scholarly journals A study of translation techniques in the book of “Banal Aesthetics & Critical Spiritualism” by Erik Prasetya and Ayu Utami

LingTera ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Juhana Juhana ◽  
Yudi Efendi ◽  
Lidwina Sri Ardiasih

The present study was aimed at describing the translation techniques used by the translator in the books of Banal Aesthetics & Critical Spiritualism written by Erik Prasetya & Ayu Utami. Descriptive qualitative approach was employed through collecting the data related to the concerned and researched problems. The theory of translation technique suggested by Molina and Albir became the reference to classify the translation techniques used in the translation of the books of Banal Aesthetics & Critical Spiritualism. Document analysis and literature review were employed to collect the data. The analysis results indicated that there were 15 types of translation techniques used from 18 ones as what is suggested by Molina and Albir. The five most widely used techniques of translation techniques in the books of Banal Aesthetics & Critical Spiritualism were: literal translation (33, 46%), modulation (14.96%), reduction (14.56%), established equivalent (11.02%), and borrowing (9.84%). Meanwhile, three translation techniques that were not used are: calque, substitution, and variation.

E-Structural ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 31-44
Muhammad Izzul Wahid ◽  
Achmad Basari

The objective of this research is to find out the functions, meanings, and categories of interjections, and the translation technique practiced by the Indonesian translator to translate English interjection found in the novel Looking for Alaska or Mencari Alaska in Indonesian. This research is adopting a descriptive qualitative, with the novel of Looking for Alaska and Mencari Alaska as the primary source of the data. Since the data collection of interjections is found in the book, it can be classified as content analysis. The researchers found out that there are six translation techniques used by the translators to translate interjections, six kinds of interjections in terms of functions and meanings, and three kinds of interjections in terms of categories found in the novel. Those six translation techniques are 164 interjections (41,21%) for literal translation technique, 49 interjections (12,31%) for translation by using an interjection with similar meaning and form technique, 61 interjection (15,33%) for translation by using an interjection with different forms, but the same meaning, 11 interjections (2,76%) for partly deleted omission technique, 9 interjections (2,26%) for total deleted omission technique, 8 interjections (2,01%) for addition technique, 58 interjections (10,80%) for pure borrowing technique, and 53 interjections (13,32%) for naturalized borrowing technique. From the research finding of the interjection regarding functions and meanings, there is a total of 419 types of English interjections where the researchers divided into six classes. Those types of function are: 5 (1,19%) data of interjection are used to greet, 35 (8,35%) data of interjection are used to express joy, 57 (13,37%) data of interjection are used to get attention, 169 (40,33) data of interjection are used to express approval, 120 (28,64%) data of interjection are used to express a surprise, and 34 (8,11) data of interjection used to express sorrow. Then from the research finding of interjection regarding category, there is a total of 419 data of English interjections where the researchers divided into three classes, those classes are 72 (17,18%) data of primary interjection, 336 (80,19%) data of secondary, and 11 (2,63%) data of onomatopoeic interjection. The findings of this study show that the translation techniques mostly used by the translators to translate an English interjection is translation by literal translation and translation by borrowing technique. In contrast, the least used translation technique is the addition technique that the translators rarely used it to translate the interjection.Keywords: Interjection, Interjection Translation, Looking for Alaska, Mencari Alaska, Translation Technique.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Mayantina Arafanti ◽  
Rahmanti Asmarani

This study aims to find the translation techniques used by the translator in translating sentences of the bilingual destination map. The researchers used descriptive qualitative method to describe the translation techniques applied in the bilingual destination map “Peta Wisata Jawa Tengah” which is translated into “Central Java Tourist Map”. This study starts by finding the problem, collecting data, classifying data, analyzing data, and drawing the conclusion. The mostly used in translation techniques is literal translation technique to make the translation work clear for the tourists domestic even international. This technique is used when the target language (TL) is applied through the sentence without observing the differences of context or meaning in the source language (SL), whereas the discursive creation and description are rarely used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Arif Hidayat

Translation techniques are expected to be solutions to cope with translation problems faced by translators. Due to this reason, translation learners are taught these techniques to be their provision in handling translation problems they will face as professional translators. This research is aimed at giving comprehension of the using translation techniques tendency in informal letter translation. Case study method is used in this research to analyze how English Letters students who have learnt translation through qualitative approach and document data collecting technique. This research uses Molina & Albir's (2002)Translation Techniques to identify the translation technniques used by the students.The result shows that the dominance of literal translation technique by a very significant data finding from the eleven techniques used with normal distribution ranging from 17 until 27 data per students.In the next research, it is hoped that there will be wider scope of study to analyze the trends of translation techniques in those students’ affiliation.Keywords: Literal Translation, Teknik Penerjemahan, Informal Letter

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-235
Annisa Risma Khairani Lubis ◽  
Muhizar Muchtar ◽  
Umar Mono

The objectives of the research are to identify the types of translation technique, to evaluate the translation quality and to find out the effect of translation techniques on the translation quality used by Pein Akatsuki and Deni Aurora in Indonesian subtitles of Coco movie. This research applies descriptive qualitative method to assess data with documents and informants as source of data. The result shows that there are 16 types of translation techniques used by Pein Akatsuki and Deni Aurora in translating Indonesian subtitles. For both subtitlers, literal translation and borrowing create high level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. Modulation and the other techniques are showed in high and medium levels of accurate translation, but they result in high levels of acceptability and readability. Based on the findings, the translation techniques applied by the subtitlers contribute positively to the quality of Indonesian subtitles in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 171
Dede Syaifuddin Nasution ◽  
Lidiman SM Sinaga ◽  
Masitowarni Siregar

This final project is a study which analyzes translation techniques used in the translation of novel I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. The translation techniques introduced by Molina and Albir (2002) is the theory I use in this study. The object of the study is to explain the techniques used by the translator in translating I am Number Four. This research is classified into descriptive research. It is the study in which I need to collect and analyze data to get conclusion. However, I also find out that it is essential to combine the qualitative approach with the quantitative one. The data are gained by reading novel, comparing the novel, identifying, classifying, counting, and conclusion. The result of the study shows that there are 12 techniques found in the data. They are, namely, adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, discursive creation, established equivalent, generalization, linguistic compression, literal, particularization, reduction, and transposition. The total data are 671 direct speeches of I am Number Four. The total techniques of the data found are 671. The percentage of each techniques are as follows: (1) borrowing occurs 132 times and represents 19.7%, (2) literal occurs 119 times and represents 17.73%, (3) generalization occurs 97 times and represents 14.46%, (4) established equivalent occurs 94 times and represents 14.01%, (5) amplification occurs 76 times and represents 11.3%, (6) particularization occurs 52 times and represents 7.75%, (7) linguistic compression occurs 43 times and represents 6.41%, (8) reduction occurs 35 times and represents 5.22%, (9) transposition occurs 12 times and represents 1.79%, (10) adaptation occurs 5 times and represents 0.74%, (11) calque occurs 3 data and represents 0.45%, (12) discursive creation occurs 3 times and represents 0.45%. Finally, the conclusions above lead me to provide the following suggestions. First, for translator: it is important to explore different translation techniques to make the translated text clear and try to give an explanation such as footnote in the novel in order to make the reader understand the text. Second, for further researcher: A further research can give knowledge that can be beneficial for the readers and can be the next related research to be reviewed. A further study is also needed to follow the development of the translation study.Keywords: translation technique, novel, I am Number Four, descriptive qualitative

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-98
Aditya Prayogo ◽  
Fitria Sari Yunianti

This research explain the techniques and quality assessment of the translation of washfi phrases in the novel Zeina's translation by Nawal El Saadawi. This research is a part of translation criticism by using the descriptive analysis method. This research uses a qualitative approach in analyzing translation techniques by applying Newmark's theory of translation techniques. In addition, a quantitative approach is also used in assessing the quality of translation by applying the theory of translation quality assessment by Nababan. The results of this research indicate that there are 348 data on washfi phrases in the novel Zeina and 40 data on washfi phrases in this study. The techniques used in translation are 10 of 16 Newmark translation techniques. The ten techniques are literal translation technique, transference, reduction, expansion, transposition, synonymy, modulation, naturalization, paraphrasing, and recognized translation technique. As for the assessment of translation quality, the most acceptable translation qualities were literal translation techniques and synonymy techniques (77%). Meanwhile, the lowest acceptance quality was naturalization technique, which was 62%. Then, the quality of easy / high readability is in the paraphrasing technique, which is 76%. While the quality of the lowest readability is naturalization technique, which is 46%.

Riani Riani

Abstrak: Penerjemahan buku berbahasa Sunda ke dalam bahasa Inggris masih relatif jarang ditemukan. Salah satu yang ada adalah buku People’s Religion.  Buku ini berisi ceramah agama Islam dalam bahasa Sunda yang diterjemahkan ke bahasa Inggris oleh Jullian Millie. Buku ini berisi kumpulan ceramah Ustaz Abdul Fatah Ghozali yang  diterjemahkan pada tahun 2008. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan teknik penerjemahan dari bahasa sumber (BSu) ke dalam bahasa sasaran (BSa) dalam  People 's Religion. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu mendeskripsikan teknik-teknik dalam menerjemahkan bahasa Sunda ke dalam bahasa Inggris. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah kata, frase, dan kalimat dalam BSu dan BSa. Data dicatat, dipadankan, diklasifikasikan, dianalisis, dan disajikan dalam pembahasan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa teknik  yang dilakukan penerjemah meliputi adaptasi, amplifikasi, peminjaman, kalke, kompensasi, deskripsi, kreasi diskursif, kesepadanan lazim, generalisasi, amplifikasi linguistik, penerjemahan harfiah, modulasi, reduksi, substitusi, transposisi, partikularisasi, dan variasi.Kata Kunci: teknik penerjemahan, bahasa Sunda, bahasa Inggris Abstract: Translations of Sundanese books into English are still relatively rare. One of the translations existed is a book titled People's Religion. This book contains lectures on Islam in Sundanese which were translated into English by Jullian Millie. This book contains a collection of Ustad Abdul Fatah Ghozali's lectures which were translated in 2008. The purpose of this study is to describe the translation technique from the source language (SL) into the target language (TL) in People's Religion. This research method was descriptive qualitative, which described techniques in translating SL (Sundanese) into TL (English). The data in this study were words, phrases, and sentences in SL and TL. Data were recorded, matched, classified, analyzed, and presented in the discussion. The results showed that there were several techniques carried out by the translator including adaptation, amplification, borrowing, calque, compensation, description, discursive creation, established equivalence, generalization, linguistic amplification, literal translation, modulation, reduction, substitution, transposition, particularization, and variation.Keywords: translation techniques, Sundanese, English

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Anita Dwianasari

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the promising and offering utterances in commissive of speech act, translation techniques and its equivalences in Forrest Gump movie subtitles. The method used is qualitative method. The results showed several techniques employed, such as adaptation, borrowing, established equivalent, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, transposition, and variation. The translation technique mostly used is established equivalence. For the shift rendering in source text and target text in Forrest Gump movie subtitles, it is concluded that mostly the data do not occur any shift in promising or offering utterances. Also, in terms of translation equivalence, the dominant kind of translation equivalence in this research is dynamic equivalence.

Dewi Kesuma Nasution

Mantra Jamuan Laut is spells or words used by a sea-handler in the process of Ritual Ceremony among Malay society in Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, North Sumatra - Indonesia. This study deals with translation technique, ideologies and quality of the translated text of sea repast incantation from Malay language into English. There was 82 clauses of translated text as the data. The source of data is the utterances of a sea-handler and FGD. Descriptive qualitative was applied by using Molina and Albir’s theory to find out the translation techniques meanwhile the theory of Nababan & Machali used to figure out the quality of the translation. Considering the fact that the data which consists of four incantations are translated by five translators, then the results of their translation vary. From the analysis, it was found that there were 11 techniques of 18 applied with literal as the most dominant technique. Thereby the translators embraced foreignization ideology that mainly focuses on the source text. The utilization of foreignization ideology and the use of source language-oriented translation techniques showed that intercultural and thematic knowledge of the translators are insufficient. Since the frequency of literal technique was less than 25%, the quality of translated-text was regarded as ‘fair’.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
Mardha Tilla ◽  
Havid Ardi

This study analyzed the structure shift that occurred in English-Indonesian translation. This study employed the descriptive qualitative approach. Data that were found in this research were sentences in the Indonesian translation version of Pragmatics written by George Yule. The textbooks were the source of the data, one as a source language which is English version, another as a target language in Indonesian version. The textbook entitled Pragmatics by George Yule was as a source language, and Its translation which entitle Pragmatik as a target language. The data were collected using document analysis, and data sheet that used to categorize the types of structure shift. There are 70 structure shifts found from the data that were collected and analyzed. There are three types of structure shift. The structure shift of addition appeared 13 times, Omission appeared 21 times, and the structure shift of Head Modifier to Modifier Head in phrase of the sentences in source language and target language appeared 36 times.

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