conducted to obtain data. The results report that students' interpersonal self-regulation was carried out by preaching to their peers by reprimanding their friends or siblings. They try to regulate themselves to be able to harmonize their thoughts, words, and actions in the form of a polite attitude. They also strive to manage the existing environment in order to support the achievement of the goals that have been set. Environmental management is an effort to invite other friends to use their free time to use memorization. The metapersonal self-regulation is conducted by seeking the pleasure of Allah. However, the students who memorize the Qur'an at the elementary school level at the Tadabbur Al-Qur'an House have not been able to feel certain mental activities that can facilitate the process of memorizing the Qur'an. Among the inner activities that are carried out are certain prayers, especially to get help in the hereafter.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (III) ◽  
pp. 72-79
Ayesha Saleem ◽  
Yaar Muhammad ◽  
Malahat Fuad Siddiqui

This study explored the lived experiences of novice elementary school teachers with respect to classroom management. This study used a phenomenological case study research design. Four novice elementary school teachers struggling with classroom management were selected from private elementary schools in Lahore. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to elicit the lived experiences of the participants. All interviews were audio-recorded and later transcribed for conducting a qualitative content analysis of the data. The analysis revealed that novice teachers faced various challenges in managing their class�and used multiple pedagogical techniques to handle day-to-day classroom issues. Usually, a new teacher is highly dependent on the support and help from the school management; irony, however, is that they seldom receive any. This study contributes to contextual knowledge related to the issues and needs of novice private elementary school teachers at the start of their careers.

10.28945/3745 ◽  
2017 ◽  
ly Thị Thảo dang ◽  
Sean Watts ◽  
Trung Quang Nguyen

Aim/Purpose: This research critically reviews literature examining the prior empirical and case study research studies to help educators and to shape the conceptual framework of what and how to prepare for MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses), especially in Vietnam, SouthEast Asia, and developing countries. Background: MOOCs are a disruptive trend in education. Several initiatives have emerged recently to support MOOCS, and many educational institutions started offering courses as MOOCS. Designing a MOOC is not an easy task. Educators need to face not only pedagogical issues, but logistical, technological, and financial issues, as well as how these issues relate and constrain each other. The ‘MOOC’ phenomenon is only just beginning to register with many educational policy makers in Vietnam. Currently, little guidance is available for educators to address the design of MOOCs from scratch keeping a balance between all these issues. Methodology: This study is a qualitative, case study and participant observation research with critical analysis of literature on MOOCs toward implementation of online learning in Vietnam. It began as a broad search for research on online teaching and the authors went into participant observation in courses in Vietnam and elsewhere. Contribution: Until now, designing a MOOC has not yet fully considered applications in non-native English speaking countries, such as Vietnam. This study gives guidance for educators to address the design of MOOCs from scratch keeping a balance between identified issues to shape the conceptual framework of what and how to prepare for MOOCS. Main MOOC development foci should be teachers and learners’ attitudes, as well as infrastructure toward teaching and learning in cyberspace specifically in Vietnam and SouthEast Asia.

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