2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 219
Wahyu Eka Sukmawaty ◽  
Sugiyono Sugiyono

Salah satu permasalahan krusial yang dihadapi pendidikan kejuruan adalah kompetensi lulusan yang belum sesuai dengan kriteria kualifikasi kemampuan peserta didik menurut standar yang ditentukan. Sejumlah kendala faktual antara lain banyak SMK yang belum memiliki training center, yang memungkinkan siswa SMK dapat melakukan praktik kerja industri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui faktor-faktor penghambat pelaksanaan kerja Unit Produksi; (2) menghasilkan model manajemen Unit Produksi yang layak untuk diterapkan; dan (3) mengetahui kelayakan model manajemen Unit Produksi SMK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development yang terdiri dari tiga tahap: penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan model, dan pengembangan model. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK Negeri 1 Depok, SMK Negeri 2 Godean, SMK Karya Rini, dan SMK Muhammadiyah Berbah. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pelaksanaan manajemen Unit Produksi SMK program studi Tata Busana masih terdapat beberapa kendala; (2) menghasilkan model manajemen Unit Produksi yang layak untuk diterapkan di SMK Program Studi Keahlian Tata Busana yang terdiri dari dua komponen, yakni Unit Produksi sebagai sumber belajar dan Unit Produksi sebagai sumber pendanaan.; dan (3) hasil uji internal yang dilakukan terhadap pengelola SMK yang terdiri dari SMK Negeri 1 Depok, SMK Negeri 2 Godean, SMK Karya Rini, dan SMK Muhammadiyah Berbah menyimpulkan bahwa sebesar 85 % setuju bahwa model ini efektif jika diimplementasikan. Kata kunci: pengembangan model, manajemen, Unit Produksi SMK THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCTION UNIT MANAGEMENT MODEL OF CLOTHING DESIGN STUDY PROGRAM AT VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS IN SLEMAN REGENCY Abstract One of the crucial problems faced by vocational education was that the graducate compentencies had not match the qualification criteria of the student’s ability based on the predetermined standards. Among the factual constraints was that many vocational high schools (SMK) had not possessed a training center which would enable the students to conduct industrial work practice. This study aimed to: (1) determine the factors inhibiting the implementation of the function of the Production Unit; (2) yield production unit management model appropriate to apply; and (3) determine the appropriateness of the production unit management model at SMK. This was a research and development study consisting of three stages: research and information collection, model planning, and model development. The study was conducted in SMK Negeri 1 Depok, SMK 2 Godean, Karya Rini Vocational School, and SMK Muhammadiyah Berbah. The research data were collected using in-depth interviews and observation. The results showed that: (1) the implementation of the production unit management clothing design study program still faced some obstacles; (2) the research generated a management model that deserved to be applied in the clothing design study program. The model suggested two components: a production unit as a source of learning and a production unit as a source of funding; and (3) the result of the internal try-out conducted on the management of vocational high schools consisting of SMK Negeri 1 Depok, SMK 2 Godean, SMK Karya Rini, and SMK Muhammadiyah Berbah concluded that 85% of the management agreed that this model would be effective if it was implemented. Keywords: model development, management, production unit of vocational high schools

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Wisnu Rachmad Prihadi ◽  
Herminarto Sofyan

Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengungkapkan pengembangan profesionalitas pendidik yang selama ini diterapkan; (2) menemukan model pengembangan teacherpreneur; dan (3) menentukan keefektifan internal model teacherpreneur di SMK Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research and development yang terdiri dari tiga langkah: studi pendahuluan, pengembangan model, dan uji coba internal. Penelitian dilakukan di SMK negeri dan swasta di kota Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pengembangan profesionalitas pendidik pada guru SMK yang diteliti sebagian besar berasal dari pemerintah, dan dari sekolah. Program pemerintah terdiri dari MGMP, OJT, sosialisasi kurikulum, ujian kompetensi, dan diklat assessor, sedangkan program pengembangan pendidik di sekolah bergantung pada kebijakan dan strategi dari masing-masing kepala sekolah; (2) Model teacherpreneur yang dikembangkan tersusun atas komponen kompetensi, kreatifitas, dan efektivitas; (3) Keefektifan model hasil uji internal yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa ahli setuju dengan kategori: (a) komponen model telah lengkap (92,83%); (b) struktur komponen model telah jelas (91,65%); (c) hubungan antar komponen model telah jelas (95,83%); (d) keterbacaan model telah baik (95,83%); (e) model telah layak (95,83%); dan (f) model efektif jika diimplementasikan (87,5%). Kata kunci: pengembangan, profesionalitas, pendidik, teacherpreneur DEVELOPING A MODEL OF TEACHERPRENEUR IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS Abstract This research aimed to: (1) reveal the teacher’s professional development model currently applied; (2) generate a teacherpreneur development model; and (3) determine the internal effectiveness of teacherpreneur development model in the vocational high schools (SMK) having the study program of technology and engineering expertise. This research employed the research and development method which consisted of three steps: preliminary study, model development, and internal try-out of the model. It was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta, SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMK Perindustrian, SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta, and SMK Taman Siswa Jetis Yogyakarta. The research data were collected through in-depth interviews and observation. The results are as follows: (1) the professional development of the teachers were mostly programmed by the government and school. The government program consisted of the association of the subject teachers (MGMP), OJT, curriculum socialization, competence examination, and assessor training, while the school program depended on the policy and strategies of each principal; (2) the teacherpreneur developed consisted of the componenets of competency, creativity, and effectiveness; (3) the result of the internal try-out involving the authority in the City Education Office, the experts of vocational education, and the SMK administrators concluded that: (a) 92.83% of experts agreed that the components of the model were sufficient, (b) 91.65% of experts agreed that the structure of the components of the model was understood, (c) 95.83% of the experts agreed that the relationship between the components was clear, (d) 95.83% of the experts agreed that the model had good readability, (e) 95.83% of the experts agreed that the model was appropriate, and (f) 87.5% agreed that the model would be effective for implementation. Keywords: development, professionalism, educator, teacherpreneur

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 481-485
Harfa Iskandaria ◽  
Anggraeni Dyah ◽  
Karya Subagya

High school in Indonesia has two types, specifically senior high schools and vocational schools (SMK). Vocational high schools in Indonesia have a lot of education focus which aims to provide education to their students so they can work immediately. One of the vocational schools in Indonesia is the Tangerang 4 Vocational High School which focuses on education in engineering. One of the engineering scopes at SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang is "Drawing Technique for Building" (Teknik Gambar Bangunan). "Drawing Technique for Building" is a vocational class that specializes in learning how to draw techniques for houses and buildings. As vocational students of "Building Drawing Technique", each student must learn how to draw techniques according to ISO standards complete with various etiquettes in manually, after proficient in drawing manually, students must learn AutoCAD, an software for drawing because this becomes the main competency as students "Building Drawing Techniques". To increase the capacity and capabilities of its students at SMK 4 Tangerang, the Budi Luhur University Architecture Study Program introduces one of the software related to building drawing The software introduced in Revit Architecture version 2013. Revit Architecture 2013 is a software that aims to create building construction designs for architects and supports the concept of BIM (Building Information Modeling). The output of this socialization is that students of SMK Negeri 4 Tangerang understanding about software for drawing techniques other than AutoCAD and various conveniences when drawing with Revit Architecture 2013 software

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Adilla Desy Rizbudiani ◽  
Amat Jaedun

This research aims to identify the planning implementation, identify the implementation, and identify the evaluation of the implementation of the Occupational Health And Safety Management System (SMK3) at the workshop of Construction and Property Engineering Study Program, one of the Vocational High Schools in Central Java. This research is qualitative by using data collection techniques in interviews, observations, and documentation the validity of the data using source triangulation. Data analysis used descriptive qualitative. The results show that the workshop building at one of the Vocational High Schools in Central Java has been well planned in its implementation of OHS. The implementation of OHS is categorized as quite well implemented. The evaluation of the implementation of OHS is categorized as quite well done. Hence, the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system at the Vocational High Schools needs to be improved. The school can collaborate with stakeholders to follow up on the management system of OHS.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 289
Harbiyah Gani ◽  
Husaini Usman

The study was to develop a model of partnership management between the vocational high school (VHS) and the employment domain in the curriculum of industrial working practice under the activities of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation in the vocational high schools of Banda Aceh. The study used the research and development method design with several phases that had been developed by Borg & Gall. The data type in the study was qualitative and quantitative. For the qualitative data analysis, the researcher used the interactive analysis that had been developed by Milles & Huberman. On the other hand, for the quantitative data analysis the researcher used a Likert-scale measure. The research subjects were vocational education practitioners and experts. The data gathering was conducted by means of documentation, observation, interview, and Delphi techniques; all of the methods were implemented until the researcher found the conceptual model. Then, the researcher involved the experts in the model testing by using the Delphi technique resulting in a hypothetical model from the conceptual to be used as the basis for developing the final model. Eventually, the researcher drew the following conclusion: (1) The partnership between the VHS and the employment domain had been pursued by all of the vocational high schools in the City of Banda Aceh but there had not been any clear and integrated model of partnership management; and (2) the researcher generated a model development of partnership management between the VHS and the employment domain in the curriculum of industrial working practice clearly, practically, and effectively.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sofia Daniati ◽  
I Made Sudana ◽  
Rodia Syamwil

The problem of managing the Maharani Production Unit is the weakness of the Production Unit management so that the utilization of Production Unit as a means of entrepreneurship training is not optimal. The objective of the study is to produce a valid and effective Production Unit management model. The method used in this study was Research and Development (R & D). The production unit management model was a college student-based  management model that did not only involve the college students on services but also on the management so that it can improve college students' competence in the aspects of knowledge, attitude, and skills. The implementation of this model was conducted by holding selection activities for production unit members and training activities before students manage production units. Participants who were interested in developing entrepreneurship skills through the production unit and have passed the selection then they followed the training activities that were conducted in five meetings with 20 participants. The result of management model of the Maharani production unit shows that the model that has been validated by the expert, it shows very valid with the average score of 62.75. In the small trial results also shows that the management model of Maharani production unit is effective, resulting from the paired sample t test with significance of 0.001 <0.05 this indicates that the model can improve students’ competence on the student’  knowledge and skills aspects. The results of the training can also be seen from the change of students’ attitude of in entrepreneurship which is scored from the confidence, responsible, leadership spirit, the way of communicating and have passion in seeking business opportunity. Besides, it can be a reference in conducting the production units activities, the developed model can provide experience and entrepreneurship skills for students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 210 ◽  
Sunar Rochmadi

This study aims to identify a learning involving the world of work, to formulate the learning model, and to evaluate the learning model. This study used a qualitative approach for design and development research, consisting of the development and validation steps. The study concludes as follows. (1) the learning through partnerships having been conducted in all vocational high schools were industrial practice and vocational practice examination. (2) the constraints of learning through partnerships were mainly the far distance and the industry schedules that did not always match with the school’s. (3) the model development could be done by improving the learning quality by industrial practices in the private companies and with adding the learning model by industry visits, guest teaching, and up-to-date technology training. (4) the implementation of the developed model showed the feasibility and the effectiveness to prepare the students with the competencies required by the world of work. (5) the learning models through partnerships that could be practiced were guest teaching, orientation for industrial practice, industrial practices, students’ industry visits, up-to-date technology training, and vocational practice examination. 

Herry Sumual ◽  
Hendro M. Sumual

The purpose of this research is to develop an implementation model of production unit at Vocational High School that functions as learning resource and business place. The research method used is Research and Development. Sample units are 2 vocational high schools (public school) and 2 vocational high schools (private school). The results of the research are: The model of production unit at Vocational High School (VHS). This model has been tested limitedly with experts and party from Vocational High School and Department of Education and Culture of Manado City. Through this production model resulted, it can be suggested to party of school to manage the production unit that exists in each school very well as a form of services as well as to produce the goods

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 00019
Kamaruzaman Kamaruzaman ◽  
Jalius Jama ◽  
Nizwardi Jalinus

The purpose of this study is to develop models of the implementation of industrial work practices in vocational high schools with work-based learning models that are valid, practical, and effective in improving the quality of fieldwork. This research was conducted in three Vocational High Schools in the Electronics Engineering major with 84 students and 10 supervisors. Data on the quality of fieldwork is obtained through performance observation sheets and assessment of structured task reports during the industrial work practice process. Analysis of the data in this study uses descriptive statistics to get the quality of the interpretation of the validity and practicality of model development and the level of performance achievements of respondents. The results showed that the development of the WBL training model was interpreted to be very valid with a value of 0.95 and very practical with a practicality percentage of 95.67%. In addition, the WBL model is more effective in improving the quality of fieldwork in terms of knowledge, professional attitudes, work mental readiness, and student independence in the model class significantly higher than conventional classes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-163
Yatwawan Lolo ◽  
Putu Sudira

Educators serving in Vocational High Schools have not met the competency standards. This study aimed to describe: (1) pedagogy, professional, personality, and social competence of teachers in vocational high schools, and (2) the performance of teachers in vocational high schools. This descriptive study was conducted at four vocational high schools in North Morowali that have been nationally accredited. The respondents consisted of 23 principals, vice principals, heads of the study program, and 178 student. The data were collected using documentation and questionnaire.  It were further analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that:  (1) 66.76% of the teachers have the competence of the teacher's pedagogy with high category, 77.92% of the teachers have the professional competence with high category; 78.66% of the teachers have the personality competence with high category; 79.82% of the teachers have social competence with high category, (2) 75.35% of the teachers have the performance with high category.

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