Insyirah: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab dan Studi Islam
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Published By Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Kampus 3

2774-437x, 2338-5367

Fairus Sholeh

إنّ تاريخ وضع علم النحو لا ينفصل من كثرة اللحن في كلام العرب بسبب الاختلاط بغيرهم من الأعاجم والأمم الأخرى. قد ظهر اللحن عند قراءة القرآن في عهد عمر بن الخطاب، وما يؤثّر إلى فساد المعنى. ووقعت هذه الحالة الخطيرة في نطق الأعرابي عند قراءة القرآن بسبب حرف الواو، لأنه توهّم أن الواو معطوفة على الكلمة بعدها. هذه القضية تجعل البحث عن وظائف حرف الواو في دراسة النحو مهمة للغاية. لأن لها الوظائف النحوية الكثيرة، وهي: واو القسم، وواو ربّ، وواو المعية، وواو العطف، وواو الحال، وواو الاستئناف، وواو الاعتراض. بجانب ذلك هذا الحرف من بعض الحروف العربية الواردة الكثيرة في النصوص القرآنية والكتب التراثية وفي جمل اللغة العربية. بناء على ذلك. هذا البحث يهدف إلى وصف آراء النحاة في حرف الواو ووظائفها وخصائصها التي تتميز بالوظائف الأخرى بهدف الابتعاد عن الخطاء في قواعد اللغة العربية وقدرة على تفريق كل وظائف حرف الواو في جمل اللغة العربية. الكلمات المفتاحية: وظائف، حرف الواو، النحو العربي، الجملة العربية.

Lalu Muhammad Faesal Asy’ari ◽  
Yoyo Yoyo

The translation process is an activity of transferring one language to another, from the translation process the researcher examines the translation techniques and translation quality of the collection of translation poems by Nizar Qabbani entitled Asyhadu An La Imraata Illa Anti. The methodological foundation that the researcher uses is a qualitative method. In this study, the researcher found 160 Idhafi phrases which were translated using 15 translation techniques, and 2 translation techniques that had good quality in conveying the intent, message, and purpose to the reader into the target language. That is, the equivalent technique generally has the highest value on three aspects of assessment for the quality of translation, among others, the accuracy aspect has a score of 83.3%, then the acceptability aspect has a score of 85.7%, and in the readability aspect, it has a score of 78.6% for further research. The researcher can discuss in more detail the translation method of Nizar Qabbani's Poetry

Samudra Eka Cipta

Konflik Sunni-Syiah di Lebanon, bukanlah konflik pertama kali. Konflik Sunni-Syiah di Lebanon disebabkan oleh permasalahan politik. Penduduk di Bab El Tabbaneh  dan Jabal Mohsen telah menjadi perang saudara sejak Perang Saudara Lebanon pada tahun 1975, dan sering terlibat dalam kekerasan. Adanya kecemberuan dari kalangan Syiah terhadap komunitas Sunni menjadi sebab utama konflik yang terjadi di Lebanon. Komunitas Sunni dianggap mendapatkan status posisi tertinggi kedua yakni sebagai Perdana Menteri setelah komuniitas Kristen di struktur perpolitikan Lebanon. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan, konflik yang terjadi di Lebanon memuncak selama kurun 2011-2014 setelah adanya efek domino dari Suriah, ketika wilayah tersebut dilanda krisis. Pemerintahan Assad yang menganut Syiah sedangkan para kelompok pemberontak yang menganut Sunni juga memiliki pengaruh bahkan hingga di Lebanon. Konflik sipil bersenjata di Bab El Tabbaneh dan Jabal Mohsen (sebuah perkampungan) di wilayah Tripoli berawal ketika sekelompok masyarakat menyatakan sikap dukungan terhadap para pemberontak Suriah, sehingga menimbulkan reaksi dari komunitas Syiah Alawite hingga akhirnya terjadinya konflik. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dan analisis deskriptif yang menggambarkan perkembangan konflik Sektarian yang terjadi di Lebanon.

Kamal Yusuf

This study investigates the phenomenon of the public linguistic landscape, which reveals the use of language in the Tiban Mosque in Malang, East Java. The goal of this research was to describe the language contestation practiced in the Tiban mosque. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is to describe the function of language in the linguistic landscape at the Tiban Malang mosque. The collected data was then classified as monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual. The qualitative descriptive method is used in this linguistic landscape study. Data is collected by observing the location, photographing the object building, and documenting it. According to the findings of this study, the linguistic landscape in the vicinity of the Tiban Malang Mosque is dominated by monolingual and bilingual speakers. This is used to make it easier for visitors and tourists to visit the Tiban mosque's religious tourism area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-98
Aditya Prayogo ◽  
Fitria Sari Yunianti

This research explain the techniques and quality assessment of the translation of washfi phrases in the novel Zeina's translation by Nawal El Saadawi. This research is a part of translation criticism by using the descriptive analysis method. This research uses a qualitative approach in analyzing translation techniques by applying Newmark's theory of translation techniques. In addition, a quantitative approach is also used in assessing the quality of translation by applying the theory of translation quality assessment by Nababan. The results of this research indicate that there are 348 data on washfi phrases in the novel Zeina and 40 data on washfi phrases in this study. The techniques used in translation are 10 of 16 Newmark translation techniques. The ten techniques are literal translation technique, transference, reduction, expansion, transposition, synonymy, modulation, naturalization, paraphrasing, and recognized translation technique. As for the assessment of translation quality, the most acceptable translation qualities were literal translation techniques and synonymy techniques (77%). Meanwhile, the lowest acceptance quality was naturalization technique, which was 62%. Then, the quality of easy / high readability is in the paraphrasing technique, which is 76%. While the quality of the lowest readability is naturalization technique, which is 46%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-40
Rizki Firmansyah

Interpretation writing in Indonesia has been going on long enough. First appeared in sixteenth Century. A quiver of Indonesian interpretations after grows more and more. The motifs of interpretaation varied. Scientific interpretation is the one who took a role in this and it is said to have emerged in the 1980s to date. During that time, many of ilmi's interpretation have appeared in Indonesia. The Study attempts to unravel the history of ilmi's interpretation, paradim and ITS dynamic. The method used is a descriptive method with qualitative approach by restricting the focus of the work to ilmi's interpretation in Indonesia. The result of this Study suggest that Ilmi interpretation in Indonesia is dynamic and veried and is experincing promising development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Ela Isnani Munawwaroh

Abstract: The ability of students in Islamic universities to write Arabic correctly is very important. Therefore, it is very important to have learning related to tahsinul kitabah or improving Arabic writing. The problem that the writer finds in the process of learning tahsinul kitabah is that there are still many students who have very low writing skills in Arabic. This is partly due to the previous educational background. For this reason, a learning innovation is needed that can help students improve their writing skills even for those who do not have an educational background in previous Islamic religious schools. This paper contains a study of several learning media theories which are mixed in a learning media design. The results of this study, the authors produced an audiovisual learning media for imla 'learning, namely silent audio-visual media, in the form of books / sheets and sound (audio).Key Words: Instructional media, audio-visual, imla’ Abstrak: Kemampuan mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi Islam dalam menulis tulisan berbahasa Arab sangat penting. Oleh karena itu, sangat diperlukan adanya pembelajaran terkait tahsinul kitabah atau memperbaiki tulisan berbahasa Arab. Permasalahn yang penulis temukan dalam proses pembelajaran tahsinul kitabah adalah masih banyaknya mahasiswa yang memiliki kemampuan menulis tulisan berbahasa Arab sangat rendah. Hal itu di antaranya disebabkan oleh latar belakang pendidikan yang ditempuh sebelumnya. Untuk itu diperlukan adanya suatu inovasi pembelajaran yang bisa membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan kemampuan menulis mereka bahkan bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki latar pendidikan di sekolah agama Islam sebelumnya. Tulisan ini berisi kajian terhadap beberapa teori media pembelajaran yang diramu dalam suatu desain media pembelajaran. Hasil dari kajian tersebut, diperoleh sebuah media pembelajaran audiovisual untuk pembelajaran imla’, yaitu media audio visual diam, berupa buku/lembaran dan suara (audio).Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran, audio-visual, imla’

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-50
Emha Aenun Najib

Al-Masa poetry is the work of a famous Egyptian poet named Khalil Mutran. Khalil Mutran (1872-1949) is recorded as one of Egypt's last neo-classical poets. One of his works is the poem Al-zaman, the poem al-masa telling about the suffering of the figure both physical suffering. Meanwhile, the flow of romanticism is a village literary genre that emerged after the flow of classicism which is commonly called the urban literary genre. The purpose of this research is to find out the historical flow of romanticism and its application in the literary work of the poetry of al-zaman Karta Khail Mutran. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The results of this study indicate that al-Masa's poetry contains elements of romance. That contains elements of Return to nature, melancholy, primitivism, sentimentalism, individualism and exoticism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-65
Abdul Azis ◽  
Yusroh Yusroh

This study aims to determine the ṭibāq language style used in the book ʻUmdah al-Ahkām min Kalām Khair al-Anām and to analyze the types and forms of ṭibāq language style contained in it. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with observation and note-taking techniques in data collection. In analyzing the data used the method of agih with the basic technique of BUL (For Direct Elements). The data presentation used a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study indicate that in the book ʻUmdah al-Ahkām min Kalām Khair al-Anām there are 63 data with 61 hadith containing ṭibāq, of which 48 ṭibāq ījāb and 15 ṭibāq salab. Ṭibāq ījāb in the form of fiʻil with fiʻil has 19 data, isim with isim is 21, the combination of fiʻil and isim has 2 data, and harf with harf have 6 data. While the form of ṭibāq salab which consists of fiʻil with fiʻil has 11 data, isim with isim has 3 data, and the combination of fiʻil and isim has one data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-28
Iqbal Mubarok

AbstrakArtikel ini membahas seputar analisis percakapan serta metode dan analisis sederhana dalam sebuah pembelajaran bahasa arab di sebuah kelas antara guru dan murid dengan menggunakan analisis percakapan model prinsip kerjasama Grice. Dalam model Grice ia mengatur prinsip kerjasama kedalam 4 maksim, yaitu maksim kuantitas, maksim kualitas, maksim relevansi serta maksim pelaksanaan. Hasil dari analisis ini menunjukan bahwa, dalam sebuah pembelajaran bahasa arab di sebuah kelas antara guru dan murid dengan menggunakan analisis percakapan model prinsip kerjasama Grice, terdapat maksim kuantitas berkesesuaian, maksim kualitas berkesesuaian dan tidak berkesesuaian, maksim relevansi berkesesuaian dan maksim pelaksanaan berkesesuaian.

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